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Nyugtával dicsérd a NAV-ot

Nyugtával dicsérd a NAV-ot podcast

Egy podcast azoknak, akik eddig utálták, és még inkább azoknak, akiket érdekelnek az adózással összefüggő hírek. Adószakmai és közéleti kérdésekről közérthetően, néha viccesen, de leginkább lényegre törően. (powered by Andersen)
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Holistic Life Navigation

Holistic Life Navigation

This podcast explores holistic stress and trauma recovery. I am your host, Luis Mojica. My work, Holistic Life Navigation, was modeled after my own journey in healing myself from chronic illness and PTSD. I share this podcast with many brilliant minds who, like me, healed themselves through unique, unusual, and unorthodox ways. For more information, please visit: Written, produced and recorded by Luis Mojica. Edited by Fredo Viola. Intro/outro song: "W ...
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Choam and The Navigators

Chuck, Manzig, Carl

Folding Space Time? Souped up on the spice Melange? Join the team that folds clothes and sheets instead. Now conversing about Earthly subjects including politics, social issues and the advancement of all things CHOAM.
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Navi OnAir

Thomas Froitzheim und Matthias Schwindt

Satellitennavigation bei Outdoor-Aktivitäten. Themen: GPS-Geräte, Smartphone-Navigation, Internet-Portale, digitale Karten und smarte Gadgets. Der GPS-Radler Matthias Schwindt und Thomas Froitzheim von Naviso Outdoornavigation sprechen über aktuelle Geräte, ihre Erfahrungen aus den Tests und führen Interviews mit Gästen aus der Navi-Szene. Im Podcast bekommt ihr viele Tipps, Tricks und Hintergrundberichte. Feedback bitte an senden - Danke!
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The NAVigator

Active Investment Company Alliance

The NAVigator, from the Active Investment Company Alliance (AICA), talks all-weather investing and “excellence beyond indexing” through the use of closed-end funds (CEFs) & business-development companies (BDCs). It will help listeners plot a new and different course to financial success, via the tactical use of securities that mix active management within listed & non-listed structures. Subscribe now to get regular updates on everything you need to know to succeed with CEFs & BDCs.
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Navi Shiur

Rabbi Michoel Sorotzkin

Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a is a world renown lecturer and author. His Navi shiurimim, which until now was exclusively in Hebrew, will for the first time be available for an English-speaking audience. The shuir will begin from Sefer Yehosha and will cover both Halacha and Agada, with an emphasis on the historical context of Navi as well as a special focus on Mishnas HaGr'a. Subscribe here to get the latest shiurim. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever fr ...
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Family Care Navigators


The podcast where we empower you with the knowledge, support, and resources to navigate the challenging yet rewarding journey of caring for your loved ones. Together, we’ll explore the emotional, practical, and logistical aspects of caregiving, from hiring the right help to choosing the best care facility and everything in between. Whether you’re a seasoned caregiver or just starting out, this podcast is here to provide you with valuable insights and heartfelt stories that resonate.
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Filmmaker, writer, musician and professional creative--Nero Nava introduces you to people, places, and things that you may not know about. And, if you do, you certainly won't know from this particular perspective. Nero's wide and eclectic guests range from artists, archivists, taste-makers, professionals, public figures, and activists. Nero sits down with these folks, interviews them, and sandwiches the interviews with songs selected by the guest (and Nero). Because choices, tastes, and pref ...
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RV Navigator

