Uncuffed empowers people in California prisons to tell their own stories. The award-winning collaboration between incarcerated student producers and professional journalists shines light on the human experience of people before, during, and after their prison terms. The new Season 4 is hosted by formerly incarcerated producer Greg Eskridge. https://www.WeAreUncuffed.org
Real talk and real solutions for Christian women who struggle with restrictive food rules, emotional eating, yo-yo diets, and body shame with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Biblical Counselor who has been right where you are. Discover true food freedom in the context of true faith and let‘s have some fun along the way!
Real talk and real solutions for Christian women who struggle with restrictive food rules, emotional eating, yo-yo diets, and body shame with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Biblical Counselor who has been right where you are. Discover true food freedom in the context of true faith and let‘s have some fun along the way!
Ever wonder why you overeat each Christmas time and then panic in the New Year? It is often due to all the food rules you’ve been told to keep the rest of the year…and then trying to fit these into a special season like a holiday celebration. Well, not only do these food rules make holidays more difficult, they can often lead to the problems in the first place! Surprised? Well join me today as I explain what food rules are keeping this cycle going. Merry Christmas! Here are some helpful resources and important links for you! To get your FREE copy of my new ebook, Escape the Binge in 4 Simple Steps: The Christian Guide to Stop Overeating , simply click this link https://www.cherylszarko.com/escape/ to download your free copy now! If you are looking for personalized help for your food, eating, and body image issues as a Christian, schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation with me at https://www.cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ and schedule the time that works for you. I’d really love to meet you and hear where you are struggling and whether my services are a good fit for you. If you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and get every new resource sent directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Finally, join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you!…
Over the past 2 episodes, I have emphasized how faith and love are essential in your journey toward food and body image freedom in Christ, so what’s left? Hope…of course! Hope is another critical ingredient for your walk to true freedom in Christ. What is it like to live with an unhealthy or disordered mindset regarding food, eating, weight, and one’s own body? It is distressing! Worse yet, and more importantly, it becomes enslaving. The thoughts and emotions that drive you in these areas can imprison you over time. The emphasis on what, how, why, & when to eat as well as despair over your shape or size cause your eating, dieting, and exercise decisions, but they also leave you with negative emotions. Then these negative emotions drive further decisions, and on and on it goes. You can see that something that should be as natural as eating and enjoying God’s gift of food becomes distorted and becomes quite a tyrant in your life. This can feel hopeless because we feel helpless. So today we are talking all about the HOPE you need and that is available for you! We looked at these Scriptures: What Builds Hope: 1 Peter 1:3; Romans 15:4, 13; Romans 5:3-4; Psalm 119:114; Psalm 71:5; Psalm 33:18; Romans 8:23-25 (also mentioned: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Titus 3:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:8; Ephesians 1:18). What Hope Does: Romans 5:5; 1 John 3:3; Psalm 42:11; 1 Peter 1:13; Psalm 62:5; Proverbs 10:28; Psalm 10:28; Psalm 146:5. Do Your Own Study on the Hope of the Gospel: Romans 4:23-5:21 Here are some helpful resources and important links for you! To get your FREE copy of my new ebook, Escape the Binge in 4 Simple Steps: The Christian Guide to Stop Overeating , simply click this link https://www.cherylszarko.com/escape/ to download your free copy now! If you are looking for personalized help for your food, eating, and body image issues as a Christian, schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation with me at https://www.cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ and schedule the time that works for you. I’d really love to meet you and hear where you are struggling and whether my services are a good fit for you. If you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and get every new resource sent directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Finally, join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you!…
There are many worldly tools available for those who find themselves struggling -perhaps even obsessed- with their eating, dieting, weight, and body image. However, these tools can only go so far as a remedy because if you are a Christian, you must look at the issues biblically and these worldly tools do not do that. One of the most foundational issues we must look at right from the beginning of your journey to food and body image freedom in Christ is the issue of love. That might sound a bit odd, but listen to today’s podcast to find out why LOVE is the essential first step to breaking free from this bondage you’ve been living under. Today we look at 4 areas regarding love that need to be addressed, even corrected, for your journey to food and body image freedom in Christ to be thorough and complete. You might be surprised by some of them! Here are some helpful resources and important links for you! To get your FREE copy of my new ebook, Escape the Binge in 4 Simple Steps: The Christian Guide to Stop Overeating , simply click this link https://www.cherylszarko.com/escape/ to download your free copy now! If you are looking for personalized help for your food, eating, and body image issues as a Christian, schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation with me at https://www.cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ and schedule the time that works for you. I’d really love to meet you and hear where you are struggling and whether my services are a good fit for you. If you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and get every new resource sent directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Finally, join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you!…
