The American healthcare system is one of the most innovative in the world. But it’s also riddled with complex challenges, such as access to affordable medications, inefficiency and administrative burdens, and communication barriers between providers. There’s clearly a better way—and at Surescripts, we have a unique sightline into what that may be. In this series, host Melanie Marcus, Chief Marketing Officer of Surescripts, sits down with today’s most inspiring and innovative leaders in healt ...
Redefining AI is the 2024 New York Digital Award winning tech podcast! Discover a whole new take on Artificial Intelligence in joining host Lauren Hawker Zafer, a top voice in Artificial Intelligence on LinkedIn, for insightful chats that unravel the fascinating world of tech innovation, use case exploration and AI knowledge. Dive into candid discussions with accomplished industry experts and established academics. With each episode, you'll expand your grasp of cutting-edge technologies and ...
On The Bike Shed, hosts Joël Quenneville and Stephanie Minn discuss development experiences and challenges at thoughtbot with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and whatever else is drawing their attention, admiration, or ire this week.
Download This Show is your weekly guide to the world of media, culture, and technology. From social media to gadgets, streaming services to privacy issues. Each week Rae Johnston and guests take a fun, deep dive into how technology is reshaping our lives.
In this episode, we delve into the concept of being "qualified" in the workplace, examining who gets labeled as such, who doesn't, and the underlying reasons. We explore "competency checking"—the practice of scrutinizing individuals' abilities—and how it disproportionately affects underrepresented groups, often going unnoticed or unchallenged. Our discussion aims to redefine qualifications in a fair, equitable, and actionable manner. Our guest, Shari Dunn , is an accomplished journalist, former attorney, news anchor, CEO, university professor, and sought-after speaker. She has been recognized as Executive of the Year and a Woman of Influence, with her work appearing in Fortune Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, Ad Age, and more. Her new book, Qualified: How Competency Checking and Race Collide at Work , unpacks what it truly means to be deserving and capable—and why systemic barriers, not personal deficits, are often the real problem. Her insights challenge the narratives that hold so many of us back and offer practical solutions for building a more equitable future. Together, we can build workplaces and communities that don’t just reflect the world we live in, but the one we want to create. A world where being qualified is about recognizing the talent and potential that’s been overlooked for far too long. It’s not just about getting a seat at the table—it’s about building an entirely new table, one designed with space for all of us. Connect with Our Guest Shari Dunn Website& Book - Qualified: LI: TikTok: Related Podcast Episodes: How To Build Emotionally Mature Leaders with Dr. Christie Smith | 272 Holding It Together: Women As America's Safety Net with Jessica Calarco | 215 How To Defy Expectations with Dr. Sunita Sah | 271 Share the Love: If you found this episode insightful, please share it with a friend, tag us on social media, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform! 🔗 Subscribe & Review: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music…
TalTech Digital Health podcast is for current and future health care change managers and healthcare enthusiasts in general. We talk about digitalisation of healthcare, which goes hand-in-hand with smart change management. We ask, how to implement positive change in healthcare? We discuss change at system, organisation and individual level. Our guests are innovators, clinicians, scientists, regulators from the digital society of Estonia and around the world. The podcast is hosted by Priit Kruus and is in both, Estonian and English, depending on the scope of the topic.
TalTech Digital Health podcast is for current and future health care change managers and healthcare enthusiasts in general. We talk about digitalisation of healthcare, which goes hand-in-hand with smart change management. We ask, how to implement positive change in healthcare? We discuss change at system, organisation and individual level. Our guests are innovators, clinicians, scientists, regulators from the digital society of Estonia and around the world. The podcast is hosted by Priit Kruus and is in both, Estonian and English, depending on the scope of the topic.