Ken & Martha, The RV Navigators

The digital home for RVers. RVing is not camping anymore. It has evolved into a high tech life style that requires maintaining many technology systems. This podcast addresses the myriad issues that arise while traveling in an RV. The podcasters travel extensively in their RV, so they can share their experiences with listeners in a fun and interesting style. Contact us at
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Welcome to the "Navigating Neurodiverse Education" podcast, where we offer strategies and insights to help parents create the ideal learning environment for their neurodiverent child. Whether you're a parent or a supportive family member, you'll find practical advice and inspiring discussions for the educational journey ahead.
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The mission of Academy Insider is to guide, serve, and support Midshipmen, future Midshipmen, and their families. Through the perspective of a community of former graduates and Naval Academy insiders, this podcast will help you learn about life at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. Through our shared experiences, Academy Insider guides families through the anxiety and frustration caused by lack of understanding, misinformation, and confusion. This platform is designed to better re ...
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En Conciencia con Martha Sánchez Navarro

Martha Sánchez Navarro

Cambiemos las creencias equivocadas que teníamos sobre las enfermedades, las relaciones, el dinero, el cuerpo y la vida. Soy Martha Sánchez Navarro, instructora de metafísica y maestra de meditación, mi curso Conciencia de Salud me ha permitido conocer miles de testimonios durante 30 años. Hoy quiero enseñarte a ver todo lo que sucede en tu vida desde el ángulo de la metafísica así como identificar las señales que tu cuerpo te envía para vivir en equilibrio, aquí y ahora. En este podcast te ...
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Navigating Neuropsychology

John Bellone & Ryan Van Patten - NavNeuro

Join John and Ryan as they explore the field of neuropsychology through the presentation of cutting edge scientific findings, discussion of important topic areas, and interviews with experts in a variety of relevant fields. The three main objectives of the podcast are to 1) Provide interesting, relevant, and easily-accessible information for students and professionals in neuropsychology, as well as anyone who is interested in brain-behavior relationships. 2) Begin working towards unification ...
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Calder Navigation

Curious Motion

Discover the vibrant spirit of Calderdale through Calder Navigation, a captivating podcast that weaves together the rich tapestry of life in the area. Join host Samantha McCormick, founder of Curious Motion, as she explores the everyday moments and significant events that shape the lives of Calderdale's residents. Each episode offers a unique and creative lens into the human experience, fostering pride, unity, and empathy within the community. Supported by Calderdale Council, the National Lo ...
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Navigating Receiverships

Commercial Receivers Association

Navigating Receiverships is a podcast from the Commercial Receivers Association focused on building a better understanding of what brings companies into receivership, what happens in receiverships, what makes them unique, alternatives to receivership, and ultimately what happens to the business after receivership. Learn more about receiverships at
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Gain exclusive insight into the professional and personal worlds of high-level executives in sports and entertainment as we host top decision-makers in the industry to discuss emerging topics, their business, careers, and personal life stories. From collegiate conference commissioners to professional sports team executives and owners, to CMOs and leading marketers at global brands, Navigating Sports Business takes listeners inside the lives of key people making a major impact on the sports a ...
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The China Business Legal Navigator Podcastis brought to you by the Nordic China Business Hub. Listening to our podcast is an enjoyable way to learn how to do business in China at your own pace, whenever and wherever you are! Visit our website if you need help with your business activities in China!
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How do we get people back to the office? How and when can AI be a powerful decision-making tool? How will digital currencies transform payment systems? On If/Then experts from Stanford Graduate School of Business share their research findings on a range of topics that intersect with business, leadership, and society. We’ll tackle practical, cutting-edge insights that will help you manage better, lead more confidently, and understand pressing issues affecting our lives. Join GSB senior editor ...
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Navigating Life & Leadership will help you navigate the twists and turns of life, leadership and everything in between. Guided by scripture we will discuss truths about the church, life, leadership, hot topics and resources. Ministry leaders and people like you, who have traveled a similar road; will educate, inspire and offer direction for your own journey.
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Bienvenido al Canal Oficial de Paco Navas - Hipnosis y Psicología En este canal encontrarás herramientas prácticas para transformar tu vida. A través de hipnosis, psicología y crecimiento personal, aprenderás a desbloquear tu verdadero potencial y superar barreras emocionales y mentales. Ofrezco: - Hipnosis guiadas para sanar heridas emocionales, mejorar la autoestima, y más. - Charlas sobre psicología y desarrollo personal para ayudarte a transformar tu mentalidad. - Ejercicios y herramient ...
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🎙️ College Navigator: Empowering African American Parents Navigating the college journey can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. This podcast is your go-to guide for simplifying the college admissions process, securing scholarships, and supporting your child’s mental health and resilience. Join us each week as we share actionable tips, inspiring success stories, and expert advice tailored specifically for African American parents. Together, we’ll build clarity, confidence, ...
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Through this show, BIG FM will bring forward courageous stories of unsung warriors in Indian history. Sangram interviews various historians and experts who share lesser known facts and shine new light on old stories
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La Navaja de Hitchens

