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show episodes

Spritz & Sekt

Hannah & Adriana

Spritz & Sekt - das sind wir: Hannah und Adriana! Zwei junge Frauen, (noch) Ende 20, die sich alle zwei Wochen zusammensetzen und über Gott und die Welt reden. Geleitet von einem bestimmten Thema diskutieren wir über recherchierte Fakten und lassen die ein oder andere persönliche Geschichte einfließen. Schnapp dir dein Lieblingsgetränk (unsere Empfehlung: Spritz oder Sekt) und setz dich zu uns - Cheers! Du hast Themenvorschläge? Dann schreib uns eine Mail oder schick uns eine DM bei Instagra ...
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Sprites of Life

Sprites of Life

Games can teach and these guys are here to prove it. Join them as they go over Pokémon, Monster Hunter, and other games that help people learn just as much as they entertain
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Amigos Retro Gaming is a conversational, congenial series of podcasts about the computers and consoles of your youth. Includes Amigos: Everything Amiga, ARG Presents, Sprite Castle, and Pixel Gaiden! Amigos: Everything Amiga - https://www.everythingamiga.com/ ARG Presents - http://anchor.fm/arg-presents Sprite Castle - http://podcast.robohara.com/sprite-castle/ Pixel Gaiden - https://pixelgaiden.podbean.com/
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Classica Spritz


Qual'era il taglio di capelli di Hayden? Mozart amava la tromba? Qual'era la bevanda preferita da Beethoven? Musica, viaggi, esperienze, cocktail nel mondo e molto altro sulle frequenze virtuali di questo podcast!
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The Sprite Show

Arel Sprite

Current events, Motivation, Sports, Philosophy, Politics, Spirituality, Life experiences (sizzle of everything) Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thespriteshow/support
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The Spritz Yoga

Marianna Sciortino

Podcast di yoga, fitness e drinks! Se volete farvi due risate tra un drink, un esercizio di fitness e una posizione yoga beh...la Shorty e la Baby sono le persone giuste ;) Se vi sono piaciute le puntate lasciateci un vostro feedback ;) Buon ascolto Spritzers!
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Exploring Sprituality

