Contact Webtrack Technologies today for on-demand scaling of business processes and solutions which bring growth to your organization. We provide the top IT services under a single umbrella, in which include web design services, web development, SEO, and digital marketing.
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POM - Een podcast over media, cultuur, technologie en ondernemen
Alexander Klöpping & Ernst-Jan Pfauth
POM - Een podcast over media en technologie. Met Alexander Klöpping en Ernst-Jan Pfauth.
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Technologie is alomtegenwoordig en verandert voortdurend. In Radio Raccoons bespreken onze hosts Deevid en Daphné het meest recente en spraakmakende nieuws in onze rubriek tech scoops. Daarnaast ontleden ze steeds een innovatieve technologie in de deep dive, laten ze een curious raccoon aan het woord en sluiten ze af met een watercooler show-off. Dé podcast voor Vlaamse CIO’s, innovation managers, IT-professionals, en kortom iedereen met een interesse in technologie en innovatie.
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Podcasting to share our technical and engineering knowledge and experience for sustainable future.
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Welcome to the Blake Technologies podcast! I bring on business owners to discuss the world of entrepreneurship and their goals to make running their business easier!
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Join us as we uncover the future of finance, where blockchain and AI converge to shape a decentralized world of endless possibilities.
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Jak AI, media i technologia zmieniają świat? W podcaście „Radek Kobiałko Nadaje” analizuję przyszłość cyfrowego świata, twórczość online i wpływ sztucznej inteligencji na kulturę, biznes oraz nasze codzienne życie. Jako reżyser, scenarzysta i ekspert nowych mediów dzielę się doświadczeniami i przemyśleniami o tym, jak technologie kształtują społeczeństwo, komunikację i twórczość. Nowe odcinki co tydzień. 🎧 Obserwuj podcast i bądź na bieżąco!
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Im ShopTechBlog berichten wir regelmäßig über neue Technologien für digitalen Handel. Wir blicken in den „Maschinenraum“ bekannter Marken und Händler und diskutieren, wie sie sich aufstellen, um für die Anforderungen des Handelsgeschäft gewappnet zu sein. Es geht dabei vor allem um Bereiche wie agile Entwicklung, Cloud und Skalierung, sowie Microservices und APIs. Hinter dem ShopTechBlog steht Dr. Roman Zenner: Seit 2001 arbeitet er als Autor, Berater und Sprecher in der E-Commerce-Branche. ...
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Jurian Ubachs en Randal Peelen praten over alles dat nerds interesseert. Van technologie en wetenschap tot popcultuur en persoonlijke ontwikkeling. Je luistert elke week naar een interessante gastnerd die vertelt over diens hobby of vak, zoals ethisch hacken, de toekomst van gaming, de zin en onzin van Bitcoin, techmonopolies, Formule 1, en zelfs onderwerpen buiten de directe tech-sfeer zoals politiek en persoonlijke interesses van de gasten. Gasten in de show zijn vaak experts of enthousi ...
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A természet a technológia kísértete, a technológia a természet libidója. Ez itt a Technologie und das Unheimliche rendszeres műsora. A T+U egy felhöalapú alkotó kollektíva, mely az azonos nevű kultúraelméleti fanzine, illetve minikiadó keretében a kortárs kondíció intermediális és kultúraközi jelenségeit tárja fel. Azokat az irritáló határeseményeket, melyek az emberi állapot és a technológia összjátékának kísérteties oldalát jelenítik meg. Amikor az ég képernyőjén a műsorszünet zaja már nem ...
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A Podcast of Geography and geospatial technologies
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Epicenter - Learn about Crypto, Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin and Distributed Technologies
Epicenter Media Ltd.
Epicenter brings you in-depth conversations about the technical, economic and social implications of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. Every week, we interview business leaders, engineers academics and entrepreneurs, and bring you a diverse spectrum of opinions and points of view. Epicenter is hosted by Sebastien Couture, Brian Fabian Crain, Friederike Ernst, Meher Roy and Felix Lutsch. Since 2014, our episodes have been downloaded over 8 million times.
