show episodes
アルマ出版語学教科書の音声教材:英会話・初中級(大学向け)。アルマ出版は言語教育研究と日本人学生向けに特化した効果的な教科書を出版・販売する会社です。Conversations in Class was written with the singular purpose of training (low) intermediate level Japanese university students to conduct original, personal exchanges of information in a culturally appropriate manner. Frequent pair practice is an integral part of the course, and students will learn much about the lifestyles, habits and opinions of their classmates and teacher. They will build their skills and confiden ...
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アルマ出版語学教科書の音声教材:英会話・初中級(大学向け)。アルマ出版は言語教育研究と日本人学生向けに特化した効果的な教科書を出版・販売する会社です。Conversations in Class was written with the singular purpose of training (low) intermediate level Japanese university students to conduct original, personal exchanges of information in a culturally appropriate manner. Frequent pair practice is an integral part of the course, and students will learn much about the lifestyles, habits and opinions of their classmates and teacher. They will build their skills and confiden ...
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この番組は今年成人を迎える、ラジオをしてみたくなった大学生男子2人が最近の話題やエピソードをお話しする番組です。 コメント、フォローよろしくお願いします。 This Podcast is talk about recent topics and daily episodes by college students 20years old this year. Please comment and follow us. -出演 Performer- 栖川 SUGAWA (19) 東京都出身 鹿児島県在住 觸澤 FURESAWA (19) 東京都出身 東京都在住 -SNS- Twitter "鉄板は熱いものもある" @Teppan_Atsuiyo -連絡先 Contact Address- Copyright 2021 鉄板は熱いものもある All rights reserved.
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某短大英文学科の学生有志による英語学習ページです。これまで音声によるPodcastを中心に配信していましたが、ここではSpecial Programとして、私たちの住む街・新潟を取り上げ、3回にわたってVideoPodcastを配信します。日本に来られる外国の方、ぜひ一度新潟に立ち寄ってみてください。コメント・ご意見・要望・感想 お待ちしております!This is the special page by JYNNAMMES, college students somewhere in Japan.Here we'll introduce our town, Niigata.If you have a chance to come to Japan or live in Japan, we do hope you'll visit Niigata!
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc こんにちは! ラジオが大好きな2人の大学生が世界や日本のニュース、近況から、海外生活での発見、新しい"トレンド"や、バカバカしいエロトークもはさみつつ「Radio Tonight」をやっていきたいと思います。グダグダですが、日本とオーストラリアを繋ぐ架け橋となるような番組を目指していきます。 E- ...
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Born in Wisconsin and raised in the deserts of Arizona. Having a professional background in IT Eric is taking everything ‘techie’ and turning it towards educating students. He now works and lives in northern Kyoto prefecture, Japan currently focusing on games based learning, electronic informal learning environments and eTourism. Eric has been innovating ways to apply augmented reality to a variety of fields including tourism and education. Eric is also director of interactive at TEDxKyoto w ...
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show series
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このPodcast番組は今年成人を迎えるラジオをしてみたくなった大学生男子2人が最近の話題や日常のエピソードをお話ししていく番組です。第9回のテーマはコロナで簡単に行くことのできなくなった「旅行」。2人の直近の旅行話やコロナ後の行きたいところを語り尽くします!※5/30 19:00に公開した番組内に一部不適切な表現があったため、再編集後のものを公開しています。
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このPodcast番組は今年成人を迎えるラジオをしてみたくなった大学生男子2人が最近の話題や日常のエピソードをお話ししていく番組です。第7回は「こんなやつ学校にいたよね」をテーマにクラスメイトの”あるある”を話します。番組途中まさかの”あるある”がきっかけで觸澤が謝罪に追い込まれる!? ※2021/5/16に配信したものを一部再編集しています。
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こんにちは!MC TOMです! Radio Tonight-022でお伝えした通り、MC総選挙の政見放送です!本放送でもお聞きいただけますが、こちら増刊号でもお届けします! さぁ、誰がイケボだ!  Twitterからご投票いただけます! 清き一票をお待ちしております! Twitter:@tomrikuradio (
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こんにちは!MC TAROです! Radio Tonight-022でお伝えした通り、MC総選挙の政見放送です!本放送でもお聞きいただけますが、こちら増刊号でもお届けします! さぁ、誰がイケボだ!  Twitterからご投票いただけます! 清き一票をお待ちしております! Twitter:@tomrikuradio (
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こんにちは!MC RIKUです! Radio Tonight-022でお伝えした通り、MC総選挙の政見放送です!本放送でもお聞きいただけますが、こちら増刊号でもお届けします! さぁ、誰がイケボだ!  Twitterからご投票いただけます! 清き一票をお待ちしております! Twitter:@tomrikuradio (
