The War and Treaty’s Michael and Tanya Trotter grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and Washington, DC, respectively, but both have family roots in the South. They also grew up in the musical traditions of their churches – Tanya in the Black Baptist Church and Michael in the Seventh Day Adventist Church – where they learned the power of song to move people. After becoming a father at a very young age, Michael eventually joined the armed forces and served in Iraq and Germany, where he took up songwriting as a way of dealing with his experiences there. Meanwhile Tanya embarked on a singing and acting career after a breakthrough appearance in Sister Act 2 alongside Whoopi Goldberg and Lauryn Hill. Now, after a long and sometimes traumatic journey, Michael and Tanya are married, touring, winning all sorts of awards, and set to release their fifth album together, and their fourth as The War and Treaty. Sid talks to Michael and Tanya about the new record, Plus One , as well as their collaboration with Miranda Lambert, what it was like to record at FAME studios in Muscle Shoals, and how they’re blending country, soul, gospel, and R&B. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
蘋果的 App Store 原本是便宜、安全、方便的劃時代 app 通路,在問世之初廣受軟體開發者與用戶的歡迎。然而隨著蘋果成為巨擘,同樣的作法卻扼殺了市場的創新。《要塞英雄》(Fortnite)開發商 Epic Games 在美國提訴,要求蘋果開放 app 自由下載或是自由選擇支付方式,Spotify 則在歐盟指控 App Store 是掩護 Apple Music 的不公平競爭。App Store 面對前所未見的壓力,注定要邁向開放。 另外,科技島讀宣佈將於 2021 年 5 月 27 日停刊。如果聽眾對科技島讀 podcast 或兩位主持人有任何問題,歡迎把握機會,寫信至 提問。有機會在最後一集獲得解答! 文章:Epic Games 與歐盟進逼 — App Store 開放的時候到了…
纏訟十年的 Google 與甲骨文案終於塵埃落定。美國最高法院以 6:2 的多數決,認定 Google 抄襲 Java 的 API 為合理使用,因此不需負擔賠償。軟體社群也普遍額手稱慶。 然而判決本身卻讓法律人士大失所望。原本眾所期待大法官們能釐清軟體的著作權地位,但多數的大法官不是迴避問題,就是對關鍵的論點輕輕帶過。也顯示要引導與維護健全的軟體生態有多麼的不容易。本集解釋此一判決的重要性、判決的內容,以及對軟體業與著作權本身的影響。 特別感謝 podcast 節目《法學叫獸的 x 話群組》的「水某教授」與「鄉下教授」加入對談。《法學叫獸的 x 話群組》由四位正牌法律系教授主講。他們用輕鬆有趣的方式討論法律、學術與輕鬆的話題。 《法學叫獸的 x 話群組》 主題文章:Google vs. 甲骨文落幕 — 抄襲 API 是合理使用 首月一元訂閱,即可看網站全文…