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Sustainability Now - exploring technologies and paradigms to shape a world that works
Mira Rubin & Scott Bille
Sustainability Now is engaged in the exploration and proliferation of cutting edge sustainable technologies that solve planetary problems related to food, energy, housing, water, waste, health, economics and consciousness. with Host Mira Rubin
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The Reminger Report Podcast: Emerging Technologies examines how innovations in technology and business models affect our daily lives, and how the law is adapting to respond to these changes. View video versions of our podcast here more information about Reminger Co., LPA, visit
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Constellations is your connection to the innovators, business leaders, entrepreneurs and policy makers who are making—and remaking—today’s satellite and space networks. Whether you’re in the industry or just have a desire to learn, this podcast is for you. For more information and to subscribe to the biweekly newsletter go to
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CX-Talks® ist der erfolgreichste deutschsprachige Edutainment Podcast, der sich speziell mit dem Top Thema Customer Experience Management beschäftigt. Es geht um Insights - von und über Kunden, Technologie und CX Trends. Dazu Berichte von CX Managern aus der Praxis. Alle 14 Tage teilen Experten aus der DACH CX-Community ihr Wissen mit Peter Pirner. Ein Customer Experience Podcast, der Spaß macht und breit informiert. Gemacht für alle CX Interessierten: CX Manager, Mitarbeiter im Marketing, C ...
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Join Ford Office Technologies on ”The Cutting Edge,” a podcast dedicated to exploring the latest advancements and trends in office technology. Each episode delves into the tools and strategies that transforming the modern workplace, from AI-powered automation to cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. We’ll interview industry experts, share real-world case studies, and provide actionable insights to help businesses of all sizes optimize their operations, enhance productivity, and stay ahead of ...
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Im Podcast HÄ Der Podcast für Recht, Technologie und Medien beschäftigen sich die Co-Hosts mit Neuigkeiten aus unseren Rechtsgebieten: Es geht um IT und IP, Medien und Technologie, Datenschutz und E-Commerce. Gemeinsam mit wechselnden Co-Hosts aus der Kanzlei begrüßt Martin Schirmbacher in jeder Folge einen Gesprächspartner, den oder die wir zu ihrem oder seinem Schwerpunktthema befragen und uns und Euch ein wenig über ihre oder seine Spezialgebiete informieren. In jede Folge steigen ...
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This is a feed of pages for Learning Technologies
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Podcast by Paweł Choiński
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Podcast o geek kulturze - od gier wideo po gadżety. Gramy, oglądamy, słuchamy, testujemy i latamy przez internet z kotem na syntezatorze. Oto efekt!
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Welcome to Glorium Technologies Knowledge Hub! This podcast series is for founders, CEOs, CTOs, and CIOs of healthcare and real estate startups who want to scale their businesses or attract additional investment. Glorium Technologies is a top-shelf bespoke software development firm boasting a portfolio of 100+ deployed products. We create innovative and scalable solutions for VC-backed startups and expanding tech companies. Here we invite you to sit back, take a cup of coffee and listen to s ...
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Uplogic Technologies is a leading provider of custom technology solutions, including web and mobile app development and IT consultation services. We help businesses of all sizes streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and drive growth through the use of innovative technology. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your company's success. Mail to: Phone. N ...
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Not only is technology changing at speed, the world around us is changing with it. Every industry is witnessing innovation and if you look closely, it’s the people who are driving this shift.
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Introduction to Kenda, My Wealth Map and more... Cover art photo provided by Paul Talbot on Unsplash:
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Podcast by Tweakers Partners
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Audycje o tematyce gospodarczej, w której rozmawiamy o świecie 3W - woda, wodór, węgiel.
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Making your favorite fictional technology a reality
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We bridge the worlds of user experience and software engineering. We deliver a full service digital experience, on-time every-time. - Contamos con 25 años de experiencia en ingeniería software y nuevas tecnologías para brindarte soluciones de software que potencian tu negocio.
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We provide a range of cost-effective IT related tech support, computer maintenance/repair, and managed IT services for small and mid-size companies that will help you save time, protect and manage data more effectively, and increase staff productivity.
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Training of Aria Technologies products including Ericsson-LG, Lancom Systems, Star Leaf, So Connect, Jabra, xmedius, Checkpoint, NBN, iPECS2Teams
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Inquivix Technologies is a pioneering South Korean supplier of industrial-grade aluminum alloys, state-of-the-art semiconductor components, and highly reliable secondary batteries. Our products are used in a wide range of high-tech applications, including consumer electronics, automobiles, aerospace, telecommunications, medical devices, and industrial manufacturing.
