Join me for a weekly talk-through of IELTS topics to help you learn about the issues, vocabulary, tips and strategies you need to prepare. Find all my tips on my website and join the Members Academy for all the downloads, step-by-step online courses, and support to get you a Band 7+ in the #ielts test.
An award-winning cannabis podcast for women, by women. Hear joyful stories and useful advice about cannabis for health, well-being, and fun—especially for needs specific to women like stress, sleep, and sex. We cover everything from: What’s the best weed for sex? Can I use CBD for menstrual cramps? What are the effects of the Harlequin strain or Gelato strain? And, why do we prefer to call it “cannabis” instead of “marijuana”? We also hear from you: your first time buying legal weed, and how ...
Learn the connection between what you eat and how you feel. Join us each week as licensed nutritionists and dietitians from Nutritional Weight & Wellness share practical, real-life solutions for healthier living through balanced nutrition. For over 25 years, we’ve helped thousands of clients and listeners discover how real food – animal protein, healthy fat, nutrient-dense carbohydrates – can increase energy, stabilize moods, jumpstart metabolism, eliminate cravings, restore digestion, balan ...
Do your eyes glaze over when looking at a long list of annual health insurance enrollment options – or maybe while you’re trying to calculate how much you owe the IRS? You might be wondering the same thing we are: Where’s the guidebook for all of this grown-up stuff? Whether opening a bank account, refinancing student loans, or purchasing car insurance (, can we just roll the dice without it?), we’re just as confused as you are. Enter: “Grown-Up Stuff: How to Adult” a podcast dedicated ...
Españolistos is a Spanish language learning Podcast spoken in clear Latin American Spanish geared towards intermediate to advanced language learners. The conversations are 99% in Spanish so you can focus on your listening comprehension. The topics are fun and interesting, sometimes controversial, and always educational. We believe that discussing deep and meaningful topics will increase your vocabulary as you learn new and practical words for everyday living. Andrea (Colombian Spanish Teache ...
DE: Lerne mit meinem Podcast fließend und sicher Deutsch zu sprechen. EN: Become fluent and confident in speaking German with my podcast. Learn German Naturally.
Every week, Maria and Rory get together to discuss the latest IELTS Speaking topics, providing model answers and vocabulary to help you improve your general spoken English and achieve a higher band in your IELTS exam. Our website: Transcripts: Premium episodes:
Hi, I’m Georgiana, the founder of Since 2011, I’ve been helping people like you speak English fluently. Specializing in developing English fluency, I use highly effective and proven techniques such as mini-stories and point-of-view lessons. These approaches have helped numerous learners like you speak English fluently. In the last decade, I have created several English courses used by hundreds of thousands of students. Additionally, I host The Speak English Now podca ...
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Player FM -ポッドキャストアプリ Player FMアプリでオフラインにしPlayer FMう!
Celebration of 40+ years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews, and comedy sets from standup comics... famous, and not so famous. All taped Live on my Comedy stage. The interviews will be with comics, old staff members, and Friends from the world of Comedy. Standup Sets by Dana Carvey, Jay Leno, Tom Dreesen, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry Miller, Mark Schiff, Bobcat Goldthwait, Paula Poundstone, Garry Shandling, Ray Ramano, Cathy Ladman, Willie Tyler & Lester, and MORE. My web site has many pictures, items for sale, and more information
A podcast about all things learning Cantonese, hosted by a teacher and a student. We upload conversations in Cantonese meant to help students improve their listening ability, while also highlighting the global Cantonese-speaking community.
A podcast about all things learning Cantonese, hosted by a teacher and a student. We upload conversations in Cantonese meant to help students improve their listening ability, while also highlighting the global Cantonese-speaking community.
