Talking all things Formula One, IndyCar and NASCAR Trading Cards. We also offer general Trading Card collecting tips and tricks.
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Toda semana uma mensagem especial direto do coração do Senhor para nós!
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Former Cup Series Champion and NASCAR legend Kevin Harvick gives his expert opinion on the top NASCAR storylines weekly alongside FOX Sports’ Kaitlyn Vincie and NASCAR’s Chief Hype Officer, Mamba Smith. Plus, Kevin brings some of the biggest names in sports, entertainment, and pop culture into the racing world with weekly interviews.
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Exclusive NASCAR interviews. news and information with host Mike Bagley.
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A podcast from the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). Amy Glasscock and Alex Whitaker interview guests (state CIOs, NASCIO members, strategic partners and colleagues) to get their unique stories and perspectives on state information technology, leadership and lessons learned.
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Weekly Nascar Podcast that Reviews the lasts Races as well as latest Nascar news
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V oddaji Iz naših krajev spremljamo dogajanje po slovenskih občinah. V njej poročamo o različnih prireditvah, slovesnostih, običajih in drugih zanimivih dogodkih. Oddajo z izjavami oziroma sodelovanjem v krajših pogovorih posamezniki, ki delujejo v različnih družbeno-političnih sferah lokalnega okolja.
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Welcome to "Learn Levantine Arabic On The Go," your go-to Arabic podcast for interactive, downloadable Arabic lessons. I'm your host, Khaled Nassra, a seasoned Arabic teacher, content creator, and writer. In this podcast, I'll guide you through a fast, fun, and engaging journey to mastering Levantine Arabic through audio lessons and transcripts. Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate learner, this podcast is tailored just for you. Join me for engaging and practical lessons that break f ...
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Nilay Örnek mikrofonu mesleklerini ustalıkla icra ettiğini düşündüğü insanlara yöneltip onlara aynı soruyu soruyor; Nasıl Olunur?
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Find out what you need to know to start your day the right way. Tune in to get the news, weather - and maybe laugh a little, too.
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A New York Islanders podcast brought to you by The Hockey Podcast Network hosted by Jon Zella. Each week, Jon will discuss the latest Isles news and interview guests from across the Isles community.
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Welcome to Pit Pass NASCAR, your ultimate pit stop for all things NASCAR racing! Join us as we dive deep into the high-octane world of NASCAR, bringing you the latest news, interviews with drivers, crew members, and industry experts, and in-depth analysis of the most thrilling moments on the track.
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NASCAR News, Analysis and More! Make ITD your official NASCAR pre-race show for the weekend! Forget that boring network show - have actual FUN talking NASCAR with us! Hosts Wilson and Wazz give opinions on the latest NASCAR news, interview the biggest names in motorsports and go head-to-head every week with their picks for each race!
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An in depth biography of Prophet Muhammad by Sheikh Azhar Nasser, presented by WhyQuran. Watch these lectures with video at
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In The Pits: Weekly Nascar and Indy Racing Recaps, Car Racing Expertise, and New England Racing
William's Broadcasting | Car Racing Experts | Nascar | Indy Car Racing
New England’s Motor Sports Racing show hosted live by John Williams, Scott Tapley, and weekly featured guest Dana Nelson, airing live every Friday morning from 9 A.M. to 10 A.M.
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Resenha, corneta e futebol! Debates sobre as notícias diárias do futebol com humor, opinião e informação. Episódio novo aqui de segunda a sexta! Integrantes: @rodrigoadams @lelebortholacci @espinosapedro @lucianopotter @rafeldiverio @diorv @gomesraphael @oleooliveira
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Naš pogled je kolumna, ki jo pišejo sodelavci Radia Ognjišče. Pogled je sicer rezerviran za oči. Kot takšen pozna več perspektiv. Ker je »naš«, se trudimo, da ima pogled na dogodke, ki se dotikajo vseh nas, tudi globino, še več, naša želja je, da se naš pogled sreča z vašim.
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Podcast by
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Oddaja Sami naši je namenjena pripadnikom etničnih skupnosti s prostora bivše Jugoslavije in tudi vsem poslušalkam in poslušalcem, ki želijo širiti svoje vedenje o delovanju teh skupnosti in njihovih posebnostih. Polurna oddaja bo mozaično sestavljena iz novinarskih prispevkov, reportaž, informacij, intervjujev in glasbe.
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Portret umetniške in življenjske poti ustvarjalca, glavnih postaj na njegovi poti, umetniških smernic in ciljev. Gostimo umetnike vseh zvrsti, tako s področja literature, scenskih umetnosti, filma, glasbe, arhitekture in vizualne umetnosti.
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After being nominated one of the Worlds Finest Beach Clubs, Nassau Beach Club wants to bring you every week the freshest vibes straight from Ibiza island. Get ready to have journey to Ibiza without leaving home, now you will have the chance to enjoy anywhere at any time the Nassau Beach Club sounds by Alex Kentucky one of our resident Djs. Stay tuned for the best beach mixes.