La Navaja de Hitchens

Todo aquello que puede ser afirmado sin evidencia, puede ser rechazado sin evidencia... O es evidentemente estúpido. Desmentimos afirmaciones populares y sin fundamento de la gente como supersticiones, creencias religiosas, errores de percepción, o anticiencia siempre con apertura, Pensamiento crítico, y las dosis perfectas de escepticismo, equilibrio, y un peculiar sentido del humor. Traído por: (Cuentas de Instagram): @es_ra_oficial @armandoskytrosky @clark_el
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The US Naval History Podcast features the highlights of our naval history, from John Paul Jones' raids on Scotland to the navy's finest hours in WWII, and beyond to the Cold War and world today. Support the show, get transcripts, and more:
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De wekelijkse nieuwsupdate voor CEO's, CFO's, CIO's, CISO's en ISO's aangeboden door Navaio - IT Security uit Haarlem. Voor meer informatie over Navaio bel naar 023 5344 496 of bezoek onze website via of email ons via
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Stay ahead in the fast-paced world of privacy and artificial intelligence with The Privacy Navigator Podcast. Each episode delivers the latest news, regulations, case law, and guidelines, ensuring you're always informed about the evolving privacy landscape. Designed for busy privacy professionals, our deep dives cut through the noise to bring you the essential trends and issues shaping the industry today. Whether you're managing ROPAs, DSARs, vendors, or policies, we've got you covered with ...
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show series
Megismétlődik az, ami 2010-ben egyszer már megtörtént: megszűnik és a Nemzetgazdasági Minisztériumba olvad a Pénzügyminisztérium. Varga Mihály a Magyar Nemzeti Bank elnökeként folytatja. Több mint egy évtizedes regnálásának hagyatéka a fogyasztási adó fókuszú adórendszer, a lecsökkent áfarés és a digitalizálódó adóhatóság. Az adás témái: ▶️ Drámai …
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Jeremy Bloom – CEO of the X Games, Former NFL & Olympic Athlete, and the Founder of Integrate - tells the story of his legal battle with the NCAA. By accepting endorsements to fund his gold-medal skiing career, he forfeited his eligibility to play football at the University of Colorado. His story provides a vivid contrast to the current rules surro…
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Slovenski rokometaši so na prijateljski tekmi v Kopru gostili Katar. Do konca priprav na svetovno prvenstvo jih čaka le še tekma proti Hrvaški, ki bo ob Danski in Norveški po 14. januarju gostila turnir najboljših reprezentanc sveta. Odbojkarice kamniškega Calcita pa so včeraj nadaljevale evropsko sezono. V 5. kolu lige prvakinj so gostile vodilno …
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¿Es posible recuperar la confianza después de una traición? En este video, exploramos las claves para sanar una relación dañada por el engaño. Desde la comunicación hasta el trabajo personal, te mostramos los pasos necesarios para reconstruir lo que parece roto. Aprende a manejar el dolor, establecer límites y decidir si vale la pena intentarlo. TU…
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Slovenski skakalci v letošnji sezoni ne dosegajo enako dobrih izidov kot v pretekli. Na novoletni turneji štirih skakalnic so si zastavili visoke cilje in pričakovali rezultatski zasuk navzgor, vendar do tega ni prišlo. Ob rezultatski krizi skakalcev se posvetimo še odbojkaricam kamniškega Calcita, ki jih zvečer čaka domača tekma lige prvakinj prot…
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Novoletna turneja v smučarskih skokih se je v Bischofshofnu končala z zmagoslavjem avstrijskega tabora. O skupnem zmagovalcu za kipec zlatega orla je med tremi avstrijskimi predstavniki odločala prav zadnja tekma, na kateri je nastopilo tudi vseh pet Slovencev. Ob analizi slovenskih nastopov, ki na prestižni turneji štirih skakalnic niso izpolnili …
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This week on I Want You To Know I talk to hip hop artist/producer Lofigo. He talks about the work he does in and out of the studio, and the music and moves he makes within and for his community. He has new concept album, a great playlist full of abstract, heady, and groovy stuff for the heads, and we have a lot in common. So pay attention I Want Yo…