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Computer Access Aids Cover art photo provided by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash:
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SEM/SEO/Social/Reputation Authority Maker and Positive Coaching Advocate
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IM24 Podcast to miejsce, w którym posłuchasz o rozwiązaniach technologicznych przeznaczonych dla firm. Audycje prowadzą eksperci z różnych obszarów IT, pokazując w przystępny sposób, jak wygląda technologia w służbie biznesu.
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Ce podcast accompagne les fiches de cours des formations aux outils numériques (smartphones, iPhone, PC et Mac) accessibles aux personnes aveugles ou malvoyantes, réalisée par l’asbl Eqla. Les fiches de cours sont disponibles sur le site web, rubrique “formation aux nouvelles technologies
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Dive into the world of cutting-edge innovations with TechToBard. Our blog explores the latest advancements in technology, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to blockchain and IoT. Stay informed about how these technologies are reshaping industries and everyday life.
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Meer POM? Ga naar Zie het privacybeleid op en de privacyverklaring van Californië op
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Tracklista: 01. Blammer - Blammer Life Freestyle (Bonus Track) (kezdődött: 00:03:16) 02. Jochem Paap - Jn-Klkkn (kezdődött: 00:12:36) 03. Belarisk - Ruined Rig {Contaminated} (kezdődött: 00:19:17) 04. KWC 92 - Nr 4 (kezdődött: 00:22:17) 05. Kara-lis Coverdale - Subfall (to) (kezdődött: 00:24:57) 06. Jens-Uwe Beyer - White ribbed viscose-silk-blend …
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410 - Amerikaanse boterhamclipjes en Europese boycots
1:03:10In deze aflevering vragen de nerds zich af: kunnen we nog spullen uit de VS kopen met een goed gevoel? Randal duikt in een rabbit hole rond digitale onafhankelijkheid en het boycotten van Amerikaanse tech, terwijl Jurian en Ruurt kritisch reflecteren op de afhankelijkheid van Amerikaanse diensten zoals Apple, WhatsApp en Google. Het gesprek ontspoo…
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#136 Die Ottobock Life Lounge. Auf dem Weg zur optimalen "Patient" Experience. Mit Larisa Wewetzer & Oliver Adekunle
50:45Dr. Larisa Wewetzer (Head of Software Development) & Olive Adekunle (Head of Marketing Tech, Ottobock) im Gespräch mit Peter Pirner In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Oliver Adekunle (Head of Marketing Technology) und Dr. Larisa Wewetzer (Head of Software Development) von Ottobock. Ottobock strebt danach, nicht nur ein führender Prothesenhersteller …
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Narcyz napalony na kasę i fame. Donald Trump.
18:36Donald Trump: prezydent czy biznesmen? 🎩🇺🇸 Czy Donald Trump rządzi Ameryką jak wielką korporacją? Jego decyzje bardziej przypominają strategie biznesowe niż tradycyjną politykę. Jak jego podejście do negocjacji wpływa na globalną scenę? Czy świat traktuje go jak poważnego polityka, czy raczej gracza w geopolityczne „Monopoly”? Analizuję jego metody…
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093 Water Works - A Regenerative Climate Solution
1:01:33A Sustainability Now Interview with Water Stories Founder, Zach Weiss What if the key to impacting climate change isn't as much about carbon as it is about water? In this episode, we are delighted to welcome back Zach Weiss, visionary water restoration expert and founder of Water Stories, for an exploration of how and why healing the water cycle ca…
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News: Data Rescue Project Committee cuts Are drones on the path to commoditization Web corner Pittsburgh in 50 maps Topic: Interviews from the 2025 NC GIS Conference Jackson Adams from NCTech Inc. Dale Loberger from BCS, Inc. Events: Big Ten GIS Conference 2025 April 11 virtual Horizons April 27-29 Denver Louisiana May 6-8 in Baton Rouge Louisiana …
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Ronin: How Axie Infinity Kickstarted the Blockchain Gaming Revolution - Jeff Zirlin
54:34While DeFi’s ultimate goal is to provide an alternative for TradFi, blockchain gaming caters to retail masses, onboarding millions of users to crypto through incentives and fun gameplay. The greatest success story in Web3 gaming thus far has been, without a doubt, Axie Infinity. Apart from creating an engaged community whose early adopters also exp…
