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Zephaniah | Chapter 1:1-9 Pt. II ~ Episode 951: The Lord looks for intercession, as a means of faith being exercised on the Earth, so He can legally restrain and hold back what people have released into their lives because of their own words and actions. It's a part of the spiritual laws the Lord established and taught the generation about in Scrip…
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Zephaniah | Chapter 1:1-9 Pt. I ~ Episode 950: If you truly love God, you're willing to uproot all unrighteousness; and, you will no longer want sin as master over your life. You'll want to be subject to the Lord only; staying loyal and faithful to Him.A DAY OF PRAYER による
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Episode 949: In the Book of Zephaniah, we're continuing with the Season of Rebuilding and Restoration that the Lord has brought us into. And, He's directing us to examine the things that were occurring before the period of captivity, so we do not get so caught up or complacent in this momentary peace and prosperity that we allow that to derail us f…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:16-21 Pt. V ~ Episode 947: When Scripture states the Lord provided, it means to be able to fill everything that you required. He [The Lord] produced, He calls their flocks to reproduce without miscarrying, He calls their grain to produced. He provided the rain for it at the harvest time. He provided for the herds. He did ever…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:16-21 Pt. IV ~ Episode 946: Let's continue to receive the additional insight and understanding concerning the importance of the Feast of Tabernacles; and, how it demonstrates what the Lord's been carrying out in each generation throughout time. Just like the Lord, through Zechariah, is giving the people through these Scriptur…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:16-21 Pt. III ~ Episode 945: The Lord, through Zechariah, is giving the people additional insight and understanding concerning the importance of the Feast of Tabernacles; and, how it demonstrates what the Lord's been carrying out in each generation throughout time.A DAY OF PRAYER による
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:16-21 Pt. II ~ Episode 944: Every vessel in the Lord's house is holiness, or as Scripture says, it shall be holiness to the Lord of hosts. No longer will there be vessels of honor and dishonor; all the vessels are refined and carrying out their Covenant relationship with the Lord - Only doing His will; nothing of our own init…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:16-21 Pt. I ~ Episode 943: The Lord is capable of doing all things He's capable of. Showing grace to those who need it in the moment.You cannot play semantics with God. You cannot manipulate Him. Nobody can outward or outthink Him. There's no counsel against the Lord. He's going to examine each and every heart before the thro…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:11-15 Pt. III ~ Episode 942: It is important to understand, when the city of Jerusalem is surrounded, the only reason why the people in Jerusalem survived was because of their connection in communion with the Lord. The Bride of Christ, whom the Lord is defending by being a tall tower for, shall become one - this only happens …
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:11-15 Pt. II ~ Episode 941: Each individual must choose to acknowledge God for who He is individually for our lives. He's my little savior. I can't make Him your Lord and Savior; but, I have made Him mine. And, He will remain that way. He's my Lord and savior. The curse will be broken in Jerusalem, will live in safety. I thin…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:11-15 Pt. I ~ Episode 940: If you see these terrible things happening or these strange things happening, of course you're going to cry out for God. But, the Lord has a way of using His refining fire to reveal what's already in that person's heart. Everybody does not love the Lord. When hard times come, not everyone is going t…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:1-10 Pt. V ~ Episode 939: We're meant to remain here in the earth and occupy until He comes; keeping the faith and doing the work that has been assigned to by the Lord, which is our reasonable service of worship. There's coming a separating of the wheat and the chaff ; separating us [those that are the Lord's] from the natura…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:1-10 Pt. IV ~ Episode 938: Jesus the Christ, in His High Priestly prayer, that we would be one even as they, Jesus and the Father, are One. Showing the unity as a result of love that is expected from His people. And it's not love as the world defines love; the Lord is love. Requiring us loving the Lord our God with all our he…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:1-10 Pt. III ~ Episode 937: Our refuge must be in the Lord. He is our tall tower. So to connect everything together; our refuge is in the Lord, our role is to move at His instruction. We are sent people. He [the Lord] sends us where He desires to send us, to say and or do what He wants us to say and do, how he wants us to say…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:1-10 Pt. II ~ Episode 936: The Lord, in His Love and Grace, has given each person time to either make a choice for Him; or, to be against Him. If you have been against the Lord, you can make a change in your decisions, while there is time. But once that eternal phase has been entered into; that final judgment is set and ready…
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Zechariah | Chapter 14:1-10 Pt. I ~ Episode 935: When we examine the Word of God, there is a tendency to only take note of the times a nation was brought into captivity by another nation; for a period of time before the Lord delivered them, and restored them. What the people didn't fully understand was that those practicing sin and wickedness; they…
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Zechariah | Chapter 13:7-9 Pt. V ~ Episode 934: The Lord loves us Immensely; and, He's welcoming anybody who will come to Him. In all of Scripture, for anyone who is willing to draw close to the Lord, He stayed there to engage with them; so they could receive from Him. There are some that would not take His offer. They kept thinking they had anothe…