Unless you are very familiar with biblical counseling, you might wonder why I have “brought” the issues of food freedom, body shame, and dieting into the Christian space. Legit question! And if I wasn’t coming from the place and the background I have, I’d probably be wondering that right along with you! So today I would like to show you – hopefully prove to you – that the realm of faith is EXACTLY where this discussion belongs. Intrigued? I hope so! Tune in to hear today's message! Here are some helpful resources and important links for you! To get your FREE copy of my new ebook, Escape the Binge in 4 Simple Steps: The Christian Guide to Stop Overeating , simply click this link https://www.cherylszarko.com/escape/ to download your free copy now! If you are looking for personalized help for your food, eating, and body image issues as a Christian, schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation with me at https://www.cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ and schedule a time that works for you. I’d really love to meet you and hear where you are struggling and whether my services are a good fit for you. If you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resources sent directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Finally, join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you!…
Of all the principles discussed so far, this is the one that makes the most difference! I will share it, give many practical tips to help you get the most out of your food budget, and then walk you through an example of what this looks like in practice. This is the last in a 4-part series on affordable nutritious eating and busting the myth that says to eat healthfully you must break the bank. You will notice the episodes are shorter than normal, and I would love to know if you like this format. Do you prefer one longer episode that covers it all or do you like having shorter sections to listen to one at a time? Let me know this or any questions and comments you may have at https://www.cherylszarko.com/podcast/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resource send directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
Today in part 3 of this 4-part series on affordable nutritious eating, I want to share a very important principle with you. This principle applies not only to nutrition and healthful eating but to all of your money-saving needs. This principle will help you understand what is really required in order for you to save money on your food budget or in any other area of life! You will notice the episodes are shorter than normal, and I would love to know if you like this format. Do you prefer one longer episode that covers it all or do you like having shorter sections to listen to one at a time? Let me know this or any questions and comments you may have at https://www.cherylszarko.com/podcast/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resource send directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
If you want to talk about eating both economically and healthfully, you MUST start with a discussion on eating plants. Plants are chock full of nutrients that we need. Often when people say they cannot afford to “eat healthy” they are overlooking these colorful, economical gems. Today I continue to debunk the myth of healthy eating being far more expensive. This is the second in a 4-part series that shows you how affordable and nutritious eating is likely not out of reach for you, unlike what you may have thought. You will notice the episodes are shorter than normal, and I would love to know if you like this format. Do you prefer one longer episode that covers it all or do you like having shorter sections to listen to one at a time? Let me know this or any questions and comments you may have at https://www.cherylszarko.com/podcast/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resource send directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
Over the years, I have often heard people say they cannot afford to “eat healthy.” This is a topic I want to tackle today so I can show you that truly healthy eating should be very affordable! I want to discuss the misconceptions surrounding this idea that healthy eating is too pricy, and throughout this series give you some tips to give your wallet and body some TLC. This is the first in a 4-part series on affordable nutritious eating and busting the myth that says to eat healthfully you must break the bank. You will notice the episodes are shorter than normal, and I would love to know if you like this format. Do you prefer one longer episode that covers it all or do you like having shorter sections to listen to one at a time? Let me know this or any questions and comments you may have at https://www.cherylszarko.com/podcast/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resource send directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
