St. George’s Anglican Church, Burlington is a vibrant, Christ-centred, church family located in Burlington, Ontario. Each Sunday we gather to worship God, fellowship with one another and hear the preaching of the good news about Jesus Christ. We record most of the sermons preached and you can listen to them here on this podcast. We hope they are an encouragement to you.
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Sermons from St. George’s Episcopal Church in Nashville, where we receive, live, and share the abundant life of Jesus Christ.
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We seek to rightly divide the word of truth between Law and Gospel, so that the people in the city of New York and beyond might know and confess where they end and God begins. We proclaim the historic faith of Christ and Him crucified. "When I came to you, brothers and sisters, I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified." - 1 Corinthians, 2 Calvary/St. George’s is a community of ...
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Podcast by St. George's
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Traveling the world, following the Mighty Blues, sampling good real ales and fine loud music.
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Sermons at St. George's offers preaching from the pulpit of a Texas Episcopal Church that strives to be inclusive and welcoming of all who come to us, progressive and scripturally based. These sermons relate scripture to spiritual, ethical, personal and social issues that are of immediate usefulness in the lives of our listeners.
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Jesus longs to gather us under his wings as a mother hen.Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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There are far too many Christians that think that the truest things about this world are the things they can experience with their own senses. But reality is spiritual being playing out in the material. God created a theatre of time and space to unfurl his spiritual glory.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall. Times are difficult, but we rejoice, because we are one step closer to our eternal home.St. George's Anglican Church による
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In this sermon, the Reverend Jacob Smith articulates why Jesus resisting temptation in the wilderness is not about life tips.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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The Reverend Jacob Smith's homily from our 6PM Ash Wednesday service.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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Kings and kingdoms will rise and fall, but it is all under the watch of the Ancient of Days. So, live a life of service to Him, that is always about the true King’s business.St. George's Anglican Church による
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One of These is Not Like the Others (Luke 9:28-43a)
17:22In this sermon, the Rev. Sarah Bonay proclaims why the Transfiguration, the climatic event of the Epiphany season, provides the definite answer to the question of who Jesus is.Rev. Sarah Bonay による
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Every single person who belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ can look at this world, which is coming to an end, without fear and with joy, because the Ancient of Days rules over the nations.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Seeds That Become Plants (1 Cor. 15:35-38, 42-50)
15:53We know that we will be raised from the dead, but what does that resurrection look like?Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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What if Jesus Actually Rose from the Dead? (1 Cor. 15:12-20)
18:46In this sermon, the Reverend Jacob Smith expounds on the Good News that Jesus actually rose from the dead.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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Work diligently and trust the Lord. Your response to trials and hardships should never be reactionary; they should arise from a resolve built through a life of humble faithfulness to Jesus.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Isaiah and God's Atoning Grace (Isaiah 6:1-13)
16:07The Reverend Sarah Bonay breaks down the call story of the prophet Isaiah to show how self-righteousness and failings are met by the atoning, life-transforming Grace of God.Rev. Sarah Bonay による
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The Ordination of The Rev. Sarah Bonay to the Priesthood, Feb. 8th, 2025
15:37The Reverend Sarah Bonay is ordained to the priesthood at St. George's Church on February 8th, 2025.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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Do you ever feel like our affirmation of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is hard to grasp? Confusing? Maybe not even necessary? St. George’s former Senior Associate Rector and author Tim Jones has explored such questions for decades. He has made some exciting discoveries about how much difference this ancient Christian belief can make, bringing…
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You are not ultimately the king of your own life. There is a king greater than you. Either be humble or be humbled.St. George's Anglican Church による
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The Good News of Departing in Peace (Luke 2:22-40)
24:09In this sermon, the Reverend Jacob Smith highlights the meaning of Candlemas, the 40th day after Christmas.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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It is through the storms that God sends into our lives that we learn who we really are and who God really is. Even the hardships are part of his merciful plan.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Where do we turn when it looks like God has not fulfilled his promises?Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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If you find yourself in the fiery furnace of this world, know that in the flames of persecution you will see and know the Lord. He will grant you the grace to persevere and He will be right there in the flames with you.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Jesus is revealed as our bridegroom, who makes us into his bride through the wedding wine that is his blood.Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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Living in interesting times is not a curse, it is a blessing. In these times, God is calling you on a grand adventure; He is calling you to a life of faithfulness in the light of Jesus.St. George's Anglican Church による
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The Baptism of Our Lord (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)
18:14Our visiting preacher, The Reverend Andrew Baughen, powerfully explains how Jesus' baptism transforms our identity and purpose on this earth.Rev. Andrew Baughen による
