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Global Session ?


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We discusses business environment in Japan from a global perspective. グローバルな視点から見た日本の経済について解説・ディスカッションする対談形式のPodcastです。 今後は日本語配信など、徐々にコンテンツの幅を広げていく予定です。 -- 株式会社IGPIグループ Our website: Twitter:@IGPI_PR Youtube:
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オーストラリアのラジオ局にてDJ歴7年のKojiによる、インタビューポッドキャスト「Just Global」。世界の様々な分野で活躍する地球人へのインタビューを皆さんにお届けする番組です。ナビゲーターは、オーストラリア歴15年の浅野浩治(日本を含む世界6カ国でCDをリリースするロックバンド「Wellingtons」のギタリスト、そしてフリーランスのナレーターとして活動中)。毎週月曜配信中の無料メルマガ「Just Australia」も併せてご利用ください。
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One year. Every day. 365 days through the Bible in community with tens of thousands of others around the globe following the same quest. Hand crafted daily from the rolling hills of Tennessee, Nashville based author and speaker Brian Hardin is your guide on the adventure of a lifetime. Visit us on the web at A YEAR CHANGES EVERYTHING!
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ブティックコンサルの社長で、著書やメディアで為替や中国金融経済に関する意見を出しています|元SMBCの為替トレーダー・アナリスト|CEIBS Global EMBA 2017|母校、中央大学の外部講師|テニス、インターハイ準優勝|FXは予測とトレードの結果にこだわります|2022年、正答率65.9%、収益率+260%
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Welcome to BeLight Podcast! BeLight は 自分とそして相手の可能性を信じ、互いに励まし合いながら、それぞれの経験を大切にしながら、エネルギーを与えそして受け取りながらどんな壁をも乗り越えていく看護師さんのためのコミュニティを成長せていくをミッションとしています。(*エピソードで公開される内容は個人の経験からの情報です。制度や仕組みも年々変化しているので、話の内容と実際が異なる場合があります。ご了承下さい。)
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Machikane FM

Osaka University North American Alumni Association

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🌸 2021.1.10 リリースしました! 🐰🥰コミュニティとセットのメルマガはじめたよ エージェントゆきプレゼンツ 「ほどよい大人のコミュニティ」 【コンセプト】 応援してくれる仲間 みまもってくれる仲間がいるっていいよね 音声配信やKindle本、自分の知識や経験を形にして世に出していこう 「ちょっとこれみて」「これどう思うかな」 フィードバックがもらえる場所 アイデアやお役立ちツール、おすすめ本もみんなでシェア SNSや発信活動につかれることもあるよね あったかいお茶でものんで休もう ホッとするいやしの場所 本音も話せる空間😌 無料メルマガで詳しく知る👇 楽しいお仲間待ってます♪ 🌸著書「声のブログをはじめよう・音声配信の教科書」Amazonで好評販売中✨ 月間7700時間超再生のチャンネルの秘密を解説🐰 声は癒し系らしいデス 👑stand.fm公式パートナー(SPP) 🍩🥐☕️🍠をこよなく愛してます 🌸著書「音声配信の教科書」 KindleU ...
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The Sasuga! Podcast