One of the many nutrition trends that has had quite an impact is the gluten-free craze. And I know it has had quite an impact because over the past years, the gluten-free options at the grocery store have exploded in number. In fact, most grocery stores now have an entire section designated for gluten-free options. This is quite a phenomenal development for those who have to eat a gluten-free diet...what a blessing! But the question we are here to answer today is…do YOU need to eat a gluten-free diet to be healthier? Join me today as I discuss the facts about eating a gluten-free diet! #christianwomen, learn about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , go to https://www.cherylszarko.com/program/ . You can get updates and behind-the-scenes peeks through the weekly email newsletter. By being on the waitlist, you will also have first access to enroll in the next group once the doors open! Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded #christianwomen who are also going through this journey toward #foodfreedom. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in the loop, find solid #biblicalcounseling truths and receive any new resource directly to your inbox, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
Our bodies need many different vitamins and minerals in order to function. There are certainly times when we don’t get enough and that causes #health and functional problems in our bodies. It's common to be concerned about giving our bodies ultimate #nutrition, so does that mean we need to buy and use over-the-counter #supplements? If so, what do we need? Today we are going to discuss the good, the bad, and even the dangers of using supplements. To find an example of what the USP verification label looks like, check out this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0-RIrzwhmA #christianwomen, learn about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , go to https://www.cherylszarko.com/program/ . You can get updates and behind-the-scenes peeks through the weekly email newsletter. By being on the waitlist, you will also have first access to enroll in the next group once the doors open! Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded #christianwomen who are also going through this journey toward #foodfreedom. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in the loop, find solid #biblicalcounseling truths and receive any new resource directly to your inbox, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
It is particularly hard for shift workers to get the proper nutrition and be as healthy as they would like. Unfortunately, it is NOT as simple as just flipping a typical day schedule over to the nighttime. There are many specific challenges shift workers must deal with. Now I KNOW that when you work the night shift, you don’t always have time to listen to an entire podcast. So, I am doing a backwards episode to match your backwards schedule! I am starting with the solutions and tips, and then going on to give more information for when you have the time to listen! I hope you like it! I have prepared a very special FREE tip sheet for you amazing shift workers to get the extra support and help you need. Just go to https://www.cherylszarko.com/nightshift/ and I will be happy to send that to you! If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you would like a copy of my Sleep Hygiene handout to learn and practice better sleep habits, just let me know on the contact form at https://www.cherylszarko.com/contact/ and I will be happy to send that to you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resource send directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
Some may be surprised to hear me put sleep and eating behaviors together, but the truth is that there is a strong connection between your sleep pattern and quality, your weight, metabolism, and your eating habits. Many people spend an enormous amount of time and effort on diet and exercise but often neglect another major factor that can have just as great an impact on their health… sleep. If you would like a free copy of my Sleep Hygiene handout to learn and practice better sleep habits, just go to https://www.cherylszarko.com/sleep/ and I will be happy to send that to you! If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and receive all new resources sent directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
Continuing with our emotional eating theme once again, we are looking at a deeply impactful but possibly hidden cause for emotional eating. We will look at 5 spiritual issues in emotional eating and then how the gospel message provides true hope for us...even in this area! As we are stepping back to check out some “big picture” topics in emotional eating, I wanted to draw out spiritual issues as a separate problem because there are elements of emotional eating that are specific to our spiritual life that we must address if we want to rightly deal with emotional eating. If you don’t have your free copy of the Guide Through Emotional Eating yet, you can still download your free copy to work through each time you are tempted toward emotional eating. This guide will help you overcome the habitual and mindless practice of grabbing food for emotional reasons. You can find it at https://www.cherylszarko.com/emotionaleating/ . Listen to podcasts 40-43 for even more detailed help when working through this guide. If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resources sent directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
Today we continue our look at some overarching issues that can lead us directly into the arms of emotional eating for comfort. This episode looks at 5 heart issues and remembers where our true help comes from. If you haven’t heard podcast episodes 40-43, we took the time to work step-by-step through the occasions when we are tempted to indulge in emotional eating. Together we worked through a tool called the Guide Through Emotional Eating . So, listen to those episodes and download YOUR free copy of this at https://www.cherylszarko.com/emotionaleating/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resources sent directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
