Ich bin Natascha Wegelin, Ruhrpottkind, Pommessüchtige, 90s Kid, Wahlberlinerin. Madame Moneypenny habe ich gestartet, um Frauen auf ihrem Weg in die finanzielle Unabhängigkeit zu begleiten. Braucht es das? JA! Denn: 75% der Frauen zwischen 35 und 50 Jahren droht später die Altersarmut. Das liegt vor allem daran, dass sie sich nicht selber mit ihren Finanzen auseinandersetzen. Ich höre häufig: „Das mit dem Geld macht mein Mann“. Dabei wissen viele, dass sie sich eigentlich dringend selber da ...
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Successful women over thirty discussing everything they’ve learnt to get them where they are today. A celebration of thirties and beyond!
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This podcast talks about the greatness of Latinx female musicians in HipHop.
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Ein Podcast über die Liebe, das Leben, heartbreaks & daily struggles. Anni & Marina, zwei junge Hamburger Mädels, haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Momente des Lebens, Männergeschichten, Herzschmerz und tägliche Problemchen mit dir zu teilen. Denn, geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid, nicht wahr?
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Join me every Friday as I interview female entrepreneurs from all over the world to discuss their journey into entrepreneurship. I promise you’ll leave inspired and desiring to live the life of your dreams by listening to the stories of so many amazing women.
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Welcome to The Female Fight Experience, the podcast where we share stories to inspire female Muay Thai fighters, at all levels, to jump in the ring. Brought to you by your hosts, Smokin Joe Coverdale and Bridget Thakrar.
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One day, female athletes will be recognised by their achievements, not by their gender. Until then, we'll keep sharing the stories of epic Aussie female athletes. Join Olympic Gold Medallist, Chloe Dalton, as she chats with World Champions, fellow Olympians, and athletes at the top of their game. Listen to our weekly episodes of the wrap - news and highlights about women's sports news.
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Support and inspiration to help you thrive as a senior leader. Lauren Eyles, Executive Coach & Mentor, chats with fabulous female leaders from across the world, sharing stories and tips. It’s like a coffee with friends and a free coaching session! For more information, visit https://femaleexecutivesurvivalguide.com/
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The Untitled Female Driven Podcast is hosted by Jess Chou, Hannah Rosner and Erica Schreiber. It covers what we wish we'd known about Film and TV writing when we were getting started.
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Produced By: The Fierce Female Network. Presenting guests who are informational, educational, and entertaining thefiercefemales@gmail.com. LifeWave Distributor-Change Your Life: Change Your Wealth With LifeWave. Earning Potential: BTW $2K - $3K Weekly
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Wil jij als vrouw impact maken in deze tijd van verandering en nu meer dan ooit vanuit jouw eigen waarden en authentieke balans leiden? Zonder concessies? Als het antwoord JA is, dan ben je op de juiste plek beland. In deze podcast spreekt NFL oprichter Caroline Glasbergen met vrouwelijke leiders, experts, en deelt ze haar eigen inzichten over wat het betekent om in deze tijd impact te maken vanuit verbinding met jezelf. Samen geven we vorm aan wat het nieuwe nu betekent en wat ervoor nodig ...
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Iseng tapi bermakna(?)
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De podcast voor vrouwen met een passie voor fietsen! In deze podcast praat ik, Elke Bleyaert, met heel wat plezante en inspirerende vrouwen die hun fietsverhaal met jullie delen. Of je nu wekelijks kilometers op avontuur gaat of net geniet van dat ene ritje dat je nauwelijks ingepland krijgt? Je bent meer dan welkom in onze tribe... waar vooral every (s)mile counts!
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Praktische Tipps und Übungen für deinen Arbeitsalltag, intensive Gespräche mit Expert*innen, große Fragen und Lösungsideen im Kleinen: Im Female Leadership Podcast spricht Vera Strauch – Gründerin der Female Leadership Academy – über all die Themen, die uns im Arbeitsleben und darüber hinaus beschäftigen und lädt dazu ein, Veränderung anzugehen, bestehende Systeme zu hinterfragen und über den Tellerrand hinauszublicken. Du möchtest mehr über die Arbeit der Academy erfahren? Melde dich zu uns ...
