Weekly sermons and sermon series exploring faith in Jesus Christ for those seeking a personal relationship with God. Please email us at info@familybc.org to let us know how we are doing and if our message has helped you with your faith in Jesus.
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This is a provision of the most recent 20 messages (or so) from Family Bible Church located in Martinez, GA. We also have many other podcasts of expository messages which are book, or topic specific. The list includes exposition on the book of Proverbs, Daniel, Zechariah, Matthew, John, Acts, 2 Corinthians, 1 John, etc. Additionally, since the spring of 2020, we have been uploading all of messages (including the video presentation) on YouTube #family-bible-church. You can explore our website ...
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We are a Bible-believing congregation that is reaching out to our community with the love of Christ.
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* While Jesus has been teaching the multitudes, we have seen Him addressing the faithlessness of the Pharisees, scribes and lawyers. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus revealed the callousness of the Jewish religious leaders towards the revival that was going on amongst the "common people."* Two weeks ago, we saw Jesus address this again wit…
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The Carrot and the Stick: Love and Mercy
Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* Over the past month, we have been studying Luke 14 through 16. In this portion of Luke, we have seen Jesus teaching various people groups that were following Him. In this section, we have seen Jesus' use of parables - or word pictures - to help illustrate, or portray, the point which He was conveying. Additionally, Jesus tended to teach into a mo…
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The Carrot and the Stick: Policies and Procedures
Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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The Carrot and the Stick: Incentive and Discipline
Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* Last week, we saw Jesus share the value of a repentant sinner and the situation of a repentant sinner to the Pharisees and the multitudes in general. The first two parables that he spoke were about a man who had lost a sheep and a woman who had lost a coin. Then he shared the parable regarding the Prodigal Son. * Today, we see that Jesus turns hi…
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* Last week, we saw Jesus again telling the multitude the expectations and costs of being His disciple. Jesus declared that being his disciple requires a full commitment - you must be "All In!" The Messiah expected that those who would be His disciples would be fully committed - forsaking everything including family and self!* In today's passage, w…
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* Last week, we took a one week break from Luke to examine ourselves as new creations in Christ. Paul declared, "If any one be in Christ he is a new creation." Indeed, he continued by stating that "old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." If you are a disciple of Christ, then you cannot be the same as you were before Jesus …
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* As we enter into a new year, it is generally a time to consider the past and the future, and the changes which we have experienced. It is a time, for many, to institute new "positive" changes, or habits.* Additionally, it is also the first Sunday of the month. As an assembly we traditionally hold our commemoration of the Lord's Supper on the firs…
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* The Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke report how Jesus performed many miracles on the Sabbath. Two weeks ago, we saw that Jesus healed a woman - in the synagogue - who was bent over and had been bound by Satan for eighteen years. These acts of grace and kindness put Him at odds with the Scribes, Lawyers and Pharisees who viewed healing as…
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* Jesus began His ministry by declaring that the Kingdom of God had drawn near. As a result, people were going to need to change the way they thought.* We have seen that Kingdom awareness and Kingdom teaching has been an important part of Jesus' interaction with His disciples and with the crowds.* As He is making His final trip to Jerusalem, Jesus …
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* Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen how Jesus taught while answering questions from the multitude. In the passage which we plan to consider today, we see that Jesus again is asked one question and then responds with an apparent non-corresponding answer. The Master knew where the hearts of the people were and addressed the core issues.* In…
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* Last week, we saw Jesus address the crowd who was following Him to beware of covetousness. Today's portion is actually a continuation of that teaching. Jesus had warned the people to not be anxious about the things of this world but rather to trust God as their provider and protector. Specifically, regarding financial covetousness, Jesus stated, …
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* Luke 12 begins with Luke's description of the size of the following that Jesus was beginning to have. The Greek declares that there were myriads of a multitude. In fact there were so many that they were literally stepping upon one another. (cf. Matt 5:13; 7:6; Luke 8:5; Heb 10:29). Two weeks ago, we began to see how Jesus would interact with vari…
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* Last week, we saw Jesus rebuke the Pharisees and Lawyers for being concerned about their outward appearance and living differently on the inside.* We would call this activity "hypocrisy." Hypocrisy is actually the transliteration of a Greek Word and it is actually what Jesus summarizes their activity as and about which He warns His disciples.* In…
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* Earlier in our study of Luke's account of the Gospel, we saw that Jesus shared an important detail of those who are truly part of the Kingdom of God ... having ears they will hear the message of God and they will heed what they hear! To "hear" and to "keep" - Shema and Shamar - is a very basic Jewish teaching. (cf. Deuteronomy 6:4-12)* Today, we …
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* When we considered Jesus healing of the demoniac of the Gadarenes (8:26-39), we saw that the Greek term "daimonizomai" which is best translated by it's transliteration: demonized. Biblically, it refers to someone who is being vexed by a demon - whether through possession or oppression. That man of the Gadarenes was possessed by many demons, for w…