Our 20th episode dives into policy, as our guest is Jaarika Järviste, Head of Development at the Estonian Health Insurance Fund. In addition, Jaarika shares her experience of working in a hospital and the deeply rooted hierarchy in healthcare as compared to other fields. Jaarika and Priit also talk about what is the government’s role to incentivize the emergence of publicly procured and privately owned digital solutions. The episode is wrapped up with a discussion about the importance of a product manager’s skillset and how to acquire it. In addition to her work at the Estonian Health Insurance Fund, Jaarika contributes to the development of the Digital Health Master’s programme as a member of the Programme Council.…
For the second time, Tartu Biotechnology Park hosted a week focused on innovation, technology, and digital transformation in healthcare - the Estonian Health Tech Week. In terms of the event TalTech Digital Health curriculum hosted a panel discussion on bridging the gap between healthcare professionals and technological transformation, moderated by Kadi Lubi from TalTech. The panel members were Member of the Estonian Parliament Andres Sutt, Deputy Chancellor of the Ministry of Social Affairs Nele Labi, family doctor Laura Prett and Priit Kruus from Dermtest. The recording is now available for the listeners of the TalTech Digital Health podcast.…
Seekordseks külaliseks Digital Health podcastis on Eesti terviseminister Riina Sikkut. Podcastis räägivad Priit Kruus ja Riina Sikkut sellest, mis tervishoius toimub ja kuidas minister oma tee tervishoidu leidis. Saates arutatakse selle üle, kas digilahendused välistavad inimkesksuse ning kas innovatsioon ja avalik sektor kuuluvad kokku. Kuulda saab ka sellest, mis peaks juhtuma, et me saaks riigina jätkata 7% SKP suurust tervishoiu rahastust.…
Erki Mölder is the name that always comes up when anyone in Estonia or the Nordics say “Healthcare” and “Investing.” About 25 years ago Erki jumped into the business of healthcare via coincidence and has not looked back since. In this episode of Digital Health Podcast, Priit Kruus welcomes Erki Mölder to talk about his founder journey, how he has developed a systematic approach to business and investing and what should current health tech founders keep in mind to tackle this difficult yet also intellectually rewarding path…
Is digital health about just another app development or collaboration methodology? In this episode of the TalTech Digital Health podcast, host Priit Kruus talks with digital health curriculum program manager Doris Kaljuste and e-health professor Peeter Ross about the early days of the curriculum and its current role in the healthcare landscape. The discussion highlights the need for specialists who can mediate the collaboration between IT and healthcare. Doris Kaljuste comments about the program's impact and the need to train more specialists who can advance the digitalization of healthcare. Additionally, we ask whether and how AI should be taught, and why it is necessary to discuss financial incentives to adopt digital solutions. EST Kas e-tervis on äpiarendus või koostöö-õpe? Miks õppekava loodi? Selles TalTech Digital Health podcasti episoodis räägib saatejuht Priit Kruus e-tervise õppekava programmijuhi Doris Kaljuste ja e-tervise professori Peeter Rossiga õppekava algusaegadest ja tänapäeva rollist Eesti tervishoiumaastikul. Arutelus tuleb välja vajadus spetsialistide järele, kes suudavad vahendada IT ja tervishoiu koostööd. Doris Kaljuste räägib programmi mõjust ja vajadusest koolitada rohkem spetsialiste, kes suudavad edendada tervishoiu digitaliseerimist. Veel küsime, kas ja kuidas peaks AI-d õpetama ning kuidas ja miks on vaja rääkida finantsstiimulitest.…