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Female Boss is dé podcast voor jonge, ambitieuze vrouwen die op hun eigen voorwaarden willen leven. In elke aflevering interviewt host Amanda Bakker inspirerende vrouwen die hun eigen weg zijn gegaan en de beste versie van zichzelf zijn geworden. Ze deelt hun verhalen, tips en tricks over hoe je je doelen kunt bereiken, je dromen kunt najagen en je potentieel kunt benutten. Ben jij klaar om de regie over jouw leven te nemen? Tune in bij Female Boss en zet vandaag nog de eerste stap!
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Join host Amanda Nizzere on Female Fractionals, a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to successful female fractional executives and entrepreneurs. As a seasoned B2B marketing expert and fractional CMO, Amanda interviews tenured fractional executives and subject matter experts to help entrepreneurs build thriving businesses on their own terms. Tune in to explore the growing movement of fractional executives reshaping the corporate landscape and learn how to thrive in your fractional journey.
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As a Sports Dietitian for NCAA, professional, and recreational athletes alike, I know how powerful nutrition can be. I also know how quickly a female athlete can fall into the trap of under fueling which severely limits their health. That’s why I’m sharing my knowledge of female-specific nutrition, training, body image, and mindset to help you fuel your body to perform at your highest level. Whether you are looking for a competitive edge with your nutrition training and mindset, or looking t ...
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Human lives follow many paths. Presenting twists and turns and choices never planned, never expected. Temptation, anger, depression and loneliness all can lead a person to a mistake they can‘t take back. Facing judgement and isolation, a person can feel very alone. These are the voices of women who have chosen to cheat on their spouses or partners. This is RAW TRUTH... Stories of Female Infidelity
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Each week on the Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast, award-winning business coach, Melitta Campbell, shares practical lessons, tried and tested tips, and powerful insights by sharing her own experiences and expertise, and interviewing a range of successful women. Consider the show your pocket business mentor! It will help you Dream Bigger and Achieve More in your business and in your life. Happy listening!
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Fairness, Feminismus und die Frage, wie Gesellschaft wachsen kann. Ich möchte euch jede Woche zu einem spannenden Gespräch mitnehmen, das sich um diese drei Dinge dreht und uns alle ein bisschen schlauer macht. Ich freu mich, wenn ihr mit mir dabei seid. Alles Liebe, Barbara
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The best tips, tricks, strategies and short cuts for supersizing your business...especially for the woman business owner...because we ARE different! Follow along and get great information FREE daily at: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel
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Hosted by Eva Hartling, The Brand is Female Podcast delves into the narratives of women entrepreneurs, leaders, and trailblazers redefining limits within their respective fields. Our featured guests unveil their unique business odysseys and personal encounters with each episode, igniting inspiration for fellow women as they navigate their journeys toward advancement and achievement. Presented by TD Women in Enterprise.
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Ein Podcast über Karriere und Empowerment, über Frauen, Politik, Gesellschaft und Feminismus. In jeder Folge interviewt Melly Schütze, Gründerin von nushu, dem Business Club für Frauen, eine neue spannende Persönlichkeit über ihren Alltag und ihre Karriere. Tune in to discover more – Female Business: Der nushu podcast!
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As a former correctional officer in Alberta for almost 2 decades and the founder of Blue Line Fitness Testing which provides law enforcement fitness testing and wellness workshops, I started this podcast as a way for female first responders to be able to share their stories including the trials, tribulations and triumphs of their daily work. Our episodes cover female correctional officers and caseworkers, military personnel, female paramedics, firefighters and dispatchers, as well as feature ...
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Host Bree Noble shares insights on how to create a sustainable career as a woman in the music business. This show includes two different episode formats, solo shows where Bree provides tips and tricks from her own knowledge and experience, and interviews with female musicians and industry pros. These interviews are inspirational and informational and help our audience get a different perspective on the business of music.
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Als erster deutscher Podcast setzt FE.MALE FOUNDERS den Fokus auf Gründerinnen der deutschen Digitalszene. In dem Podcast werden anhand von Gründerinnen-Geschichten berufliche Lebensläufe, Herausforderungen bei der Gründung, Gender-Fragen und Unternehmenserfolge diskutiert. Moderiert wird der Podcast von Kristina Peneva aus dem Team des „Gründungswettbewerb – Digitale Innovationen“ des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK).
