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Aside from the TV set and Internet, podcasts are another way for ardent fans to get the latest sports news. Created on the lines of a radio show, podcasts enable individuals to broadcast their message to the public and are easy to follow, anywhere - while you commute or relax in nature - and at any time of the day. What is more, they can be followed even without Internet access. This catalog is comprised of podcasts, some of them hosted by renown journalists, discussing the latest news in sports on a daily and weekly basis, including Soccer, American Football, Basketball, Golf and other sports, from every league. They offer coverage of the latest matches, charts, the latest trends and topics, as well as in-detail analyses and prognoses by professionals. In short, they offer broad coverage for sports fanatics. Some of the podcasts feature discussion and live interviews with big names in sports.
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SMR Podcast [Sports Mix Radio]


【湘南メジャーカンパニーのスピンオフ版「湘南メジャーラジオ」Veo2.0】湘南人が送る「Life/Sports/Music/Food」など、盛りだくさんの話題をお届けします。「各種スポーツ情報」「狙えベルマーレのスポンサー! toto予想」「イベント情報」「プチ・グルメ」「湘南ベルマーレ情報」「R30的な懐かしの音楽」などなど、話題・企画ともにたっぷりでお届けします。◇79年組みの湘南人が送るスポーツ+エトセトラ。楽しいかどうかはお任せします!◇
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Sports MC.DJ.PA Team REAL

"毎週金曜日17時" "更新予定" 様々なスポーツの魅力をより多くの方に伝え共感したい。 そのスポーツの真髄とは、 そのスポーツでしか感じることのできない唯一無二の瞬間とは、、 様々なジャンルのスポーツからゲストをお招きし、 そのスポーツを深掘り! "スポーツのリアル" を語ります。 番組Host MCは、アクションスポーツからスタジアムスポーツ、モータースポーツなど40種目以上のMC実績を持つSportsMCアリーが務め、フィーチャーするスポーツによってSports MC Team REALからメインMCが入れ替わります。 ゲストのトップアスリート、オリンピアン、コーチ、イベントプロデューサー達と共に様々なジャンルの[スポーツのリアル]に迫ります。 ぜひ、お聴きください。
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オランダでプロサッカーチームのトレーナーをしている2人がテーマに沿って駄弁ります。 経歴 - 中田 樹 立命館大学スポーツ健康科学部卒業。大学卒業後、オランダに渡りフィジオセラピー(理学療法)の資格を取得。トレーナーとしてアマチュアチームを転々としたり、理学療法クリニックで働いたりを経て、現在はオランダ2部リーグのHelmond Sportでパフォーマンスコーチ兼フィジオとして活動中。 クラブ歴: PVC Utrecht (7部) →OJC Rosmalen (5部) →VV Hoogland (4部) →VV Hooglanderveen (7部) →Helmond sport (2部) X: 犬塚健太 首都大学東京(現:都立大学)、筑波大学大学院を卒業後渡蘭。バレーボールチーム1部、アマチュアサッカークラブを経てオランダサッカー1部のFC Volendamで活動中。保有資格は理学療法士(日本、オランダ)、日本スポーツ協会AT、鍼灸師(オランダ)。 クラブ歴:ASV de Dijk (5部) →VV Noo ...
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朝日新聞 音でよみがえる甲子園


ツイッター /メール 高校野球やプロ野球を追いかけ続けてきたスポーツ記者が、選手の意外な素顔や名采配の裏側を語ります。高校球児の髪形や女子野球についてなど、野球を通して社会を考える回も。 運動通信社のスポーツメディア「SPORTS BULL(スポーツブル)」内で朝日新聞社と朝日放送テレビが共同で展開する「バーチャル高校野球」( )でも配信。関連記事のほか、試合のLIVE中継やインタビュー動画なども楽しめます。 朝日新聞ポッドキャスト( )は、他にも多彩な番組を用意しています。事件、政治、経済、国際……今まで伝えきれなかった、従来のニュースより一歩踏み込んだ報道をお聞きください。
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英語講師ライセンスを持つMinaとMarilouは、エクセルイングリッシュ(EXCEL ENGLISH / 神奈川県相模原市南区相模大野)でマンツーマン英会話レッスンを提供しています。お子様からご年配の方まで、それぞれの目的にあわせたレッスンが大好評!そんな二人が生徒のみんなに、さらに英語学習を楽しんでもらうためのPodcastを配信中。彼女たちの楽しいトークを聴けば、英語がどんどん身についちゃう!情報満載のウェブサイト:exl-english.comも、ぜひ一度訪ねてね!
