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show episodes

Merchant Sales Podcast

Merchant Sales Podcast

A collaboration between The Green Sheet and CCSalesPro.com, this weekly podcast provides insights for ISOs and Agents who want to build their merchant portfolio. Learn how to sell merchant services and listen to interviews with industry experts.
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Three local, Las Vegas friends discuss life, current events, and everything else that pops into their heads. It's the Pick Me Up that everyone needs! Pop culture and real tribulations! This show is funny, with a flare, never boring and always informative. Come join our family.
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That Sports Merch Podcast

That Sports Merch Podcast

That Sports Merch Podcast- hosted by Lee Hyde & Matt Hudson, a monthly podcast show discussing all aspects of sports merchandise, within the professional game. Offering insight across the industry through feature inteviews with industry experts, retail leaders and a whole lot more. Covering all sports across the globe from giants of the NFL to minnows of football's non-league.
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I Love Me The Podcast is an invitation to learn how to love yourself, and then deepen that love for yourself a little more each day. In each episode Tamra Mercieca will offer you practical, down-to-earth ideas, and easy real-life ways of helping you cultivate a healthy, loving relationship with you. You’ll learn how to expand your acceptance and respect for yourself - through short, simple lessons, teachings and practices - so this love can blossom into all corners of your gorgeous life. As ...
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Merci, Chérie - Der Eurovision Podcast

Marco Schreuder & Alkis Vlassakakis & Sonja Riegel

Merci, Chérie ist der Eurovision Song Contest Podcast aus Wien und Frankfurt. Es diskutieren Marco Schreuder, Sonja Riegel und Alkis Vlassakakis mit Gästen über den größten Musikwettbewerb der Erde. Kein Thema wird verschont, jede Ecke ausgeleuchtet, Glamour befürwortet, Inhalte analysiert und Trash hochgelebt. Nicht nur für ESC Nerds.
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Mercury: A Broadcast of Hope

Atlanta Radio Theatre Company

A daily fiction podcast from Atlanta Radio Theatre Company. A different kind of zombie story... Take care of each other. Episodes expire after 24 hours, but a new one is published every day! Want to catch up on past episodes? Pledge as little as $1/month at patreon.com/mercuryradio and get the entire back catalog!
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TNC Talks NonProfit with Mercedes & Scott

Mercedes Alhaj & Scott McAninch

Hosts Mercedes Alhaj and Scott McAninch explore the intriguing paths that lead individuals to leadership roles in the nonprofit sector. From unexpected career shifts to life-changing events, they share personal journeys and discuss the diverse motivations driving people toward making a difference through nonprofits.
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A Value View is a series of topical podcasts from The Merchants Trust, ​focusing on developments affecting the UK market environment and how the trust navigates them. So what does this mean for investors? – join portfolio manager Simon Gergel as he offers his thoughts Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Bienvenue dans Pour toutes ces bonnes raisons, le podcast qui explore le merchandising avec expertise. Vous vous êtes déjà demandé comment le merchandising peut devenir un moteur de performance pour votre marque, vos produits ou votre point de vente ? Je suis Adrien Bernard, ancien directeur merchandising et fondateur d'AB Merchandising (https://abmerchandisingpro.wixsite.com/website), et je vous propose de découvrir comment un merchandising pensé intelligemment, en co-construction avec les ...
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The Danielle Mercurio Show

Danielle Mercurio

Entertaining and thought-provoking, this talk-show navigates the many layers of what it means to walk a spiritual path, enriched with forays into the world of AI. Drawing upon Danielle Mercurio’s own journey of personal discovery and spiritual awakenings, this show invites you to explore life with confidence and curiosity. Join Danielle as she converses with a diverse lineup of captivating guests—from motivational speakers to wellness entrepreneurs to tech innovators. Together, they explore ...
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Developers! - mer än bara kod