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Mental Toughness and High Performance Coaching. I Empower Female Leaders, Emerging Leaders and Male Allies to b.HER.d™ and Access Their Next Level of Impact and Joy.
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Welcome to The 'Asian Female Entrepreneur Show' hosted by Sharn Khaira, aimed at Asian women in business looking to elevate their business and mindset. The podcast covers topics such as social media, cultural barriers, Instagram and marketing strategies, business tools, and tips. Sharn shares her journey from financial struggles to becoming a successful business and mindset coach for Asian female entrepreneurs. The podcast aims to inspire, motivate, and provide actionable advice to help Asia ...
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Sarah Vine on beauty, sex, relationships, celebrity, politics and everything else a woman wants to hear. Woke, it ain’t!
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Über Geld spricht frau nicht. Wir schon – in unserem preisgekrönten Podcast. Wir, das sind Anja und Dana, nehmen Dich mit auf unsere ganz persönliche Geldreise. Stets mit im Gepäck: unsere eigenen finanziellen Erlebnisse und jede Menge hilfreiche Tipps, wie Du Deine Finanzen selber machen kannst.
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The Influence & Impact podcast from leadership coach Carla Miller helps female leaders to tackle self-doubt, become brilliant at influencing and make more impact at work. It's personal development meets professional development to help you thrive in today's workplace. Episodes are short and sweet so you can start your working week feeling energised, inspired and empowered. Find out more at: https://www.carlamiller.co.uk/podcasts
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Weiblichkeit, Männlichkeit, Diversität, Individualität, irgendwo dazwischen, oder ganz wo anderes…dieser Podcast kann als Suchbewegung nach Weiblichkeit(en)* im 21. Jahrhundert verstanden werden. Verschiedene Weiblichkeiten* sichtbar machen – das ist unser Ziel. Aus diesem Grund wollen wir mit unseren Gäst*innen ins Gespräch kommen um so mannigfaltigste Perspektiven kennenzulernen und in die Welt zu schicken, um so diesem Mysterium auf die Spur zu kommen. Denn wir gestalten Gesellschaft. Wir ...
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Welcome to The Female VC Lab Podcast, a captivating series delving into the vibrant world of female venture capital. Join us for an exclusive peek into the journeys of female VCs, Investors, GPs, and LPs as we uncover their strategies, impact, and visions for the future. This podcast celebrates the pivotal roles women hold in venture capital, offering valuable insights to family offices, institutional investors, and those curious about female-led financial stewardship. Tune in for candid dis ...
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Built a business—but not seeing the big money yet? The Big Money Podcast is for women ready to step into $100K months, high-ticket sales, and luxury brand leadership. Hosted by Jeanine Hurte—former investment banker, SPIEGEL bestselling author, and founder of an 8-figure empire—this show blends premium strategy, feminine energetics, and unapologetic power so your business finally reflects your brilliance.
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Two fantastic female finance professionals talking about their learnings in an easy and digestible way to reach out to women globally and especially in the Middle East. Our focus will be to share information on financial literacy and ideas to become financially free.
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Welcome to Wellness As a Way of Life—the podcast for female founders in tech who want sustainable energy, confidence, and clarity. I’m Megan Swan, a Strategic Wellness Coach with 14 years of experience. I help tech leaders cut through the noise and integrate wellness seamlessly into their lives. This podcast is about less but better. Discover what truly works for your unique challenges as a woman in tech—and make wellness part of who you are, not just another task on your list. Connect with ...
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Lioness Conversations: Brave Stories of Women Leaders & Female Founders | Women leading with confidence, empowerment, entrepreneurship, innovation, impact
Jen Porter
Welcome to Lioness Conversations, the podcast dedicated to uncovering and celebrating the extraordinary stories of women who embody fierce strength, tender hearts, and a relentless drive to make a difference in the world. 🦁✨ Leadership | Empowerment | Women in Business | Women Entrepreneurs | Female CEOs | Female Founders | Women-led Businesses | Glass Ceiling | Mentorship for Women | Venture Capital for Women | Female Leadership Development | Innovation | Entrepreneurial Women | Breaking Ba ...
