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Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast

Chris Christensen

Since 2005 Amateur Traveler has been talking about a different destination every week. It covers destinations all of the world with an emphasis on culturally rich travel. Learn more about your world. Amateur Traveler won its creator Chris Christensen a Travel+Leisure award as the "best independent travel journalist".
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The Amateur Traveler focuses on the best places to travel to. It covers everything from road trips to swimming with whales in Tonga. It includes both a weekly audio podcast and a blog.
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Starting in the wonderful hobby of Amateur or HAM Radio can be daunting and challenging but can be very rewarding. Every week I look at a different aspect of the hobby, how you might fit in and get the very best from the 1000 hobbies that Amateur Radio represents. Note that this podcast started in 2011 as "What use is an F-call?".
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Commander Amateur

PodRiders Netzwerk

"Magic the Gathering" ist ein komplexes Spiel - gerade, wenn man sich mit mehreren Leuten Zauber um die Ohren haut. Da "Commander" allerdings die beliebteste Art und Weise ist, "MtG" zu zocken, soll dieser Podcast Neueinsteigern (und vielleicht auch Fortgeschrittenen) helfen, sich in der Welt dieses Formates zurecht zu finden.
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The Witch Bitch Amateur Hour

Charlye Michelle, Macy Frazier

Meet Charlye Michelle and Macy Frazier, also known as the hosts of The Witch Bitch Amateur Hour. They invite you to join them as they explore the overly complicated and highly debated world of all that is spiritual. Sit back, relax, an enjoy as these Basic Witches provide you with lots of laughs, and hopefully some learning along the way
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Amateur of Life and Death

The Crescent Theatre

The Amateur of Life and Death podcast brings together amateur theatre makers to talk about their theatrical lives, theatrical loves, and the times when they’ve died on stage. We take you behind the scenes at The Crescent Theatre to discover more about what goes into making a production, shining a spotlight on the stars behind the scenes, as well as those on stage.Theatre is our passion; amateur from the Latin ‘amare’, meaning ‘to love’. This is a podcast for anyone with an interest in watchi ...
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Golfweek Amateur Tour - The Podcast

Tim Newman & Chris Rocha

The Golfweek Amateur Tour Podcast is the official podcast of the Golfweek Amateur Tour. Join your hosts, Tim Newman and Chris Rocha, as they talk about the Golfweek Amateur Tour! This bi-weekly podcast will cover local, regional, and national tournaments, the rules of golf and highlight the members that make up the oldest and largest amateur golf tour in the United States.
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De Amateurs

De Amateurs | Het Podkasteel

De Amateurs: broertjes en jeugdvrienden met voldoende vrije tijd en een diepe passie voor alles wat met sport te maken heeft. Ze koesteren alles wat opmerkelijk en opzienbarend is in de sportwereld. Titus, een Feyenoord-fan, Frans van PSV en Vincent, Ajacied, komen ongeveer één keer in de maand bijeen om de meest in het oog springende sportmomenten te bespreken. Bovendien richten ze hun aandacht op sporten die wellicht onderbelicht blijven in de huidige mediawereld. Ze bekijken, beoefenen en ...
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Schnittstellenpass - Zwischen Profi und Amateur In diesem Podcast spreche ich mit spannenden Gästen aus dem Profi- und Amateur-Bereich des Fußballs. Es wird ein Blick hinter die Kulissen der Fußballwelt geworfen sowie Erfahrungen und Anekdoten geteilt, die so wahrscheinlich die wenigsten kennen. In einer Halbzeit (45 Minuten) findet der Austausch mit meinen Gästen und Freunden statt. Es werden die Berührungspunkte der Profis mit dem Amateurbereich beleuchtet und die Unterschiede und Gemeinsa ...
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Eeuw van de Amateur

Botte Jellema

De Eeuw van de Amateur is een podcast over het leven en alles wat daar bij komt kijken. Gemaakt door Botte Jellema, Ype Driessen en (soms) Paulien Cornelisse. Een keukentafelpodcast over actuele kwesties en levensvragen, met een knipoog, een regenboogvlag, voicemailberichten van de Eeuw-o-Foon, de post en natuurlijk de rubriek die niemand zat is: de theezakjesvraag.
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Bratwurst, Bier und Blutgrätsche: Wer genug vom aalglatten Doppelpass im Profifußball hat, der ist beim "Fehlpass" genau richtig, dem Podcast über Amateurfußball aus und in der Oberpfalz. Moderiert von zwei echten Amateuren: Julian Trager und Matthias Schecklmann. Impressum:
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The Dram Amateur

