Sermon Series 143 Inheritance & Jubilee
Manage episode 436370192 series 3158672
In this Sermon Jesus leads us into the subject of Jubilee & Inheritance. Jesus has spoken to us in our last sermons about the Year of Jubilee a time of return giving back and making things right but also of Inheritance! We read in Romans 8:17 " and if children , then heirs: heirs of God,and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. In this verse Jesus is speaking to us of inheritance but also of our walk suffering with him knowing that there will be persecution as well. Jesus then leads us to Galatians 3:29 which sais and if ye be Christ's , then are ye Abraham's seeds , and heirs according to the promise. Jesus wants us to know that he has & will fulfill his promises and his prophecies , and that he is coming to give us the Inheritance of the Kingdom. LOOK UP FOR YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR. Amen!!
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