私たちは神奈川県大和市にある、聖書を重んじる福音的プロテスタント教会です。「明るく元気でのびのびと」をモットーとしています。是非日曜日教会へいらっしゃいませんか?皆様のお越しをお待ちしています。 また、礼拝、祈祷会の模様は“YouTube”にて生中継されています。是非ご覧下さい。
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This is a weekly recording of the sermons preached in the main service at Akigawa Baptist Church in Tokyo, Japan. The sermons are in Japanese. We hope they are an encouragement to you in your Christian walk! 秋川バプテスト教会の日曜礼拝のメッセージのポッドキャストです。皆様のクリスチャンとしての歩みに励ましになるようにお祈りします!どうぞお聞きください。
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=====「生命の言葉」; 「良いニュース」; 「ゴスペルソング」- 日本で話されている主な言語 / "Words of Life"; "Good News"; "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Japan =====
Tze-John Liu
「生命の言葉」; 「良いニュース」; 「ゴスペルソング」- 日本で話されている主な言語 / "Words of Life"; "Good News"; "Gospel Songs" - Major Languages Spoken in Japan
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メッセージ:小山 英児 先生 聖書:ダニエル書9章20~27節
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メッセージ:大川 従道 牧師(49才) 聖書:エペソ人への手紙2章11~16節
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メッセージ:チョー・ヨンギ先生(V) 聖書:ヘブル人への手紙11章1~6節
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Today as we look in the book of Hosea we will see a beautiful picture of God's faithful love despite our unfaithfulness.
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メッセージ:大川 従道 牧師 聖書:テサロニケ人への第一の手紙1章1~7節
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メッセージ:小林 詩音 副牧師 聖書:テサロニケ人への第一の手紙5章12~18節
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As we finish John 14, we're going to look at yet another gift that Jesus gives us through His Spirit in us: the gift of peace. What is it about Jesus' peace that makes it different? Why is it such a wonderful gift?
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メッセージ:大川 従道 牧師 聖書:詩篇37篇1~11節
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メッセージ:佐々木 智行 副牧師 聖書:列王紀下5章10~15節
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In our passage for today, Jesus takes care of a very important need through the Holy Spirit being in our hearts. The Holy Spirit gives us the assurance that we can fully and confidently trust the reliability of the apostles' testimonies.
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メッセージ:大川 従道 牧師 聖書:ルカによる福音書6章12~19節
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メッセージ:小山 英児 先生 聖書:ダニエル書9章1~19節
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In our passage for today, Jesus helps us to see how important and wonderful it is that the Holy Spirit lives within us. He does that by showing us the special connection to Jesus and to God the Father that the Holy Spirit gives us.
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メッセージ:大川 従道 牧師 聖書:ローマ人への手紙12章9~18節
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メッセージ:石黒 久浩 先生 聖書:コリント人への第一の手紙6章19~20節
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In our passage for today, Jesus tells us about one of the most wonderful blessings He could have given to us to help us as we follow Him. Not just hope for our future, but another Helper who walks with us each day.
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メッセージ:和田 崇 宣教師 聖書:創世記32章22~32節
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In our passage, Jesus helps us to see the deep connection between Himself and God the Father. And through that, He helps us to see our deep connection to Him through the work He does through us.
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メッセージ:大川 従道 牧師 聖書:ローマ人への手紙5章1~5節
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メッセージ:森屋 幹 副牧師 聖書:ローマ人への手紙12章1~2節
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Home is an awesome place, isn’t it? If you've been away from home for a long time, there is something amazing about finally getting to be home. It's something that we long for and look forward to. In our passage for today, Jesus introduces us to a new home that we get to look forward to!
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メッセージ:小林 詩音 副牧師 聖書:ローマ人への手紙1章8~16節
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Have you ever messed up big time? Today, we’re going to see someone make one of the biggest regrets of his life. And yet, even though this person messed up big time, we’re also going to see the love and grace that Jesus gives him all throughout his mess-up.
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