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TOTA SCRIPTURA: Digital Ministry GRII Karawaci. Preaching the whole counsel of God to the world: Khotbah Eksposisi, Pendalaman Alkitab, Seminar, Pengajaran, Talkshows, Tanya Jawab, dan Renungan.
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Welkom by Radio Scriptura. 2 Timotheus 3:16,17 sê die hele Skrif is deur God ge-asem. Op hierdie Gereformeerde potgooi wil ons vanuit die Skrif leer, weerlê, reg wys en onderrig, sodat God se mense volkome voorberei en toegerus sal wees vir elke goeie werk.
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Um espaço para refletir de acordo com as escrituras! Bem-vindos!!
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Simply The Bible. Join us as we look at Scripture through fresh eyes and explore words, topics, and passages with the sole purpose of getting to know what God wanted us to know through His Word. What does The Bible say about God? About us? That's what Scriptura is all about.
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Mira Scriptura is dedicated to mirror-reading the Bible. Mirror-Reading is an interpretation method that attempts to recreate the situations that the Biblical authors were responding to.
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Join Pastor Daniel Brammeier as he shares insights from the original Hebrew and Greek languages of the Bible. Learn with him about the depth and breadth of God's love for the world in Jesus Christ.
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Scriptural Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
Trusted Catholic Spiritual Formation and Direction
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Set in the beautiful Cox Chapel, this service features acoustic worship and preaching. Each week we’ll sing traditional hymns and contemporary songs of faith, and take an in-depth look at scripture and practical wisdom for living out our faith today.
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GOODBYE HEARTBREAK, HELLO HEALING, Healing Broken Hearts, Empowering Women, Scriptural Healing, Find Your Love, Single Women, Christian Singles
Kandice A. Bateast, Heartbreak Coach, Author, Prayer Warrior
Do you feel heartbroken over a recent breakup? Did you think he was “the one”, but it turned out to be another failed relationship? Are you feeling like you’ll never find “the one” for you? Do you wish God would just bring the right man along so you can be happy? In this podcast I will share my journey of looking for love in all the wrong places to finally finding the true love I needed and how that led to me getting into the right position to be married. I had a lot of work to do in my sing ...
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 238 (Matius 12:38-42): Kemunafikan orang Farisi terus diberitakan oleh Matius. Dalam bacaan kita ini orang Farisi berpura-pura mau menjadi pengikut Tuhan Yesus yang masih mempunyai sedikit ganjalan. Tinggal sedikit lagi maka mereka akan menjadi murid Yesus, asalkan Yesus memberikan tanda. Ini pe…
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«И сказал им Ангел: не бойтесь; я возвещаю вам великую радость, которая будет всем людям: ибо ныне родился вам в городе Давидовом Спаситель, Который есть Христос Господь;» (Лк.2:10-11). Праздник Рождества Христа – это особый праздник. Мы отмечаем приход Господа на землю не так, как люди этого мира, а как те, кто стали Божьими. Центром праздника явл…
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200. Be Consistent In 2025 To See Healing Results
Hey Sis! Being consistent is key no matter what goal you’re trying to achieve. But when it comes to healing your broken heart, it can make or break your future. Today, I’m sharing one of our sister’s testimony of how being consistent with 3 things helped her move on after a sudden devastating breakup. Join us for episode 200 as we get this New Year…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 237 (Matius 12:22-37): Cara Yesus mengusir setan merupakan suatu pameran otoritas ilahi atas kuasa jahat. Setan tidak sanggup menghadapi Yesus. Setan tidak perlu ditakuti jika ada kuasa Yesus. Setan tidak bisa bertahan di hadapan Yesus. Yesus memberikan perintah maka setan pun tidak sanggup mela…
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199. Dos And Don'ts To Manage Holiday Grief After a Breakup
Hey Sis! Grieving after a breakup is always hard, but it’s especially hard during the Christmas and New Year Holiday Season. This episode is all about helping you manage your grief in this difficult season with some simple dos and don’ts. Get your notebook and pen for this one. **Instead of going back to regular price, my online course Grieving The…
