Send us a text On this very funny short Bonus Show, standup comic Mack Dryden shares his story about going to the'll never believe what happens...Hilarious! Look for Mack Dryden's "NEW" Dry Bar Comedy Special... Please Listen, Enjoy, and Share where you can...Thanks!! Support the show Standup Comedy Podcast Free APP on all Apple & Android phones....check it out, podcast, jokes, blogs, and More! For short-form standup comedy sets, listen to: "Comedy Appeteasers" , available on all platforms. New YouTube site: Videos of comics live on stage from back in the day. Please Write a Review: in-depth walk-through for leaving a review. Interested in Standup Comedy? Check out my books on Amazon... "20 Questions Answered about Being a Standup Comic" "Be a Standup Comic...or just look like one"…
Welcome to the Knot Sew Crafty Gorgons, home of the two craftiest Gorgons, Jesii & Heather! Through podcasting we hope to share the weirder, darker and funnier sides of crafting through the context of history, personal experience, and current trends. We can be loud, ridiculous and wrong but hopefully you enjoy your time with us anyway
Welcome to the Knot Sew Crafty Gorgons, home of the two craftiest Gorgons, Jesii & Heather! Through podcasting we hope to share the weirder, darker and funnier sides of crafting through the context of history, personal experience, and current trends. We can be loud, ridiculous and wrong but hopefully you enjoy your time with us anyway
The Gorgons dig a little deeper into the world of video game crafting. Whether it's the OG Pets, Sims, Beta Minecraft, or Animal Crossing, we can't possibly cover it all.
This is probably one of the sillier episodes of the season. Kept very light and fun, the Gorgons talk about procraftination and how they've tried to overcome it.
This episode, the Gorgons go on a a little international, time traveling tour to talk about Memento Mori via Victorian Death Photography and Appalachian Death Culture. Find these topics interesting? Here are some resources: Victorian Death Photography Appalachian Death Culture The Kentucky Blue People…
The Gorgons talk about a different kind of craft today! Jesii and Heather talk about their experiences with witch craft and ways they have.…
The Gorgons spend this episode gushing about Heather's current crafty crushes, the Guerrilla Girls. Listen in to hear about this history of work that that Guerrilla Girls have been doing to call out problems in the Art industry, including racism, sexually predatory behavior towards art students, and other major issues particularly impacting artists of color, women, non-binary, and other marginalized groups.…
Gorgon Jesii leads us on an campy adventure, focused on the history of Girl Scouts USA and the crafts that are oozing from that culture. Were you ever a Girl Scout? We'd love to hear about your crafty projects!
The Gorgons are finishing up the conversation on Crafting with Words with special guest, Denarii Grace. This portion of the conversation covers topics such as Denarii's proudest achievements, Fat Acceptance in writing and other crafts, and Denarii's work in Rooted in Rights. Denarii can be found at: Instagram: @writersdelight twitter: @writersdelight You can support their legal pursuit at And you can follow their work on Rooted in Rights or submit works if you also identify as disabled through…
We will be updating show notes with the next episode to be more fleshed out but to avoid some spoilers. Below are some of the artists discussed with Denarii in this portion of the episode. For those of you who write and use words as your primary crafting medium, what are you working on? Who has been influential for you? Influential Artists and Authors Marlon Riggs Son of Baldwin- Robert Jones Jr. June Jordan-…
Resources Recommended Books Quick Crafts for Parents Who Think They Hate Craft (by Emma Scott-Child) Low-Mess Crafts for Kids (by Debbie Chapman) Art Lab For Kids (By Susan Schwake) Steam Lab for Kids (By Liz Lee Heinecke) McLeod, S. A. (2018, January 14). Concrete operational stage . Simply Psychology. Piaget, J. (1952). The origins of intelligence in children . New York: International Universities Press. Piaget, J. (1954). The construction of reality in the child . New York: Basic Books. Piaget, J. (1964). Part I: Cognitive development in children: Piaget development and learning. Journal of research in science teaching, 2(3) , 176-186.…
Our thoughts on when money meets hobby. We touch on a lot of subtopics on this one and we still only begin to scratch the surface. If any of these issue rattle your snekky shaky tail we want to hear from you! Tell us what you want us to expand on, or even better, if you have personal experience share your anecdotes to…
Who are we, what are we doing here? We turned left and somehow ended up here, but the company seems good so we think we'll stay if it's alright with you. Our flagship podcast episode where we explain the above, and offer insights into what is to come.