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NBC Sports made its first foray into doing a National Football League (NFL) alternate broadcast on December 21 when it put the matchup between the Houston Texans and Kansas City Chiefs into the realm of the Madden video game universe.It is the first time NBC has done an alternate broadcast of an NFL game. CBS has done at least one game on Nickelode…
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The archaic computer dispatch system for the nation’s largest sheriff’s department remained out of commission on January 2 after crashing on New Year’s Eve, forcing deputies to handle all calls by radio, authorities said.Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department officials first learned about the problem around 8 p.m. of December 31, when deputies at …
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) set maximum levels for lead in baby foods like jarred fruits and vegetables, yogurts and dry cereal, part of an effort to cut young kids' exposure to the toxic metal that causes developmental and neurological problems.The agency issued final guidance that it estimated could reduce lead exposure from proce…
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2024年で選手生活に区切りをつけた佐野淳哉(@sanojunya0109)さんとこれまでの選手生活を振り返り、これからについてお話する公開収録を東京港区にあるCOG TOKYO/ASSOS PROSHOP TOKYOにて開催した模様をdiatech/ASSOS PROSHOP TOKYO様の提供でお届けします。 お便りはTwitterのハッシュタグ #sxsradio か、番組のTwitterダイレクトメールまで。番組をサポートする投げ銭はPatreonページ でお願いします。 サポートグッズも販売しています!Tシャツやパーカー、トートバッグはUT Me!から。マグカップ・iPhoneケース・クージーなどはsuzuriより購買できます Show Notes 引退宣言 途中サプライズで花束を…
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For years, Ireland has been embracing major U.S. tech giants, building data centers that consume massive amounts of power. But demands on the national grid have threatened blackouts, and experts and activists are trying to find an ecological compromise.The International Energy Agency expects the data centers will consume one-third of Ireland’s elec…
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Tourists are heading to Finnish Lapland in the hopes of seeing the famous Northern Lights.Driving through the darkness, photographer Joona Forsgren is on a hunt for the aurora borealis. Veering onto a darkened Finnish Lapland road, Forsgren guides a group of tourists to a frozen lakeside spot. Forsgren started taking tourists “Northern Lights hunti…
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■BJ ハイエース BIG-X 太平タイヤ トランクルーム ◾️ころん パッツファイブ(バスケ) ブルテオン(バレー) トヨタヴェルブリッツ (ラグビー) ・・・を見に行った ■タロケン ◯箱根…
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Approximately one million taxpayers are automatically receiving special payments of up to $1,400 from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The money is being directly deposited into eligible people's bank accounts or sent in the mail as a paper check.The IRS said it's distributing about $2.4 billion to taxpayers who failed to claim a Recovery Rebate…
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プレゼン終わりましたがやっぱ効率良いですわ 物騒な事件が... 公共の場ではヘッドフォン(イヤホン)の使用を控えめにして周囲の異常に気を配って Appleるんるん iOS/iPadOS18.3にiPhone SE 4と新型iPad 2機種の痕跡 - iPhone Maniaアップル「Mac mini(M4)」勝手にUSB接続が切断される不具合が報告される M4チップ搭載Macでウルトラワイドモニターの接続問題が報告 - iPhone Mania eSIM非搭載スマホでeSIMが使えるSIMカードほかワザあり通信デバイスにときめく(スマホ沼) | テクノエッジ TechnoEdge アサヒビール、“ひとり家飲み”をApple Vision Proで拡張(Impress Wa…
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At least two internal Amazon studies found a link between how quickly the online retailer’s warehouse workers perform tasks and workplace injuries, but the company rejected many safety recommendations out of concern the proposed changes might reduce productivity, according to a U.S. Senate committee report.The 160-page review issued in December was…
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Children of the wealthy and connected get special admissions consideration at some elite U.S. universities, according to new filings in a class-action lawsuit originally brought against 17 schools.Although it has always been assumed that such favoritism exists, the filings offer a rare peek at the often-secret deliberations of university heads and …
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Pastry chef Arnaud Delmontel rolls out dough for croissants and pain au chocolat that later emerge golden and fragrant from the oven in his Paris patisserie.In recent months, he has had to pay increasingly more for the butter so essential to their flavor—a price he says has shot up 25% since September alone. But he is refusing to follow some of his…
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A spectacular light show inspired by the creation of the world has opened in Amsterdam. The display takes place inside the 17th-century church Oosterkerk.All are projected in vibrant colors across the interior of this historic building. Visitors just need to lie back and enjoy the show taking place above their heads.“The goal of this experience is …
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Kaja Veilleux has been hunting New England attic treasures for more than 50 years. He once found a copy of the Declaration of Independence sitting on a pile of trash, and he made headlines last year when he stumbled upon a million-dollar portrait gathering dust in an old farmhouse in Maine that may have been painted by the Dutch master Rembrandt.Th…
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Japan’s biggest bank apologized for the alleged theft by an employee of more than 1 billion yen ($6.6 million) from customers' safe deposit boxes.The bank, formally known as Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc., said it was investigating. Verified thefts from about 20 of the 60 clients thought to have been affected amounted to 300 million yen (near…
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The largest seafood distributor on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and two of its managers have been sentenced on federal charges of mislabeling inexpensive imported seafood as local premium fish weeks after a restaurant and its co-owner were also sentenced.“This large-scale scheme to misbrand imported seafood as local Gulf Coast seafood hurt local fish…
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Googly eyes have been appearing on sculptures around the central Oregon city of Bend, delighting many residents and sparking a viral sensation covered widely by news outlets and featured on a popular late-night talk show.On social media, the city shared photos of googly eyes on installations in the middle of roundabouts that make up its so-called “…