Through the Self

Exploring Spirituality is a podcast designed to dive into different depths of spirituality with curiosity and non-judgment. Join host Staci Payne and Brittanni Majka as they dive deeper into their own spirituality and take everyone along for the ride. Staci has a background of spirituality, living in the grey area and following intuition, Britt is her yang with a background in anthropology, living in the black and white and trusting fully in logic. This podcast will consist of interviews and ...
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show series
Welcome to the ARG PRESENTS! We're BACK at it with the ULTIMATE TEAM match up! Get Your School Pals and pack some Poke Ball - It's TEAM Fighting this week on ARG PRESENTS 311!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#argpresents #Retrorotation#Retrocomputing
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What did 4 quid get you in 1994? A mustachioed jetpacker! 🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast! https://www.patreon.com/amigospodcast 0:00 Ridiculous Banter 6:21 Dithell in Space Review 44:20 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs! 45:10 Amiga News Subscribe to the podcast version of the show at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod…
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A cultural interpreter from the Mdewakanton Dakota people joins us to talk about his work as a cultural consultant for indigenous people in the gaming industry and we share some of our favorite Pokémon with origins in native cultures and nations around the world. We can't thank Brian enough for helping ups out on this one and we hope you enjoy list…
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Our Sinclair 118 features Mr. Wimpy, a game made to promote a British burger joint! Join THE BRENT and Amigo Aaron has we explore this burgertime-like offering! It's Our Sinclair 118!🏆 Please check out our Patreon to support Our Sinclair and our other wacky endeavors!https://www.patreon.com/TheRetroRotation🔗 Get social!Email: theretrorotation@gmail…
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Was ist aus den Stars des (amerikanischen) Kinderfernsehens geworden? In dieser spannenden Podcastfolge tauchen wir in die glitzernde Welt der amerikanischen Kinderstars ein, die uns mit ihren unvergesslichen Rollen in Serien wie "Hannah Montana", "Die Zauberer vom Waverly Place" und "Hotel Zack & Cody" begeistert haben. Wir beleuchten, was aus die…
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We're back for Episode 150! In this episode Cody and Eric catch up on the news and battle Gex (3DO) vs. Rayman (Atari Jaguar). 12:10 - Quick Questions 33:02 - Patreon Song 37:42 - Tea Time With Tim - Road Trip! 1:14:18 - News 2:10:04 - Battle Of The Systems: Gex (3DO) vs. Rayman (Atari Jaguar).News notes at pixelgaiden.com Please give us a review o…
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Praktikanten in der Apotheke In dieser Folge spricht Christina darüber, warum es wichtig ist, junge Menschen für den Apothekenberuf zu begeistern. Ihre Praktikantin hat den Social Media Account der Apotheke übernommen und hat total Freude daran gefunden. Schaut euch dazu unbedingt das Reel der Linden Apotheke Grünberg an. Außerdem spricht sie darüb…
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CarVup is Core's take on City Connection with the Roger Rabbit car! 🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast! https://www.patreon.com/amigospodcast 📌 Chapters: 0:00 Ridiculous Banter 6:36 CarVup Review 48:26 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs! 50:00 Amiga News Subscribe to the podcast version of the show at https://podcasters.spo…
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Join THE BRENT and Amigo Aaron as we take a look at the Game Park GP32. The GP32 was a South Korean handheld console with a twist - it was a totally open system, and the first "all emulation" system around...or was it? And why?!?!? We'll discus it, and then join us as we look at two games for the system. Kick back and relax as we play Raphael and B…
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Empire was designed as an PCB swap for the legendary Star Wars arcade game. How does the Amiga port fare? 🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast! https://www.patreon.com/amigospodcast 📌 Chapters: 0:00 Ridiculous Banter 6:40 The Empire Strikes Back Reviews 42:21 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs! 43:24 Amiga News Subscribe to t…
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Welcome back to The CoCo Show, all about gaming on the POWERHOUSE Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer! This time out, join THE BRENT and Amigo Aaron as we try our hand at a truly unique CoCo game! This week it's the escape room simulator "GET ME OUTTA HERE!". Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#argpresents #R…
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We go over the Pokémon Day 2025 announcements, but figured it was more fun to pitch new Mega Evolutions for forgotten friends, unloved weirdos, and unsettling little dudes in the franchise. Follow and Share!Twitter: https://twitter.com/spritesoflifeDiscord: https://discord.gg/wAAJrw9PGJYoutube: https://tinyurl.com/2hd6nfvk Facebook: https://tinyurl…