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«Итак пусть я, раб твой, вместо отрока останусь рабом у господина моего, а отрок пусть идет с братьями своими: ибо как пойду я к отцу моему, когда отрока не будет со мною? я увидел бы бедствие, которое постигло бы отца моего.» (Быт.44:33-34) Изменение патриарха Иуды, когда из одного человека, он стал совершенно другим, говорим нам о могуществе наше…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 236 (Matius 12:9-21): Setelah konflik mengenai Sabat dengan orang Farisi, pertentangan antara Yesus dengan orang Farisi makin besar. Dengan tuduhan yang sama, yaitu bahwa Yesus berusaha merombak tradisi Taurat, mereka berusaha menjerat Yesus. Bacaan hari ini menjelaskan bahwa ada orang yang lump…
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198. 5 Ways Healing Allows You To Live a Better Life
Hey Sis! Some people choose numbing and avoidance instead of healing. While it’s not healthy, it’s understandable. Healing is hard work for almost everyone who needs it. However, there are benefits to healing, and I can’t wait to share them with you in this week’s episode. **Instead of going back to regular price, my online course Grieving The Livi…
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«И когда они ели, Иисус взял хлеб и, благословив, преломил и, раздавая ученикам, сказал: приимите, ядите: сие есть Тело Мое. И, взяв чашу и благодарив, подал им и сказал: пейте из нее все, ибо сие есть Кровь Моя Нового Завета, за многих изливаемая во оставление грехов.» (Мф.26:26-28) То, что в себе имела первая вечеря, то имеют и все последующие. Х…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 235 (Matius 12:1-8): Orang-orang Farisi mengikuti terus rombongan Tuhan Yesus. Apakah karena mereka mau mendengar firman? Atau mungkin mereka ingin menjadi murid Tuhan Yesus juga? Tidak. Mereka mengikuti kelompok ini karena mau mencari kesalahan kelompok ini.…
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197. 7 Stages of Grief After a Breakup (Stages 5-7)
Hey Sis! In our last episodes, I gave you a ton of information about the first 4 stages of grief after a breakup. In today’s episode, I’ll be going over sages 5-7. Don’t worry sis! I believe you will overcome your grief and be healed. Now, grab your notebook and pen again, it’s time to go deep! **Today is the last day of the CYBER SALE (12/5/24). G…
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196. 7 Stages of Grief After a Breakup (Stages 1-4)
Hey Sis! Today’s episode is so informative. I am breaking down the first 4 stages of grief after a breakup. Whenever you lose someone or something that was extremely important to you, you’re going to grieve, whether you want to or not. And when it comes to healing your broken heart, it’s a crucial and important step. You don’t want to miss this epi…
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Heinz Winckler en sy vrou se vrystelling van hul konserwatiewe huwelikshandleidings by die Breytenbach Sentrum veroorsaak 'n bohaai. Hoekom daal die Gereformeerde kerk se lidmaatsyfer? Is dit immigrasie, of dat mense minder kinders kry, of word die evangelie boodskdap afgewater? Hoekom gaan gereformeerdes na ongereformeerde kerke? Het ons "nuwe ide…
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«По долгом времени, приходит господин рабов тех и требует у них отчета.» (Мф.25:19) Когда придёт Господь, то все предстанут пред Ним и дадут Ему отчёт. Не будет исключения никому, каждый должен будет отчитаться в том, что он делал живя на земле. Через притчу Господь готовит нас к будущему, Он хочет чтобы мы зная это готовились к этому чрезвычайно с…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 234 (Matius 11:20-30): Tirus, Sidon, dan Sodom adalah kota-kota yang dihancurkan oleh Tuhan karena kehidupan mereka yang sangat rusak. Mereka bukan hanya tidak mengenal Tuhan dan menyembah berhala, tetapi mereka juga mempunyai kehidupan moral yang sangat rusak. Mereka hidup dengan melayani hawa …
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195. 5 Tips To Enjoy Every Season As a Single Woman
Hey Sis! Are you in an unexpected season right now? Truthfully, no season should be spent waiting for the next one. There’s always a way to enjoy the season that you’re in. So whether you are heartbroken or simply desiring a relationship, you can reframe your thoughts to find joy in this season while you heal and prepare for the next season. Get yo…
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Die weg van almal op aarde: Ewige heerlikheid
Hoe moet ons dink oor die ewige heerlikheid? Wie is die begin en die lewe? Wie is die voleinder van ons geloof? Jesus self is ons grootste skat en beloning, en ons kan met vrymoedigheid na die belonings en Sy ewige teenwoordigheid uitsien.Scriptura による