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In today’s episode, Ruth offers valuable and essential insights for parents navigating the world of IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) to ensure their child’s success in the upcoming school year. Ruth will break down what an IEP is and why it’s so important, who is involved in creating it, and what key elements should be included to support your…
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¿Deberías preocuparte por el pasado de tu pareja? La respuesta podría sorprenderte. En este video, te explico por qué ciertos comportamientos actuales de tu pareja pueden estar directamente relacionados con experiencias pasadas y cómo eso puede influir en vuestra relación. Descubre qué señales observar y cómo abordar este tema de manera saludable. …
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Kranjska Gora je konec tedna gostila svetovni pokal za alpske smučarke, ki so se pomerile v veleslalomu in slalomu. Ob rezultatskem izkupičku slovenskega tabora in prihodnosti domače tekme, ki prvič ni potekala pod pokroviteljstvom blagovne znamke Zlata lisica, se posvetimo še zaključku novoletne turneje smučarskih skakalcev. Prestižna turneja se b…
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Hello all and happy 2025! Join Madison & Jamie as they discuss the Netflix Original Documentary Will & Harper. Documentary link: Contact us via email at: Hit us up on twitter: @NNOPodcastJamie & Madison による
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Welcome to today’s episode, where we dive into what families can expect in 2025 when it comes to accessing resources and support on the Family Care Navigator website. As we look ahead, navigating the complex world of family care can feel overwhelming, but understanding what’s coming in terms of available tools, resources, and expert guidance is key…
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On today's episode, Luis shares his reflections on his ancestry, and the experience of his ancestors juxtaposed against his present experience. He discusses the differences between cultures, and the practice of understanding and accepting ancestors. Luis speaks about how intergenerational wisdom and intergenerational trauma are both accessible to u…
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Discover the transformative power of sleep with insights from Dr. John Cordle, a Naval Academy graduate and former nuclear surface warfare officer. Dr. Cordle shares his journey from unexpected Academy acceptance to becoming a leading advocate for sleep management in the Navy. Explore the cultural shift within the Navy, moving away from glorifying …
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Tekmovalni konec tedna v Kranjski Gori se bo za alpske smučarke sklenil z današnjo slalomsko preizkušnjo, pred katero imajo visoka pričakovanja tudi v slovenskem taboru. Smučarske skakalce čakajo kvalifikacije pred tretjo tekmo novoletne turneje v Innsbrucku, skakalke pa sezono svetovnega pokala nadaljujejo v Beljaku.…
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V popoldanski oddaji prepletemo odzive slovenskih tekmovalcev in tekmovalk z zimskih športnih prizorišč. Alpske smučarke so se v Kranjski Gori pomerile v veleslalomu, smučarski skakalci pa v Innsbrucku na tretji, predzadnji tekmi novoletne turneje.RTVSLO – Val 202 による
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Explore the practical side of artificial intelligence (AI) in this informative episode, designed specifically for business leaders ready to implement AI strategies in their organizations. We discuss actionable steps for integrating AI. With a focus on real-world application, the episode highlights key considerations. Hear about real-world success s…
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Svetovni pokal za alpske smučarke se nadaljuje v Kranjski Gori, kjer se bo tekmovalni konec tedna začel z veleslalomsko preizkušnjo. Ob utrinkih s prizorišča le nekaj minut pred začetkom prve vožnje se posvetimo še tretji tekmi novoletne turneje smučarskih skakalcev, ki se bodo popoldan pomerili v Innsbrucku.…