The Dram Amateur Podcast

The Dram Amateur Podcast is your go-to show for exploring the fascinating world of bourbon, whiskey, rum, tequila, mezcal and everything in-between. Hosted by Jason, a passionate enthusiast and social media influencer, this podcast dives into the stories, history, and culture behind the spirits we love. From the thoughtful tastings and reviews to interviews with fellow influencers, industry experts, and aficionados, The Dram Amateur Podcast delivers insights for novices and seasoned connoiss ...
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Amateurisme - L'Amateur

Radio Grenouille

Une heure de mix aussi électronique que éclectique, sans limite de BPM, de de périodes ou de style (House, Jungle, Downtempo…). Une invitation à se perdre dans la musique, amoureusement sélectionnée par un DJ historique de la radio ! Technique-Réalisation : Djilali Hammiche et Alexandre Simonini
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QSO Today is a weekly conversation, or QSO, between amateur radio operators about ham radio. Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, hosts a new guest every week to talk about their ham radio journey, their specialized expertise in ham radio, and how amateur radio has impacted their personal and professional lives. QSO Today is targeted at anyone interested in amateur radio who wants to learn more about this fascinating hobby.
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The host, Tommy Fowler, is an amateur naturalist with a deep love for the outdoors. Each week we will discuss the natural history of wild plants or animals. These discussions will give the listener much information about these plants and animals and hopefully surprise the listener with some interesting and/or fun facts. -Please leave 5 stars as a review. -Please be sure to hit follow. -What would help me the most is if you would hit the download button on each of the episodes. -Also, please ...
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Les amateurs de sports, le balado parfait pour les passionnés de sports et les fans du Canadiens, animé par Mario Langlois. Chaque jour, plongez dans les meilleurs moments de cette émission historique, lancée en 1972, et profitez d’analyses et de discussions captivantes sur les sujets sportifs les plus brûlants. Rejoignez Mario Langlois et son équipe de collaborateurs du lundi au jeudi de 20 h à minuit, et chaque vendredi à partir de 18 h 30 pour une édition spéciale festive avec un jeu-ques ...
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Amateur Skeptics