Taskuhäälingu viieteistkümnendas episoodis keskendume ennetusele ning selle rakendamisele innovatsiooni ja tehnoloogia abil. Külas on e-tervise magistriprogrammi juht, Kadi Lubi ning Praxise tervise programmi juht, Mariliis Öeren. Küsime kui suur peaks olema inimese enda vastutus oma tervise eest hoolitsemisel ning milline peaks sealjuures olema riigi roll. Kas ennetuse mõju võib olla ka kahjulik ning miks on oluline allikakriitilisus? Ühtlasi arutleme, kuidas hinnata digilahenduste mõju ning milline võiks selles protsessis olla teadusasutuste roll.…
Taskuhäälingu värskes episoodis keskendume vaimsele tervisele. Saate külaliseks on Triumf Health tegevjuht Kadri Haljas. Arutame, milline roll võiks olla tehnoloogilistel lahendustel vaimse tervise toetamisel. Miks on rakenduse välja arendamisel oluline lõppkasutaja kaasamine ning kuidas läbi mängustamise kutsuda esile käitumuslikke muudatusi? Vaatame lähemalt, miks on innovaatiliste lahenduste loomisel oluline teadus- ja tõenduspõhisus ning mis lihtsustaks vaimse tervise lahenduste turule jõudmist ja kättesaadavust? Taskuhäälingu neljateistkümnes episood on salvestatud 16. veebruaril.…
Taskuhäälingu kolmeteistkümnendas episoodis on külas Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla radioloog ning TalTech külalisõppejõud Dr. Julius Juurmaa. Arutame, milline on arstlik mõtlemine ning miks tuleks teadmistest rohkem usaldada protsessi. Küsime, kas mõtlemisprotsessi erinevaid etappe on võimalik lihtsustada tehnoloogiliste lahendustega. Miks on meditsiinis oluline süstemaatiline lähenemine ning kas tulevikus võiks arsti asendada tehisintellekt?…
Uues episoodis vestleme Ellex Raidla juhtivpartneri ning vandeadvokaadi Ants Nõmperiga. Ants on Eesti üks tunnustatumaid meditsiiniõiguse eksperte ning Eesti ainukese meditsiiniõiguse õpiku autor. Taskuhäälingu kaheteistkümnendas osas arutame, kui paindlik on Eesti õigusruum tervishoiuinnovatsiooni suhtes. Kuidas võiks süsteem anda inimesele tõuke oma tervisekäitumise muutmiseks ja parendamiseks? Mis on mittesüüline vastutuskindlustus ning miks ei ole seda seni Eestis rakendatud? Vaatame ka lähemalt, milline võiks olla usaldusele suunatud tervishoiusüsteem ning millised võimalused on üleeuroopaliste tervishoiuintegratsioonide loomiseks.…
Taskuhäälingu uues episoodis on meil külas Tervise ja Heaolu Infosüsteemide Keskuse andmekorraldustalituse juhataja Kerli Linna. Räägime terviseandmete tähtsusest ning milline mõju oli andmekasutusele COVID-19 kriisil. Mis on andmekvaliteet, kuidas andmeid kogutakse ning milliseid standardeid selleks kasutatakse? Arutleme, kuidas hõlbustada tervishoiutöötajate andmete kasutamist, tagades sealjuures lõppkasutaja mugavus. Ühtlasi vaatame lähemalt, milline nägi välja COVID-19 sertifikaadi loomisprotsess nii Eesti kui ka Euroopa tasandil.…
Eestist on välja kasvanud juba 7 ükssarvikut – idufirmat, mille hinnatav väärtus ületab 1 miljard eurot. Meie idusektor õitseb ja kasvab mühinal. Kus aga asub maailma innovatsiooni kontekstis Eesti tervishoid? Toome teieni 13. augustil toimunud Arvamusfestivali paneeldiskussiooni salvestuse. Vestlust juhib Dermtesti tegevjuht ja TalTechi lektor, Priit Kruus. Paneelis osalevad Taavi Einaste - Nortali partner ja tervishoiutehnoloogiate juht, Karl-Henrik Peterson - Haigekassa juhatuse liige, Erki Mölder - Health Founders tervisetehnoloogiate ärikiirendi üks asutajatest, Terje Peetso - PERHi juhatuse liige, dr Diana Ingerainen, perearst.…
In this episode Priit Tohver, the Head of Quality at North Estonia Medical Center, talks what is the meaning behind quality in healthcare. We discuss how to manage change in a hospital environment and implement new processes for quality improvement. Who should be involved and what are the first steps that need to be taken to implement any kind of change processes at a hospital? Priit also shares his thoughts on current financing models as well as the importance of research in regards to innovation at hospitals. We take a look at how to create a better safety culture at a hospital and whether we have enough data to measure quality in healthcare. As Priit's prior role was at the Ministry of Social Affairs, we also explore his position as an Advisor for Digital Service Innovation and Development as well as his experience in developing the Estonian contact tracing app HOIA.…
