Monday mornings can be difficult. I don’t know about you, but for me there is such a difference in mindset and focus on the weekend versus weekdays. On the weekend I typically have more time with my family. There is more time to think about how to be a better parent and work through various real-life struggles. There are repair projects at home that need to be attended to. And I typically let myself sleep in a little… maybe till 7 or 8 instead of 6AM. And then Monday rolls around and I need to set all that aside and get back into the mindset of work - calling people, replying to emails, looking at spreadsheets, and trying to ignore all of the distractions that are prevalent in our “smart” society. Sometimes it can be difficult to make that mind-shift and feel positive on a Monday morning. So, as I’ve said before, these little Monday Morning Motivation episodes are as much (if not more) for myself, then for any of my 3 followers. By the way – if you’ve enjoyed any of these weekly installments, let me know that you’re out there. That would motivate me to continue sharing my thoughts with the world! So today’s topic is WANTING IT! In the past we’ve talked about living your life in a way that will impact others and cause them to think well of you once you’re gone. On the other end of the spectrum we’ve talked about visualizing worst case scenarios and what will happen if you fail. These mind exercises can be very helpful to motivate you towards success but if they don’t connect to your emotions then they might not do the trick. To be really motivated – you need to WANT IT deep down inside. Think back to a time that you were really excited about something. Maybe it was going on a vacation. Maybe it was falling in love. Maybe it was getting a new house. Think about the emotions that you felt leading up to those events - the excitement, the joy, the anticipation. These emotions aren’t just inside your head, they influence the way you feel. When you really want something, your body gets energized; you can feel your blood pumping and you might even want to jump up and down. All of these emotions and feelings don’t make the difficulties and hardships of life disappear. But they can significantly change your perspective on them. For example, when you think about your dream vacation (one that is totally paid for and where work doesn’t interrupt you), you don’t focus on the long-travel time, and the overpriced activities. Instead you get excited about the fun things you’ll get to do, the cool places you’ll get to see and your loved ones that will enjoy the trip with you. Now can you apply this to your Monday Morning? Knowing that there are aspects about working that can be painful or difficult – can we change our perspective with the deep emotion of WANT? Can we recognize that the true reason for work isn’t for work itself, but for the things that work can provide to us? These things could be accomplishment from doing a great job, fulfillment from helping others, enjoyment from being creative and of course security from getting your bills paid. Think about how bad you want to achieve your goals. Start your day and your week with excitement running through your veins because of a deep desire to succeed – in work and in life. You may just find that the drudgeries and difficulties will fade into the background and you’ll be able to push through. -- Why is a real estate team providing motivational messages? We believe that being a professional real estate agent is more than selling houses. Our goal is to provide 5-star customer service. This level of service is so much more than just a transaction. We want to come along side you and help you be successful. This can often start with your mindset and that's where Monday Morning Motivation comes in. We hope you enjoy it. John Stiles VIP Real Estate Group BRIDGE REALTY Website - YouTube -…