バイリンガルの礼拝メッセージです。You can hear message.(English-Japnese)教会に行ったことがない人も、気軽に聞いてみませんか?IBFサイトはこちら
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News in Slow Japanese / The Podcast
Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan
Hear interesting news and stories in slow, easy, clear Japanese
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Have you ever lost a wallet or something valuable. What’s your feeling at the moment you notice? Do you have no hope of it coming back? Here is one such story. Find out what happens.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Find the full story with transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.comSakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This week we hear from a contributor who really likes the style of bathing in Japan. I have to agree with her. When I am away from Japan it’s one of the first things I miss.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This is the native speed version of Episode 266:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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NISJ 266 – Japanese Expressions that Even Japanese Don’t Know ② (Sushi Restaurants)-Intermediate and Advanced Japanese Listening
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This is the native speed version of Episode 265:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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NISJ 265- Japanese Expressions that Even Japanese Don’t Know 1-Intermediate and Advanced Japanese Listening
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Here is some good advice about overcoming heartbreak and moving forward. It is a good chance to learn more expressions about relationships.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Learn some important phrases related to relationships when this contributor shares his feelings about a recent breakup.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Have you ever considered fasting? Some people swear by it. This week’s contributor is just about to give it a try. Listen to learn some of the vocabulary around this interesting subject.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら 今回は、ヨナ書を取り上げます。きっとヨナ書の内容は、皆さんもご存知だと思います。まず、簡単にその内容を触れてみましょう。神様は、ヨナに語りかけます。大きな町ニネベに行って、ニネベに向かって叫べと(1:2)。叫ぶとは、神の裁きを宣言し、悔い改めを求めることです。しかし、敵国であるアッシリアの首都ニネベに行って、神の裁きのメッセージを語ることをヨナは拒むのです。そして、ニネベとは反対方向のスペインの町に向かって船に乗り込みます。ヨナは、神の思いには従えないとの大きな決断をします。ところが神様は、大風、暴風を起こして、ヨナの行く道を止めるのです。それだけではなく、海に投げ込まれたヨナのために神は大きな魚を備えて、彼を飲み込…
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This is something a lot of us have to deal with–putting on weight too easily. Listen to this week’s contributor’s frustration with belly fat and learn the vocabulary associated with this kind of problem.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This is the native speed version of Episode 388:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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NISJ 388 – The Mystery of the Japanese Ship Captain
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In Japanese, Onomatopoeia can be divided into a few categories; they are called giseigo (擬声語), giongo (擬音語), gitaigo (擬態語), giyougo (擬容語) and gijougo (擬情語). As we learned in the previous episode, they are used to describe sounds made by animals, humans…Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Onomatopoeia (オノマトペ) are words that represent sounds, and they are used in many languages to add more depth and texture to speech. However, Japanese onomatopoeia are unique in that they’re used more frequently and in a wider variety of contexts than in other languages. For example, after mopping READ MORE Test your knowledge with the quizzes too!…
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Japanese school clubs have a very rigid hierarchy. Seniors in the club can be very demanding to their juniors. Here is a report of one junior’s experience. This episode also practices the causative form in Japanese.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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How strict were your parents? This person had very strict parents. She was made to do all kinds of things as a child. This time we are practicing combining the causative and passive forms (to be made or forced to do something) which we seem to use more than in English or other languages I am familiar with.…
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ima de wa, atte atarimae no insutanto rāmen. Jitsu wa Nihon hasshō da to iu koto wo…Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This episode will help you get some really useful practice with the passive forms of Japanese, which we tend to use more than in English.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Do you know how the animals of the Chinese zodiac were chosen and put in that order? Listen to find out why it came to be so and why there is no cat.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This is the native speed version of Episode 385:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This is the native speed version of Episode 384:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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NISJ 384- vending-machines-Intermediate and Advanced Japanese Listening