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«Господин же его сказал ему в ответ: лукавый раб и ленивый! ты знал, что я жну, где не сеял, и собираю, где не рассыпал; посему надлежало тебе отдать серебро мое торгующим, и я, придя, получил бы мое с прибылью;» (Мф.25:26-27) Рабу хозяин доверил талант серебра, что приблизительно равняется плате за двадцать лет работы. Этот раб решил сохранить иму…
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REFORMING HEART #233: Yesus dan Yohanes Pembaptis
Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 233 (Matius 11:1-19): Yohanes Pembaptis di dalam penjara, dan dia mengutus murid-muridnya untuk bertanya apakah benar Yesus adalah Sang Mesias? Salah satu tanda kedatangan Sang Mesias adalah dia akan membebaskan orang-orang yang dipenjarakan (Yes. 61:1). Yohanes mungkin telah mendengar bahwa Yes…
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194. How Gratitude Helps You Heal After a Breakup
Hey Sis! It’s almost Thanksgiving, and I’m sure a breakup wasn’t on the menu originally. But here you are doing your best to heal in the midst of this holiday season, and it may be hard to see the good in your life right now. Well, today we are going to talk about gratitude as a conduit for healing. It really is a key component in the healing proce…
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“Господин его сказал ему: хорошо, добрый и верный раб! в малом ты был верен, над многим тебя поставлю; войди в радость господина твоего.” (Мф.25:21) Писание описывает нам будущее, что будет с верующими, когда придёт Иисус Христос. Господь желает чтобы мы знали, что ожидает нас и были готовы к Его приходу. Он не лжёт, не пугает, но обязательно посту…
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REFORMING HEART #232: Pemisahan dan Penderitaan
Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 232 (Matius 10:34-42): Bacaan hari ini melanjutkan peringatan Tuhan Yesus mengenai segala macam bahaya yang akan dialami oleh para murid pada waktu itu, maupun murid-murid yang lain sepanjang sejarah gereja. Tuhan Yesus memberi peringatan bahwa mengikut Yesus dapat mengakibatkan perpecahan, bahk…
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193. 3 Things You Can't Control That Are Frustrating You As a Single Woman
Hey Sis! Are you feeling frustrated in this season? Have you been able to trace the source of your frustration? When we try to control certain things in our lives that might be going on around us, it can disrupt our peace and have the opposite effect of what we were hoping for. In this episode we are going to identify some things that may be frustr…
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Die weg van almal op aarde: Die nuwe hemel en aarde
Is die hemel ons eindbestemming? Watter troos skep ons uit die feit dat die ewige lewe werklik vir gelowiges bestaan? Gaan daar herskepping of vernietiging plaasvind? Wat gaan op die nuwe aarde wees en wat nie? Gaan Jesus in Sy fisiese liggaam by ons wees? Is die ewige lewe net 'n soort toestand of 'n werklikheid? Hoe rig die nuwe hemel en aarde on…
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«Иисус сказал им в ответ: истинно, истинно говорю вам: вы ищете Меня не потому, что видели чудеса, но потому, что ели хлеб и насытились.» (Ин.6:26). Люди искали Господа, ради этого приложили немало усилий, переплыли на другую сторону моря и в Капернауме Его нашли. Их поиск увенчался успехом, но Господа это не радовало. Он видел их мотив, почему они…
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REFORMING HEART #231: Domba di Tengah-tengah Serigala
Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id| Episode 231 (Matius 10:16-33): Pada bagian ini kita mempelajari hal yang paradoks. Di satu sisi domba-domba Tuhan yang kita layani adalah orang-orang yang akan Tuhan panggil, perbaiki, dan jadikan anak-anak yang taat. Tetapi di sisi lain ada orang-orang yang ternyata tidak termasuk domba-domba Tuhan. Sia…
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192. One Thing That Makes The Difference Between Healing or Staying Stuck
Hey Sis! It can be hard to know where to start when it comes to healing a broken heart, but there’s one thing that can be a game changer on this journey. Join me for today’s episode to find out how to start making real progress in this season. Resources and Services FREE End of Year Reflection Journal My YouVersion Bible Plans Goodbye Heartbreak He…
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Daar is drie sake op die agenda vir Perspektief - Oktober 2024, naamlik die "Nuwe Hervorming" erken die laaste twintig jaar was 'n mislukking, liberale kerke in Amerika verlaat die Christian Reformed Church, en laastens Solidariteit betoog oor die Bela wetgewing.Scriptura による