The Amateur Skeptics Podcast

We here at Amateur Skeptics are not scientists. We are normal people who are trying to look at the world with an evidence-based approach. We strive to have open minds and change our opinions with new evidence.
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show series
Hear about travel to Paraguay as the Amateur Traveler talks to Alex from about this lesser-visited country that he has come to love. Why should you visit Paraguay? Alex says, "So Paraguay is more about the culture than anything else. It's not a country that you come to for bucket list tourist attractions. That's somethin…
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Hear about travel to Paraguay as the Amateur Traveler talks to Alex from about this lesser-visited country that he has come to love. Why should you visit Paraguay? Alex says, “So […] The post Travel to Paraguay – Episode 927 appeared first on Amateur Traveler. Related posts: Travel to Paraguay – Episode 709 Travel to Loj…
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Exclusief voor de Vrienden van de Show wandelen Botte en Ype de route van het Amsterdam Light Festival. Dit is de teaser, je kan de aflevering van ruim twee uur luisteren in je Vrienden-feed. Nog geen Vriend van de Show? Voor maar 3,50 per maand of 38,50 per jaar heb je als nieuwe vriend toegang tot al dit moois! Ga naar, en…
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NewsWest invites programme contributions. You can send yours as email attachments to by noon on Fridays - our editorial policy is that items should be about Amateur Radio, and relating to, or of interest to, Radio amateurs in Western Australia. Originating in Perth Western Australia, NewsWest is produced by WA Amateur Radio News fo…
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Saison 4, Folge 13: Dream Boot der perfekte Schuh - mit Samuel Burgfeld von FTBL Boots In dieser Episode des Schnittstellenpass begrüßt Agy Samuel Burgfeld, den Gründer von FTBL Boots, zu einem tiefgehenden Gespräch über die faszinierende Welt der Fußballschuhe. Gemeinsam mit Dr. Fabio Wagner diskutieren sie: • Entwicklung von Fußballschuhen: Einbl…
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Foundations of Amateur Radio Life is messy. This is not a revelation. We attempt to organise this chaos by using all kinds of magic incantations, to-do lists, new year resolutions, plans, projects and anything else you might have in your arsenal. The same chaos reigns, in how we make progress. Some days are harder than others. I'm mentioning this b…
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Send us a text The Crescent Theatre's podcast, Amateur of Life and Death, is back for a fourth season. In this episode Luke and Liz talk to actors Jason Adam and Helena Lima about their life and loves in amateur theatre, and about their roles in the Crescent Theatre's forthcoming production of The Effect by Lucy Prebble. In the play, Jason and Hele…
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Send us a text We launch into the new year with un/lucky chapter 13, mixed signals, unclear communication, the Victorianisation of Austen, and the secret horror novel at the centre of Emma. We mention Driving Myself Home If you'd like to support the podcast and hear episodes early you can donate on Ko-fi You can find Frances on YouTube, Instagram o…
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Macy is the sick one this time, so we're taking it easy with some chill chat. Happy New Year to all, and to all a good... Nyquil Support the show Simply Captivating Check it out on for only $5 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Want to help support the Podcast? Consider becoming a Patron! A…
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Send us a text Tasting Notes: In this episode of The Dram Amateur Podcast, host Jason takes a heartfelt look back at the year 2024. Sharing personal insights from his podcasting journey, Jason expresses his gratitude for the supportive podcast and spirits communities that have enriched his experiences throughout the year. Listeners can look forward…
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Send us a text Middle school science teacher and basketball coach Nick Lanas joins us to share his journey from the bustling city of Chicago to the heart of the amateur golf scene. Balancing his roles in education and sports, Nick offers a unique perspective on guiding young minds while also stepping up as the new senior tour director. We touch on …
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Das Jahr 2024 ist zu Ende und wie immer wird zurückgeblickt. Was war positiv, was negativ an dem Magic-Jahr? Und welche Karten wurden vielleicht übersehen? Das alles gilt es heute zu klären.Twitch⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Discord-Server der PodRiders⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠YouTube⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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In this episode, we join Martin Butler M1MRB, Dan Romanchik KB6NU, Caryn Eve Murray KD2GUT, Edmund Spicer M0MNG, and Ed Durrant DD5LP to discuss the latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin Butler (M6BOY) rounds up the news in brief and the episode's feature is Portable Antennas Data Review. We would like to thank our monthly and annual subscription …
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PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1348 - Full Version Release Date: December 28, 2024Here is a summary of the news trending...This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's edition is anchored by Will Rogers, K5WLR, Don Hulick, K2ATJ, Joshua Marler, AA4WX, Eric Zittel, KD2RJX, Rich Lawrence, KB2MOB, Chris Perrine, KB2FAF, Marvin Turner, W0MET, …
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら 番組の聴き方ガイドはコチラをクリック! < 番組スポンサー > お聴き頂いたご感想や様々なアマチュア無線に関する VYFBなメッセージをお待ちしております 放送で採用の方にはオリジナルステッカーをお送りします 「ステッカー希望」とお書き添えの上郵送先をご記入下さい ジャンジャンお送り下さい お待ちしております 番組宛てメールはここをクリック → 番組専用メール ※番組内での楽曲について: FMラジオ放送とインターネットサイマル放送では番組中に楽曲をお送りしておりますが、ポッドキャストでは音楽著作権の関係で削除していますJK1MIG による
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There’s always more to say about detective fiction. Books mentioned in this episode: — The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie — The Secret Place by Tana French — The Crozier Pharaohs by Gladys Mitchell — Postern of Fate by Agatha Christie — The Examiner by Janice Hallett — The Appeal by Janice Hallett — The Documents in the Case by Dorothy L …
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Georgia outfielder Tre Phelps and Cal Baptist outfielder Nick Dumesnil have spent the past two years working to get 1% better everyday. They share how they've grown their individual games and also discovered the kind of people they've become thanks to college baseball. Co-hosted by Daron Sutton and Dani Wexelman.…
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Dr. Benji Marks, a dermatologist in Glenview, and Jon Friedman, corporate vice president of design and research at Microsoft, join the pod to discuss how they combined their skills and passions to launch the online dermatology service DappleDoc. As longtime friends and former teammates of Yoel with the ICJA Aces, the pair also offer insights into Y…
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Send us a text In Episode #50 of Season #4, I will discuss the American Black Bear, Ursus americanus. Your host is Tommy Fowler. I have a biology degree from the University of Kentucky and a high passion for the outdoors. I am "The Amateur Naturalist". We will talk about: In tonight's episode we will talk about the American Black Bear. I will discu…
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