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In this sermon, the Reverend Jacob Smith articulates the difference between general and special revelation and what that means for your faith.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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Trust the Lord when you’re living in exile, no matter the cost. Reject the way Babylon will try to make you rely and trust in it, rather than the Lord God.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Prayer is essential to the Christian life. As you spend time in prayer with your loving Heavenly Father, you will find that your will will begin to be conformed to His will.St. George's Anglican Church による
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The Fullness of the Incarnation (John 1:1-18)
13:08Though no one has ever seen God, Jesus Christ has made him known to us in the Incarnation. In it we see the Father’s heart, as he offers us forgiveness, the sacrament of the Eucharist, and new unity in the body of Christ.Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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The Word of God in Swaddling Clothes (John 1:1-14)
11:35The Word of God, who was there when time began, came to us in swaddling clothes, so that we might become children of God.Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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Rev. Jacob Smith's 2024 Christmas Eve service at St. George's Church.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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Promises Fulfilled: The Lowest and the Least (Luke 1:39-55)
14:13When God sends his Son to earth, he works not through earthly power, but through the lowest and the least.Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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Joy in the Christian Life (Zephaniah 3:14-20)
18:46In this sermon, The Reverend Jacob Smith talks about the meaning of joy in the Christian life.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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This is Christmas - the God of Justice lays down his riches and comes to us, so that we might return back to Him.St. George's Anglican Church による
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When you offer to God only your scraps and leftovers, it exposes the fact that your heart is far from Him. But because He is King, He deserves all of your worship and devotion.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Promises Fulfilled: The Refiner’s Fire (Malachi 3:1-4)
12:42God promises us that he will come to his people. In the midst of this promise, he sends us the refiner’s fire, which is our judgment turned into mercy.Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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The Lord is Our Righteousness (Jeremiah 44:14-16)
20:33This Advent, our sermon series is titled "Promises Fulfilled." In this sermon, The Reverend Jacob Smith speaks about the promise of righteousness: What is it? And how is it given?Rev. Jacob Smith による
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Whether you are in exile or in the promised land, incline your heart towards the Lord always. That is where contentment is found.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Christians are committed to integrating and holding together truth and love. Check your heart; are you devoted to the truth because it is the most loving or simply because it fits into your political leaning? It is possible to hold the right value with the wrong heart and therefore be wrong.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Christ the King Sunday is important because, for many, their ideologies are becoming just as influential as any monarch.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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The Rt. Rev. Dr. Graham Tomlin reminds us that kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, but Jesus remains the Messiah through it all.Rt. Rev. Dr. Graham Tomlin による
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The Christian life is about learning to submit more and more to the Lord Jesus Christ, and bowing your knee to Him, who is far above all rulers and authorities and powers.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Mr. Kristoff Reese Grosfeld, our visiting preacher, reminds us that while we may want to give our all to get God's attention, he has already given his all for us.Mr. Kristoff Reese Grosfeld による
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As redeemed sinners, we live in a world marked by death. But we hope in Christ’s death to destroy death, so that we can enjoy our homecoming in heaven, where God will live with us and prepare a feast for us.Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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God has saved you. Therefore, like little children be imitators of God, your Loving Father. When you day by day love and trust God as Father, you will begin to look more like your Father and less like the world around you.St. George's Anglican Church による
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The Christian life is not primarily about putting off old vices, it is about putting on the new self, created after the likeness of Christ.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Stewardship Sermon IV: God is the Answer to the Question (Job 42:1-6, 10-17)
24:06In this final sermon of our Stewardship series, the Reverend Jacob Smith talks about suffering and God's answer to our questions of theodicy.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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To be a mature Christian means to be steady at the wheel and to have one aim at one person - Jesus Christ.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Stewardship Sermon III: Prayer (Mark 10:35-45)
14:12Jesus’s prayers and supplications to his Father in heaven gave him the strength to endure his passion so that he might become our source of grace, mercy, and eternal salvation.Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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A tree will only grow to the extent that the roots deepen; the same is true for the Christian life. Let the gospel take root in Your life and you will begin to grasp the unfathomable love of God in Christ Jesus for you.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Stewardship Sermon II: Fellowship (Mark 10:17-31)
14:06Salvation is about more than just eternal life; it’s about entering the kingdom of God and finding reconciliation with God and neighbor through his forgiveness.Rev. Molly Jane Layton による
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Christian, take heart. Nothing comes to you but by the hand of God. The hardship you experience isn’t random, it serves a purpose.St. George's Anglican Church による
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Stewardship Sermon I: The Apostles' Teaching (Job 1:1, 2:1-10)
23:45In this sermon, the Reverend Jacob Smith shares what the apostles' teaching has to say to us in the midst of suffering.Rev. Jacob Smith による
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