Climate Change and Violence? Cautionary Tales from the Pre-Columbian Andes The seminar will take place on January 25, 2008, 4 to 5 PM, in 201 Old Chem Building, West Campus, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Dr. Arkush received her PhD at UCLA in 2005. Her research centers on the interplay of warfare, political power, social identity, and ritual in the prehispanic Andes. Her doctoral research focused on the later part of the prehispanic sequence after about A.D. 1000, when many small polities throughout the Andes were apparently engaged in cycles of endemic warfare. Fieldwork on a suite of fortified hilltop sites in the northern Lake Titicaca basin in Peru investigated the regional patterns that emerged from conflictual and cooperative social relationships. This study also examined the chronology of fortification to question current interpretations of the causes of intergroup violence at the time.…