1x05 | ITZIAR ITUÑO: Beyond ‘Money Heist’
Manage episode 454764133 series 3606154
Itziar Ituño was already well-known in the Basque Country, but she made a leap to international fame after the television series ‘Money Heist’. Within three days of its release on Netflix, she gained up to three million followers on Instagram, and ultimately, her adventure in Madrid lasted five years.
When she was a child, her schoolmates laughed when she said she wanted to be an actress, as she was quite shy. However, she was determined to pursue her dream. Even so, she did not expect to achieve such fame. Initially, she had no intention of participating in the Madrid project and was taken aback when she found out she had been chosen, as she felt very comfortable living and working in the Basque Country. However, she decided to give it a try, and now she is leveraging the impact she gained from the series to promote and spread Basque culture and language.
In this episode of the BASQUE. Podcast, Itziar shares her journey as an actress and her thoughts on the role of art as a tool for social change.
Itziar Ituñok bazuen izena Euskal Herrian, baina La Casa de Papel telesailaren ostean mundura egin zuen jauzi. Netflixen estreinatu eta hiru egunetara, hiru milioi jarraitzailetaraino heldu zen Instagramen eta, azkenean, bost urtez luzatu zen bere Madrilgo abentura.
Txikitan, aktore izan nahi zuela esan zuenean, barrez hasi zitzaizkion eskolako lagunak, oso lotsatia baitzen. Baina garbi zuen bere ametsa. Halere, ez zuen espero hainbesteko ospea lortuko zuenik. Hasiera batean ez zuen Madrilgo proiektuan parte hartzeko asmorik, eta sustoa hartu zuen bera hautatu zutela jakiterakoan, eroso bizi baitzen Euskal Herrian. Baina froga egitea erabaki zuen, eta, egun, telesailaren eztandari esker lortu duen oihartzuna baliatzen ari da euskal kultura eta hizkuntza aldarrikatu eta hedatzeko.
BASQUE. podcastaren atal honetan, bere ibilbideaz eta arteak aldaketarako tresna gisa duen funtzioaz hausnartu du aktoreak.
This podcast is produced by Ulu Media for Etxepare Basque Institute:
- Director: Oier Aranzabal
- Translation: Diana Draper
- Sound Design: Oier Aranzabal
- Sound mixed at Ulu Studio
- Producer: Cristina Tapia Huici
You can also explore more stories about Basque culture and creativity on our websites www.basqueculture.eus and www.etxepare.eus.
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