Emotional eating is affected by the mind and thoughts, as we discussed last week, and by other foundational issues. Today we will look at how the physical body and environment have a role in emotional eating as well as some realistic suggestions on how to combat these physical inducements. If you, like me, want to get to the bottom of this habitual way of dealing with our feelings and experiences, then you are in the right place. Last month I did a 4-episode podcast series on Overcoming Emotional Eating using a tool called the Guide Through Emotional Eating. If you were not here for that, please go back to those episodes, #s 40-43, and get your free guide as well at https://www.cherylszarko.com/emotionaleating/ If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you would like a copy of my Sleep Hygiene handout to learn and practice better sleep habits, just let me know on the contact form at https://www.cherylszarko.com/contact/ and I will be happy to send that to you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resources sent directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
As we’ve spent the last four weeks discussing how to overcome emotional eating. It really does seem to be something most of us have as a common experience. But that doesn’t mean we have to allow it to wreak havoc in our lives! If you deal with habitual overeating as a way of handling difficult feelings, thoughts, and situations that aren’t related to physical hunger…then you are in the right place! I’d like to suggest that if you haven’t listened to the Overcoming Emotional Eating series, please do so (podcasts #40 through #43) and download your free Guide Through Emotional Eating at https://www.cherylszarko.com/emotionaleating/ . This guide and these 4 podcasts are really going to help you with a step-by-step weapon in your battle with emotional eating. And for the rest of you, let’s go deeper. This month we will look at foundational problems with emotional eating, starting today with issues of the mind that can lead us to emotional eating. If you are excited about our upcoming online program Satisfied! The Christian Path to Food Freedom , Body Acceptance, and Lifestyle Health , you can keep up with all the updates and get a peek behind the scenes through the weekly email newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, True Food Freedom & Faith Community where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! Finally, if you want to stay in contact and in the loop with all that’s going on and have any new resources sent directly to you, then join the free email newsletter crew at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter/…
This is the final episode in our podcast series Overcoming Emotional Eating. I am offering a free tool I have developed called the Guide Through Emotional Eating to help you practically through your moments of being tempted toward emotional eating. Download your free copy to work through it as I explain the different prompts. You can find it at https://www.cherylszarko.com/emotionaleating/ Today we finish up our four-part series on overcoming emotional eating and I want to close it up by giving you three areas to ready yourself in so you can win the battle with emotional eating now and going forward. What is it that will set us up for success in this area? Well, stay tuned! In the first 3 episodes of this series, we have walked through the particulars of dealing with your individual occasions of being tempted toward emotional eating when your body was not actually needing food. If you have missed those episodes, take the time to listen to them, they are podcasts 40-42. But now that we have gone through the detailed work of how to handle the individual times of emotional eating, I want to arm you for long-term success with this! If you are excited about our upcoming online program for Food Freedom in Christ, you can keep up with all the updates, as well as get sneak peeks behind the scenes through the weekly newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you!…
We are continuing our podcast series Overcoming Emotional Eating together using a tool I have for you called the Guide Through Emotional Eating . Download your free copy to work through it as I explain the different prompts. You can find it at https://www.cherylszarko.com/emotionaleating/ The most powerful driver of emotional eating, arguably even more so than actual emotions, is our thinking. That’s because thoughts are what lead to emotions. Thoughts are what stress us out. Thoughts cause our fears. Thoughts are our own interpretations of what others do, what is happening around us, and how we look for answers. But thankfully, thoughts can be dealt with effectively, perhaps even more directly than we can deal with emotions. Today we will look closely at 4 points to help us deal with the “thoughts” that ultimately lead to emotional eating and how to hold them captive. If you are excited about our upcoming online program for Food Freedom in Christ, you can keep up with all the updates, as well as get sneak peeks behind the scenes through the weekly newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you!…
We are continuing our series Overcoming Emotional Eating with an accompanying tool called the Guide Through Emotional Eating . Download your free copy to work through it with me. You can find it at https://www.cherylszarko.com/emotionaleating/ This is part 2 in our series on overcoming emotional eating. Today we will dig into the emotions part of emotional eating. Emotions do not have to control you in any area, and that includes your eating. It's important that we deal with the emotions that are driving us to reach for food so often and so mindlessly. We are going to break this down into 4 steps so you can start seeing results. A big reason for regularly overeating is that we are not eating due to physical hunger, but for SOMETHING else. And that something else can cover a lot of things. But today, we are going to talk specifically about when feelings or emotions are the true driving force behind wanting to eat. If you are excited about our upcoming online program for Food Freedom in Christ, you can keep up with all the updates, as well as get sneak peeks behind the scenes through the weekly newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you!…
