O momento dos nossos diferentes correspondentes e conselheiros das Comunidades Portuguesas. Todos os dias cada conselheiro partilha as últimas sobre a comunidade portuguesa onde se encontra e quais os mais recentes desafios ou histórias.
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A show where we share both the sermons as well as other content at Life Canton.
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We exist to glorify God and make disciples by knowing Jesus and making him known.
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Aprenda dicas valiosas de canto com o professor do Speech Level Singing Renato Herédia
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Welcome to our Sermon Based Podcast at First Friends Church in Canton OH. As First Friends Church, we live to glorify God together by loving Him, making disciples, and proclaiming the gospel.
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Listen through the Cantonese New Testament twice in one year. Audio downloaded from from http://www.audiotreasure.com/mp3/Cantonese/. Podcast created by http://audiobiblepodcast.com.
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The Campus2Canton.com team brings you a network of podcasts that covers every aspect of football. From College Fantasy Football to betting/DFS, dynasty fantasy football, and even recruiting, tune in every day of the week for your daily football fix. For additional content, check out our YouTube page as well.
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2CR Radio is Australia’s first 24/7 Chinese radio station, serving our community for over 20 years. Programs locally and independently produced. 2CR 澳洲中文廣播電台是澳洲第一間每周7 天不停歇,全天候 24 小時廣播的中文電台。節目獨立製作,本地製造,為澳洲本地華人服務超過二十載。
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A weekly Star Wars podcast from Brittani Brown and Emily Lind
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廣東話podcast😎 每周日更新 #移民日常 #新手貓奴 FB/IG: YYinAus 🌎由北半球移民到南半球的香港人YY,想用廣東話講好多好多嘢! 講旅行趣事、日常生活雜談、移民生活等等,天南地北乜都講😉 對於人生百態抱持開放態度,古語有云,三十而立,可是我剛好把一切推倒重來,去了一個陌生的國度,在晴朗的每天☀️重新出發✈️ 因為~ 人生很長,別急著選定你要走的路。 人生很短,別浪費時間不開心太久。 世界不是非黑即白,原來答案不止一個,原來沒有正確的答案?! 希望這是一個陪伴你度過日常的節目,可以的話,陪你走過高山低谷,一句無心之話可能會讓你產生不同的想法,又或者你會發現你並不孤單! 節目時長大約15至30分鐘 Please follow FB/IG: YYinAus https://www.instagram.com/yyinaus/ 貓IG: https://www.instagram.com/meowforfood/ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Fountain of Love and Life Cantonese audio programs
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Be inspired by biblical teaching from New Life Church. For more information about New Life Church visit newlifecanton.com
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Welcome to Fluent with Nicole, where learning Cantonese becomes fun and interactive! Whether you're a beginner or an advance learner looking to improve your skills, this podcast is designed to help you master the languages in a practical, easy-to-follow way. Tune in as Nicole, a passionate language teacher, breaks down useful phrases, explores cultural insights, and offers tips for improving your speaking, listening, and comprehension skills. Join us and take your language journey to the nex ...
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粤语 白话 文化交流 欢迎指正
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我們希望通過podcast,同來自世界各地的廣東人有講,有笑。每一集,我們會講下不同的話題,分享不同人的故事和經歷,大家的文化,生活的日常和時事,向其他人學習,又可以分享一下小小自己的感想。廣東人在世界各地有不同的思想,故事和文化,希望透過不同人的經歷去體驗這個世界。 Facebook: CantoChatAndLaugh Instagram: @CantoChatAndLaugh
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Learn the Cantonese and Mandarin ways to say things related to health and medical matters, and a hodgepodge of many other things you won't learn in a formal classroom.
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A Place in Time: The Offical Podcast of the North Canton Heritage Society
North Canton Heritage Society
"A Place in Time" is a podcast dedicated to telling the story of North Canton, Ohio. North Canton is small city in northeastern Ohio: birthplace of the Hoover vacuum, launch pad for President McKinley's career, and a place with a lot of stories to tell. North Canton is the story of generations. The story of the many lives that have passed through this town. The story of the innovations that have been born here. The story of a community, not always perfect, but always striving to be better. " ...
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Weekly Sunday Sermons by Canton Calvary Pastor Michael Adkins
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A discussion of current events without screaming or name calling!
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Complementary audios for Cantonese learning book "Learn to Speak Cantonese 2."
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Podcast by Lucia Paiva
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A excelência da música independente. Todas as canções utilizadas com autorização. The excellence of independent music. All songs used under permission.