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Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Healing, Health and Wellness, building cooperation between women, establishing a global sisterhood, collective parenting, creating healthy interpersonal relationships, good child rearing practices, working toward world peace.
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Female Clarity Cast - Dein Podcast für mehr Klarheit als Frau in allen Lebensbereichen
Ricarda Berlage
Ein herzliches Hallo! Ich freu mich total, dass Du den Weg in meinem Podcast gefunden hast. Mein Name ist Ricarda Berlage - ich bin Astrologin und Coach für Klarheit. Mit diesem Podcast möchte ich Dir helfen in Deine eigene Klarheit und Authentizität zu finden. Denn ich bin mir sicher: Je klarer Du mit Dir und Deinem Sein bist, desto leichter und zuversichtlicher kannst Du Dein Leben gestalten.
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Podcast by Female Radio
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Social justice talk during post-Katrina. Cover art photo provided by Jason Leung on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ninjason
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Finding joy in the experience of being female mammals through frank interviews with women about our bodies, life cycles, communities, and families. Holding space for women to explore what it means to live well in our bodies.
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Are you struggling with your health, hormone issues, or weight? Look no further, The Female Health Solution Podcast and host Dr. Beth Westie are bringing you cutting edge information specific for women. Each week Dr. Beth dives into a different topic on women's health, nutrition, hormones, weight loss and so much more. She gives you her best tips and tricks that you can start implementing right away. Along with sharing her expertise she brings you leading experts in the Women's Health field ...
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This podcast is about walking in who God created us to be in business and life. As a believer, true success begins with renewing our minds. Romans 12:2. When we align our thoughts with God’s Word, our feelings, actions, and results naturally follow His purpose and design. This transformation empowers us to live and work in alignment with His will, achieving what is good, acceptable, and perfect in His sight. Ready to prosper in your purpose? Let’s go!
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Are you ready to be inspired! Join Bridget Fitzpatrick, the co-founder of ASBN, CBT News and ASBN Coworks, as she brings you the inspiring stories of America's trailblazing female entrepreneurs. Each week, dive into dynamic interviews packed with game-changing business strategies and expert advice. For more great content be sure to check out ASBN.com – your ultimate destination for everything small business. Get ready to be motivated and empowered!
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Scale Her Up: Female business stories and expert tips for business growth and success
Brenda Hector
If you are a female business owner, self-employed freelancer, or girl boss who wants to build a successful business i.e. work less hours, make more money, and get better results from your staff, then this is the podcast for you. Hosted by Dr Brenda Hector MBA from ActionCOACH UK, this podcast provides relatable and accessible business advice and inspiration from successful businesswomen who have been there and done it before you. This podcast is where you can • hear female business stories • ...
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Join your host and hype girl, Doone Roisin, for full access to the best knowledge, tips, and strategies from the world's most exciting (and successful) founders & entrepreneurs doing multi 7, 8 & 9 figures in revenue - who happen to be women. This is the go-to space for early stage dreamers women-in-progress to be inspired to start their side hustle or business, and get help along the journey. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Raw and Unfiltered: The Beauty of Imperfection in Business
16:26162: Raw and Unfiltered: The Beauty of Imperfection in Business What if the secret to success wasn’t perfection, but ACTION? In this raw and unfiltered episode, I share why waiting for the perfect moment is costing you BIG money 💸. I reveal the power of trusting your impulses, why I stopped sharing my income online, and how shifting my energy skyro…
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Psychologische Sicherheit: 5 Methoden für innere Stabilität – im Team und in dir selbst
46:24Wie können wir Stabilität finden, wenn vieles unklar ist? Was hilft uns persönlich und in unseren Teams, damit wir uns sicher fühlen und handlungsfähig bleiben? In dieser Folge spricht Podcast-Host Vera Strauch über das Konzept der psychologischen Sicherheit – ein Ansatz, der Teams nachweislich erfolgreicher, innovativer und zufriedener macht. Doch…