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Nassau Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), located on Palmer Square, in Princeton New Jersey. The Rev. Dr. David A. Davis serves as head of staff, and preaches most Sundays. The Rev. Lauren J. McFeaters is the associate pastor.
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Pogovorna oddaja „Naš gost“ prinaša pred poslušalce potret znane osebnosti. Navadno gostimo ljudi, ki so s svojimi znanji, uspehi na kulturnem, športnem, glasbenem, znanstvenem ali kakem drugem področju dosegli izstopajoče uspehe. Po drugi strani pa v teh oddajah prisluhnemo tudi osebam, ki so si tekom let pridobile veliko življenjskih izkušenj in modrosti. Oddaja Naš gost je vsekakor ena od kronskih oddaj našega sporeda, saj lahko poslušalcu predstavi zanimive ljudi, pa tudi življenjske oko ...
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NASCAR podcast with interviews, race reviews, fantasy picks, and your feedback!
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Your source for opinions and news on all of motorsports including F1, NASCAR, IndyCar, IMSA, and more! This show is for fans, by fans!
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Omar Nassra, a native Arabic speaker with 20 years of teaching experience, is a highly skilled Arabic teacher. He specializes in teaching various dialects of Arabic, including the Levantine dialect (used in Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria), Gulf Arabic (Khaliji Dialect), Business Arabic, and Media Arabic. His students range from students to journalists, businessmen, diplomats from the Foreign Office, and even actors and actresses. Omar has a wealth of experience teaching individuals fr ...
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Programa sobre simulación, ingeniería y ciencia. Donde se tocan temas como CAD, CAM, CAE, etc.
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Komedyen, yazar Deniz Alnıtemiz’den birtakım gündelik hikâyeler.
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Financial journalist and host of 'The Core Report' Govindraj Ethiraj speaks to thought leaders in technology to explore pivotal technological transformations and innovations shaping the future.
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Licht ins Dunkle, oder Schaum in die Ritze - wie auch immer du es nennen magst. In diesem Podcast behandeln wir die spannendsten Fragen rund um das Thema Autopflege und Detailing. Oder quatschen einfach nur.
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It's a podcast where we talk about science, technology and mostly simulation.
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Leandro Trajano é administrador, autor de seis livros, palestrante, consultor, colunista de jornal, sites, rádio e TV. Viveu em outros oito países além do Brasil e, desde 2013, trabalha com Planejamento, Educação Financeira, Finanças Pessoais e para casais. @personalfinanceiro
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Unscripted talks.
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Cykl audycji o tym jak zielono-błękitna infrastruktura może wpływać na klimat i nasze najbliższe otoczenie.
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Kasia Chrobak i Agnieszka Szczepanek spotykają się co dwa tygodnie. Są feministkami, jak każdy rozsądny człowiek. Gadają o tym wszystkim, też o tym co dla nich znaczy być feministką, bo cały czas sobie to definiują. Trzy odcinki podcastu opowiadające o historii feminizmu są lekturą i wstępem do kursu „Płeć, seksualność, polityka /Gender, sexuality, politics/” na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Portal Vogule Poland określił podcast jako jeden z ich „najukochańszych polskich podcastów. Uwielbiam mądroś ...
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Nasir starling
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Different things. Things as in topics fam!
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I'm talking about Russell Westbrook who i am learning about.
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A weekly show all about sports, make sure to check it out!
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Entrevistas com mulheres fantásticas que nos contam sobre sua trajetória. Produzido e apresentado por Leonie Gouveia e Marta Valim. Novos episódios toda segunda!
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Discussing the latest NASCAR news, including a weekly recap of races, events and a look ahead to what's next in the sport. Host Nate Ryan is joined by NBC Sports analysts such as Jeff Burton, Dale Jarrett, Steve Letarte and Kyle Petty.
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Welcome to the Nasirah Sahar Mitchell podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Sarapan Nasi
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Just a fan's view of Nascar Cup Racing
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Welcome to my podcast!
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Publiczność jest podzielona - jedni kochają, drudzy wzdychają i krzyczą: cringe! Nie powstrzymało nas to oczywiście przed rozłożeniem na czynniki pierwsze trzeciego filmu Haliny Reijn „Babygirl”. O tym dlaczego koniecznie musicie obejrzeć ten film opowiadam wraz ze wspaniałą Angeliką Kucińska - podcasterką oraz dziennikarką. UWAGA! Dużo spoilerów.…
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Alen Salihović: Meni ne bodo prodali iluzij. Lahko pa jih vam.
