Send us a text On this very funny short Bonus Show, standup comic Mack Dryden shares his story about going to the'll never believe what happens...Hilarious! Look for Mack Dryden's "NEW" Dry Bar Comedy Special... Please Listen, Enjoy, and Share where you can...Thanks!! Support the show Standup Comedy Podcast Free APP on all Apple & Android phones....check it out, podcast, jokes, blogs, and More! For short-form standup comedy sets, listen to: "Comedy Appeteasers" , available on all platforms. New YouTube site: Videos of comics live on stage from back in the day. Please Write a Review: in-depth walk-through for leaving a review. Interested in Standup Comedy? Check out my books on Amazon... "20 Questions Answered about Being a Standup Comic" "Be a Standup Comic...or just look like one"…
Hosted by Jeffrey D. Miller and Rabbi Ted Simon, two Jewish men who love Yeshua (Jesus), the Jewish Messiah, Messianic Minutes is a powerful tool to spread the message of hope and love for everyone in Yeshua.
Hosted by Jeffrey D. Miller and Rabbi Ted Simon, two Jewish men who love Yeshua (Jesus), the Jewish Messiah, Messianic Minutes is a powerful tool to spread the message of hope and love for everyone in Yeshua.
Purim is celebrated on the 14th day of Adar on the Hebrew calendar, which falls this year on March 14, beginning at sundown on Thursday, March 13. It is not one of the seven Levitical Feasts, but it holds great significance in light of antisemitism which still is widespread in the world today.
In this episode, Part 2 of Hearing from God, Jeffrey D. and Rabbi Ted continue their discussion of biblical accounts of people hearing from God, plus their own stories of hearing through the still small voice, inward witness, and how the Lord uses His creation and circumstances to speak to us and give us guidance.…
Does God still speak to people today? In this episode Jeffrey D. and Rabbi Ted share accounts from the bible where God spoke, and they share accounts from ordinary individuals and their own stories of God speaking through the Word and through visions and dreams.
"Salvation to the ends of the earth," is the promise of God to all who would believe. Listen as Jeffrey D. Miller and Ted Simon bring clarity to the call of the Father upon the Jews, through whom Messiah came, to extend and bring "all who are far off" into His kingdom.
Hanukkah, this year, began at sundown on December 25, 2024. It's unusual for the holiday to fall so late in the year; it will run for eight days through January 2. Also known as the Feast of Dedication and the Festival of Lights, it commenorates the recapturing of the Holy Temple by the Jews after it was desecrated. Listen as we uncover its spiritual significance and relation to life in Yeshua the Messiah.…
We want the world to know that the birth of Messiah Yeshua was a Jewish event. Jesus came as a Jew, to the Jews to fulfill the Jewish prophecies and scriptures.
It's been one year since the horrific attack on Israel by Hamas. Israel is the center of biblical activity and the eyes of the world are remain on this tiny country in the Middle East. It is the "Holy Land," set apart by God for His purposes. It is holy because He declared it Holy.…
Born Again Christian , it's a commonly used designation to depict those who have accepted Jesus the Messiah, as their Savior and Lord. When Jesus said "You must be born again" he asked the Jewish leader, Nicodemus, "Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? " Listen as Jeffrey D. and Ted unveil the concept right from the Hebrew scriptures.…
Thank you for listening to Messianic Minutes. Find out more about our history; we've been doing this for more than 31 years with listener support. We want to hear from you and want to send you something you can use to reach out to Jewish people with the good news of Yeshua the Messiah.
The ninth day of the Hebrew Calendar month of Av, Tisha B'Av (beginning at sundown Monday, August 12 through Tuesday August 13th this year) is a day on which repeated historical calamities beset the Jewish people. Most notable among them are the destruction of both Holy Temples in Jerusalem. It is a day of extreme sadness, even called the saddest day of the year in Israel.…
"Of course I'm still Jewish," says Jeffrey D. Miller. In Part 2 of Jewish Realities of the New Testament, Jeffrey D. and Ted take a close look at the calling and ministry of the Jewish Apostle Saul, also known as Paul.
"You're still Jewish when you come to know Jesus." There is much in the New Testament that authenticates the Jewishness of faith in Yeshua. In this episode, Jeffrey D. and Ted examine both subtle and demonstative illustrations, and even mis-translations that are frequently overlooked.
In this episode, Jeffrey D. and Ted discuss the momentous revelation that opened the way for Gentiles to hear and receive salvation through Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.