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It's a Blind Life

Arya and Belle

Hey there! On this show Belle and I talk about different things that have to do with our visual disability and what our lives are like. This podcast updates every other Monday.
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my blind life

Daniella Roccasalvo

This is my blind life where I educate the world about how I live as a blind college student. If you like funny moments, educational episodes, and just happenings in life, then your in the right place. Oh, and I may also post some music covers! Subscribe to get to know me!
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Life of an ordinary blind guy.

Life of an ordinary blind guy.

Ramblings, and various events going on in my life. Some thoughts and opinions, on what’s going on in the world around me, and stuff on my mind. I live just a simple, ordinary life. Hear how I live as a blind guy. Cover art photo provided by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash:
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What if you are allowed to follow around a blind person and are allowed to authentically experience what parts of their life are like! This is an audio blog in which it is half soundscaping and have narration of events occurring in this lass’s life. For this reason this audio blog/podcast is semi informal so as to give you a genuine and authentic experience. Follow her in her everyday adventures whether it is close to home or a bit further away! Sit back, relax, and enjoy emersing in this wo ...
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Schön, dass du hier bist und herzlich willkommen! Ich möchte dir mit diesem Podcast gerne die Geschichte von meiner (krankheitsbedingten) augenlosen Hündin und unseren Erlebnissen im Alltag erzählen. Der Podcast ”Rund um das Zusammenleben mit einem blinden Hund” ist für dich gemacht, wenn du selbst einen blinden, schwer erkrankten oder behinderten Hund hast und Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten suchst. Aber auch Hundefreunde, ohne eigenes oder mit gesundem Tier, erhalten hier interessante Einbli ...
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show series
The BlindShell Classic 3 is here. This latest version of the popular accessible phone for the blind and visually impaired comes packed with major upgrades, including a touchscreen for select apps, a faster processor, and a brand-new AI assistant, Luna. Plus, we’re diving into Tandem, the exclusive BlindShell app that makes communication easier than…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! We are back again after an unexpected break. In this episode we will talk about what's been going on, other updates, and some random stories thrown in for fun. TRIGGER WARNING: The loss of a family pet will be mentioned in this episode. If you want to reach out, email us at bli…
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In this heartfelt episode of "The Blind Life Podcast," we discuss the often-overlooked challenges faced by blind and visually impaired individuals at social events. From the struggle to recognize faces and read body language to the emotional weight of feeling invisible, we explore the complexities of navigating social spaces without sight. This ano…
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Welcome to The Blind Life Podcast! In this exciting episode, we're joined by Drew Crook, an accessibility architect at Paramount Global. Drew is at the forefront of making streaming platforms like Pluto TV and Paramount Plus more accessible to everyone. Drew shares his personal journey living with a vision impairment, and how he thrives in his care…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are going to be talking about our eye doctor experiences and some of the things we have gone through when it comes to eye doctors. NOTE: There is one part of the episode where we explain a medical procedure in detail. You have been warned. If you want to reach…
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Okay, folks, get ready. Because today, we’re going deep, deep into the world of those Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses. Oh, yeah. Hold on. We’re not just talking about how cool they look. But let’s be honest, they are pretty slick. Right. But you’ve sent us a ton of stuff on these glasses. Yeah. Reviews, articles, even some hints about what’s coming down…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! About this time last year we started uploading the episodes for "It's a Blind Life" and so we decided to do an episode to celebrate that. Today we are just going to talk about our favorite episodes so far, what episodes we didn't like, and just other rambling thoughts (as we do…