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Was ist aus den Helden des (deutschen) Kinderfernsehens geworden? In dieser spannenden Episode werfen wir einen Blick auf die faszinierenden Werdegänge deutscher Kinderstars, die einst die Bildschirme eroberten und heute oft in ganz anderen Lebensrealitäten stecken. Wir sprechen über ikonische Figuren aus Fernsehserien, die uns als Kinder begeister…
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Sprachnachricht von Hanna Zwischen Karneval und Grippewelle war bei uns in der Apotheke einiges los.Uns hat es im Team leider auch erwischt und wir hatten mit einigen Ausfällen zu kämpfen. Trotzdem haben wir uns den Weiberdonnerstag nicht nehmen lassen und haben ein wenig in der Apotheke gefeiert. Natürlich wie soll es anders sein - ich war als Ape…
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Warhead puts you in the cockpit of a starfighter-and doesn't hold your hand!🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!https://www.patreon.com/amigospodcast📌 Chapters:0:00 Ridiculous Banter4:14 Warhead Review45:44 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs!46:15 Amiga NewsSubscribe to the podcast version of the show at https://podcasters.s…
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We're back for Episode 149! In this episode Cody, Tim, and Eric catch up on what they've been playing and adding to their collections + 6 Good Games With Hearts 7:31 - Quick Questions 33:55 - Patreon 38:52 - Tea Time With Tim - CompuNet 53:56 - Cody's Corner - Retro Modern Retro 1:31:38 - Catching Up 2:36:58 - 6 Good Games With Hearts Please give u…
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Welcome to ARG Presents 309! This time out, we ponder a questions as old as time - Do games look better on a CRT?!?!? Obviously, old games were made to play with old TV's...but is there enough of a difference to bother? We'll discuss this very point, and then we'll examine a few games more closely that WE have chosen to make this very point. Join u…
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The Skate or Die sequel no one asked for is here!🏆 Support our wacky, weekly Amiga podcast!https://www.patreon.com/amigospodcast0:00 Ridiculous Banter5:45 Ski or Die Review51:40 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs!52:37 Amiga NewsSubscribe to the podcast at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/amigospodcast🔗 Get social!Twitter: …
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Lucas drags the boys along for the ride on the road to wilds, giving advice on weapons and chatting about the real animals used to create some of the monsters we have seen so far. Follow and Share!Twitter: https://twitter.com/spritesoflifeDiscord: https://discord.gg/wAAJrw9PGJYoutube: https://tinyurl.com/2hd6nfvk Facebook: https://tinyurl.com/mr38u…
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Welcome to the long awaited, ONE TIME BONUS SPECIAL - It's Ask THE BRENT! Enjoy THE BRENT's on the fly answers to the chat's BURNING questions, including THE BRENT's views on film, Valentines Day, zombies, and SPRAY RUBBER! It's all here in live and living color as we ASK THE BRENT!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: a…
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Our Sinclair 117 features Dark Sceptre, a dark fantasy game with some high concepts and amazing graphics and sound. Join THE BRENT and Amigo Aaron has we explore this DEEP and frantic real time fantasy strategy offering! It's Our Sinclair 117!🏆 Please check out our Patreon to support Our Sinclair and our other wacky endeavors!https://www.patreon.co…
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Aufräumen, Ausmisten, Minimalismus & Co. Wer kennt es nicht? Der Kleiderschrank ist voll und trotzdem hat man das Gefühl, nichts zum Anziehen zu haben. Über die Jahre kann sich nicht nur im Kleiderschrank viel ansammeln, sondern auch etwas bei Büchern oder Kleinkram in der Wohnung. Wir klären, mit welchen Entrümpelungstipps wieder mehr Ordnung in d…
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We're back for Episode 148! In this episode Cody and Eric catch up on the news and battle Iridion II (GBA) vs Judgement Silversword (WonderSwan). 16:22 - Quick Questions 42:54 - Patreon Song 47:52 - Eric's Take -- Piracy! 1:43:54 - News 2:45:32 - Battle Of The Systems: Iridion II (GBA) vs Judgement Silversword (WonderSwan). News Notes: https://pixe…
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Christina und Hanna auf verschiedenen Events oder in Bad Aibling und Düsseldorf Genau zwei getrennte Podcastfolgen hat es gedauert bis Christina und Hanna wieder eine gemeinsame Folge aufgenommen haben.Es ist aber ganz schön viel passiert!Beide waren unterwegs auf unterschiedlichen Events.Hanna hat es nach Bad Aibling verschlagen wo sie das Rezeptu…
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Jinxter is a classic, old school graphical text adventure game. How does a game like this hold up on the Amiga?!? Join THE Brent and Amigo Aaron as we take a deep look at this Amiga text classic on this week's episode of Amigos: Everything Amiga! 0:00 Ridiculous Banter 2:28 Jinxter Reveiw 35:06 RetroRewind.ca for all your Commodore computer needs! …
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Welcome to ARG Presents 308! This time out, we explore the fun filled and wacky world of Game Show Games! Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Family Feud, The Price is Right, and many MANY more game shows have made their way to your favorite classic consoles and computers, and we'll chat about our favorites! They, we'll discuss a few we've chosen for this …
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