The Sexiest Podcast is a weekly ranking of the Sexiest Everything. Join hosts Kim Belair and Ari MacGillivray and their guests as they delve into topics ranging from movie monsters and sea creatures to emoji and ice cream, to finally determine what really is The Sexiest. New episodes every Wednesday.
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Got nips? If so, you're eligible for this episode, as Kim and Ari discuss the Sexiest Mammal. Plus: great white sharks, ravens, and how do you find your fursona?Kim Belair and Ariadne MacGillivray による
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More like XXX-Men! In this week’s episode, Kim and Ari examine the X-Men and decide which mutant power is the sexiest. Come on down to the mansion and get your adamantium bone on.Kim Belair and Ariadne MacGillivray による
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Kim and Ari return with a slightly new format, picking a topic at random and diving in. Unfortunately, that topic is the "Super Smash Bros" franchise. Kim celebrates Bowser Day. Ari shows her geographical prowess. Pac-Man joins the fray.Kim Belair and Ariadne MacGillivray による
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The Sexiest Podcast is back and the samer than ever! But also, it's a bit different. In this quick update, we explain our new format, our new network and how many sudoku Kim does in a day. Actually, this is mostly about sudoku. We're back for real on Friday April 13th! Stay sexy!Kim Belair and Ariadne MacGillivray による
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