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Slovenska rokometna reprezentanca je začela priprave na prihajajoče svetovno prvenstvo. Pomlajeno zasedbo brez Jureta Dolenca in Deana Bombača pred odhodom v Zagreb, kjer bo igrala skupinski del turnirja, čakajo še tri prijateljske tekme. Posvetimo se še novoletni turneji v smučarskih tekih, ki se bo konec tedna nadaljevala v dolini Fiemme.…
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John Cole Scott — president of Closed-End Fund Advisors and the chairman of the Active Investment Company Alliance — revisits the forecasts he made for the closed-end fund business a year ago and to grade himself as a soothsayer. Having made his 2025 calls for closed-end funds a week ago, he puts some weight behind his prognostications by showing t…
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Las mascotas nos eligen antes de encarnar en la tierra, se dice que vienen a ser nuestros guardianes, son los encargados de cuidarnos energéticamente y físicamente. Las mascotas tienen la capacidad de poder transmutar todas las energías pesadas de su dueño. Su misión es enseñarnos el amor incondicional acompañándonos desde el corazón…
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Insights and comments could be sent to They will be addressed during our daily classes to enhance the discussion. For Parasha & Navi Special Classes, please visit: Apple podcast link: Spotify link:…
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Dopoldanske športne minute bodo v znamenju smučarskih skokov. Za skakalke se je včeraj v Oberstdorfu končala turneja dveh večerov. Sezono svetovnega pokala bodo nadaljevale v Beljaku. Pred smučarskimi skakalci pa je še avstrijski del prestižne novoletne turneje štirih skakalnic. Točke v lovu na zlatega orla bodo lovili v Innsbrucku in Bischofshofnu…
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After a busy fall, we spent the month at our home base near Chicago. As you know we don't enjoy the cold, so after the Christmas holidays we once again headed south for most of the winter. We rang in the New Year in our motorhome in FL with a NYE ball drop party from 7-9 pm - it is after all midnight somewhere! January will find us at the Tampa RV …
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Smučarski skakalci bodo nastope na nemškem delu novoletne turneje zvečer končali v Garmisch Partenkirchnu, nato se bo karavana preselila v Avstrijo, kjer bosta še tekmi v Innsbrucku in Bischofshofnu. Za skakalke pa se bo turneja dveh večerov že nocoj končala v Oberstdorfu.RTVSLO – Val 202 による
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In the fast-paced world of industrial automation, every millisecond counts. By processing data closer to its source, edge computing significantly reduces latency, enabling real-time decision-making and optimizing operations. This podcast explores how edge computing in industrial automation systems reduces latency, its benefits, and its impact on th…
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Quentin Paquelier - CMO of Club América - leads marketing for the biggest soccer brand in North America. Their games average more viewers in the U.S. than any other soccer club in the world. Quentin considers the U.S. to be a "second primary market" and explains the challenge of engaging with so many fans in different parts of Mexico, the U.S., and…
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In this episode we highlight topics such as the meaning and evolution of the term “eloquent cortex,” localized versus distributed models of brain functioning, aggressiveness versus conservatism of neurosurgeons during resections, the “onco-functional balance,” electrocorticography and stereo EEG procedures, the Wada procedure, the clinical and func…
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Insights and comments could be sent to They will be addressed during our daily classes to enhance the discussion. For Parasha & Navi Special Classes, please visit: Apple podcast link: Spotify link:…