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Zechariah | Chapter 13:7-9 Pt. IV ~ Episode 933: First things must come first. You cannot do the last things first; or the middle parts first. Yes, that's part of the Lord's process. Going through the Lord's process in His Divine Order ensures everything will be in Divine Alignment. The Lord, and all that He does is perfect.…
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Zechariah | Chapter 13:7-9 Pt. III ~ Episode 932: God is a volunteer military. He's a volunteer family. He doesn't force that upon us. So when you see these people who have gone through the refining fire with the Lord; and now they're shining and they look like their Lord and Savior. And God is saying, I'm pleased. With you, I'm pleased with you, A…
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Zechariah | Chapter 13:7-9 Pt. II ~ Episode 931: The way God sees things is that he leads us from victory to victory, not from almost being defeated; or maybe just getting by. it's flat out you are going to be the victorious. Which is exactly how He describes the Messiah, here; and is a message for you today. Especially, when challenges come your w…
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Zechariah | Chapter 13:7-9 Pt. I ~ Episode 930: The Lord always makes a distinction; He's separating His people, the wheat from the tares. Those that will believe Him, in Him, and trust Him; to accomplish His will on the Earth as it is in Heaven. From those that are in opposition to Him; and attempt to battle against the Lord.…
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Zechariah | Chapter 13:1-6 Pt. III ~ Episode 929: The Lord didn't send us to do my own will. Just like Jesus, I was sent to do the will of my Father in Heaven. And not only that, Jesus our pattern and example, He didn't do His own will. He didn't come with His own motivation and objectives, That was the reality of Christ; from the the very minutia,…
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Zechariah | Chapter 13:1-6 Pt. II ~ Episode 928: When people do not receive the love of the Truth, it means, they wanted to believe a lie rather than the truth. Or, in other words, they were willing to be deceived... They chose to be deceived. Denoting a turning from the Lord; resulting in a consequence that they weren't able to fully go into their…
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Zechariah | Chapter 13:1-6 Pt. I ~ Episode 927: The Fountain of Living Water, is only talking about Jesus the Christ. He is the only one that can wash away your sin; cleansing you from all unrighteousness, making you as white as snow. This is desire for you, and your eternity. Will you choose Him and let Him bring Living Water to you and your life?…
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Zechariah | Chapter 12:10-14 Pt. VII ~ Episode 926: The people are now coming to their own realization, their own moments with the Lord. But then there's time that's set forth, in that that time clock that the Lord has that is running as well. There's a there's a completeness in what the Lord is talking about; because, completeness of repentance le…
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Zechariah | Chapter 12:10-14 Pt. VI ~ Episode 925: Most of the people didn't realize what was being spoken about by the Lord, through His servant Zechariah. They were blind because of their own carnality. So, the Lord is saying here for us to first understand what is happening; and secondly, to fix their / our own perspective. Because, we're not go…
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Zechariah | Chapter 12:1-9 Pt. V ~ Episode 924: Take your place and find out what our purpose is, what did God create you to do? His overarching purpose for your life; but, also in the season or in the moment that you're in now, and fulfill that. Fulfill it. That's your place in Him. That's what maturing looks like. Choose to focus on the things of…
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Zechariah | Chapter 12:1-9 Pt. IV ~ Episode 923: Its a sad and disappointing thing when we understand that the people claiming they are the Lord's wanted to have that wickedness in their life; but just not so much that It [sin] would cause them to get kicked out. They thought they could entertain sin in their life; and control how far they went wit…
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Zechariah | Chapter 12:1-9 Pt. III ~ Episode 922: Our heart should be to do the will of God to the best of our ability; to carry it out in perfection, in His perfect way. Also still know, understand, and rely on His grace, to help us get there. But, we should put every bit of our effort and impetus to do whatever God asked us to do, the way He want…
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Zechariah | Chapter 12:1-9 Pt. II ~ Episode 921: If we are actually in alignment with what the Lord is saying, if we're listening and operating according to His Word; He will defend us. Nobody will be able to steal the land and the blessing that He's given to us. But if not, just like Jerusalem, they were physically occupied by people because they …
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Zechariah | Chapter 12:1-9 Pt. I ~ Episode 920: Whether it was in Zechariah's day, or today; we, the Lord's people must take up the responsibility that the Lord has assigned. Even if the previous generation chose not to fulfill all the Lord had for that generation to accomplish, the Lord already purposed to strengthen that next generation to accomp…
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Zechariah | Chapter 11:10-17 Pt. III ~ Episode 919: We need to remember, it is the Lord, Whom is our strength. He alone empowers you to complete the works He predestined for you to accomplish; on the destiny track He determined for you. Do not be dismayed by the task, by the opposition, or by the situation or circumstances you're facing. The Lord w…
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Zechariah | Chapter 11:10-17 Pt. II ~ Episode 918: A people that has reverence for the Lord, will not attempt to serve two masters. You cannot attempt to do just enough to be in God's grace. With the Lord, it is all or nothing. Either you love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; or you choose to be His adversary. So let's choose to L…
