Join us on a journey into the perplexing world of disappearances, where individuals vanish without a trace, leaving behind a void filled with questions and speculation.
In this study of Colossians 2:16, Minister Scott challenges the traditional interpretation of this scripture and offers a contextual understanding of it. From this study, you will gain the wisdom to discern whether the Sabbath and biblical festivals are philosophies of men to be avoided or commandments of God to be kept.…
Hannukah isn’t simply a "Jewish Christmas" but a sacred tradition that Yeshua celebrated in the Gospels. This festival commemorates an important event in Judaic antiquity and serves as a tool of prophetic eschatological insight.
It is often stated that history repeats itself. Scripture states "There is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The bible also teaches us " the Lord declares the end from the beginning" (Isaiah 46:10). In this message Brother Scott teaches from Genesis (the beginning) about the first antichrist in human history Nimrod. This insightful message also makes use of a sacred historical reference mentioned twice in scripture, the book of Jasher.…
Bro. Scott continues to provide biblical knowledge regarding the spiritual gifts of function which Paul points out to us in Romans 12. In this segment, he provides insight into the gift of exhortation.
Yeshua desires a bride who is both righteous and gifted. Brother Scot continues to take us along in the study of God's word concerning function gifts so that believers may discover and stir up the supernatural function God has graced them to serve in these last days.
Brother Scott continues to teach on the spiritual gifts that motivate believers out of Romans 12. In this segment, he breaks down the gift of ministry or practical service.
Brother Scott continues to teach on the spiritual gifts which motivates believers out of Romans 12. In this segment he breaks down the gift of ministry, or practical service.