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Hosted by San Diego alternative radio veteran, Chris Cantore, TCCS hosts interviews with guests from varying backgrounds including music, action sports, media and the arts.
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Podcast by A gola do Cantona
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Nutritionist's Choice
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Listen to our weekly podcast to build up your Cantonese vocabulary on the go! We offer Zoom classes for you to join from wherever you are: https://inspirlang.com/zoom. Our book is also available at www.inspirlang.com/lovecanto
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A podcast about all things learning Cantonese, hosted by a teacher and a student. We upload conversations in Cantonese meant to help students improve their listening ability, while also highlighting the global Cantonese-speaking community.
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This is my podcast!
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A podcast discussing everyday issues through the lens of adolescence, applying skills developed in studying humanities and communication.
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Podcast sobre poemas e contos, autorais ou não. E, talvez, sobre algumas outras coisas.
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a san diego resident of over twenty years, chris cantore is a community-focused, surf-loving, music enthusiast with 15+ years of multimedia experience (radio/TV/print/online). cantore delivers a "san diego-centric" podcast with local stories / guests, personal anecdotes, + celebrity / artist interviews.
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Step inside the shadowy world of the 90s music industry with Casefile Presents.We go behind the velvet ropes to explore the dark side of the Hollywood club scene and the nightlife king and queen pins who ruled it. In this world, secrets trade hands like currency; among the most compelling is who murdered Brett Cantor.The tragic death of Brett Cantor sent shockwaves throughout the entertainment industry. At just 25, Cantor had built an impressive career as an A&R executive at Chrysalis Music ...
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Brand new podcast from Lazara Canton who is a Mentor/Guide to Senior Leaders & Influential Change Makers. I am here to explore the connection between personal development and spiritual growth. The joining point where the human experience of growth meets soul evolution. Pushing ourselves to be the best version of us. Coming in to our true essence and power. Lazara Canton. www.lazaracanton.com
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A weekly Cantonese language podcast for intermediate learners covering a line-up of little observations about the Canton culture beyond dim sum. The purpose is to create an alternative to traditional textbook tapes for repeated listening and have more fun. Host Yasmin is from Hong Kong. She is passionate about language learning, capable of 5 languages. . 以改善廣東話學習者(中級)聽力為宗旨嘅輕鬆節目!內容以趣味性出發,圍繞主持人對廣東文化嘅一啲小發現同個人日常。主持人Yasmin,香港人,熱愛語言學習,識得五種語言,希望透過呢個自然地講廣東話嘅節目,提供另類嘅學習機會俾大家。本節目每週更新。
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News and Interviews from the Canton Repository - Canton, OH
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Um podcast sobre a voz humana, canto e técnica vocal
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Key events of the week reviewed in this Cantonese programme. In the special features, BBC correspondents, contributors and listeners present the world from different angles.
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Complementary audios for Cantonese book "Learn to Speak Cantonese I"
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An innovative new series of talks in which renowned cantors speak about the joys and fears of the Jewish Prayer leader across the Jewish world today. In 10 episodes, building fortnightly. SCROLL BELOW TO HEAR THE EPISODES
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你哋好啊!Our podcasts are designed to help beginners or intermediates learn useful Cantonese expressions for situations they may encounter in their daily live. Unlike other Cantonese podcasts, this podcast series is conducted mainly in Cantonese with minimal aid of English, and the transcript of this podcast is provided on our website for your reference, helping you learn effectively. Our website: www.howtostudycantonese.com
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Listen to Hong Kong Cantonese News slowly and nightly. Slow Cantonese News for intermediate and advanced Cantonese learners. 廣東話新聞,慢慢聽,晚晚聽。慢速廣東話新聞,適合中級或者高級廣東話程度嘅你。|| Learn Cantonese | Learn Hong Kong Cantonese | Learn HK Cantonese | Hong Kong News | 香港 | 學廣東話 | 學港式廣東話 | 學粵語 | 學港式粵語 | 香港新聞 || Transcripts: www.tsubasacantonese.com | Vocabulary videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfpdgw4DSofVUo63ZTZBagCgWOV-4pRSC
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Podcast by Canto de Mangas Arregaçadas
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Hope you can learn a few phrases and know how to use them in real life! The two phrases i am going to explain are "唔該”(m4 goi1) or (ng and “多謝”(do1 ze6)
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Episode 299 - Scheduled to Drive the Submarine
52:08We’re one episode from 300! If you have questions or comments you’d like us to read on the show you can email us at cantobightpod@gmail.com. You can also send audio files. And send us possible Top 3 topics or F/M/Ks. If you enjoy the show, please rate and review us on Apple Podcasts or Soundcloud. It helps grow the show. You can find us on social m…
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Como transformar falsete e voz de cabeça? Dicas de Canto - EP 36
1:39Sabia dessa?