Helen Iwata

「自信」はどうやって身につけるか? グローバルビジネスで通用する「英語コミュニケーション力」の育て方とは? どうすれば「生産性」を上げられるのか? 人生で本当にやりたいことを実現させる方法とは? 毎週月曜日、イギリス出身のサクセスコーチ - 岩田ヘレンが、日本の働く女性の悩みや質問にお答えします。スキルアップの秘訣、簡単に実践できるお役立ちツール、素敵なゲストとの対談などお楽しみ下さい。 英語で学ぶマインドセットの変え方、イキイキとした人生の手に入れ方、英語のリスニングと自己啓発が同時に学べる、一粒で二度美味しい番組です!
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Accenture Ventures(ACV) がスタートアップと手を組み、これまでにないオープンイノベーションのヒントを探るポッドキャスト。旬のスタートアップをゲストにお招きし、カジュアルなトークから未来を一緒に発見する場を創っていきます。
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自然界から一つのテーマをピックアップし、その面白さを笑いと共に読み解くトーク番組です。様々な話が繋がり「自然の見え方」が変わる面白さを、北海道の田舎町「シラオイ」から届けます。番組へのご感想はTwitter, Instagramから #ミモリラジオ にて🌿 【出演】 ・ノダカズキ(MIMORI代表, 自然観察家) Twitter: @mimori_noda Instagram: @yasou_king_ode ・Andy(MIMORI共同代表) Twitter: @andyutaro Instagram: @andyutaro 【MIMORI】 Instagram▶ Twitter ▶ website▶ (closed) note▶︎ ※収録に際しリサーチしておりますが、きままな自然トークのため厳密な考証は行なっておりません。 ※内容は諸説あります。
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AmPm Talking "THE RADIO" AmPmの二人が、自然体にトークをする番組。 これまで謎に包まれた仮面を被った二人が、この番組を通じて“パーソナル”を形成していく。 見せるラジオをコンセプトに、文字で見せるBlog、映像で見せるV-Logならぬ、ラジオで見せるR-Log???? 話すブログのような感覚で、これまでのAmPmに足りなかったパーツを埋めていく。 ●AmPm information MUSIC: WEB: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:
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show series
Huge U.S. technology companies that soared amid an artificial intelligence frenzy last year are getting pummeled after a little-talked-about Chinese startup demonstrated a chatbot that it says rivals versions from OpenAI and Google, and for a fraction of the cost.An AI company called DeepSeek said it has developed a large language model that can co…
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Artists can copyright works they made with the help of artificial intelligence, according to a new report by the U.S. Copyright Office that could further clear the way for the use of AI tools in Hollywood, the music industry and other creative fields.The nation's copyright office, which sits in the Library of Congress and is not part of the executi…
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A new program at Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Perth is aiming to tackle an ongoing shortage of sonographers in Western Australia.The specialized medical sonography course is the first of its kind in the state, but the industry remains worried about the current gap in workforce numbers, which is expected to increase.Students take part in the new …
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World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) continues to expand its social media reach, as its successful blend of wrestling and celebrities took center stage at its Royal Rumble premium live event.The sports entertainment company said that this year's Royal Rumble set a record for most social video views in the event's history. An encounter in the ring be…
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Art gallery, science exhibition, and 21st-century funhouse, Paradox Museum Miami takes guests on a tour through optical illusions and other enigmas geared for the age of Instagram.The 11,000 square-foot (1,000 square-meter) museum, housed in Miami’s trendy Wynwood arts and entertainment district, features more than 70 exhibits that challenge the im…
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Thames Water, which serves 16 million customers in and around London, is seeking court approval for up to 3 billion pounds ($3.7 billion) of emergency funding to prevent the cash-strapped company from falling into government administration.The High Court in London began a four-day hearing on the financing package, with Thames Water facing off again…
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Looking for a quick fix for their fast-growing electricity diets, tech giants are increasingly looking to strike deals with power plant owners to plug in directly, avoiding a long and expensive process of hooking into a fraying electric grid that serves everyone else.It's raising questions over whether diverting power to higher-paying customers wil…
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The first person Madison Keys sent a message to after winning the Australian Open for her first Grand Slam title was her mother."Because," a smiling Keys said, "of course, you have to text Mom first."One of the others the 29-year-old American quickly reached out to was her therapist. Keys credits their conversations over the past 1 1/2 years with h…
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Skyscraper-studded Dubai has been on a hot streak for the last five years—and some residents are starting to feel burned.The city-state has seen record-breaking real estate transactions as more and more people come to live there, and its state-owned airline Emirates is booking record earnings. But all that growth comes with strains for the city's p…
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A pug rescue center in South Africa has taken in more than 2,500 pugs since opening in 2008, with more pugs needing assistance in the last few years.Pug Rescue is home to over 200 pugs and also has two foster homes in Johannesburg and Cape Town.“So currently we have 208 pugs in our care. They're not all at the rescue center, we do have some foster …