We are beginning a walk through emotional eating together using a tool I have for you called the Guide Through Emotional Eating . Download your free copy to work through it with me. You can find it at https://www.cherylszarko.com/emotionaleating/ I talk with people who have disordered eating, those without disordered eating, and those who struggle with their weight and body image. And you know the one thing almost ALL people seem to struggle with? It's emotional eating. Today we begin our Emotional Eating Series to help you with this very common problem. We’ve all done it – a lot. But emotional eating does not have to rule your eating habits. We are going to break down what leads to emotional eating and work our way through a very effective strategy to help curb this behavior. If you are excited about our upcoming online program for Food Freedom in Christ, you can keep up with all the updates, as well as get sneak peeks behind the scenes through the weekly newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with others, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. And consider giving this podcast a 5-star review on your podcast platform, I would appreciate that greatly! Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you!…
Not only does my history prove a distorted relationship with food, eating, and my own body-related thoughts, but I dare say that the majority of women I have known throughout life have some degree of this damaging relationship with food and eating. It’s no wonder when we are taught this by the daily messages in our culture. But this makes for some pretty serious consequences. I ask that you prayerfully ponder the following questions and write down your answers to the best of your ability. You may have some answers immediately, while some of these answers you will learn as they come up during your journey to food freedom in Christ. What are you trying to calm, fix, ignore, achieve, distract from with food and eating? What thoughts or feelings are eating covering? What are you trying to calm, fix, achieve, distract from with dieting and weight loss? What thoughts or feelings are dieting and weight loss covering? Keep these answers with you for next week’s podcast where we will look more deeply into the thoughts and feelings I asked you about and how they relate to your eating and dieting habits. If you are excited about our upcoming online program for Food Freedom in Christ, you can join keep up with all the updates, as well as get sneak peeks behind the scenes through the weekly newsletter. You will also have first access to enroll in the program once the doors open if you are already on the waitlist. Join the waitlist here: https://www.cherylszarko.com/waitlist/ If you find this topic important and/or helpful, please share it with other, on your own social media pages, and wherever you can. Let’s work together to get help to those who are bound in these chains and who are trapped in dark places. Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you!…
Munch on small bites all summer with the Summer Shorts series! Keep in touch at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com where you will find access to all my socials or leave a comment or question! Subscribe to this podcast to be alerted when Season 2 starts back up again in a few months! Also, be sure you don’t miss any free resource, podcast, blog post, or THE SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT THIS FALL! Join the email newsletter at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter . If you desire one-on-one private online counseling for your health and eating-related goals, schedule a free consultation with me at cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you have found this podcast helpful, consider leaving a 5-star review and sharing the episodes on your social media. Thank you for helping me reach more women!…
Munch on small bites all summer with the Summer Shorts series! Keep in touch at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com where you will find access to all my socials or leave a comment or question! Subscribe to this podcast to be alerted when Season 2 starts back up again in a few months! Also, be sure you don’t miss any free resource, podcast, blog post, or THE SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT THIS FALL! Join the email newsletter at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter . If you desire one-on-one private online counseling for your health and eating-related goals, schedule a free consultation with me at cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you have found this podcast helpful, consider leaving a 5-star review and sharing the episodes on your social media. Thank you for helping me reach more women!…
Munch on small bites all summer with the Summer Shorts series! Keep in touch at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com where you will find access to all my socials or leave a comment or question! Subscribe to this podcast to be alerted when Season 2 starts back up again in a few months! Also, be sure you don’t miss any free resource, podcast, blog post, or THE SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT THIS FALL! Join the email newsletter at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter . If you desire one-on-one private online counseling for your health and eating-related goals, schedule a free consultation with me at cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you have found this podcast helpful, consider leaving a 5-star review and sharing the episodes on your social media. Thank you for helping me reach more women!…
