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Jezikovni pogovori


Osvetljujemo in raziskujemo področja in teme povezane z jezikom. Gostje oddaje so jezikoslovci, učitelji, prevajalci, informatiki, inženirji, pravniki, zdravniki, psihologi, predstavniki ranljivih skupin idr.
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Pogodna Jesień

Pogodna Jesień

Niedzielne wieczory to czas spokoju i odpoczynku. W audycji "Radio Pogodna Jesień” będziemy zastanawiać nad kondycją współczesności oraz prezentować muzykę z całego świata. “Radio Pogodna Jesień” to rozmowy o historii, sztuce i wszelkich sprawach doczesnych.
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Pogotowie rodzinne

Idź Pod Prąd

Pogotowie rodzinne jest serią audycji poruszających problemy rodzinne i społeczne dotykąjace kwestii rodzinnych. Analizy prowadzone są w duchu chrześcijańskim przez doświadczone najczęściej wielodzietne rodziny.
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Cooking with Pogo

Mike Matty Johnny Pogo

Classic meals, discontinued fast food, high end decadent feasts...Chef Pogo can do it all! Come join Mike, Matty, and Sous Chef Johnny in Pogo’s kitchen and enjoy the highs and lows of cooking with friends.
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Podcast kulinarno-podróżniczy, którego bohaterami są restauracje tak ciekawe i smaczne, że warto dla nich spakować się w samochód lub samolot. Każdy odcinek poświęcamy jednemu miejscu. Prowadząca, znana krytyczka i dziennikarka kulinarna Małgosia Minta, na początek zabiera nas do kopenhaskiej Nomy, która od niemal 20 lat rozpala wyobraźnię smakoszy i przez wielu uważana jest za najlepszą restaurację na świecie.
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Zielone Pogotowie

Zielone Pogotowie

Zielone Pogotowie to podkcast tworzony przez Michalinę, Grzegorza i Was drodzy słuchacze, ale po kolei. W audycjach będziemy rozmawiać o roślinach i ogrodach. Będziemy starali się pomóc oraz dyskutować o problemach z jakimi spotykamy się podczas pielęgnacji ogrodów. Audycja nagrywana jest na żywo, niemal w każdą środę o 17:00 na grupie Zielone Inspiracje na Facebooku. W weekend poprzedzający nagranie członkowie grupy i słuchacze proponują i wybierają temat najbliższego spotkania. Jeżeli chce ...
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V dialogu z mislečimi, umetniki, drugimi, robnimi, v dialogu s svetom, kolikor ga čutim kot breme ali priložnost in možnost. Dialog omogoča dihanje, čutenje pa tudi presenečenje. Zatorej podcast POGOVARJA SE FRANCI KAPLER.
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The PoGo Podcast

