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Hi, I host and create podcast episodes in the language I teach, covering everything from current events to fascinating cultural aspects. Daily Life; News & Current Affairs; Society & Culture. 每日生活; 时事新闻; 社会文化. Intermediate and advanced Chinese listening practice. HSK 4, HSK 5, HSK 6; B1;B2;C1 中,高级汉语听力练习 https://www.mandarin247.com/
In this episode, we dive into the recent social media migration phenomenon—when U.S. TikTok users, anticipating a potential ban, briefly migrated to the Chinese platform, Xiaohongshu (Red Note). Our guest, China expert and digital marketing strategist Olivia Plotnick, shares her insights into what led to this movement, how Chinese users responded, …
中国的娱乐也出口 China's Entertainment Export 近一年中国短剧出海热度骤增。截至2024年2月底,已有40多款中国短剧应用程序试水海外市场,累计下载量近5500万次,内购收入达1.7亿美元(约合人民币12亿元)。 短剧应用程序试水海外市场 - Chinese short drama app tests overseas markets
生活多姿多彩的人 The old person who has a very fun life 曾经可帅了 used to be very handsome 现在他就住在市中心 At the moment he is living right in the city center 讲流利的外语 he could speak fluent foreign language
每一个夜晚 Probably every single evening 听歌 看电影 listen to some music, watch some short videos and movies 超喜欢 I'm a super fan 忙碌之余 after a busy day or tough day
童年生活可有意思啦 my childhood life could be very very fun 六岁之前 before I was at the age of six 玩耍 play around 和现在的生活完全不同 it was totally different from today's life
喜欢吃热量和卡路里的东西 eating different kinds of calories and fat 炸鸡和奶酪汉堡 cheeseburgers and fried chickens 很难实现 it was really hard to get 坚持去做 carry on doing it forever