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For Nigeria’s poorest communities, finding the money for school fees can sometimes seem like an impossible task. But some parents are collecting plastic waste to pay for their children’s education.Fatimoh Adeosun scours the streets of her Lagos neighborhood for plastic waste. It has a value which means it can be cashed in to pay school fees.“One da…
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From answering questions from cabinet ministers, academics and students on climate change, substance abuse and the law to children's inquiries about her "birth" and links to God, Sophia, the world-famous robot, won hearts at an innovation fair in Zimbabwe.Boasting the ability to mimic facial expressions, hold human-like conversations with people, a…
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As outside temperatures grow chilly, weighted blankets can be a popular choice to warm up. Some people say the added pressure helps them soothe the worries of the day and get to sleep faster.But research on the effectiveness of weighted blankets is limited. Here’s what to know.Weighted blankets come with extra heft in the form of glass beads, pelle…
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As it gets harder to locate specialist clinics with available slots, Australian doctors are turning to social media to help book appointments for their patients. Thousands of doctors have joined Facebook referral groups created to link healthcare providers and secure appointment times.In 2020, while she was on maternity leave, Adelaide General Prac…
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A lawsuit filed by a pair of Massachusetts families is adding to the backlash against an approach to reading instruction that some schools still use despite evidence that it’s not the most effective.States around the country have been overhauling reading curricula in favor of research-based strategies known as the “science of reading,” including an…
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The sale of The Observer, the world’s oldest Sunday newspaper and a bastion of liberal values in Britain’s media landscape, was approved despite two days of strike action from journalists.The Scott Trust, the owner of the Guardian Media Group, which includes The Observer and its sister paper The Guardian, said the sale to Tortoise Media was expecte…
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Much of Earth's land is drying out and damaging the ability of plant and animal life to survive, according to a United Nations report released at talks where countries are working to address the problem.The report was released at the U.N. summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on combating desertification—once-fertile lands turning into deserts because of …
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California, home to some of the largest technology companies in the world, would be the first U.S. state to require mental health warning labels on social media sites if lawmakers pass a bill introduced in December.The legislation sponsored by state Attorney General Rob Bonta is necessary to bolster safety for children online, supporters say, but i…
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Thousands of giant panda sculptures greeted residents and tourists in December 2024 in Hong Kong, where enthusiasm for the bears has grown since two cubs were born in a local theme park.The 2,500 exhibits were showcased in a launch ceremony of PANDA GO! FEST HK, the city's largest panda-themed exhibition, at Hong Kong's airport in December. They we…
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Rocky Balboa fans went the distance—by bus, on ice skates, by 72 steps—to honor Philly’s favorite fictional fighter almost 50 years after the first movie launched the enduring series of an underdog boxer persevering despite the odds.The city Rocky called home at last has a week dedicated to the box office heavyweight champion of the world, more tha…
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Sumo wrestling will return to London for the first time in 34 years in 2025 as the historic Royal Albert Hall hosts a Grand Sumo Tournament next October—just the second official event to be hosted outside of Japan in the sport’s 1500-year history.The Victorian concert venue was built in 1871 and has witnessed performances from the likes of Muhammad…
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An elaborate parody appears to be behind an effort to resurrect Enron, the Houston-based energy company that exemplified the worst in American corporate fraud and greed after it went bankrupt in 2001.If its return is comedic, some former employees who lost everything in Enron’s collapse aren’t laughing.Once the nation’s seventh-largest company, Enr…
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It’s the end of an era for the largest model railway in southeastern Europe. The Backo Mini Express—a 1.5-kilometer model railway with 150 mini locomotives—has its own museum in Zagreb, Croatia. But despite surviving the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, and two earthquakes that shook the city in 2020, the railway’s aging creator is shutting down the mu…
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Nearly three out of 10 U.S. drugstores that were open during the previous decade had closed by 2021, new research shows.Some neighborhoods were most vulnerable to the retail pharmacy closures, which can chip away at already-limited care options in those communities, researchers said in a study published in Health Affairs.The trend has potentially g…
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America’s wealthiest people have urged each other to give away more of their money since at least 1889, the year Andrew Carnegie argued that the richest should give away their fortunes within their lifetimes, in part to lessen the sting of growing inequality.So, what stands in the way of the wealthiest people giving more and giving faster?Philanthr…
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Tech giant Panasonic has converted its 50-year-old microwave production facility in Cardiff, Wales, to operate entirely on renewable energy.This project, the company’s first in Europe, integrates solar, hydrogen fuel cells, and battery storage to power the factory sustainably.Inside, workers continue assembling microwave ovens, and the hope is that…
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