Scripture Readings, testimonies and Bible Study
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The Lord will rescue you!
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We must keep press toward the mark ! Perfection is attainable only in Jesus Christ! We will receive a heavenly prize !
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Psalm 103 NLT version. Do not forget His benefits!
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Hidden in the Secret Place of the Most High God Psalm 91
4:40I am Hidden in the Secret Place of the Most High God Psalm 91 This is my favourite scripture. No matter what you are facing, you can hide and find refuge in the secret place of the Most High God! His promises are true and He is faithful. He commands His angels to protect those that put their trust in Him…
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We must trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God! We have the Mind of Christ!
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Ephesians 5 encourages us to imitate our Lord Jesus Christ.
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You are not condemned! In Christ we are justified by faith !
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This is a Daily Scripture Reading as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus reminds us in this scripture that He is the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE! We can only gain access to the Father through Jesus Christ. May God's word come alive to you as it is being read and remain in your hearts.
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He gave his only son for us
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The works of man’s hands are idols! Glory be to Adonai!
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On Christ The Solid Rock I stand! ALL other ground is unstable!
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The Master is calling you!
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We are children of the light and so let us shine brightly, leading others to salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord
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Who is an Overcomer? How can i become an Overcomer?
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God is able to shut the mouths of the Lions and hive you the Victory!
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Details on what we are all about!
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