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“Ich hatte 5-stellig investiert – und konnte seitdem nicht mehr schlafen.” – Money Stories: Irina | Episode #395
56:38Stell dir vor, du investierst 5-stellig über eine Vermögensverwaltung – und kannst danach zwei Wochen nicht schlafen, weil dein Bauchgefühl bei der Sache so schlecht ist. So ging es Irina, die sich mit 37 Jahren endlich ihren Finanzen stellte. Sie teilt in dieser Folge, wie… sie negative Geld-Glaubenssätze wie “Geld ist böse!” und “Ich kann Finanze…
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the wrap: high jumper nicola olyslagers goes back-to-back at the world indoor athletics champs 🥇
23:55A weekly podcast covering women’s sport news. This week: Nicola Olyslagers has become the first Aussie to win back-to-back goldsat the World Indoor Athletics Championships, Melbourne City are through to the semi-finals of the Asian Champions League and Holly Ranson has become the newest 24-hour Australian champion, running 263.548 km ran in 24hrs.F…
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713. How To Finally Improve Your PMS Symptoms
19:35Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by PMS. 🙋♀️ The mood swings, the bloating, the "why am I crying over a dog food commercial?" moments—it’s a monthly rollercoaster, and not the fun kind. But what if I told you that you don’t have to just suffer through it? That your PMS isn’t just bad luck but actually something you can fix…
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Join host Amanda Nizzere on Female Fractionals, a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to successful female fractional executives and entrepreneurs. As a seasoned B2B marketing expert and fractional CMO, Amanda interviews tenured fractional executives and subject matter experts to help entrepreneurs build thriving businesses on their own terms. Tune in to e…
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J Springs, born Jordan Rogers, is an emerging artist from Ukiah, a small town in Northern California, now based in Orange County. At just 21 years old, he has been making music for about five years, crafting a sound that captures raw emotion—whether it’s rage, love, or a mysterious vibe. His artist name, J Springs, was given to him during his high …
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The Hidden Moral Code That Makes Businesses EXPLODE With Growth!
10:07The Hidden Moral Code That Makes Businesses EXPLODE With Growth! Create A Communication Code Of Conduct With This Secret Component To Supersize Your Business! Check in here every day for a dose of different business building perspective: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness #supersizeyourbusiness #communication #codeofconduct #moralcode #competit…
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#185 Wie konntest du dich neu erfinden, Martina Parker?
49:29Mehr als 20 Jahre war Martina Parker Beauty-Journalistin bei der "Wienerin", auch als ich 2014 dort Chefredakteurin wurde. Irgendwann trennten sich unsere Wege und sie begann einen komplett anderen Weg, schrieb als "Corona-Beschäftigung", wie sie sagt, an einem Buch und heute ist sie eine der erfolgreichsten Krimiautorinnen Österreichs und ihr erst…
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“It's actually really important that people don't like me" with Bob Gentle
41:47Although Scale Her Up is all about empowering the amazing female business owners around the world, we'd be remiss if we didn't feature the equally amazing men in the space who help women be confident and expand who they are. Today's guest does just that. Bob Gentle from Amplify Me, is not only a social media and marketing expert, his business’s goa…
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Use This Communication Secret To Supersize Your Business!
6:09Use This Communication Secret To Supersize Your Business! Drop in here every day for a dose of different business building perspective: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness #supersizeyourbusiness #communication #lifeframeworkareas
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🏌️♂️ Driving Foreward: Mental Health Support for First Responders with Sue Harvey 🚓🚒🚑
1:10:23Send us a text This episode of Sirens, Slammers, and Service is part of Podcasthon, a global movement with 1,675 podcasts from 47 countries, including 650 French-speaking ones unite to amplify the voices of charitable organizations that need it most! 🎙️🌍 We’re joined by Sue Harvey, a former RCMP officer and the founder of Driving Foreward, a non-pr…
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How To Use The Business Life Line Exercise To Supersize Your Business!