This episode features the conclusion of our conversation with Jennifer Feeley. Where in previous episodes we discussed specific Hong Kong literature that Jennifer has translated, here she shares some advice for anyone interested in getting into literary translation. We are also thrilled to announce that since taping this episode, the American Literary Translators’ Association has announced two emerging translator mentorships for Hong Kong literature, including one with Jennifer. We have included a link to the details in the show notes and encourage listeners to apply. 今集節目係我哋同 Jennifer Feeley 對話嘅尾聲。喺上兩集我哋討論過 Jennifer 翻譯過嘅香港文學作品,今集佢為有興趣進入文學翻譯嘅朋友分享一啲建議。我哋亦好高興宣布,自從錄咗呢集之後,美國文學翻譯家協會就宣布咗兩個香港文學新興翻譯導師計劃,Jennifer 就係其中一位導師。我哋喺節目簡介入面加入咗詳情連結,並鼓勵各位聽眾申請。 Books mentioned in this episode: Making Space , edited by Nicolette Wong Cantonese Love Stories , by Dung Kai-cheung Atlas: The Archaeology of an Imaginary City , by Dung Kai-cheung 《小男人周記》 《穿Kenzo的女人》 Pei Pei the Monkey King , by Wa Wa, translated by Henry Wei Leuung Owlish , by Dorothy Tse, translated by Natasha Bruce Translation resources: ALTA Emerging Translators Mentorship Program (with two mentorships for Hong Kong literature) Episode transcript…
This episode features the second portion of our conversation with the award-winning literary translator Jennifer Feeley. Where last time we learned about her journey to Cantonese and her work translating the poetry and prose of the Hong Kong author Xi Xi, this time we hear about her recent translation of the psychological thriller Tongueless , by Lau Yee-Wa. Set in a Hong Kong secondary school, it zeroes in on the pressure-cooker environment faced by contract teachers as they navigate the shifting linguistic landscape between Cantonese and Mandarin. Make sure to tune in next time for the third and final installment of our conversation where Jennifer shares tips for getting into literary translation. 今集係我哋同得獎文學翻譯家費正華 Jennifer Feeley 對話嘅第二部分。上次我哋了解咗佢同粵語嘅淵源同埋翻譯香港作家西西嘅詩歌同散文作品,今次我哋會聽佢最近翻譯劉綺華嘅驚悚小說《失語》 Tongueless 。小說以香港一間中學為背景,講述合約教師喺廣東話同普通話之間變化緊嘅語言環境之下面對嘅無形壓力工作環境。下次記得收聽埋我哋對話第三部分最後一集,Jennifer 會分享有關文學翻譯嘅竅門。 Lean more about Tongueless Episode transcript…
In this episode we interview the award-winning literary translator Jennifer Feeley. Jennifer has helped introduce English-language readers around the world to a variety of works of Hong Kong poetry and fiction. She has been particularly prolific this year—her translation of Lau Yee-Wa’s novel Tongueless came out in June, and her translation of Xi Xi’s Mourning a Breast just came out this month. Our conversation with Jennifer is split into three parts, with this portion focusing on how she came to learn Cantonese and the language politics of translating Xi Xi. The next episode focuses on her work on Tongueless , while the final episode digs into what it takes to become a literary translator. Links to Jennifer's recent translations: Mourning a Breast Tongueless…
Measure words (also referred to as "classifiers" in linguistics, or 量詞/ loeng6 ci4 ) appear in multiple languages, but they have some special functions in Cantonese. Today we begin to discuss what to watch out for when studying or teaching them, as well as some of the ways that their usage differs between Cantonese and Mandarin.…
In this episode, we are joined by Israel, Kenny, and Samuel from the podcast seoi6 jin4 kwong4 soeng2 . In that podcast, the trio uses Cantonese to discuss learning just about every other language in the world, and we highly recommend it to listeners of Chatty Cantonese. Another portion of our conversation appeared on the seoi6 jin4 kwong4 soeng2 feed back in January, so once you finish this episode, you might as well listen to the other part–you’ll find a link in the show notes. 以下呢一集係特備對談節目,我哋今次有《絮言狂想》播客節目嘅以色列、靳尼同三苗加入。 喺佢哋嘅播客裏面,三位主持使用粵語討論學習世間上幾乎所有其他語言嘅趣事,我哋特別推薦畀《粵語白白講》嘅聽眾。 我哋對話嘅另一部分已經喺一月份嘅《絮言狂想》節目中出現過,所以你聽完呢一集之後,不妨聽埋節目另一部分——你會喺我哋嘅節目說明中搵到連結。 Vocabulary and transcript 絮言狂想 TypeDuck Hong Kong Code-Mixing Dictionary Refold Cantonese…