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら さて、機会を狙っていた彼らは、義人を装った回し者を遣わした。 イエスのことばじりをとらえて、総督の支配と権威に引き渡すためであった。 彼らはイエスにこう質問した。「先生。私たちは、あなたがお話になること、お教えになることが正しく、またあなたが人を分け隔てせずに、真理に基づいて神の道を教えておられることを知っています。 私たちがカエサルに税金を納めることは、律法にかなっているでしょうか。いないでしょうか。」 イエスは彼らの悪巧みを見抜いて言われた。「デナリ銀貨をわたしに見せなさい。だれの肖像と銘がありますか。」 彼らは「カエサルのです。」と言った。するとイエスは言われた。「では、カエサルのものはカエサルに、神のもの…
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら 前回はエゼキエル書24章から、「もう黙っていてはならない」、とのテーマで学びました。エゼキエルは自分の愛する妻の死を通して、約3年間、その身に苦しみを背負いながら、エルサレムが滅ぼされるその日を待つこととなります。しかし、エルサレムが滅ぼされるその日からは、エゼキエルはイスラエルの回復のメッセージを語るようになります。次回からは、回復をテーマにいくつか選んで学んでみます。エルサレムが滅ぼされる日を待つ間の約3年間、エゼキエルはエルサレムの周辺の国々への神の裁きのメッセージを語りかけます。今日はその中でも、26章から28章にかけて預言されているツロに対する神の裁きのメッセージを学んでみます。 ツロは地中海の沿岸近くに浮…
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This is the native speed version of Episode 384:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Do you work too much? This contributor feels so. He thinks we Japanese work way too hard and need more time off. How is it in your country? Do you want more days off?Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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”The Church We Love” (1 Corinthians 1:1-3)_Missionary Paku
このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら Today we are going to talk about one of the basic things about christianity. It is “ecclesiology.” Ecclesiology is the study of the church. The Greek word for “church” is “ecclesia.” It means the people whom God called out to be his own people. Today we are going to study about what it means to be the church. L…
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How many colors do you think a rainbow has? You would be surprised to know that the way you answer this question might depend on where you come from. This week’s contributor talks about how we see the world in colors.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Click the title below to access text and more!Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This is the native speed version of Episode 383:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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NISJ 383- Differences between Japan and Overseas-Differences in Elementary Schools-Intermediate and Advanced Japanese Listening
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If you have ever used crutches before you know what a drag they can be. This contributor talks about just that. 松葉杖 (まつばづえ)Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This is the native speed version of Episode 382:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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NISJ 382-Differences between Japan and Other Countries – Fashion (Clothing)-Intermediate and Advanced Japanese Listening
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This week’s contributor discusses a few of the things that irritate her. What’s your pet peeve? Let me know in the comments section. あなたの苦手なものは何ですか?Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This is the native speed version of Episode 381:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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NISJ 381-Kyo-train’Garaku’-Intermediate and Advanced Japanese Listening
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関東と関西の違い(言葉編) Kantō to Kansai no Chigai (Kotoba-hen) Differences between Kanto and Kansai (Language Version) 日本には様々な方言があります。 Nihon ni wa samazama na hōgen ga arimasu. There are various dialects in Japan. Read moreSakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Saikin, kōkō ya chūgakkō no bu katsudō ga ippanteki ni kanari amaku natte iru…Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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このブラウザでは再生できません。 再生できない場合、ダウンロードは🎵こちら メリークリスマス。皆様とご一緒に、2022年12月25日、このクリスマスの日に、イエス・キリストの誕生をお祝いしたいと思います。今まで4週間にわたって、アドベントの時期を過ごして参りました。毎週イエス・キリストのご生涯に関する聖書の箇所を旧約聖書から選んで読んで参りました。それらの箇所は、ある意味イエス・キリストを指し示して、救い主の働きをよく説明している箇所であったと思います。振り返ってみます。アドベントの1週目は、エレミヤ29章11節から、キリストは私たちに新たなご計画を立てておられる。その計画は「平安を与える計画であり、将来と希望を与えるためのものだ。」とのみ言葉を読みました。続いて2週目は、詩篇の23編からイ…
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Kotowaza koko de wa, eigo to nihongo de hotondo onaji yō na kotowaza o ikutsu ka shōkai shimasu. Access transcripts at: newsinslowjapanese.comSakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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This is the native speed version of Episode 380:Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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NISJ 380 – A Convenience Store with Bar-Intermediate and Advanced Japanese Listening
Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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SB005 Differences between Kanto and Kansai: Lifestyle Edition
関東で生活をしてみて、関西との生活習慣の違いに驚くことがあります。まず、エスカレーターに乗る時、関東では…Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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皆さんは上司とうまくいっていますか?最近は、今の上司と大きな問題は…Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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Kantō to Kansai de wa, kotoba dakedenaku, tabemono no mitame ya ajitsuke ga chigau koto ga…Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
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