The TechSurge: Deep Tech VC Podcast explores the frontiers of emerging tech, venture capital, and business. For entrepreneurs, investors, tech professionals, or anyone interested in where technology is headed next. Presented by Celesta Capital, and hosted by Founding Partners Nic Brathwaite, Michael Marks, and Sriram Viswanathan. Email feedback and show ideas to Join us as we examine the next major tech cycle, uncover emerging global tech hubs, and analyze where VC investment dollars are headed. Tune in to hear directly from Silicon Valley leaders, daring new founders, and visionary thinkers. Past guests on the podcast and TechSurge Live summits include Kara Swisher, Vinod Khosla, former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, Micron CEO Sanjay Mehrotra, and others. Each discussion delves into the intersection of technology advancement, market dynamics, and the founder journey, offering insights into the vast opportunities and complex challenges ahead. Episode topics include AI, data center transformation, blockchain, cyber security, healthcare innovation, VC investment trends, tips for first-time founders, and more. New episodes release every two weeks. Visit for more details and to sign up for our newsletter and other content!
Pekerja immaterial itu apaan sih? Kalau kalian yang sober aja bingung, gimana kami yang mabok. Kali ini kami berhasil mengajak Ellena untuk membahas tentang perkerja immaterial beserta turunannya yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kebutuhan kehidupan modern dan di saat yang sama.
Setelah tahun baru kemarin ditinggal tukang jamu mudik, kali ini kami kembali lagi bersama Cania Citta Irlanie membahas tentang polarisasi ideologi yang sedang marak.
Copyrights itu apaan sih? Copyleft apaan lagi? Episode kali ini kami ngajak Putri Fallissa buat ngobrolin perkara hak cipta, properti intelektual dan hal-hal setengah sadar lainnya.
Gimana rasanya jadi anak rantau yang tersesat di rimba bernama Jakarta? Kali ini kami mengajak Adimas Immanuel ngobrolin survival skill anak rantau, tentu saja sambil membahas hal-hal setengah sadar lainnya.
Kali ini bersama Syaldi Sahude kami ngomongin kampanye 16 hari anti kekerasan terhadap perempuan, tentu saja sambil membahas hal-hal setengah sadar lainnya.