Born and raised in Canada, Allan Lau is a versatile musician, doing everything from orchestrating movie scores to crafting commercial theme tracks for multinational corporations. He is also a voice artist and bass singer, bringing to life video game characters and movie trailers. Duck Lau Cho Tak is an award-winning Hong Kong musician/composer actively engaged in various music scenes. He is also an experienced singer, having served as chorus member and performance director for numerous concerts and records. In this second part of our interview, we discuss some principles and interesting aspects of Cantonese voiceover work and lyric writing. 劉熙信係一名全方位音樂人,從事歌曲及廣告音樂製作、電影電視配樂同電子遊戲聲效設計。 劉祖德係著名香港音樂人/作曲人,有份參與監製、作曲或編曲,亦曾喺眾多歌星嘅演唱會及唱片中擔任和音及演繹指導。 今集係訪問嘅第二部分,我哋討論到粵語配音同填詞嘅一啲原則同趣事。 Vocabulary/transcript…
Welcome to Season 3 of Chatty Cantonese! We start things off with a double-interview with two notable figures from the world of Cantopop, Allan Lau and Duck Lau. In addition to talking about their own musical experiences, the pair explain some Cantopop history and how newbies can learn more about the genre and its connection with Hong Kong culture. Link to vocabulary and transcript…
Inspired by a listener question, this episode addresses an issue all beginning Cantonese students face: in thanking someone, when should you use do1 ze6 (多謝) and when should you use m4 goi1 (唔該)? The underlying principle becomes clear with the help of a few hypothetical situations. Transcript and vocabulary…
A discussion about where Hongkongers found cool refreshment in the olden days leads Raymond to share some unique drinks. Wonder what "a monk jumping into the ocean" is? Or how you could drink "veggie honey?" Listen to find out. Vocabulary and transcript
Bernice Chan is a reporter whose career has stretched across the Pacific, reporting for both the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong and CBC in Vancouver. She also hosted the award-winning podcast Eat Drink Asia. In the second part of our interview, we talk about our favorite dim sum picks, why Hongkongers love trying new flavors, and where on YouTube you can learn Cantonese cooking. 陳志媺 Bernice Chan 係一名資深記者,佢嘅事業橫跨太平洋,任職於香港嘅《南華早報》同喺溫哥華嘅加拿大廣播公司。 她仲主持過屢獲殊榮嘅 Eat Drink Asia 播客節目。 喺訪問嘅第二部分,我哋傾吓我哋鍾意食嘅點心、點解香港人鍾意嘗試新口味、同一個學習做粵菜嘅 YouTube 頻道。 Made With Lau YouTube Channel Episode vocabulary and transcript…
Bernice Chan is a reporter whose career has stretched across the Pacific, reporting for both the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong and CBC in Vancouver. She also hosted the award-winning podcast Eat Drink Asia. In the first part of our interview, we talk about the trajectory of her career and the influence Hong Kong had on how she learned Cantonese. Be sure to check back next episode for the conclusion of our conversation. 陳志媺 Bernice Chan 係一名資深記者,佢嘅事業橫跨太平洋,任職於香港嘅《南華早報》同喺溫哥華嘅加拿大廣播公司。 她仲主持過屢獲殊榮嘅 Eat Drink Asia 播客節目。 喺訪問嘅第一部分,我哋講到佢嘅職業生涯以及香港對佢學習粵語嘅影響。 請記得收聽埋下一集我哋對話嘅後半部份。…
How can this be happening?! In this episode, we dig into SFPs (sentence final particles) useful for expressing surprise, reacting to information that should have been known previously, or relaying sketchy things someone else said that you disagree with. References: Basic Sentence-final Particles in Hong Kong Cantonese, by Yuen-lam Tsang Transcript and vocabulary…
A little chat about time in the digital age... How do we stay focused when there are so many distractions out there? And what do you call a "bedside table" in Cantonese? Transcript and vocabulary
This episode features the second half of our discussion with Dr. Gina Anne Tam, Associate Professor of History at Trinity University, and author of Dialect and Nationalism in China, 1860 – 1960 from Cambridge University Press. In this episode, we talk about the relationship between Mandarin and Cantonese in teaching and academia, as well as English’s immense power in the global linguistic landscape. Works mentioned in this episode: Silencing Shanghai , by Fang Xu Gerald Roche (various articles) Cantonese as Written Language , by Don Snow Not Like a Native Speaker , by Rey Chow The Fall of Language in the Age of English , by Minae Mizumura Borderlands/La Frontera , by Gloria Anzaldúa Speak Not: Empire, Identity and the Politics of Language , by James Griffiths Sound, Meaning, Shape: The Phonologist Wei Jiangong (1901-1980) between Language Study and Language Planning , by Mariana Münning Episode vocabulary and transcript…