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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KYOTO WHY-FI-Satisfaction of WiFi in Kyoto City for Foreign Tourists-笠原千広※、高取駿貴※、田村優子※、三島維音※、山内美和※Eric Hawkinson(福知山公立大学)キーワード:KYOTO Wi-Fi、訪日外国人観光客、インターネットアクセス、Free Wi-Fi、外国人向け1. 近年の訪日外国人観光客とKYOTO Wi-Fiについて近年日本では円安や規制緩和などの追い風もあり、かつてないほど訪日外国人観光客が急増し盛り上がっている。その中でも日本の文化や歴史が感じられる街並みや風景が今現在もそのまま残っている京都府は一大観光地として注目を集めており、年中観光客でにぎわっている。そこで観光客に向け京都市は豊かで快適な…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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Professors Eric Hawkinson and Koyu Kato are back for espisode three of Laboratory Cafe. In this episode TED and TEDx are discussed. How they can be great educational tools as well as some of the was to get involved. (Japanese)Eric Hawkinson による
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is Japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it,but one of the MCs is in Adelaide. We are warmly looking forward to hearing some feedback from you about languages, military affairs, Japanese history, aviation, se…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc.こんに…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc.こんに…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc.こんに…
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Let's start the show! two university students having a chinwag!! Due to the common language used in the show is japanese, it is hard to understand for those who are not interested in it. But one of the MCs is in Adelaide and warmly looking forward to some feedback from each of you about language, military affairs, japanese history, aviation,etc. こん…
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Let's start the show! 2 high school students having a chinwag!! Im sorry, the show is spoken in Japanese! but one of the two is in Sydney and welcome some feedback from rest of the world!! こんにちは! ラジオが大好きな高校生が世界のニュース、日本のニュース、たまにはバカバカしいエロトークもはさみつつ、「Radio Tonight」をやっていきたいと思います。…
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1. Yummy Dishes Unique to Niigata  酒・コシヒカリは定番ですが、こんなものもあるんですよ。もはやB級グルメとは言わせない。 2. Lecture: Niigata Dialect Part 3, "Hara Kucche"  新潟弁講座第3回「はらくっちぇえ」 このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎥こちら [Script] ★Opening★ Today, we will introduce you to famous foods in Niigata. Sasa Dango, Poppoyaki, and Kiku. ----- ★Sasa Dango★ Ok, so...I'm going to introduce Niig…
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1. Interview with Big Supporters: Why They Love Albirex   アルビサポーターに突撃インタビュー アルビの魅力って? 2. Lecture: Niigata Dialect Part 2, "Unme"   新潟弁講座 「うんめえ」の巻 このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎥こちら If you can't see the streaming video, click "ダウンロード"or"DOWNLOAD". JYNNAMMES special program!! Our Soccer Team. Special Thanks: Albirex fans. Location: Tohoku denryoku…
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1. Foreigners living in Niigata talk about what they recommend. 新潟在住の外国人の方々に、新潟のおすすめを聞いてみました! 新潟の魅力って何でしょう? 2. Lecture: Niigata Dialect 新潟弁講座 このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎥こちら Today, we will interview foreigners who live in Niigata. What is your recommendation in Niigata? 〓I think that Niigata’s favorite food is rice, isn’t it? And fish, and I …
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Tongue Twister: "Pick it up and put it away" x5 Interview: Christine English Learning Strategy: Confirming the plan we made before the vacation このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら 〓Interview〓 May have your name? My name is Christen. Where are you from? I’m from New York City. What thing do you recommend in your home town? My home town has very de…
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- 学習法, How to study in summer - Tongue Twister: Sunshine on shop signs   (source: 日本放送協会編(遠山顕)(1996)『英会話入門』vol.3, no.7 (9月号) . 日本放送出版協会. - Interview: Mr. Howard Brown   新潟県内で英語を教えていらっしゃるHowardさんへの即席interviewです。 このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちらJYNNAMMES による
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