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Zechariah | Chapter 11:10-17 Pt. I ~ Episode 917: Every person, from every generation, has made a choice to either let God be their God and they become sons or daughters of the Lord Most High (His People); or to choose to become apart of the adversary's (Satan) kingdom. There is no difference for you to day. Making the choice of the Lord (entering …
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Zechariah | Chapter 11:1-9 Pt. IV ~ Episode 916: Let's continue to hear the insights the Lord have to Zechariah's generation, concerning Christ Jesus' Earthly ministry; to understand its importance for this (our) generation, and the generations to follow.A DAY OF PRAYER による
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Zechariah | Chapter 11:1-9 Pt. III ~ Episode 915: One of the many incredible things the Lord always does, is tell us things to come. He does nothing without telling His prophets; however far in advance He desires, so they can be a people prepared for the Lord. Will we listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Church / Body / Bride of Christ?…
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Zechariah | Chapter 11:1-9 Pt. II ~ Episode 914: Oftentimes people don't understand what it is that they have to listen to. They adopt a mindset that the Lord is suddenly going to appear and make it plain; that here's no need to learn. Essentially, if he wants to tell me something, he will find a way to do so. That's the mindset people have, may ex…
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Zechariah | Chapter 11:1-9 Pt. I ~ Episode 913: The Lord, like the loving Father He is, comes to us with instruction; demonstrated specifically by making a way for us to return to Him - here and now. This is the Truth, extending from Genesis to Revelation; and even though it's articulated in a different way it's the same concept. That's how you kno…
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Zechariah | Chapter 10:7-12 Pt. III ~ Episode 912: As part of our training in the Lord, is also strengthening. A building up in our most Holy Faith; now having a sense of purpose, combined with the equipping, so that you can actually fulfill the Lord's calling on the destiny track He has for your life.…
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Zechariah | Chapter 10:7-12 Pt. II ~ Episode 911: You train up children while they're young. So that way they learn and get used to doing things and become acclimated to what is required of them when they become older. And that's what the Lord is telling this generation; Train them now, as they're young, so that way they can rejoice when I rejoice.…
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Zechariah | Chapter 10:7-12 Pt. I ~ Episode 910: Your faith needs to be activated and engaged to get to the next place / level; because you cannot access the power of God without your faith. Abraham believed God, hat's faith, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. He didn't doubt God. He believed the Lord in spite of everything. And, that i…
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Zechariah | Chapter 10:1-6 Pt. IV ~ Episode 909: We should be delighted to always acknowledge the Lord; and to ask Him for His direction and guidance, as He absolutely earned the right to direct your steps. Have you, like David, asked the Lord to direct your steps; bringing your plans before the Lord? King David was renowned for being this tacticia…
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Zechariah | Chapter 10:1-6 Pt. III ~ Episode 908: The Lord is raising up warriors - His sons and daughters that not only have a heart towards the Lord; they also know the Lords heart, and like David's mighty men, and are quick to accomplish it [carry it out] in excellence.A DAY OF PRAYER による
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Zechariah | Chapter 10:1-6 Pt. II ~ Episode 907: Let's understand any person, place, or thing can become an idol. What the Lord wants is for us to remove those idols from our lives; and make Him, the Lord, the only object of our worship. That is a starting place for your walk with the Lord, as His son or daughter [as a Child of the Most High God].…
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Zechariah | Chapter 10:1-6 Pt. I ~ Episode 906: Crops are typically planted in the spring right with the 1st rain; and prior to the latter rain is the time when everything is prepped, it's grown, it's completed; and, at the latter rain everything is ready for harvest. So there's an acceleration of time and the things manifesting in the natural; but…
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Zechariah | Chapter 9:9-17 Pt. III ~ Episode 905: The Lord always provides guidance and direction; long before we even know we have need of it. He tells this generation of His coming, both His first and second coming; while also providing instructions for His people, so they are not unaware. But, are able to give grace so that none should perish; a…
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Zechariah | Chapter 9:9-17 Pt. II ~ Episode 904: The Lord is always victorious; He's had the victory from before the foundation of the earth was laid. Yet, He's still humble; remaining in the moment and with the guidance from Heavenly Father, through Holy Spirit. We must learn this, so we can walk in like manner before the Lord; moving from victory…
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Zechariah | Chapter 9:9-17 Pt. I ~ Episode 903: Let's understand the salvation the Lord's providing. Moving beyond being a prisoner of hope, or those who have been waiting to see the salvation of the Lord; the fulfillment of His promises. When the Lord talks about deliverance, He's talking about reestablishing and reaffirming that promise of salvat…
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Zechariah | Chapter 9:1-8 Pt. III ~ Episode 902: Every nation, tribe, and tongue has always been under the Lord's grace since the beginning. The Lord did not just become gracious since Jesus' earthly ministry; He's always been gracious. The reason for Jesus' earthly ministry, is because the God is gracious.…
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