Munch on small bites all summer with the Summer Shorts series! Keep in touch at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com where you will find access to all my socials or leave a comment or question! Subscribe to this podcast to be alerted when Season 2 starts back up again in a few months! Also, be sure you don’t miss any free resource, podcast, blog post, or THE SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT THIS FALL! Join the email newsletter at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter . If you desire one-on-one private online counseling for your health and eating-related goals, schedule a free consultation with me at cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you have found this podcast helpful, consider leaving a 5-star review and sharing the episodes on your social media. Thank you for helping me reach more women!…
Munch on small bites all summer with the Summer Shorts series! Keep in touch at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com where you will find access to all my socials or leave a comment or question! Subscribe to this podcast to be alerted when Season 2 starts back up again in a few months! Also, be sure you don’t miss any free resource, podcast, blog post, or THE SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT THIS FALL! Join the email newsletter at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter . If you desire one-on-one private online counseling for your health and eating-related goals, schedule a free consultation with me at cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you have found this podcast helpful, consider leaving a 5-star review and sharing the episodes on your social media. Thank you for helping me reach more women!…
Munch on small bites all summer with the Summer Shorts series! Keep in touch at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com where you will find access to all my socials or leave a comment or question! Subscribe to this podcast to be alerted when Season 2 starts back up again in a few months! Also, be sure you don’t miss any free resource, podcast, blog post, or THE SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT THIS FALL! Join the email newsletter at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter . If you desire one-on-one private online counseling for your health and eating-related goals, schedule a free consultation with me at cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you have found this podcast helpful, consider leaving a 5-star review and sharing the episodes on your social media. Thank you for helping me reach more women!…
Munch on small bites all summer with the Summer Shorts series! Keep in touch at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com where you will find access to all my socials or leave a comment or question! Subscribe to this podcast to be alerted when Season 2 starts back up again in a few months! Also, be sure you don’t miss any free resource, podcast, blog post, or THE SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT THIS FALL! Join the email newsletter at https://www.cherylszarko.com/newsletter . If you desire one-on-one private online counseling for your health and eating-related goals, schedule a free consultation with me at cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you have found this podcast helpful, consider leaving a 5-star review and sharing the episodes on your social media. Thank you for helping me reach more women!…
Munch on small bites all summer with the Summer Shorts series! Keep in touch at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com where you will find access to all my socials or leave a comment or question! Subscribe to this podcast to be alerted when Season 2 starts back up again in a few months! Also, be sure you don’t miss any free resource, podcast, blog post, or THE SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT THIS FALL! Join the email newsletter at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com . If you desire one-on-one private online counseling for your health and eating-related goals, schedule a free consultation with me at cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you have found this podcast helpful, consider leaving a 5-star review and sharing the episodes on your social media. Thank you for helping me reach more women!…
Munch on small bites all summer with the Summer Shorts series! Keep in touch at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com where you will find access to all my socials or leave a comment or question! Subscribe to this podcast to be alerted when Season 2 starts back up again in a few months! Also, be sure you don’t miss any free resource, podcast, blog post, or THE SPECIAL UPCOMING ANNOUNCEMENT THIS FALL! Join the email newsletter at truefoodfreedomandfaith.com . If you desire one-on-one private online counseling for your health and eating-related goals, schedule a free consultation with me at cherylszarko.com/15-minute-free-consultation/ Join our private online community, where you can be with like-minded women who are also going through this process. We all need the encouragement and counsel of one another, and I know I certainly love getting to know you all! Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/423407896152951 and join us today! I look forward to meeting you! If you have found this podcast helpful, consider leaving a 5-star review and sharing the episodes on your social media. Thank you for helping me reach more women!…
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