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«Жители того места, узнав Его, послали во всю окрестность ту и принесли к Нему всех больных, и просили Его, чтобы только прикоснуться к краю одежды Его; и которые прикасались, исцелялись.» (Мф.14:35-36). Здоровые позаботились за больных, они принесли их к Господу, спросили о разрешение чтобы прикоснуться хотя бы к краю Его одежды. Разрешение было п…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id| Episode 230 (Matius 10:1-15): Tuhan Yesus mulai mengutus para pekerja untuk tuaian. Tuhan memilih 12 rasul dan mengutus mereka untuk melakukan hal-hal yang Dia sendiri telah lakukan. Inilah pengutusan yang benar. Yang mengutus sudah melakukan hal-hal yang diharapkan dilakukan oleh mereka yang diutus. Mer…
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191. 3 Steps To Finish Strong This Year and Prepare For What's Next
Hey Sis! I can’t believe this year is almost over, but it’s not over yet. There is still time for you to get it together and finish strong this year. And even if you’re going strong already, take some time to start preparing for the new year. If you’re excited about what’s to come, you don’t want to miss the episode to help you get there. ***Don’t …
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Die weg van almal op aarde: Die laaste oordeel
Kom Jesus werklik weer terug om te oordeel? Moet elkeen nog verskyn voor die regverdige Regter? Wanneer gaan Jesus weer kom, en kan ons die tekens van die wederkoms in die onrus rondom ons sien? Is daar nog sonde wat aan ons geopenbaar gaan word, en wat is die boeke van ons gewetens? Wat kan gelowiges verwqg met die wederkoms van Christus? Wat gaan…
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«Придите ко Мне все труждающиеся и обремененные, и Я успокою вас;» (Мф.11:28) Чтобы от Господа получить покой, чтобы успокоиться, надо не стоять вдали от Него а придти к Нему. Господь знает как тебе тяжело в жизни, как ты устал, измучен. Ему известно всё, что ты испытываешь, Он знает твоё бремя, твои переживания, обстоятельства, и Он хочет тебе пом…
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REFORMING HEART #229: Belas Kasihan Yesus dan Tantangan Orang Farisi
Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id| Episode 229 (Matius 9:27-38): Matius mengumpulkan peristiwa-peristiwa mujizat yang Yesus lakukan dan menutupnya dengan mengatakan bahwa karena belas kasihanlah Yesus melakukan semua mujizat itu. Ada dua peristiwa mujizat lagi yang dituliskan Matius dilakukan oleh Yesus. Yang pertama adalah Yesus menyembu…
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Hey Sis! Is life not going according to your plan? Are you in a place where you are struggling to wait on God? I know how you feel. I have been there. And to be honest, I find myself there again. Waiting on God is not the easy option, but it is the best option. It may be time to let go of control and surrender to God. If you find yourself in this p…
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Die weg van almal op aarde: Die opstanding van die dooies
"Geliefdes, nou is ons kinders van God, en dit is nog nie geopenbaar wat ons sal wees nie; maar ons weet dat ons, as Hy verskyn, aan Hom gelyk sal wees, omdat ons Hom sal sien soos Hy is." 1 Johannes 3:2. Wat gaan tydens die opstanding gebeur, en sal dit met gelowiges en ongelowiges gebeur? Hoekom moet ons liggame ook opgewek word?…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 228 (Matius 9:18-26): Iman harus berkait dengan belas kasihan Tuhan. Tuhan memberikan belas kasihan lebih dulu, barulah iman kita memiliki arti. Inilah kisah tentang seorang kepala rumah ibadat yang datang menemui Yesus karena anaknya sakit, walaupun tidak ada harapan lagi anak itu dapat sembuh.…
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Die weg van almal op aarde - Die stand van die siel na die dood
Wat is die stand van die siel na die dood? Wat gebeur met my siel as ek sterf en gaan my liggaam weer uit die graf uit opstaan? Kry ons 'n tweede kans om te bekeer tot God ten einde die ewige lewe te beërf?Scriptura による
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REFORMING HEART #227: Sukacita Sahabat Mempelai
Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 226 (Matius 9:14-17): Bacaan kita hari ini membahas tuduhan halus dari para pengikut Yohanes Pembaptis kepada Tuhan Yesus. Mereka menganggap Tuhan Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya kurang menyangkal diri. Mereka tidak berpuasa. Benarkah Tuhan Yesus tidak berpuasa? Apakah orang lain perlu tahu pengorbana…