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* During the last five messages in our study of Luke, we have seen Jesus' instructive interaction with His disciples.* Last week we saw that those who are disciples of Jesus will be devoted to the Mind of Christ (loving others) and the Word of Christ (desiring to learn from Him).* The disciples must have heard Jesus' rebuke of Martha and praise of …
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* The last four messages in our study of the Gospel According to Luke have focused on the expectations, costs, and motivations of being a disciple of Jesus Christ as opposed to being just a convert, or one who is called a Christian. * In the passage that we are examining today, we see that Luke shares two more vignettes of Jesus instruction regardi…
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* Our study of Luke has gotten juggled a little bit. After Hurricane Helene, it seemed appropriate to set aside our study to refocus upon our Great and Sovereign God who is also our Faithful and Loving Shepherd.* While I was in Argentina, David picked up in our study of Luke with the sending of the seventy disciples recorded at the beginning of cha…
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* John Tellis and his family joined us today for worship. John is a native of Scotland who seeking to reach his native Scots with the gospel of Jesus Christ.* John was scheduled to speak prior to Helene hitting the area. The topic of his message - chosen before Helene - was very applicable. This message was presented by John Tellis on October 13, 2…
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* Over the last two months we've worked our way through Luke 8 and 9, where Jesus' disciples have begun to realize that Jesus is truly YHWH incarnate, notjust a "human" prophet. Jesus has performed multiple miracles demonstrating His deity, including calming a storm, casting out demons, raising Jairus'daughter from the dead, and feeding the 5000. H…
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Today we meditate on Psalm 23 while thanking God for his protection through the recent storm. This message was presented by Bob Corbin on September 29, 2024 at Family Bible Church located in Martinez, Georgia.Bob Corbin & Family Bible Church, Martinez GA による
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* Last week, we considered how what you believe will affect your desires and your actions. Jesus had asked His disciples who the world thought He was and then who they thought that He was. He then proceeded to share with them what would shortly happen to Him and what His expectations would be of those who proclaimed to be His disciples. He would sh…
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Duke Hampsch による
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* Jesus had sent out His twelve Apostles to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God and had equipped them with power and authority over all demons and with the ability to cure diseases. He then took them aside to talk about their experiences, but they had been interrupted by the 5,000+ crowd. Jesus used the moment to teach the people, but also…
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* Two weeks ago, we considered when Jesus sent His twelve apostles out to herald the good news of the Kingdom of God. Jesus had given them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases. He had also instructed them to take nothing for the journey (to trust in God), to remain in whatever house they first entered, and to shake off the dust …
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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Matthew Kingdom Come: Time of the Signs
Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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Duke Hampsch による
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* Luke is writing in order that those who would read his account of the life and ministry of Christ would be assured of the truthfulness of the message.* What message did the people hear? Where did that message originate? From whom did they hear the message?* In Romans 10, we read: "For 'Whoever calls on the name of YHWH shall be saved." (cf. Joel …
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* In the beginning of our study of Luke's account of the life and ministry of Jesus, we saw that he was a "Physician." In different passages, we have found that Luke gives details that other writers did not give.* Last week, as we considered the deliverance of the man who had a legion of demons dwelling in him, Luke revealed many details of this ma…
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* In our study of Luke, we have seen that Luke has declared from the beginning that his purpose in writing this account of the life and ministry of Christ was that believers "Would know assuredly" the things with which they were instructed. Luke recorded immediately how Gabriel was sent to Mary to inform her that she would be overshadowed by the po…
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* Last week, we considered Scriptures regarding "The Kingdom of God." Jesus declared that His purpose was to share the good news of the Kingdom and then called upon His disciples to share that message as well. He also declared that this Kingdom was not just one that was, or would be, physical. Rather, the ultimate Kingdom of God is spiritual, and b…
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* As we have begun to study the ministry portion of Jesus' life recorded in Luke's account, we have seen a couple of times that Jesus has declared that His purpose is to declare the good news of "the Kingdom."* Today, we are going to take a one-week detour from our verse-by-verse exposition of the Book to consider the topic of "The Kingdom of God."…
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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Pastor Bill Dempsey による
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* In 1 Timothy 2:3-4 we read that God has a desire for "all men (people) to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." In 1 John 2:2 we read that Jesus died to be the propitiation for the sins of the whole world. The question is: Do we really believe that? If so, how do we exemplify it in our lives? How do we treat others?* After we have …
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* The earthly ministry of Jesus was marked by many miraculous events. We have already seen Jesus cast out demons, heal general sicknesses and specific diseases including leprosy, healing a paralytic, and healing a man with withered hand. Last week, we saw Jesus heal the Centurion's servant from a distance and raise the widow of Nain's son from the …
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