Convos about JESUS, Health, Sports and Society, Good News & Everything Kingdom Fitness
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Don’t be consumed by this world music edition
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Stop missing out the opportunity to do something for yourself
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Life from different perspectives
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Once you act on what you believe you will see more than what you ever thought about.
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Joy to the World
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No matter what you can always find something to be thankful for
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“Is more rewarding to unlock something that wasn’t obvious before than to polish what you already have”
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See what GOD says
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Is up to you to go w/ the flow
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Why some birds dont fly, why some gods dont live?
37:03Be who you believe GOD made You to be
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We been rollin
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Dont pay for popularity
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Just Flowing
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No reason to be Anxious when you expect the best for yourself
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The beauty of Being Committed
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Happy holidays & happy new year
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BE the light in the midst of the world of darkness, bringing hope, love, peace, victory in etc…
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Stay connected is better that way
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The golden relationship question lol
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Check out some Truths
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Know who you are and stop holding you back
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Change is vital
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Change it up
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Be Patient and Persistent not fast and the furious #peace
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Just dropping in with some heat
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Football or fashion “you look good you play good”
59:51The outside is not what matters the most and surely does not put up points for you.
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Dont forget why you started, because that can get keep you faithful
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Don’t just coach one, coach everyone!! W/special guest Brayden Duke
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Take your time, be consistent, for the Faithful One will Manifest
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Gratitude will reveal so much more that GOD has planned for you
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Don’t let no one of nothing tell you are
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Mature in Your Believing and watch what happens
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Give Reverence to the ONE who gave us everything
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GWe were born with N.I.L deals through HIM 🩸 ..endless favor
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Is in your DNA to Win from the beginning
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Be confident in what you say and accomplish what you believe
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Protect your heart and you’ll protect your life
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Does not matter if it is not there, Believe, Take Action, and Watch the manifestation
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Don’t Neglect Connect
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If your trying to do something and is “hard” your probably not on the original paved path
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Know that mistakes are actually lessons. When you learn from them you can achieve so much more. GOD loves us so much to teach us from our mistakes and make them into achievements
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When you stay in your lane there are a lot of achievements that come with it. A major reason for the achievements come from the Truth that GOD will have HIS hand on you and will never loosen HIS grip....that’s Major Love (Hebrews 13:5 TPT) check it out
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You must be able to receive all the things that GOD has in store for you in order for it to manifest in your life.
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There are many relationships to be established in life. Here are some importance on why relationships are beneficial to you.
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What student athletes should consider in this time
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Acting Faith can only be applied when you believe in the Word of GOD. Find out what it says and apply Faith to it!
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Knowing who you are is first thing that needs to be done in creating your own Cap
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Having Faith in GOD is all you need. It’ll relieve a lot of unwanted pressures & establish a lot of wanted peace.
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