4:14How To Use The Business Life Line Exercise To Supersize Your Business! Pop here every day for a dose of different business building perspective: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness #supersizeyourbusiness #communication #businesslifelineexercise
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Bewezen: gelijkwaardigheid zit in onze genen, waar ging het mis? | Jan Luiten van Zanden #230
1:00:07We weten het, maar het blijft ontzettend belangrijk om te herhalen: de ongelijkwaardigheid van vrouwen versus mannen is geen natuurlijk gegeven. Het is geen vanzelfsprekend gevolg van biologische factoren. Wat we al eerder leerden van primatoloog Frans de Waal. Het patriarchaat, het systeem dat vrouwen onderdrukt, is er niet altijd geweest. In deze…
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Quan HBM Is On Air With Fierce! Episode #2292
37:58QuanHBM, born Raquan White, is an R&B and melodic rap artist from Pinetops, NC, now based in Doha, Qatar, with permanent roots in Raleigh, NC. Influenced by Tory Lanez and Bryson Tiller, his sound blends smooth R&B, modern rap, and poetic storytelling. He began making music young but took recording seriously in 2016, refining his style into a mix o…
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As you may or may not know, Kareem work's with PHP Agency. Together with Mediator Debt Solutions, we specialize in helping thousands of people like you acquire financial debt relief by helping them resolve their credit card, student loan, medical and/or other forms of unsecured debt. Below is a form to set up a brief phone call. No commitment. No o…
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Season 3, Episode 13: Millennials - The Peter Pan Generation
1:01:25In this episode of the Female Striving Number 30 podcast, Soraya and Jasmine discuss their recent experiences, including Jasmine's busy schedule with multiple events and the International Women's UK competition. They delve into the perception of millennials as a generation that maintains a youthful appearance, exploring how social media and beauty …
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The Simple Communication Trick That Grows Your Business FAST!
6:57The Simple Communication Trick That Grows Your Business FAST People Will Tell You Everything You Need To Know To Supersize Your Business! Check in here every day for a dose of different business building perspective: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness #supersizeyourbusiness #communication #listeningskills #activelistening…
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216: Three Steps to Build Muscle & Flexible Vegetarian Diet with DJ Blatner
46:22In this episode of Female Athlete Nutrition, host Lindsey Elizabeth Cortes welcomes Dawn Jackson “DJ” Blatner, a high-energy registered dietitian nutritionist, certified sports dietitian, and media personality. Dawn, an advocate for flexible vegetarianism, shares insights on combining plant and animal proteins for a balanced diet. She introduces he…
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Gehalt verhandeln: Weil Du es wert bist (Teil 2) (#179)
25:42Selbstbewusst, souverän und perfekt vorbereitet zu mehr Geld. Mit Anja Ciechowski von Finanztip und der Verhandlungsexpertin Ljubow Strobel von Frau Verhandelt In den meisten Paarbeziehungen steuert noch immer der Mann das meiste zum Haushaltseinkommen bei. Lediglich in jedem zehnten Haushalt hat die Frau ein höheres Nettoeinkommen als der Lebens- …
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Fan Engagement And The Future Of Music: Insights From Nick Holmstén
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Heute ist Frühlingsanfang – und damit beginnt auch astrologisch gesehen ein neuer Zyklus. Eine perfekte Gelegenheit, um darüber nachzudenken, wie wir mit uns selbst sprechen. Wie oft hast Du schon Sätze gesagt wie „Ich war wieder mal zu blöd“ oder „Klar kriege ich das nicht hin“? Unser Gehirn unterscheidet nicht zwischen Spaß und Ernst – unsere Wor…
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Reese McMaster from Eikkasit Muay Thai - Episode #113
41:53Join hosts Smokin' Joe Coverdale and Bridget Thakrar as they interview some of Australia's best Muay Thai fighters, trainers and promotors. You can find us on Instagram here: The Female Fight Experience Smokin' Joe Bridget ThakrarSmokin' Joe Coverdale and Bridget Thakrar による
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The Value of Empathy - an Interview with Michelle Jewell, Global Head of Leadership Development at ThoughtWorks
19:20http://www.sherylkline.com/blog In the latest Fearless Female Leadership podcast interview, I had the privilege of speaking with Michelle Jewell, Global Head of Leadership Development at ThoughtWorks, about the power of empathy in leadership and why it’s far more than just a “soft skill.” Michelle shared incredible insights on how empathy drives in…
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The SHOCKING Truth About Moral Values in Business Growth...How To Use Ethics, Morals, And Values In Communication To Supersize Your Business!
