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Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health

Hästveterinärerna är podden för dig som är hästveterinär eller djursjukskötare, eller jobbar med hästsjukvård på ett eller annat sätt. I podden kommer vi att träffa experter inom olika områden som är intressanta för dig som jobbar med hästsjukvård, och vår ambition är att ställa de frågor som du vill ha svar på, och prata om sådant som du har praktisk använding för i din vardag som hästveterinär eller -djursjukskötare. Nya avsnitt kommer att släppas med jämna mellanrum, så tryck på ”prenumer ...
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POP Psykisk Ohälsa/Uhelse Podden

Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health

En svensk/norsk podd om psykisk ohälsa hos veterinärer. SVENSK: Psykisk hälsa är grunden för vårt välbefinnande, såväl i privatlivet som i våra yrkesroller. Samtidigt finns det tecken på att veterinärer löper större risk för psykisk ohälsa än befolkningen i övrigt. Därför sätter vi på Boehringer Ingelheim i den här podden fokus just på det veterinära välbefinnandet. Värd för podden är Karl Zötterman och till sin hjälp har han grundarna av Psychovets, Helene Seljenes Dalum och Marianne Linder ...
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PodCows (SE)

Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health

Välkommen till en serie spännande podcasts från kornas värld. Sitt med till bords vid diskussioner med veterinärer och lantbrukare. Kom med in i lagården och hör om de dagliga utmaningar och framgångar som lantbrukare upplever. Uppdatera dig på det senaste inom forskning och vetenskap och få idéer och tankar om hur man på bästa sätt kombinerar djurvälfärd och hög produktion. Med PodCows önskar vi ge inspiration som vi hoppas att både du och korna kommer att ha glädje av!
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Ange Läget!

Malin Horney Sköld

I programmet som publiceras månatligt, samtalar jag med mina nära vänner och nya bekantskaper om det som är angeläget för dem. De anger läget.
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Koh Lantapodden

Lars Berglund

Koh Lantapodden är en podcast för dig som på något sätt har intresse av den vackra thailändska ön Koh Lanta. Vi levererar tips och råd, främst genom spännande gäster som har unika band med denna ö.
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show series
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 26th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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As a social media inspired call for people to this week boycott Sweden's major supermarket chains in protest at high food prices, we look at how much room for manoeuvre the supermarkets really have in bringing down their prices. Also, one of Sweden's biggest rock bands, Kent, is making a comeback with a series of six sell-out shows in Stockholm, st…
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 21st 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 20th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Ulla EngbergSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 19th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris Boswell.Sveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 18th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Michael WalshSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 17th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producent: Kris Boswell.Sveriges Radio による
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This week's episode is all about green battery manufacturer Northvolt's bankruptcy. We hear from impacted workers, locals up in Skellefteå and some of the decision-makers managing the fallout. Presented by Michael Walsh and Babak Parham Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 14th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 13th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter and producer: Dave RussellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 12th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 11th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Ulla EngbergSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 10th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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Sweden has now been a Nato member for a year, marking a historic shift in its security policy. But what has this meant in practice? Also, we’ll look at how criminal gangs are recruiting young people, what came out of the EU summit on Ukraine and defence, and why a Finnish band is shaking up Melodifestivalen. Presenters: Babak Parham and Michael Wal…
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 6th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Sujay DuttSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 4th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Sujay DuttSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on March 3rd 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris Boswell.Sveriges Radio による
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Massive cuts to the US Agency for International Development has affected humanitarian projects around the world, including projects with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. In this edition of Radio Sweden Weekly, we speak to the Deputy Director of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency about the Trump adminis…
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 28th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 27th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Sujay DuttSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 25th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Michael WalshSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 24th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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Many in Sweden are concerned as 'superpower-politics' returns to the international stage. Meanwhile, the Swedish government advocates keeping a cool head - or having 'ice in the stomach'. In this edition of Radio Sweden Weekly, we hear reactions and analysis what it could mean for Sweden that the US and Russia are talking on the future of Ukraine -…
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 19th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 18th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Produced and presented by Dave RussellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 17th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris Boswell.Sveriges Radio による
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A minute's silence was held around the country for the 10 people killed in last week's attack in Örebro meanwhile we speak to the police about their hunt for a motive. Also: We talk to Shakila Edizada at Radio Sweden's Farsi/Dari desk, who's been in Örebro speaking to one of the victim's loved ones. We also look at why so little is still known abou…
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Pixelklubben gräver allt djupare i de svenska Wendros-dubbarna. Denna gång berättar han Mange om animén Dancougar från 1987, en sällsynt svensk videokassett. Detta är det rika 80-talets Japans direkt-till-video-marknad då det är som allra mest påkostat och snyggt; med robotar, rymd, snyggon och poppmusik!…
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 13th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Sujay DuttSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 11th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Sujay DuttSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 10th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 7th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Sujay DuttSveriges Radio による
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We've spoken to survivors, residents and local politicians in the aftermath of the deadly attack on an adult education campus earlier this week in Örebro. Among the interviews, Fatima Alabdullah, who was on the campus at the time of the shooting, speaks of her terror as they placed classroom furniture against the door. The Swedish city of Örebro wa…
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 6th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Michael WalshSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 5th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 4th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Sujay DuttSveriges Radio による
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We've reaction to this week's murder of Salwan Momika, the man widely known for his Quran burning protests in Sweden. The 31st of January marks five years since Sweden's first diagnosed case of Covid-19. We speak to state epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén about Sweden's unique Covid strategy and ask how well prepared is Sweden for the next pandemic? Al…
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 31st 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 30th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Sujay DuttSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 28th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Sujay DuttSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 27th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 24th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellSveriges Radio による
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