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Garmisch-Partenkirchen je druga postaja novoletne turneje smučarskih skakalcev ter obenem prva za skakalke. Na olimpijskem prizorišču bo danes dvojni spored, skakalci se bodo na zadnji dan v letu pomerili v kvalifikacijah, skakalke pa na prvi od dveh tekem turneje. Pestro je tudi v hokejskih dvoranah. Olimpija je v razširjenem avstrijskem prvenstvu…
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Insights and comments could be sent to They will be addressed during our daily classes to enhance the discussion. For Parasha & Navi Special Classes, please visit: Apple podcast link: Spotify link:…
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As summer winds down, many parents are wondering how to support their neurodivergent child’s smooth transition back to school, ensuring an inclusive and positive experience. In this episode, Ruth explores the three key areas where neurodivergent children often struggle: language, focus and attention, and transitions. With the long break behind them…
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Košarkarji Krke so v 14. kolu jadranske lige gostili evroligaško Crveno zvezdo, prvo polovico rednega dela sezone pa bodo sklenili s slovenskim derbijem proti Olimpiji. Novomeška ekipa ima enega najnižjih proračunov v tekmovanju in se bo tudi letos borila za neposreden obstanek med regionalno elito.RTVSLO – Val 202 による
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V Oberstdorfu se je začela 73. novoletna turneja v smučarskih skokih. Po prvi tekmi na skakalnici Schattenberg se bo karavana preselila na drugo nemško prizorišče turneje v Garmisch Partenkirchen. Posvetimo se še alpskemu smučanju. Moški del karavane svetovnega pokala bo leto 2025 s slalomom v Madonni di Campiglio, ženski pa na podkorenski strmini,…
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Cuando hablamos de infidelidad, todos enfrentamos el mismo dilema: ¿Qué duele más? ¿La traición física de que tu pareja se acueste con alguien más, o la conexión emocional de que se enamore de otra persona? En este video, profundizamos en las emociones y reflexiones detrás de estas dos formas de engaño, explorando por qué cada una puede ser devasta…
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Join Bill and Stephanie as they take you on a heartwarming journey through the most memorable moments of Family Care Navigators in 2024. This episode revisits the stories and insights that have guided caregivers through legal, emotional, and practical aspects of family caregiving. Discover inspiring stories of resilience, compassion, and dedication…
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Unser persönlicher Jahresrück- und Ausblick auf die besten Radnavis, Apps und Headsets und die Trendsl für 2025 Die neuen Navi-Flaggschiffe für den Fahrradlenker im Vergleich: Wahoo Elemnt Ace Garmin Edge 1050 Hammerhead Karoo (3) News Coros DURA Garmin Fenix 8 Sigma mit Bluetooth-Remote Garmin Kartenupdates Outdoor Maps+ Komoot direkt auf dem Garm…
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On today's episode, Luis talks about how fawning affects your sex life, and what you can do about it. He discusses: what fawning is, and why we do it the relationship between fawning and sex the longterm impact of prolonged sexual fawning why sexual fawning can occur with or without abuse [Ep. 2] Fawning: The Most Overlooked Trauma Response [Ep. 13…
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What if military sports could unlock leadership potential and foster international diplomacy? Join us as we uncover this intriguing prospect with our special guest, Eli Bremer, an accomplished Air Force Academy graduate, Olympian, and Military World Games competitor. We explore Eli's captivating journey from a two-sport athlete at the Academy to ea…
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Novoletna turneja v smučarskih skokih se je začela v Oberstdorfu, kjer je v kvalifikacijah nastopilo pet Slovencev, za tekače pa v Toblachu, kjer je bil danes sprint. V popoldanskih športnih minutah prepletemo odzive z obeh prizorišč in se posvetimo tudi alpskemu smučanju. Moški so se v smuku pomerili v Bormiu, ženske v veleslalomu na Semmeringu.…
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