9:31The SHOCKING Truth About Moral Values in Business Growth How To Use Ethics, Morals, And Values In Communication To Supersize Your Business! Drop in here every day for a dose of different business building perspective: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness #supersizeyourbusiness #communication #ethics #morals #values…
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712. The Truth Behind Your Symptoms & Hormones
18:39Have you ever found yourself reaching for a new supplement because it should help your estrogen, your sleep, or your energy—only to feel exactly the same… or worse? I get it. The wellness world is overwhelming. You want to feel better, but where do you even start? Here’s the thing: Your body is not a one-size-fits-all equation. That’s why testing—n…
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11# - Connecting with Angels and Your Spirit Team to Enhance Your Business: A Conversation with Spiritual Healer Kam Lota
46:42In this insightful episode, Sharn welcomes Kam Lota from SoulKami to discuss how spiritual practices can elevate business success. Kam shares her journey from early spiritual curiosity to mastering Reiki and sound healing — and how these practices have shaped her entrepreneurial path. Together, they explore the often-overlooked link between spiritu…
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What female founders need to know about the future of their business, with Allison Dent
36:38Allison Dent is an M&A and financial expert who’s passionate about helping all entrepreneurs — women included —- take control of their financial futures. We all know that starting and running a business takes vision, resilience, and a lot of hard work—but what about planning for the long-term? Whether it’s scaling your company, securing funding, or…
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Wir kennen es alle: Sie will mehr quality time und Ausflüge mit ihrem Freund. Er will nach Feierabend Playstation zocken und am Wochenende mit den Jungs Fußball gucken. Dieses Szenario kennen wir sowohl von uns als auch von Beziehungen in unserem Umfeld. Frauen arbeiten oft an ihrer Beziehung und Männer lehnen sich im Gegenzug gern zurück und fühle…
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#247: Standing out Without Shouting: The Art of Being Seen
38:57Welcome to the Art of Value Whispering podcast Today I’m joined by Karen Turner, artist, visibility strategist, and founder of the Go Large art Company. Karen’s journey began in a traditional office job, where she spent 25 years in press cuttings. Though she had an artistic background, she initially dismissed art as a career as helpful adults advis…
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Why Smart Business Owners Use Humor to Win More Clients? Top 10 Humorous Hooks To Supersize Your Business!
9:47Top 10 Humorous Hooks To Supersize Your Business! Pop here every day for a dose of different business building perspective: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness #supersizeyourbusiness #communication #humor #top10humouroushooks
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Mastering Professional Gatherings: Confidently Skip the Drink and Wake Up Feeling Fresh
11:59In today's episode of Wellness as a Way of Life, Megan Swan provides invaluable insight into how to skillfully manage the common yet little-discussed challenge of not drinking in professional settings. Whether you're sober, sober curious, or simply taking a break, Megan’s strategies will empower you to confidently maintain your choice and create mo…
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Minimalisme: Hoe minder hebben je meer rust geeft – met Minimalistisch met Jet
50:46Overprikkeld, altijd gehaast, jezelf voorbij lopen, gebrek aan overzicht, gevoelens van onrust en stress… Wij willen rust! Daarom gaat deze aflevering over minimalisme: een levensstijl die niet alleen je huis, maar ook je hoofd kan opruimen. Te gast is Minimalistisch met Jet, dé expert op het gebied van eenvoudiger leven. Ze inspireert duizenden me…
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Why Women Undercharge & How to Fix It in less 24 hours
17:45159: Why Women Undercharge & How to Fix It in less 24 hours Are you unknowingly undercharging? 💸 In this episode, we’re diving deep into the hidden mindset blocks keeping women stuck at low prices and the powerful shifts needed to break free. You'll learn why playing it "safe" is costing you big, how high-value clients think, and the bold pricing s…
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900 Milliarden – Wer soll das zahlen? – KRISENSTARK #2 | Episode #394
53:36900 Milliarden! Wer zahlt die Rechnung – und was bedeutet das für DICH Deutschland steht vor der größten finanziellen Weichenstellung unserer Zeit: 900 Milliarden Euro für Verteidigung und Infrastruktur. Wer trägt die Last? Steuererhöhungen, steigende Abgaben, ausbleibende Reformen – die Rechnung wird kommen. Was bedeutet das konkret für dein Gehal…
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KI als Co-Pilotin: Mit Künstlicher Intelligenz besser arbeiten – mit Renate.GPT