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Ballin with my Bestie - Episode 5 - When to Draft
52:01Ethan and Chris look into draft results based on when during the summer it took place as well as time of day. They wrap the show up with 4 position battles that will be impactful for 2025. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/campus-2-canton/donationsCampus2Canton による
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主題:《一位澳洲中學教師的人生曲》講員:Joseph Lee 【節目簡介】 康恩伴您行,是康恩關懷中心今年為您打造的一系列關心您身心靈健康的節目。 我們當中有專業人士,醫生,牧師,心理輔導員等,為您提供全方位的專業意見,分享一些動人的故事。節目逢星期三晚上7點半至8點半直播,重播時間為星期六晚上7點半至八點半。康恩與您,同行添力量!2CR による
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【節目簡介】 由會計理財師胡嘉龍先生和胡善文先生擔任嘉賓主持,為聽眾分析時下世界大事如何影響到現今經濟格局和大家的日常財務狀況。更針對澳洲華人的不同群體和需要,介紹合適的金融投資產品,以及關於稅務、房地產、退休儲蓄等的資訊。每週針對經濟領域的不同時間,深度分析經濟事件的影響,提供新的認知方式和角度,幫助聽眾對經濟格局有更全面的了解,對經濟事件有更立體的認識。擁有超過25年理財經驗的胡嘉龍先生用深入淺出的方式,為您講述財經動態,讓即使沒有受過系統財經知識培訓的聽眾亦能理解學者的專業意見,是適合普羅大眾收聽的財經節目。節目更針對澳洲華人的各個群體及需要,介紹合適的金融投資產品,以及關於稅務、房地產、退休儲蓄等的資訊。從澳洲走向世界,為您提供更獨到、更前瞻的高度與觀點。 節目嘉賓: 胡嘉龍先生 S…
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黃金屋」星期三主題:* 第五團Parramatta 導賞團,短短三小時,火速爆滿!* 下周六,SMSF 自營公積金(英語)講座,教你如何善用你的公積金* 「你買樓·我供樓」* 大優惠 ~ 非常感謝客戶支持,優惠繼續* 本周六,送上 100 克黃金,真正「黃金屋」項目,悉尼下北岸St Leonards ,自住物業的首選2CR 澳洲中文廣播電台,由澳洲鼎豐集團贊助,陳焯楗主持 澳洲房地產節目「黃金屋」,逢星期三下午5:00 直播。精選重播:逢星期五上午8:00 。隨時隨地,隨心隨意的收聽,方法如下:https://www.2cr.com.au“ Spotify “ AppYouTube - 澳洲房产节目 - 黃金屋Vincent Chan - Facebook#地產代理 #悉尼地產 #投資达人 …
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Matt (@sportsfanaticMB) and Austin (@devydeets) talk a bit about the LA and Austin, TX Elite 11 regionals before diving into the first episode previewing the 2026 recruiting class. The guys profile QBs Jared Curtis (uncommitted) and Faizon Brandon (Tennessee) and WRs Tristen Keys (LSU) and Chris Henry Jr (Ohio State) Support this podcast at — https…
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The Scandal of the Kingdom - Part 4 - IN But Not OF - Pastor Allan Malloy
33:53New Life Church による
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Back 2 Devy Episode 139: Breakout Candidates
1:21:53Mike Vallerie (@FF_DirtyMike) and Cory Pereira (@FF_Guitarist) take a look at this year's player landscape and try to identify some potential breakouts at each position. They'll also cover all the recent spring news and hit on two rookie profiles. (Xavier Restrepo, Elic Ayomanor) Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/campus-2-canton/donat…
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A associação que junta os autarcas de origem portuguesa em França celebra 25 anos no seu congresso anual, que vai ter convidados especiais.Com Paulo Marques, conselheiro das comunidades portuguesas em França.