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Hey everybody, it's Sam with The Blind Life! Welcome back to another exciting episode of The Blind Life Podcast. In today's episode, I'm thrilled to chat with my friend Sedona Dave, the brilliant mind behind Awarewolf Gear. We dive deep into the creation and innovation of two groundbreaking mobility aids: the All Terrain Cane and the brand new Urba…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are finally talking about why we don't like roller coasters and amusement parks. There are definitely a lot of funny stories in this episode so if you enjoy those, this is the episode for you. If you want to reach out, email us at …
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In this episode of The Blind Life Podcast, Sam Seavey continues the Working Blind series with Christy, who shares her inspiring journey from a career in consulting to leading global disability accommodations at Otis Elevator. Diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at age 3, Christy talks about adapting to vision loss, the transition to audiobooks, and…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Since it's been awhile since our last upload, Belle and I wanted to give the full story on where we've been and why there hasn't been any uploads. Life has truly been chaos but we thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy the full story. If you want to reach out, email us …
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Shopping online as a blind or visually impaired individual can be challenging due to inaccessible websites. In this video, I introduce InnoSearch, a new platform designed specifically for the blind and visually impaired. It integrates with major retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy, providing a cleaner, streamlined experience free of clutte…
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In this episode, I chat with Selena, Cleaves, and T, the brilliant minds behind the popular UK-based Seesaw Podcast. We dive into their history, from meeting in school to starting the podcast during lockdown, and explore each host's vision impairment journey. Learn how they leveraged Selena's popularity to boost their reach in a truly entrepreneuri…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are going to talk about some upsides to being blind. We know sometimes it may seem like there are only downsides, but a lot of time there are positives even if they are very random and not ones you would expect. If you want to reach out, email us at blindgirls…
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Hey everyone! In this episode of The Blind Life podcast, I share my vision story – from my diagnosis with Stargardt's disease at age 11 to how it has progressed over the years. Discover how I navigated school challenges, found solace at a school for the blind, and adapted to life with limited vision. Plus, learn about my tips for living independent…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are discussing the issues with large print among many other topics that are print or reading related. If you want to reach out, email us at Check out our other podcast, Blind Girl's Book Talk…
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In dieser Folge erfährst du: > Wie ich meine Wohnung blindensicher machte. > Wie es blinde Hunde schaffen sich eine Umgebungslandkarte im Kopf zu erstellen. > Wie wir als Frauchen und Herrchen unseren kleinen Blindis bei der Orientierung helfen können. Diese Folge ist die letzte Folge, die zu Lias Lebzeiten produziert wurde. Ich werde versuchen, ob…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle is back and we are talking about how we approach fashion. From how we pick outfits to what kind of accessories we like, we are going to talk about it all. If you want to reach out, email us at Check out our other podcast, Blind Girl's Bo…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today I am going to be talking about the different reasons that blind people could wear sunglasses. I'm sure there are other reasons as well, but these were the ones that made the most sense to me. If you are listening to this on Youtube and you are a blind person who wears sun…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Since Belle is not with me today, I decided to tell another funny story. This one is about how I have basically zero directional sense. Sorry for the shorter episode but hopefully next week we will be back to our regularly scheduled programming. If you want to reach out, email …
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Join Sam from The Blind Life as he interviews Chris, a remarkable individual with an inspiring vision story. At the age of 24, Chris received a diagnosis of Stargardt disease, leading to legal blindness by his early thirties. Despite the challenges, Chris embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery through cycling. From commuting to work…
