The Fresno Beehive bloggers are back with another weekly pop-culture chat. For episode 56, Joshua Tehee, Aleksandra Appleton, Brianna Calix and Jody Murray discuss Michelle Wolf's set at the so-called Nerd Prom. Also in this episode: A no-spoilers chat about Marvel's latest, "Avengers: Infinity War." Be sure to stick around for the recommendation round in which: * Jody reenacts a scene from HBO's Silicon Valley. * Brianna finally gets on the Janelle Monáe train. * Aleks explains how "Ingrid Goes West," is a movie about Instragram. * Joshua suggests Gabriel Tallent's book "My Absolute Darling," which has been described as as difficult to read as it is to put down. The Fresno Beehive weekly podcast with Jody Murray (in his final appearance on the show), Aleks Appleton, Rory Appleton (on leave) and Joshua Tehee (and assorted guests, obviously). You can subscribe (and please review) on iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher or follow along @fresnobeehive on Twitter.…