Madeleine Schönemann och Sofia Larsson

Om du är en tech-nörd som älskar att hålla dig uppdaterad med det senaste inom mjukvaruutveckling, någon som är nyfiken på "det där med programmering", en som pluggar just nu eller någon som har jobbat många år i branschen - då är Developers! podden för dig! Här får du möjligheten att lära dig om teknik, höra roliga rants, lära dig om livet som en utvecklare och allt som hör därtill. Men det handlar om mer än bara om kod, vi pratar också om allt från hur man gör ett bra intryck på en intervj ...
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En podcast för dig som är nyfiken på hur livet kan bli enklare och härligare utan en massa mer göranden. I den här podden utforskar vi hur det är att vara människa samt vad som är möjligt, när vi lever mer i nuet, släpper gamla programmeringar och lyssnar mindre på allt babblet i huvudet. När Angelica blev introducerad till de tre principerna började hennes liv att transformeras. Hon har gått från att kämpa i livet och haft en nästintill obefintlig självkänsla. Till att se att livet faktiskt ...
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Vinn mer

Mikael Nilsson

Vinn mer! Genvägen till rosetter med briljanta färger och skinande pokaler på hundutställning. För dig som är intresserad av hundutställningar och utställningshundar. Från nybörjaren till världseliten som vill lära sig mer om hur du vinner mer med din älskade hund. Varje avsnitt kommer vara inspirerande och tankeväckande och det kommer kloka råd hur du gör för att få briljanta färger på dina rosetter och ännu mer glittrande och skinande pokaler i vitrinskåpet! Podden är gjord av Mikael Nilss ...
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The WPHP Monthly Mercury