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在澳洲聯邦大選臨近之際,2CR澳洲中文廣播電台很高興邀請到了新州多元文化委員會成員、澳華論壇主席陳建青AM(Simon Chan)接受訪問,共同探討公民教育的重要性及澳洲多元文化發展現狀。Simon在訪談中詳細介紹了澳華論壇即將舉辦的系列公民教育活動,以及他對促進澳洲社會凝聚力的見解以及未來方向。 首先,Simon 先向各位聽眾介紹澳華論壇為即將的聯邦大選舉辦的選舉論壇。第一場的選舉論壇將於3月28日舉行,為提供選民不同的政見,澳華論壇將邀請四大政治力量代表參與。工黨將由環境部部長、悉尼選區議員Tanya Plibersek出席;自由黨代表是來自墨爾本Chisholm選區的Keith Wolahan;綠黨參議員David Shoebridge和Warringah選區獨立議員Zali Steg…
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acts 17-18audiobiblepodcast.com による
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《移民手冊》 — 2025年3月24日 — 公司裁員引致的心理狀況 (下) / 與江啟明博士討論科技: DeepSeek
51:19今期主題: 1) South Australia; 2)心靈咖啡豆: 公司裁員引致的心理狀況 (下) 3) 與江啟明博士討論科技: DeepSeek 【節目簡介】 《移民手冊》節目主持人Bill Bill 與 Tury, 分別來自馬來西亞與香港,他們移居澳洲多年,個人經歷移民定居的挑戰,亦在從事社區工作時接觸到不少華人移民,聽過很多不同的故事。2CR による
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Comentário sobre futebolA contrafação de oxicodona representa um grave risco para a saúdeRecomendação ao cidadão comum de kits de emergência para 72 horas
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acts 16audiobiblepodcast.com による
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Campus Life Episode 235 - Colin's Triumphant Return
1:04:17Your letters have been answered, Colin is finally back! Colin and Austin start by diving into some of the news Colin has seen since he's been out. Then, they talk about some offenses receiving hype and whether they buy or not. Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/campus-2-canton/donationsCampus2Canton による
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大小Sa 為你帶來深夜搞笑歡樂時間!《雞同鴨講》,嘰嘰喳喳,每周一晚上十一點半直播! 記得收聽哦! 【節目簡介】 在這個節目當中,我們會用好屎的廣東話和塑料普通話來和大家一起探究廣深港的語言文化差異,造成的爆笑瞬間吧!2CR による
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Inglaterra entra a ganhar contra a Alemanha e antevisão do jogo frente à LetóniaSérgio Magalhães em direto de Londres
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Sunday, March 23rd 2025
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Depois de um fim de semana bem preenchido, uma relfexão da importância da cultura como alimento para a mente.Com Maria José Gama Caldas, em Bruxelas, Bélgica.
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acts 15audiobiblepodcast.com による
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Chasing the Natty: A CFF Show - Episode 219 - Early ADP Analysis for CFF 2025
1:18:36Join Jared Palmgren (@CFF_Jared) and Eliot Mays (@Eliotmays) take a look at early CFF 2025 ADP gathered from early off-season drafts and give their thoughts. They then take a look at 6 players they think are going too early and 6 that are going too late in drafts! Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/campus-2-canton/donations…
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本期主題:澳人饮食结构将更恶化 【節目介紹】:很多人都説,健康是一,其他的一切都是零,如果沒有了健康,一切都歸零了;可見健康就是財富,不是一句口號,亦是一種責任,誰對自己和對家人的責任,因爲生命屬於我們,只會有一次機會;就算是最富有的人,都沒有辦法買到額外的時間,所以我們都應該熱愛生命珍惜健康。由陳麗為大家分享健康相關的知識! 主講:陳麗2CR による
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今期節目嘉賓:國際美容品牌業務經理Sunny Yang 【節目簡介】 什麽是美麗?需要有自信,需要有内涵。主持人Polly陳麗文,將帶來一個屬於美麗的節目,終身美麗,同大家分享她多年美容行業健康美容心得,古今中外禮儀歷史。邀請不同的嘉賓,分享她們自信美麗堅强的故事。因爲自信所以美麗,每周三晚上7:30直播。2CR による
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《商福與你飛越職場》 第三季 EP8 — 《焦慮怎樣影響職場人士? - 心理學家和人生教練的視覺》
58:18商福與你飛越職場 3月20日 星期四晚上8:00 職場心理篇 主持:飛牧 嘉賓 : Sarah (組織心理學家) 題目 : 焦慮怎樣影響職場人士? - 心理學家和人生教練的視覺 有人說 : 有工作就有焦慮,你相信嗎? 如果想有效在工作上發揮,我們必須對焦慮了解和知道如何面對。心理學家Sarah與你漫步這個焦慮流程,陪你一起找出路。 點擊直播: https://www.2cr.com.au/ 直播時間: 星期四晚8:00-9:00 重播時間: 星期一晚7:00-8:002CR による