Taskuhäälingu kaheksandas episoodis on Priit Kruusi külaliseks Tallinna Teaduspark Tehnopoli tervisevaldkonna ja Connected Health klastri juht Piret Hirv. Räägime muutustest tervishoiusüsteemis, kuidas jõuda parimate tulemusteni innovaatiliste lahenduste arendamisel ning milline on selles klastri roll. Miks ei ole seni Eestis sirgunud ühtki digitervise ükssarvikut ning millist tuge alustavad ettevõtted oma idee arendamisel ja turule toomisel vajaksid? Arutame, kas Eesti vajab uut e-tervise strateegiat ja vaatame lähemalt, millised on ettevõtete ootused riigile ning mida oleks vaja, et ettevõtete koostöö haiglatega oleks võimalikult lihtne ja sujuv.…
During the past year COVID-19 has had unprecedented impact on digital health. The situation has changed specifically in regards to telehealth and its public acceptance. In our seventh episode we chat with Tarmo Pihl, the Founder and CEO of a telehealth company MinuDoc. We talk about how to build a successful telehealth company and what components need to be in place to offer high-quality service. Tarmo also shares tips on how to expand your digital health company and scale your business to other markets. Moreover, we discuss why the healthcare market in general is especially difficult to take on and how could a national healthcare digitisation strategy help entrepreneurs to find focus as well as develop their innovative solutions further.…
In this episode we dive into the world of electronic health records. Taavi Einaste, Partner at Nortal and Board Member for COVID-19 passport SimplyGO , talks about his experience in implementing hospital information systems and EHRs in Estonia and abroad. Are there any differences between countries, when it comes to implementing EHRs? We take a look at the examples of Finland, Lithuania and Abu Dhabi, discuss why are EHRs one of the most complicated information systems out there and why is it important to always have the support of the top management of the hospital during the implementation process. Taavi also shares what has worked well in EHR implementation and explains what is the role of prototyping and visual representation in it. As Taavi's prior role was the CEO of Nortal Germany, we also take a closer look at the German healthcare market and their approach in implementing digital innovations.…
Player FMは今からすぐに楽しめるために高品質のポッドキャストをウェブでスキャンしています。 これは最高のポッドキャストアプリで、Android、iPhone、そしてWebで動作します。 全ての端末で購読を同期するためにサインアップしてください。
The American healthcare system is one of the most innovative in the world. But it’s also riddled with complex challenges, such as access to affordable medications, inefficiency and administrative burdens, and communication barriers between providers. There’s clearly a better way—and at Surescripts, we have a unique sightline into what that may be. In this series, host Melanie Marcus, Chief Marketing Officer of Surescripts, sits down with today’s most inspiring and innovative leaders in healt ...
Redefining AI is the 2024 New York Digital Award winning tech podcast! Discover a whole new take on Artificial Intelligence in joining host Lauren Hawker Zafer, a top voice in Artificial Intelligence on LinkedIn, for insightful chats that unravel the fascinating world of tech innovation, use case exploration and AI knowledge. Dive into candid discussions with accomplished industry experts and established academics. With each episode, you'll expand your grasp of cutting-edge technologies and ...
On The Bike Shed, hosts Joël Quenneville and Stephanie Minn discuss development experiences and challenges at thoughtbot with Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, and whatever else is drawing their attention, admiration, or ire this week.
Download This Show is your weekly guide to the world of media, culture, and technology. From social media to gadgets, streaming services to privacy issues. Each week Rae Johnston and guests take a fun, deep dive into how technology is reshaping our lives.