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Und schwupps - der nächste Arztbesuch steht vor der Tür. Egal, ob allgemeiner Check, Impfung oder Krankheit, Arztbesuche sind auch mit blindem Hund regelmäßig notwendig. In dieser Folge erfährst du: > Wie du deinen blinden Doggo auf Arztbesuche vorbereiten kannst. > Was euch während des Arztbesuch hilft entspannt zu bleiben. > Warum Entspannung auc…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are going to be talking about our educational experiences. If you want to reach out, email us at Check out our other podcast, Blind Girl's Book TalkArya and Belle による
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are going to try to put into words how our friends and family cope with and react to our disability. If you want to reach out, email us at Check out our other podcast, Blind Girl's Book Talk…
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Blaue Flecken, Beulen und Platzwunden? Ja, bei Lia gab es das. Gerade am Anfang ihrer Erblindung. Damals habe ich mich auf die Suche nach Ideen für den Schutz und Komfort gemacht, damit die Verletzungen weniger werden. In diesem Mini erfährst du: > Welche Hilfsmittel es gibt, um Verletzungen vorzubeugen. > Warum du kritisch mit Hilfsmitteln umgehen…
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Im Mini 2 der Serie "Tools für den Alltag" für ein Zusammenleben mit blindem Hund stelle ich 6 Tools und Tipps vor, die dir das Gassigehen erleichtern können. Du erfährst unter anderem: > Welche Leinen hilfreich sein können. > Welche Gassirouten sich anbieten. Höre dir zum Thema Gassigehen mit blinden Hunden auch gerne meine Folge Nr. 5 an. Schreib…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are going to talk about all of the hobbies we have had over the years and how we have done some of them. If you want to reach out, email us at Check out our other podcast, Blind Girl's Book Talk…
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Mit dieser Folge starten wir eine Mini-Serie zum Thema "Tools für den Alltag". Diese und die kommenden "Minis" geben dir Impulse, wenn dein Hund erblindet oder du dir einen blinden Hund ins Leben einladen möchtest. Mini 1: Die Blindi-Checkliste. Du erfährst: > Welche 8 Checks dir helfen können, dich auf das Zusammenleben mit einem blinden Hund vorz…
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Spannende Spiele spielen und gleichzeitiges Alltagstraining? In dieser Folge gehe ich den Möglichkeiten nach, wie das mit blinden Hunden funktionieren kann. Du erfährst: > Warum das gemeinsame Spielen in Bezug zum blinden Alltagshandling wichtig ist. > Welche Spiele sich eignen, um sicher mit blinden Hunden zu spielen. > Wie du sofort mit deinem Hu…
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In this episode of the working blind series, I'm talking with Brad Manning, 1/2 of the very successful Two Blind Brothers team. Brad discusses how he and his brother got started in the fashion industry and how their meteoric rides in popularity led to some difficult growing pains and uncertainty for the future of the business. #TheBlindLife #Blind …
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are talking about the different kitchen gadgets as well as the type of plates and utensils that we use. If you want to reach out, email us at Check out our other podcast, Blind Girl's Book Talk…
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Nur gesunde Hunde sind Glücksbotschafter? Natürlich nicht! Unsere Handicap-Doggos können uns genauso glücklich machen wie andere. Gebt jedem Hund die Chance sich in dein Leben zu lieben. In dieser Folge erfährst du: > Warum uns Hunde im Allgemeinen glücklich machen. > Welche Happiness Booster besonders Handicap-Dogs mit sich bringen. Ich freue mich…
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Unlock the full potential of your iPhone or iPad with our comprehensive tutorial! Join us as we guide you through optimizing your device for low vision needs. Learn to navigate Accessibility settings, customize displays for clarity, and enlarge screen elements effortlessly. Discover the power of the zoom magnifier and set up hardware shortcuts for …
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! We are back and today we are talking about what all happened during our move and the moving process. Next week we will be back talking about more blind person specific topics but today we just wanted to talk about our move. If you want to reach out, email us at blindgirlspodcas…
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"Sitz", "Platz", "Steh" reichen als Kommandos bei blinden Hund leider nicht mehr aus. Andere Signalwörter müssen also geübt werden, um bspw. sicher über die Straße gehen zu können oder vor Gefahren zu warnen. In dieser Folge erfährst du: Wie der Signalaufbau bei blinden Hunden funktionieren kann. Welche Signalwörter hilfreich sind. Welche Unterschi…
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Jeder von uns trifft täglich große und kleine Entscheidungen für seinen Hund bzw. seine Hunde. Aber was ist mit endgültige Entscheidungen, die nicht mehr rückgängig gemacht werden können? In dieser Folge erfährst du: Ob der Mensch grenzenlose Entscheidungskapazität hat. Warum es so schwierig sein kann für seinen Hund eine Entscheidung zu treffen. W…