The WPHP Monthly Mercury

The WPHP Monthly Mercury is the podcast of The Women's Print History Project, a digital bibliographical database that recovers and discovers women’s print history for the eighteenth- and nineteenth-centuries (womensprinthistoryproject.com). Inspired by the titles of periodicals of the period, the WPHP Monthly Mercury dives into the gritty and gorgeous details of investigating women’s work as authors and labourers in the book trades.
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show series
I det här avsnittet svarar jag på ett lyssnarbrev om hur det kan vara att hitta närvaron och välmåendet i vardagen – men ändå fastna i gamla mönster av ångestfyllda nätter, där tankarna attackerar just när kroppen längtar efter vila. Kanske känner du igen dig i det? När vi egentligen bara vill slappna av, men fastnar i ett inre motstånd mot både sö…
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Känner du dig som en bluff i techbranschen? Du är inte ensam. I det här avsnittet gästas vi av ingen mindre än Sabrina Sandhu – Nordic Sales Manager på Pax8, tidigare på Microsoft, och en riktig powerhouse när det gäller ledarskap och mångfald i techvärlden. Vi snackar om impostor syndrome, varför kvinnor (och andra minoriteter) ofta känner sig osä…
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Jonni ætlaði að útskrifast nú í vor úr LHÍ en fékk stórt hlutverk í sjónvarpsþáttum og þarf því að fresta útskrift, Hann segir einnig frá litlu dóttur sinni sem greindist með stórt heilaæxli þegar hún var aðeins 2 mánaða gömul. Henni líður vel í dag en Jonni talar um óttan og hræðsluna og hvernig hann ásamt eiginkonu sinni tók á því.…
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Føler du at du gjør “alt riktig” i businessen, men likevel ikke får resultater? Denne episoden er til deg som står fast, er frustrert og lurer på om det i det hele tatt er verdt det. Gry deler de 5 brutale – men livsendrende – sannhetene hun selv trengte å høre da hun holdt på å gi opp. Dette er en ærlig og rå episode, fylt med konkrete erfaringer …
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Hot off his Historic Bassmaster Classic victory, Easton Fothergill joins the podcast. We discuss his incredible victory on Lake Ray Roberts. His inspiring story of overcoming horrific obstacles and a whole list of hot topics. But that’s not all! Then we are joined by bassmaster videographer, Jake Latendresse with the ultimate Bassmaster behind-the-…
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Congratulations to Mrs. Bauer who teaches second grade at Ernest May Elementary School for being our March Teacher of the Month! Mrs. Bauer will receive a $150 Visa gift card courtesy of Findlay Chevrolet, an additional $150 Visa gift card courtesy of Silver State Schools Credit Union PLUS a personalized Mercedes in the Morning Teacher of the Month…
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In the aftermath of the Spring Statement, a number of consultations have been released on the government website. Mark Morton delves into the Making Tax Digital Consultation and how this could potentially impact accountants over the next few years. For more information on this topic and more, please visit www.mercia-group.com for further details.…
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In this short episode, join Mark Morton as he reflects on the Spring Statement delivered by Chancellor Rachel Reeves today (25 March 2025). Don't forget there is still time to order your Spring Statement Summary to easily communicate the key announcements to your clients. For more information on this topic and more, please visit www.mercia-group.co…
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When was the last time you actually paid attention to your breath? Like really noticed it? If your answer is ‘Ummm… breathing is automatic, isn’t it?’ then this episode is for you. While our autonomic nervous system does take care of breathing for us, so we don’t die, we can consciously use our breath to balance our emotions, boost our energy and e…
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Die Merci Jury 2025 geht in die zweite Runde. Heute mit Henrike Brandstötter und Peter Kraus. Beide sind in der Politik aktiv, eine bei den Neos, der andere bei den Grünen, und beschäftigen sich mit Medien, öffentlich-rechtlichen Fragen, LGBTIQs und sind zudem beide Song Contest-Fans. Wir besprechen die nächsten zehn Songs des Eurovision Song Conte…
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Gróa greindist með brjóstakrabbamein árið 2007 og í framhaldi af því ákváðu hún og vinkonur hennar að safna fyrir nýrri leitarvél fyrir Lanspítalann. Þá fór boltinn að rúlla og þær hafa í gegnum árin safnað tæpum milljarð sem þær hafa gefið til góðgerðamála. Í dag ætla þær að safna fyrir Kvennaathvarfið.…
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Auto dealers are leaning into dual pricing, surcharging, and other differential pricing strategies—and payments companies are taking notice. In this week’s episode, James Shepherd interviews Ben Ross of Green Payments to talk about how this high-volume, high-margin vertical is embracing innovative pricing models. Learn how Green Payments’ proprieta…
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I detta avsnitt samtalar Angelica med Anna Wikfalk, intimitets- och njutningscoach, om vikten av intimitet, närvaro och att hitta sin egen njutning i både det stora och det lilla. De pratar om den sexuella energin som en ren, kraftfull livsenergi – en energi som inte nödvändigtvis behöver kopplas till sex, men som är en naturlig del av oss. Om vi i…
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Tänk dig att du sitter på en videointervju med en kandidat som nailar kodtestet, har grymma referenser och ett imponerande CV från stora techbolag. Men något känns… off. Kandidaten pratar med en konstig brytning, kan inte sitt "modersmål" och ser lite… glitchig ut? Det visar sig att personen är en deepfake. Alltså, inte bara någon som fuskar på ett…
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John Garrett is one of the brightest young stars in pro fishing. Not only is he a former College Bass Champion but he won an Elite Series title in only his 3rd event and finished his rookie season with a top 10 in Angler of the Year. Rookie luck? Not likely. This week he will compete in his second Bassmaster Classic and will do so as the current le…
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Unnur Elísabet hefur verið skíthrædd í 40, hrædd við myrkirð, vindkviður og stundum eplabita. En nú er komið gott. Hún segir frá sýningunni Skíthrædd í Þjóðleikhúskjallaranum þar sem hún fer yfir það sem hefur hamlað henni mest í lífinu.
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Here in the Southern Hemisphere the air’s getting crisper, the leaves are changing colour, and our Lungs… well.. they need a little extra TLC right about now. Why? Because in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Autumn is ‘Lung season’, meaning these precious air-breathing, life-giving organs are at their most vulnerable. And if our Lungs are not healthy …
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