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Chef Cory Lafranchi's culinary journey defies conventional wisdom about what it takes to build a successful restaurant. Starting with just $200, a pop-up tent, and a grill, he created Street Eats—a progressive Seattle street food concept that has found an enthusiastic home in St. George, Utah. His remarkable story unfolds from humble beginnings to …
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AI-Powered SEO Strategies: Unlocking Smarter Search Rankings
4:02Want to rank higher in search results? AI-powered SEO strategies can help! This blog explores AI’s role in keyword clustering, semantic search, and personalized content recommendations. Discover how AI enhances user experience and search rankings for long-term digital success.Webtrack Technologies による
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Can Cryptocurrency Replace Traditional Money? In this episode of Emerging Technology with Warren, Warren Whitlock explores the question: Can cryptocurrency replace traditional money? Warren delves into the historical evolution of money, from the days of bartering and using shells as currency to the introduction of fiat money. He explains the fundam…
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0 Proven Strategies for Custom Mobile App Development
4:10Building a successful custom mobile app requires the right strategy, technology, and execution. Discover 10 powerful strategies covering UI/UX design, security, scalability, and agile development to ensure your app excels.Webtrack Technologies による
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Nach fast genau drei Jahren Podcast-Pause melden sich Martin und Roman zurück. Sie sprechen über die aktuellen Entwicklungen bei Scayle Commerce, commercetools, About You und Zalando und sprechen darüber, wie AI-Tools die E-Commerce-Tech-Branche aufwirbeln.Dr. Roman Zenner による
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In deze speciale bonusaflevering zetten we graag Europa in de kijker. We bekijken hoe Europa het in het verleden deed op technohlogievlak - bijvoorbeeld hoe we op veel vlakken voorlopers waren maar dan toch door andere spelers voorbijgestoken werden. We kijken ook naar de status van zaken vandaag. Er zijn meer Europese techspelers dan je op het eer…
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Talking about Multi-Brand on Shopify by Dr. Roman ZennerDr. Roman Zenner による
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202 - Flexible Payloads, Orchestrated Ground and Service on Demand
28:01Industry leaders dive deep into the revolutionary potential of software-defined satellites and how these satellites are transforming the way operators can dynamically adjust capacity and coverage in orbit to meet customer demand, opening doors to new revenue streams and innovative services. Hear from experts on how a more dynamic ground system play…
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409 - Hoe Nederlandse clouddiensten het verschil maken tegen Big Tech
1:16:29The Good Cloud biedt een privacyvriendelijk alternatief voor grote cloudproviders zoals Apple, Google en Microsoft. In deze aflevering spreken we met Kay Eeftink, directeur van The Good Cloud, over hoe hun platform werkt, waarom ze zijn gestopt met het overtuigen van mensen en waarom een privacybewuste cloud nog steeds een lastig verkoopverhaal is.…
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In this special edition of the Reminger Report Podcast on Emerging Technologies, host Zachary Pyers is joined by Chloe Schelhaas, a law clerk at Reminger Co., LPA, to discuss the growing concerns around children’s privacy in the digital world. Chloe provides an in-depth look at the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), explaining how it…
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High Voltage High-Speed Permanent Magnetic Machines
8:28The high voltage High-Speed Permanent Magnetic (HSPM) machines stand out as groundbreakers in the quest for innovation and sustainability within regulated industries such like power generation, oil and gas, petrochemical, transportation and renewable. Please visit to learn more.…
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092 Solarrolla - Vehicles Powered Solely by the Sun
1:02:19A Sustainability Now Interview with Solarrolla founders Brett and Kira Belan Join us for a conversation with Brett and Kira Belan of Solarrolla, a company reimagining transportation with fully solar-powered electric vehicles. Drawing on Brett’s mechanical engineering expertise from Ford and Jaguar, their journey began with a bold experiment—a solar…
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Solana: From On-Chain Nasdaq to the Pump Fun Craze - Anatoly Yakovenko