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In this video, I put the Apple Vision Pro to the test to determine if it's a viable device for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Through a thorough week-long evaluation, I explore its features, accessibility options, and overall usability in various real-life situations. Join me as I delve into this cutting-edge wearable headset's cap…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are going to tell some funny stories centered around the color pink. We are also giving a life update. As we state in the episode, we will be taking a few weeks off from the show due to having to move. We will be back sometime in March. We hope to see you when…
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Nach dem Arztbesuch ist vor dem Arztbesuch. Ob Tropfen, Medikamente oder Kontrollbesuche. Vieles musste nach der Diagnose Glaukom bedacht werden. In dieser Folge erfährst du: Wie die Diagnose unseren Alltag beeinflusste. Wie unsere Morgentroutine aussah. Was nach der Diagnose unser erstes Trainingsziel war. Besuch uns gerne auf Instagram oder Faceb…
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Join me as I unfold an amazing story of determination and creativity in Minecraft! In this captivating storytime,I share the incredible journey of recreating the iconic Biltmore Estate from scratch. Prepare to be amazed as I recount the painstaking process of constructing the entire Biltmore Mansion, room by room, over several months. From the gran…
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Erst unauffällig und dann doch besorgniserregend. Nach unscheinbaren Anzeichen zeigte sich später leider eine unheilbare Augenkrankheit und spätere Erblindung. In dieser Folge erfährst du: Welche Anzeichen es für die Erblindung gab. Wie schwer es mir fiel, die Ernsthaftigkeit der Krankheit richtig zu deuten. Wie sich das Verhalten von Lia verändert…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are discussing what exactly ableism is. We are also going to talk about some certain instances in our lives where we have experienced it. NOTE: This is not meant to condemn anyone or to cause a spiteful debate. This is merely for educational purposes and to ex…
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In dieser Folge möchte ich dir gerne meine blinde Hündin Lia und mich vorstellen und du wirst erfahren, warum wir unsere Erlebnisse gerne mit dir teilen möchten. Besuch' uns gerne auf Instagram oder Facebook! Wir freuen uns auf eine Nachricht von dir. Insta: Facebook: Blind Dog Happy Life E-Mail: Musik…
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Today we explore the world of Tesla's humanoid robots and their potential as personal assistants for the blind community. Could the Optimus Gen II be the ideal solution for the visually impaired? Tesla unveiled their groundbreaking prototype humanoid robot in 2021, and just two years later, they announced the third-generation model called Optimus. …
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are going to talk about how we cook. Of course, we are not cooking masters, but we will talk about or thoughts about cooking and some of our favorite dishes to cook. If there is anything you have further questions about, email us at the address listed below an…
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Be My Eyes, one of the most popular apps in the blind community has added a new AI tool. Be My AI Adds the power of ChatGPT and introduces amazing possibilities to the assisted technology world! Website: • For Apple: • For Android: •…
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In 2016 I created a very short film called "The Visit". It was just a fun little project I did with my daughter Skyler, and then posted on my channel. Since barely anyone saw it at the time, I thought I would repost the video and this time include audio description. This is the audio from that video. I hope you enjoy it! Watch the full video here! …
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are talking about our resolutions for the New Year, our thoughts on resolutions in general, and several other bits of randomness. We hope everyone has had a good holiday and that you have a wonderful New Year. If you want to reach out, email us at blindgirlspo…
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If you have questions or want to say hi, send us a text Hello everyone! Today Belle and I are going to be talking about a general day in our lives. If you want to reach out, email us at Check out our other podcast, Blind Girl's Book TalkArya and Belle による
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This is talked back with the blind life, the video podcast where my wife Rachel and I answer frequently asked questions and comments from the previous month's videos. We also do a giveaway in each episode. To watch the full episode, and join in the giveaway, head over to…
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