17A - "Be in Europe just to win against the system" - Talk with Hassan A. about Pushbacks
Manage episode 372415298 series 2949817
He counts five pushbacks he had to go through. About having to start over again and again, the violence and despair he experienced as a teenager traveling alone. Hassan is in Germany today, but what he experienced on the run continues to shape him. His political thinking and activism have a clear goal: to stop letting Europeans get away with their ignorance and hypocrisy.
Further Links & Information
ARTE-Dokumentation "Gegen den Strom - Sara Mardinis Einsatz für die Menschlichkeit": https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/099871-000-A/gegen-den-strom/
Die Infoseite von PRO ASYL zu Pushbacks: https://www.proasyl.de/thema/es-ist-kalt-an-europas-grenzen/mehr-zu-pushbacks/
Systematische Dokumentation von Pushbacks an den Außengrenzen, initiiert und veröffentlicht von mehreren Parlamentarier:innen der LINKEN: http://pushbacks.eu/blackbook/
Juristische Auseinandersetzung mit der Illegalität von Pushbacks von Rechtsanwalt Matthias Lehnert: https://verfassungsblog.de/pushbacks/
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Cover-Gestaltung: Chris Schneider | cityescape.de
Music by Soundbrothers und Lead Jacket Francis Grey
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