This episode features the first half of our discussion with Dr. Gina Anne Tam, Associate Professor of History at Trinity University, and author of Dialect and Nationalism in China, 1860-1960 from Cambridge University Press. In this episode we talk about the distinction between “dialect” and “language” and what it means for Cantonese. Check back next week for the conclusion of our discussion. 今集有我哋同三一大學歷史副教授,劍橋大學出版社發行《中國方言與民族主義 1860-1960》作者譚吉娜博士討論嘅第一部份。呢一集我哋討論方言同語言嘅區別同埋對粵語嘅意義。大家記得下個禮拜返嚟聽埋後半部份討論。 Episode vocabulary and transcript…
Player FMは今からすぐに楽しめるために高品質のポッドキャストをウェブでスキャンしています。 これは最高のポッドキャストアプリで、Android、iPhone、そしてWebで動作します。 全ての端末で購読を同期するためにサインアップしてください。
Join me for a weekly talk-through of IELTS topics to help you learn about the issues, vocabulary, tips and strategies you need to prepare. Find all my tips on my website and join the Members Academy for all the downloads, step-by-step online courses, and support to get you a Band 7+ in the #ielts test.
An award-winning cannabis podcast for women, by women. Hear joyful stories and useful advice about cannabis for health, well-being, and fun—especially for needs specific to women like stress, sleep, and sex. We cover everything from: What’s the best weed for sex? Can I use CBD for menstrual cramps? What are the effects of the Harlequin strain or Gelato strain? And, why do we prefer to call it “cannabis” instead of “marijuana”? We also hear from you: your first time buying legal weed, and how ...
Learn the connection between what you eat and how you feel. Join us each week as licensed nutritionists and dietitians from Nutritional Weight & Wellness share practical, real-life solutions for healthier living through balanced nutrition. For over 25 years, we’ve helped thousands of clients and listeners discover how real food – animal protein, healthy fat, nutrient-dense carbohydrates – can increase energy, stabilize moods, jumpstart metabolism, eliminate cravings, restore digestion, balan ...
Do your eyes glaze over when looking at a long list of annual health insurance enrollment options – or maybe while you’re trying to calculate how much you owe the IRS? You might be wondering the same thing we are: Where’s the guidebook for all of this grown-up stuff? Whether opening a bank account, refinancing student loans, or purchasing car insurance (, can we just roll the dice without it?), we’re just as confused as you are. Enter: “Grown-Up Stuff: How to Adult” a podcast dedicated ...
Españolistos is a Spanish language learning Podcast spoken in clear Latin American Spanish geared towards intermediate to advanced language learners. The conversations are 99% in Spanish so you can focus on your listening comprehension. The topics are fun and interesting, sometimes controversial, and always educational. We believe that discussing deep and meaningful topics will increase your vocabulary as you learn new and practical words for everyday living. Andrea (Colombian Spanish Teache ...
DE: Lerne mit meinem Podcast fließend und sicher Deutsch zu sprechen. EN: Become fluent and confident in speaking German with my podcast. Learn German Naturally.
Every week, Maria and Rory get together to discuss the latest IELTS Speaking topics, providing model answers and vocabulary to help you improve your general spoken English and achieve a higher band in your IELTS exam. Our website: Transcripts: Premium episodes:
Hi, I’m Georgiana, the founder of Since 2011, I’ve been helping people like you speak English fluently. Specializing in developing English fluency, I use highly effective and proven techniques such as mini-stories and point-of-view lessons. These approaches have helped numerous learners like you speak English fluently. In the last decade, I have created several English courses used by hundreds of thousands of students. Additionally, I host The Speak English Now podca ...