50:55Künstliche Intelligenz ist in aller Munde und hält zunehmend Einzug in unser Arbeitsleben. Wie können wir KI sinnvoll und verantwortungsbewusst in unseren Alltag integrieren? Wo am besten anfangen – und wie Expertise aufbauen und vertiefen? Darüber spricht Podcast-Host Vera Strauch in dieser Folge mit Susanne Renate Schneider, der Expertin hinter R…
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008 Reinvention - from burnout to balance - Kathy Slack
33:05In this episode, Lauren Eyles speaks with Kathy Slack about reinventing your life and career. They explore what it’s like when you’ve climbed the career ladder but realize that it’s against the wrong wall. The conversation explores Kathy’s new book Rough Patch: How a year in the garden brought me back to life which explores her journey through burn…
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Today's episode is an extra special one. We have Tem Ezimokhai from Helping Teachers Thrive. Not only is she a full time secondary school teacher but she hosts and produces her own podcast called Helping Teachers Thrive. It's a biweekly podcast set out to help fill in the gaps university doesn’t cover. After noticing how much new teachers were stru…
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the wrap: 20-year-old charlotte wilson stuns skiing circuit with her first world cup gold ⛷️
27:29A weekly podcast covering women’s sport news. This week: Aussie Charlotte Wilson has won her first World Cup gold in dual moguls, Chelsea are League Cup Champions, and The Aussie Gangurrus have secured bronze at the 3x3 Champions Cup. For the key story, we discuss … whether the women’s super league should get rid of the promotion and relegation sys…
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Use These 7 Strategies To Increase Communication Connections And Supersize Your Business!
5:06Use These 7 Strategies To Increase Communication Connections And Supersize Your Business! Check in here every day for a dose of different business building perspective: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness #supersizeyourbusiness #communication #connection #7waystoconnect
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711. Beyond the Bloodwork: Why the DUTCH Test Changes Everything
16:29Have you ever walked out of the doctor’s office, blood test results in hand, only to hear those dreaded words: “Everything looks normal!” Meanwhile, you’re exhausted, your hormones are all over the place, your energy is in the basement, and you just know something is off. So now what? Just accept that feeling like a tired, cranky version of yoursel…
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Steppin BY Faith (shoes) By Tina Fields Episode #2290
22:07Tina Fields an evangelist, entrepreneur, writer, and teacher. My brand Steppin BY Faith (shoes) is a reminder to all people that we are to walk by faith on a daily basis (knowing Jesus Christ has us every step of the way). The scripture "For we walk by faith and not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7 is written on the shoe boxes. My goal is to delivery Go…
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riverside_fierce_on fire 2.0 _ mar 16, 2025 001_fierce_manson's stu
24:21Fierce Manson による
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How To Use Energy And Enthusiasm In Communication To Supersize Your Business!
10:25How To Use Energy And Enthusiasm In Communication To Supersize Your Business! Drop in here every day for a dose of different business building perspective: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness #supersizeyourbusiness #communication #energy #enthusiasm
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Fierce On Fire!Fierce Manson による
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Weltlage 2025: eine brennende Zeitenwende – KRISENSTARK #1 | Episode #393
40:30Alles wackelt: Die Wirtschaft schrumpft, die Inflation frisst unser Geld, die Politik ist instabil. Aber was bedeutet das für DICH und deine Finanzen? Um Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden, gibt es jetzt KRISENSTARK – das neue Podcast-Format von Madame Moneypenny. 💡 In dieser ersten Folge erfährst du: ✔ Warum wir dieses Format ins Leben gerufen h…
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Select And Use Assessment Tools To Supersize Your Business Fast!
6:55Select And Use Assessment Tools To Supersize Your Business Fast! Pop here every day for a dose of different business building perspective: https://facebook.com/supersizebusiness #supersizeyourbusiness #communication #assessmenttools
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#184 Wie gefährlich ist Halal-Feminismus, Stefan Kaltenbrunner?
53:49Islamistischer Terror beginnt immer öfter am Smartphone und immer öfter spricht er Mädchen an. Was kann man gegen den „Halal Feminismus“ tun? Die beiden Journalisten Stefan Kaltenbrunner und Clemens Neuhold haben jetzt ein Buch dazu veröffentlicht. "Allahs mächtige Influencer - Wie TikTok-Islamisten unsere Jugend radikalisieren" (edition a). Sie ge…
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