1:18:28Solana needs no introduction. Ever since its inception, it pushed throughput scaling on a single chain, without the need of sharding or rollups. Despite its ups and downs that culminated at the bottom of the bear market after the FTX crash, it managed to not only survive, but build a vibrant community around crypto's (arguably) most prominent PMF (…
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Gene Therapy Unlocked: The Future of Health & Longevity
17:41Gene Therapy: Unlocking the Future with CRISPR and Epigenetics | Emerging Technology with Warren In this episode of Emerging Technology with Warren, Warren Whitlock delves into the fascinating world of gene therapy, exploring the potential of CRISPR technology and epigenetics. He examines the history and progression of DNA research, the significant…
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Alexander ontdekt met Manus een winkelwagenschandaal | POM S10E57
10:14Meer POM? Ga dan naar Zie het privacybeleid op en de privacyverklaring van Californië op
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Tracklista: 01. The Cure - Seventeen Seconds (kezdődött: 00:04:13) 02. Galaxie 500 - Tell Me (kezdődött: 00:11:34) 03. Lou Reed - Coney Island Baby (REMASTERED) (kezdődött: 00:15:54) 04. Rhythm & Sound - Mango Drive (Mixed) (kezdődött: 00:28:14) 05. Mønic - Human Pattern (Original Mix) (kezdődött: 00:35:14) 06. Psychic TV - Guiltless (kezdődött: 00…
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408 - Van app naar hardware: waarom Flitsmeister zijn eigen gadgets bouwt
1:10:11In deze aflevering duiken we diep in de wereld van Flitsmeister, samen met oprichter en CTO Sjoerd Perfors. Hoe groeide deze app van een simpele flitswaarschuwer naar een geavanceerd verkeersplatform met eigen hardware? En waarom is CarPlay ineens een betaalde feature? We bespreken de Flitsmeister Dash, een standalone apparaat voor in je auto, en h…
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Build on Bitcoin: Combining Bitcoin's Security With Ethereum's Versatility - Alexei Zamyatin
1:10:10Bitcoin’s security and reliability as a store of value are undeniable. However, its liquidity remained untapped for too long due to a lack of trustless bridges and native smart contract capabilities. As BTC is only native to Bitcoin’s L1, any attempt to include it in DeFi relies on the trust assumptions of third party custodians that wrap it. Build…
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Join us for an enlightening episode of our Cutting-Edge Podcast, recorded live from the Hardy Room at Nemecolin. We are thrilled to welcome Dillard Westmoreland, the VP of Information Technology, as our special guest. In this engaging discussion, we'll delve into how Ford Office Technologies has emerged as a transformative partner for Nemecolin, dr…
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Exploring Digital Twins: A Deep Dive into Twin Protocol AI In this episode of Emerging Technology with Warren Whitlock, Warren introduces the latest iteration of his digital twin software, demonstrating how it can create lifelike video presentations. He explains the features of the Twin Protocol and Twin Vault, illustrating their capabilities in ge…
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De invloed van EuroTok op Alexander | POM S10E55 Snippet
4:39Meer POM? Dat kan op Zie het privacybeleid op en de privacyverklaring van Californië op
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News: Esri AGO updates Map viewer classic road to deprecation AGE roadmap SketchUp 2025 Microsoft removing location history API from Windows 11 Web corner Inaugural David J. Weaver GIS Research Fellow at Boston Public Library Topic: Cartography in 3D Events: QGIS User Conference 2025: 2-3 June, Norrköping, Sweden Music: Storyteller by Julianna Lain…
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S07E05 - Over Unhinged Voice Mode, The Brutalist en Sesame
1:04:57Weer een aflevering van Radio Raccoons! In deze hebben we het over AI die gebruikt wordt in films maar ook callcenters om bepaalde accenten te camoufleren, de Unhinged Voice Mode van Grok die wel weet te choqueren, en hoe je met bepaalde finetuning AI-modellen wel zeer snel kunt corrumperen… Uiteraard hebben we het ook over LLM nieuws én heel wat t…
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On the Constellations Podcast, the overall importance of GPS by commercial and military will be discussed. Hear from Ian Canning, President and CEO of the Eutelsat America Corporation and OneWeb Technologies Inc. (EACOWT) as he discusses reasons and strategies to support position, navigation and timing. He will also describe the capabilities of ope…
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