Clifton Miles & Cary Palmer

The Official Pokemon GO Podcast featuring Clifton Miles & Cary Palmer. We deliver an accurate and in depth look at the world of Pokemon GO. Join us on this adventure and improve your game!
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POGO GAMES have expanded throughout in recent years. But the POGO GAMES Tech Support Phone Number, sometimes the users face some technical issues with it. If you are facing problems with your POGO GAMES or POGO GAMES account, then fret not! You can establish contact with the expert team of POGO GAMES by dialing up the POGO GAMES Tech Support Phone Number +1 866-760-7833 US/CA and let them solve your issues easily! read less
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POGO GAMES Technical Support 1 (866‒688‒9269) Phone’ Number What Is The POGO GAMES Technical Support Phone’ Number?What Is The SBC Global Technical Support Phone’ Number?Assuming you are referring to AT&T/MICROSOFT OUTLOOK, the customer service number isHow to Contact SBC Global Technical Support Phone’ NumberSBC Global is a leading provider of telecommunications and internet services. They offer a wide range of products and services to their customers, including technical support.If you nee ...
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EA POGO Technical Support 1 (866‒688‒9269) Phone’ Number What Is The EA POGO Technical Support Phone’ Number?What Is The SBC Global Technical Support Phone’ Number?Assuming you are referring to AT&T/MICROSOFT OUTLOOK, the customer service number isHow to Contact SBC Global Technical Support Phone’ NumberSBC Global is a leading provider of telecommunications and internet services. They offer a wide range of products and services to their customers, including technical support.If you need to c ...
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Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical support phone Number, Technical support Number, Login Issue, Technical support phone NumberPogo games(800)-747-2725ProtonMail, helpline Number, toll free Number, Customer care Number, Technical support Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical support phone Number, Technical support phone Number, Login Issue, Technical support phone Number l Outlook Technical support Number Pogo games (800)-747-2725ProtonMail, helpline phone Number, toll free Number, Customer care ...
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CLUB POGO Support phone Number, 1866‒688‒9269 CLUB POGO Technical Support phone number helpline phone Number, toll free Number, technical care Number, technical support Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical Support phone Number, Tech Support Number, Login Issue, Technical Support phone Number l CLUB POGO Support phone Number, 1866‒688‒9269 CLUB POGO Technical Support phone number helpline Number, toll free Number, technical care Number, technical support Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical Suppo ...
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EA POGO Support phone Number, 1866‒688‒9269 EA POGO Technical Support phone number helpline phone Number, toll free Number, technical care Number, technical support Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical Support phone Number, Tech Support Number, Login Issue, Technical Support phone Number l EA POGO Support phone Number, 1866‒688‒9269 EA POGO Technical Support phone number helpline Number, toll free Number, technical care Number, technical support Number, Helpdesk Number, Technical Support phone ...
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show series
In this nostalgic episode of PoGo City Radio, hosts Andrew Bedlam and Four Dollar Sean take you on a wild trip down memory lane! The duo reminisces about their high school days and their rebellious punk band, The Bedlam Punx, sharing hilarious stories about their first arrests, the chaos they caused, and what their friends' moms thought of them bac…
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Po več kot šestih letih prizadevanj je slovenščina končno na voljo v Applovih napravah, ki podpirajo uporabniški vmesnik novega mobilnega operacijskega sistema iOS 18. Ključne so bile spremembe zakona, ki so jih napisali na ministrstvu za kulturo in so bile potrjene pred manj kot petimi meseci. Komisija za slovenski jezik v javnosti pri SAZU je sic…
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The latest episode of The PoGo City Radio Podcast, hosted by Andrew Bedlam & Rude Girl Jessica, dives into listeners' responses to the "PUNK Rock Questions Of The Day." Topics including, "What's your go-to drink at a punk show?" and "What's the best punk comp?" The hosts also debated the best PUNK albums of 1977, sparking great conversations about …
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Get ready to slam into the pit! Andrew Bedlam’s back with another chaotic episode of PoGo City Radio, your go-to for all things PUNK! Andrew’s repping his own band, the one and only Spiky Tops, and we’re talking about their brand new 7-inch record "Let’s Go PoGo" – out now on Joe PoGo Records. Plus, we're giving you a rundown of their killer weeken…
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Če ima jezik težave pri poimenovanju novih pojavov, dogodkov in tehnoloških iznajdb, potem ima težave z vitalnostjo ali živostjo. Med vedami, ki proučujejo, koliko je jezik živ, je besedotvorje. Če govorci zlahka tvorijo nove izraze, potem se jeziku ni treba bati za obstoj, pravi naš gost dr. Boris Kern. K pogovoru smo ga povabili ob 23. mednarodni…
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This episode is a raw and unapologetic tribute to the punk rock spirit, delivering high-energy content that takes you straight into the underground punk scene. Hosted by Andrew Bedlam, the podcast dives deep into the sounds, culture, and chaos of punk music, featuring both iconic legends and rising stars. From interviews with bands to exploring rar…
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Glede na rezultate mednarodne raziskave PISA iz leta 2022 je raven bralne pismenosti med slovenskimi petnajstletniki pod povprečjem držav članic OECD. Povprečni dosežek dijakinj in dijakov je za 26 točk nižji kot tisti iz leta 2018 in je najnižji dosežek, odkar se je Slovenija vključila v raziskavo. Ob začetku nacionalnega meseca skupnega branja sm…
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We are going over all of your answers from the PUNK questions of the day! We are also playing killer bands like Blanks 77, Misfits, Spiky Tops, Mesos, the Dwraves plus more! We are also talking about some upcoming shows and PUNK Flea Markets! The site is back!You can find all 1000 episodes of PoGo City Radio with the following link!http://pogocityr…
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Začela se je akcija zbiranja besedil za vzpostavitev slovenskega modela umetne inteligence, slovenskega ChatGPT-ja. V nacionalnem projektu PoVeJmO želijo prispevati k razvojni neodvisnosti in napredku jezikovnih tehnologij v slovenščini. Za to pa potrebujejo vse, kar je bilo kdaj napisanega v slovenščini, zbrati bo treba 40 milijard besed. Pri amer…
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Na 21. Mednarodni lingvistični olimpijadi v Braziliji so bili slovenski predstavniki izjemno uspešni. Brest Lenarčič s Šolskega centra Rogaška Slatina je osvojil zlato medaljo. Patricia Király z Gimnazije Bežigrad si je priborila srebrno medaljo, na ekipni tekmi pa celotna ekipa bron. Udeleženci mednarodne lingvistične olimpijade tekmujejo v razume…
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Medicinska terminologija, nevrolingvistika – tovrstnim temam se posveča Gašper Tonin, doktor medicine ter absolvent slovenistike in splošnega jezikoslovja, ki svoji na prvi pogled povsem različni študijski področji pronicljivo povezuje. Letos je za izjemen študentski dosežek prejel Toporišičevo priznanje. Ob študiju je uspel delovati še kot glavni …
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Listening to some brand new PUNK tracks and going over some of the PUNK Questions Of The Day! We are also talking about show all over the East Coast that you should totally try to make it out to! Spinning tracks from Dogfaced Bastards, The Mesos, Ravengers, Rotten Stitches, Ramoms, Street Brats, Parasitix, Exploited, Murphy's Law and the PoGo Attac…
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Pred praznikom Marijinega vnebovzetja smo v oddaji Pogovor o osvetlili pojav romanja. Človekova želja oziroma potreba, da gre na svet kraj, je stara kot človeštvo. Najstarejša ljudstva, kulture, narodi poznajo določene oblike romanj. V vseh časih so romali, romamo še danes. Zakaj? O tem je spregovoril arhidiakon Franci Petrič, med drugim avtor obse…
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Na pomoč, gori! Kje gori, kaj gori, kako gori, so informacije, ki so ključne za gasilce in njihove intervencije. Povelja med gasilci morajo biti jasna. Kako na sporazumevanje gasilcev vpliva narečje in pogovorni izrazi? Koliko gasilskega besedja je standardiziranega? O tem v pogovoru z jezikoslovko in gasilko dr. Matejo Jemec Tomazin, ki vodi nasta…
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Gre za prvi intervju s predsednico države na našem radiu po nastopu mandata, zato smo osvetlili nekaj njenih načrtov in slišali stališča do domačega in tujega dogajanja. Osredotočili smo se na njeno delo in vizijo. Pogovarjali smo se o kulturni dediščini Slovenije, sodelovanju med političnimi poli, strateških reformah, davčni reformi, kakovostni zd…
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