簡単なフレーズを聞き流して、スペイン語を学びましょう。*🇲🇽🇪🇦* ポッドキャストのスクリプは: https://ko-fi.com/rakusupe 📝🎧 Aprende español escuchando. 𝕏 (Twitter): @rakusupe
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The world’s first podcast program to deliver local Japanese information in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese / Le premier programme de podcast au monde à diffuser des informations locales japonaises en anglais, français, espagnol et portuguais / El primer programa de podcast en el mundo en transmitir información local japonesa en inglés, francés, español y portugués / O primeiro programa de podcast do mundo a transmitir informações locais japonesas em inglês, francês, espanhol e portu ...
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第105話ー早口言葉 Pepe pecas Camarón caramelo Cuando cuentes cuentos...
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第104話ー 三人称複数形の活用
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第103話ー 三人称の活用
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第102話ー ~しないといけない
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第101話ー 何を食べるの?
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No.0007 “Porn actress appearances in Super Sentai / Apparitions d’actrices pornographiques dans Super Sentai / Apariciones de actrices porno en Super Sentai / Aparições de atrizes pornô em Super Sentai ...
This program introduces local Japanese culture through ‘Bakujo Sentai Bunbunger’. You can select the language of the chapter: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Japanese. We will talk about the sexy female executives who were indispensable for the strategic development of Super Sentai series from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s. Ce programme…
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No.0006 “History and Purpose of Additional Warriors in Super Sentai / Histoire et But des Guerriers Supplémentaires dans Super Sentai / Historia y Propósito de los Guerreros Adicionales en Super Sentai ...
This program introduces local Japanese culture through ‘Bakujo Sentai Bunbunger’. You can select the language of the chapter: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Japanese. This explains how additional warriors have been developed as a setting to increase the attention on the show. Ce programme présente la culture locale japonaise à travers ‘Ba…
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第100話ー あなたたち~つもりです
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第99話ー 私たち~つもりです
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No.0005 “The relationship between the start times of the Super Sentai and Kamen Rider programs and their toy sales strategies / La relation entre les heures de début des programmes Super Sentai et Kamen ...
This program introduces local Japanese culture through ‘Bakujo Sentai Bunbunger’. You can select the language of the chapter: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Japanese. We will explain the strategy of toy sales as merchandise. Ce programme présente la culture locale japonaise à travers ‘Bakujo Sentai Bunbunger’. Vous pouvez choisir la langu…
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第98話ー 今日は何をしますか?
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第97話ー 未来や予定を表す表現
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No.0004 “The unique status of curry rice in Japan / Le statut unique du riz au curry au Japon / El estatus único del arroz con curry en Japón / O status único do arroz com curry no Japão ...
42:27This program introduces local Japanese culture through ‘Bakujo Sentai Bunbunger’. You can select the language of the chapter: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Japanese. We will explain the role of curry rice, which appears every time in BoonBoomGer, as a dish in Japan. Ce programme présente la culture locale japonaise à travers ‘Bakujo Sent…
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第96話ー 何時に?
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第95話ー 頻度の言葉(その3つ)
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No.0003 “Japanese TV shows have a unique culture around theme songs. / Les émissions de télévision japonaises ont une culture unique autour des chansons thème. / Los programas de televisión japoneses tienen ...
42:06This program introduces local Japanese culture through ‘Bakujo Sentai Bunbunger’. You can select the language of the chapter: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Japanese. We will explain the theme song culture common to Japanese TV shows. Ce programme présente la culture locale japonaise à travers ‘Bakujo Sentai Bunbunger’. Vous pouvez choisi…
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第94話ー 頻度の言葉 (続き)
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第93話ー 頻度の言葉
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No.0002 “About the design of Japanese heroes / Sur la conception des héros japonais / Sobre el diseño de los héroes japoneses / Sobre o design dos heróis japoneses / 日本のヒーローの造形について”
1:06:09This program introduces local Japanese culture through ‘Bakujo Sentai Bunbunger’. You can select the language of the chapter: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, or Japanese. This episode discusses the beauty inherent in adhering to the theatrical format in Japanese content. Ce programme présente la culture locale japonaise à travers ‘Bakujo Sent…
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No.0001 “About the design of Japanese heroes / Sur la conception des héros japonais / Sobre el diseño de los héroes japoneses / Sobre o design dos heróis japoneses / 日本のヒーローの造形について”
40:42Introducing Japanese local culture through “Bakuage Sentai BoonBoomGer,” this is the first episode. You can choose English/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Japanese in the chapters. Today, we talk about the design of Japanese heroes. Présentation de la culture locale japonaise à travers “Bakuage Sentai BoonBoomGer,”, c’est le premier épisode. Vous pouvez …
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第91話ー描写(近所)Hay...Hay muchos/muchasHay un/una
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第90話 ー描写 (私の町)
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第89話 ー 描写 (人や町)
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第88話ー 色 (単数や複数形)
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第87話ー 色 (2)
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第86話ー色 (1)
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第85話ー 会話 (パーティで)
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第84話ー Tú (二人称)の活用、不規則
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第83話 ー Tú (二人称)の活用 続き
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第82話 ー Tú (二人称)の活用
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第81話 ー Yo (一人称)の活用、不規則
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第80話ー Yo (一人称)の活用 続き
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第79話 ー Yo (一人称)の活用
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第78話 ー 〜欲しい
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第77話ー 〜したい
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第76話ー 〜に行くのが好きです。
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第75話 ー 〜ことが好きです (続)
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第74話ー その試合は何曜日
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第73話ー あるイベントのお知らせ
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第72話ー 来週、来月、来年
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第71話ー 今週、今月、今年
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第70話ー 〜はいつですか?
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第69第 ー 月のまとめ
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Episodio 68 • Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre
5:04第68話 ー 9月から12月まで
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第67話 ー 5月から8月まで
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第66話 ー1月から4月まで
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