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A year after the launch of the short-lived Coca-Cola Spiced, Coke added another new flavor to its lineup. Coca-Cola Orange Cream went on sale on February 10 in the U.S. and Canada. It is sold in regular and zero-sugar varieties.Atlanta-based Coca-Cola Co. said that it developed the soda, which mixes cola with orange and vanilla flavors, in response…
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Starbucks's decision to restrict its restrooms to paying customers has flushed out a wider problem: a patchwork of restroom policies that has left Americans confused and divided over who gets to use the loo and when.Rules about restroom access in restaurants vary by state, city and county. New York requires restroom access for customers at food est…
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Homegrown businesses in Africa are developing a new industry to tackle the environmental damage created by fast fashion.Upcycling, where poor-quality, discarded clothes are made into desirable products, is becoming more widespread in countries like Kenya, supported by the social enterprise group Africa Collect Textiles.Here workers are earning an i…
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Billionaires’ wealth grew three times faster in 2024 than the year before, while the number of the world’s poor has barely changed over the last quarter-century, a top anti-poverty group reported in January.Oxfam International, in its latest assessment of global inequality timed for an annual gathering of elites in Switzerland, also predicts at lea…
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グローバル・ニュース・ビュー(GNV)による151回めのポッドキャスト。今回は録音された対面イベント「ジャーナリズムの危機を考える:米メディアの『中立』とは」の内容となる。タイムスタンプ:読売新聞大阪本社編集局デスクの田原徳容氏の発表(03:45)、意見交換(27:00)。GNVはウェブサイト以外にも、Twitter、Instagram、Facebookでも発信中。GNV (グローバル・ニュース・ビュー) による
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Southern California's expensive housing market is going to get a lot more competitive after deadly firestorms torched more than 12,000 homes and other structures in the Los Angeles area, leaving tens of thousands of people without a place to stay.Already, there are reports of rent gouging, prompting elected leaders to issue stern warnings against t…
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The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued PepsiCo in January, alleging that it has engaged in illegal price discrimination by giving unfair price advantages to one large retailer at the expense of other vendors and consumers.The benefiting customer wasn't named in an FTC statement about the lawsuit. But a source familiar with the case, who asked not …
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A century ago, iodine deficiency affected kids across large swaths of the United States. It essentially disappeared after some food makers started adding it to table salt, bread and some other foods, in one of the great public health success stories of the 20th century.But today, people are getting less iodine because of changes in diet and food ma…
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Britain’s biggest car factory is surrounded by wind turbines, solar panels and nature. At Nissan’s Sunderland plant, the Japanese car maker says that cutting-edge engineering is meeting a growing commitment to sustainability and decarbonization.Since installing its first wind turbines in 2005, Nissan has steadily increased its reliance on renewable…
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In the quest to make apple trees more resilient in a warming climate, some Michigan researchers are looking for a late bloomer.A native Michigan apple tree, the Malus coronaria, learned to fight frost by blooming two or three weeks later than the trees that produce cultivated varieties of apples like Honeycrisp or Red Delicious."That doesn't sound …
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A machine that allows the paralyzed to walk again, and textiles that can monitor your vital signs without the need for wires. These were just two of the top health gadgets at this year’s CES tech show in Las Vegas.When Chloe Angus suffered a spinal injury ten years ago, she was told she would never walk again. And yet, she is. Despite being paralyz…
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A privately owned development outside the Kenyan capital is attracting residents and businesses with its strict rules and modern infrastructure.Turn into Tatu City on the outskirts of Kenya's capital, Nairobi, and it feels like entering a different world.Digital content creator Valerie Akoko moved here two years ago. "I have never seen Tatu City di…
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The cost of college keeps spiraling ever higher, right?Not necessarily. New research indicates students are paying significantly less to attend public universities than they were a decade ago. And tuition increases at private colleges have finally slowed after years of hefty rises.Figures compiled by the nonprofit College Board indicate the average…
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In Las Vegas, a new type of hotel experience was on show. The Otonomus Hotel, showcased at CES 2025, was described by its developers as the world’s first fully AI-powered hotel.Philippe Ziade, the CEO of the Otonomus Hotel, says, “We like to call it a hotel with the brain. It’s actually the first true AI-powered hotel, and the objective of this is …
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