Stay curious. Stay agile. Marketing technology, AI, and CX insights from top brands and martech platforms fill every episode, focusing on what leaders need to know to build customer lifetime value and long-term business value. The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström® features executives and thought leaders from top brands and platforms discussing the trends driving the industry forward, like first-party data strategies, artificial intelligence, consumer data privacy, omnichannel customer experience, and more. The Agile Brand is hosted by Greg Kihlström, advisor and consultant to leading brands, speaker, entrepreneur, and best-selling author. It provides a fresh perspective on the continually evolving dynamic between brands and the audiences they serve.
Episode kali ini, OMG! akan membicarakan mengenai konsep berbagi dan kejujuran, dengan pembicara tamu Rochsan Apuy, penggagas Tenahara (Tempat Nasi Haratis) Bandung, obrolan yang menarik dan inspiratif. untuk memberikan komen dapat klik link berikut
OMG! episode pertama bercerita mengenai apa itu Rotary bersama Presiden Rotary Club of Bandung Selatan, Alva Reza untuk memberikan komentar dapat klik link berikut
Ingin tahu mengenai Rotary? mari simak podcast ini, untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang rotary dapat kunjungi send voice message to
Kunjungan District Governor atau yang biasa disebut DG Visit, dilakukan secara virtual pada kamis malam 23 Juli 2020 dihadiri oleh 19 anggota Rotary Club of Bandung Selatan, District Governor Roziana WIguna dan Assisant District Governor Yessi Sunjati. send voice message to…
Messgae from Rotary International President - Holger Knaack in welcoming the new Rotary Year 2020-21, Rotary opens opportunities. send voice message to