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189. How One Resource Can Help You Heal Your Heart and Connect With God At The Same Time
Hey Sis! Today is our 2 year anniversary of Goodbye Heartbreak Hello Purpose: A 365-Day Devotional, and we are here to celebrate 🎉 When you’re going through something difficult, it’s hard to find everything you need in one place, especially as a Christian woman. Well, today, I’m going to share with you how you can use one specific resource to help …
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188. Stand Still and Watch God Work In The Midst of Your Heartbreak
Hey Sis! This week we are celebrating our 2 year anniversary of Goodbye Heartbreak Hello Purpose: A 365-Day Devotional, and today, I’m reading one of my devotions straight from the book. Know that even when we feel like we are surrounded by pain and sorrow, and it seems like there’s no way out, God is with us. He will fight for us, but we have to h…
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Scriptura praat oor skokkende uitlatings van beroemdes oor God, die beroemde musiekster Sean 'Diddy' Combs (P Diddy) se arrestasie oor seksuele misbruik, mensehandel en rampokkery, en die Amerikaanse Republikeine se slinkse benadering tot aborsie ten einde meer vroue by die stembus te wen. Is die popkultuur en christenskap versoenbaar? Die hedendaa…
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«Истинно, истинно говорю вам: если пшеничное зерно, пав в землю, не умрет, то останется одно; а если умрет, то принесет много плода.» (Ин.12:24). Праздник жатвы, это единственный праздник в Израиле, который праздновали дважды в году, в начале жатвы и в конце. Этот праздник имеет в себе много поучений, наставлений. Он напоминает о незыблемом Божьем …
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 226 (Matius 9:9-13): Tindakan Kristus pada bagian ini begitu radikal. Ketika seorang ahli Taurat mau mengikut Dia, Dia berkata bahwa Dia tidak memiliki tempat untuk berteduh dan bernaung. Tetapi ketika melewati seorang pemungut cukai, Yesus malah memanggil dia untuk mengikut Yesus. Ini benar-ben…
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187. Feeling Unworthy of Love While Battling Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts with Sherrell Richmond
🚨🚨Trigger Warning🚨🚨 Today we are talking about the sensitive topic of suicide. September was suicide prevention month. And as a mental health professional, I think it’s important to highlight the topic. So if hearing about suicide triggers you in any way, please do not listen to this episode. If you or someone you know struggle with suicidal though…
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Wie oortuig die menslike hart van die werklike bestaan van God? Waar kom ons geloof in ons God eitlik vandaan? Wat sê die Skrif oor ons besef van 'n Goddelike wese noglank voordat ons Hom as Redder van ons harte in geloof en vertroue aanneem? Kan God werklik geken word, en hoe openbaar Hy homself aan ons? Hoe antwoord ons die vrae van die ateis wat…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 225 (Matius 9:1-8): Yesus Kristus berkuasa untuk mengampuni dosa. Kristus berkuasa menyembuhkan orang sakit, meredakan angin ribut, mengusir setan, dan sekarang mengampuni dosa. Semua menunjukkan otoritas ilahi yang dimiliki Kristus. Dia bukan hanya Anak Daud, Dia juga adalah Anak Allah. Dia buk…
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186. Christian Women Reading The Bible -- Where To Start
Hey Sis! Starting to read the Bible or even staying consistent with it can be tough. We have all struggled in this area. I believe one of the main reasons Bible reading can be so scary and intimidating is because it’s hard to know where to start. Well, I’m here to help with this because reading the Bible is one of the most important things we shoul…
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Die weg van almal op aarde: Voorbereidings vir jou dood
Paulus sê in Romeine 14:8 "Want as ons lewe, leef ons tot eer van die Here; en as ons sterwe, sterf ons tot eer van die Here; of ons dan lewe en of ons sterwe, ons behoort aan die Here." Hoe sterf ons tot eer van die Here? Hoe moet die lewe van die gelowige ingerig wees om gereed te wees vir die dood? Kyk na Paulus se nalatenskap vir Timoteus en Ti…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 224 (Matius 8:23-34): Tuhan Yesus menyatakan kuasa-Nya atas alam dan atas kuasa jahat. Dia berkuasa atas danau, angin, dan juga kuasa jahat. Tidak ada yang tidak tunduk kepada kuasa yang dimiliki oleh Kristus Yesus. Yesus sedang naik perahu kecil bersama dengan murid-murid-Nya, dan ketika mereka…
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