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BB啱出生,得只牙仔唔洗睇牙醫?乳齒就唔會有牙科疾病?小朋友扭計唔肯睇牙醫?NONONO,快啲收聽由尹元晧醫生主講嘅《齒中有理》啦,每週與您剖析從出生到長大會遇到嘅牙科疾病,與您探討如何從小防止牙科疾病,分享讓小朋友無懼牙醫嘅小訣竅。仔仔牙齒健康,胃口都好啲!敬請收聽每週五下午六點半齒中有理,重播時間週三晚上11:30,齊齊約定你! 嘉賓主持: 尹元晧醫生畢業於香港大學牙醫學院,畢業後曾於私人牙科診所及香港菲臘牙科醫院執業,於2006年再次回到香港大學接受臨床研究培訓,並在2008年獲頒發牙醫全科深造文憑。其後,尹醫生加入香港衛生署為牙科醫生,同時繼續於香港牙科醫學院接受家庭牙醫專科培訓,綜合各牙科專科的知識 ,直至2012年移居澳洲。 定居澳洲後,尹醫生除了私人執業,亦曾任悉尼大學牙醫學院…
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This is a series all about the Relentless Pursuit of One More. We are studying one story where Jesus reaches out to one individual. He calls us to do the same. Learn more from this sermon by Pastor Jared Van Voorst. Also, we highly encourage you to download the Church Center App if you want more information about the church. The app will be able to…
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First Friends Church による
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acts 14audiobiblepodcast.com による
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不是用英語聊天的問題,是我根本不想跟陌生人聊天啊啊啊 (崩潰) 社交能量極速用完。如果我想瘋狂跟陌生人聊天,我就會選銷售而不是數碼行銷了,我只想躲在辦公室用電腦可以嗎? 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckt9rdgh723iy0956cqw6wv7f/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Adventist World Radio による
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訪問嘉賓: 悉尼日本城老闆娘Bonnie 【節目簡介】 每一個華人移民到澳洲,都有他的初衷,不為人知的辛酸,難以忘懷的喜悅。2CR澳洲中文廣播電台訪談節目【另一個地方、另一個故事 】,由主持人尊王邀請不同的嘉賓,和大家一起分享他們的人生故事!2CR による
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不要讓罪惡蒙蔽雙眼,使我們因而放棄天主。讓我們求耶穌的寶血成為肥料澆灌我們,從而結出好果子。.videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;} .videoWrapper {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */padding-top: 25px;height: 0;}.videoWrapper iframe {posit…
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💗 In this lesson, we break down 5 pairs of commonly mixed-up verbs in Cantonese. 📥 Download the 4-page note to enhance your learning here : buymeacoffee.com/fluentwithnicole/e/385403 ❤️ Private Tutoring : fluentwithnicole@gmail.com 🎊 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more Cantonese lessons.…
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acts 13audiobiblepodcast.com による
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【節目簡介】 為聽衆帶來每周澳洲最新的醫學焦點,為您提供專業的醫學觀點和健康小貼士。希望能藉此節目,令聽眾了解更多現代醫學當中,關於疾病的分析和爭論。每期節目的話題非常廣泛,從生活方式、營養、疾病預防、公共衛生到醫療政策和法律。希望通過此節目,幫助身在澳洲的華人聽眾,為自己和家人朋友帶來健康。 嘉賓主持: 梁浩然醫生,他於1993年在香港中文大學獲得內科及外科學位,並於2002年在香港中文大學獲得流行病學及生物統計學碩士學位。 隨後,他在威爾士親王醫院接受了婦產科專業培訓,並在悉尼和基督城完成了生殖內分泌和不孕不育(CREI)的亞專業培訓,並在西悉尼大學獲得生殖醫學碩士學位。 梁醫生能說流利的廣東話和普通話,是香港婦產科醫師學院院士、英國皇家婦產科醫師學院會員和澳大利亞及新西蘭皇家婦產科醫師…
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Votação a favor de novas ruas para pedestres em Paris
10:42Comentário sobre o jogo da seleção ontemHermano Sanches Ruivo em direto de Lisboa
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【神修話語】二零二五年三月二十二日 【駱曦 愛生命 隨想】二零二五年三月二十二日 “Spiritual Talk” - March 22, 2025 "Edwin's Blog" - March 22, 2025Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉 による
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Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉 による
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Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉 による
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Sturgeon ilibada, ambientalista condenados e série no parlamento
8:32A antiga primeira-ministra escocesa está livre das suspeitas de mau uso de dinheiro partidário. Ativistas ambientais condenados por tentar afetar aeroporto de Heathrow.Com Diogo Martins, em Londres, Reino Unido.
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acts 11-12audiobiblepodcast.com による
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