Odločitev je vaša, v komentarju sklene Alen Salihović, ki je pripravil tokratni Naš pogled.Alen Salihović による
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Leandro conversa com Thales Alencar, dá Rádio Jornal, sobre como se planejar para que o IPTU não seja um impacto no orçamento a cada começo de ano.Leandro Trajano による
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Ta teden je bil z nami Jože Krečič, mož, ki ga že od mladih nog zanima tisoč stvari, ki mu je bil v zibko položen dar za izboljšave in inovacije, predvsem pa dar, da vse kar cepi, požene in raste in rodi.Radio Ognjišče による
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#168 Michal a Ondra - Tato Auta Lze v Roce 2025 Ještě Koupit! (A Brzy Už To Nepůjde)
Jsou auta, která dříve byla naprostou samozřejmostí našich silnic, ale nyní se rychle vytácejí. A brzy už dost možná nepůjdou koupit. Jaká to jsou? Poslechněte si to s námi u nového podcastu Michala a Ondry na Autokultu! による
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2025 NASCAR Season Preview: Biggest Storylines and Championship Picks with Bob Pockrass!
Buckle up for a jam-packed episode of Kevin Harvick's Happy Hour! This week, Kevin Harvick and Kaitlyn Vincie are joined by FOX Sports' NASCAR insider Bob Pockrass who is filling in for Mamba Smith. The crew brings their expert analysis to discuss the biggest storylines for the 2025 NASCAR season and make their predictions for the upcoming season. …
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Levantine Daily Arabic Conversation: I am busy - انا مشغول - Level A2 to B1 #62
Send us a text Join Omar Nassra Method Premium Podcasts With Transcripts + Lessons Note Known for his 20 years of teaching experience and expertise as a native Arabic speaker, Omar Nassra is a highly capable instructor in various Arabic dialects. He is well-versed in teaching Levantine dia…
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NASCAR LIVE WIDE OPEN Episode 157 : Bubba Wallace, Daniel Suarez
On this week's edition of NASCAR Live Wide Open, Bubba Wallace and Daniel Suarez tell us what they remember about racing at Bowman Gray Stadium. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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The boys go through there top 25 Greatest drivers of the modern Era.skidmarkcentral による
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Nasıl Olunur’un 234’üncü bölümünde konu menopoz; konuğum Operatör Doktor Banu Çiftçi. Çiftçi, kadın hastalıkları ve doğum uzmanı. Mesleğinin ilk yıllarını da özellikle bu alanda başarılı çalışmalar yaparak, çocuk sahibi olamayan pek çok kişinin anne-baba olmasını sağlayarak geçiriyor. 34 yaşında aniden yaşadığı 'erken menopoz' süreciyle başka bir d…
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Shod v podporo študentom v Srbiji, Zabranjeno pušenje v akustični preobleki in zgodba o filmskem velikanu Vatroslavu Mimici
V oddaji Sami naši na Prvem bomo nocoj ob 21.15 govorili o shodu v podporo študentom v Srbiji pred veleposlaništvom Republike Srbije v Ljubljani. Gostimo tudi člane legendarne sarajevske skupine Zabranjeno pušenje, ki se vračajo v akustični preobleki. Oddajo bomo zaključili z zgodbo o delih filmskega velikana Vatroslava Mimice, ki je zaznamoval evr…
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WWE's Royal Rumble is this coming Saturday in Indianapolis. It's one of WWE's biggest events of the year. The morning show crew creates their own WWE entrance.90.3 WHPC による
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NASCAR LIVE 1-28-25 : Kyle Busch, Shane Van Gisbergen, Burt Myers
The first race week of 2025 is upon us and NASCAR Live has 3 unique guests to get you ready for it. First, Kyle Busch tells Steve Post how he hopes to rebound after a rough 2024. Shane Van Gisbergen also visits with the Postman ahead of his rookie season in the Cup Series. Bowman Gray Stadium legend, Burt Myers then chats with Mike Bagley ahead of …
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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NASCIO's Federal Advocacy Priorities and the DOJ Final Rule on Accessibility for State and Local Websites and Apps
NASCIO's 2025 federal advocacy priorities are released! Alex gives us the rundown. Kalea Young-Gibson, NASICO's policy analyst also joins to give us an overview of the DOJ final rule for accessibility for state and local government websites and apps.…
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What Celebrity Would You Want To See In A WWE Ring?
With the Royal Rumble this Saturday, We pose the question, what celebrity do you think would make the best WWE Superstar?90.3 WHPC による
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Some News in a rare 2 episode week! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Podcasts による
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Offseason Rewind! Teams win lawsuit against NASCAR, Crew Chief Changes, NASCAR’s New Rules, and more!
Kevin Harvick, Kaitlyn Vincie, and Mamba Smith are back to break down the biggest storylines of the NASCAR offseason! The crew starts the show by introducing our new presenting sponsor, EchoPark Automotive! Then, Kevin, Kaitlyn, and Mamba share how they spent their offseason. Then, they discuss big updates for teams and drivers, debate which crew c…
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In The Pits 1-27-25 with John Scott Spencer Phil
From the Williams Broadcasting studio join John, Scott, Spencer and Phil for this weeks motorsports racing news update!!John Williams による
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Welcome to "One Idiom a Week," where I share one of the many Arabic idioms and phrases on my Patreon page. Join My Patreon Membership in 2025! 🎉 Let me help you take your Arabic to the next level in a creative, fast, and fun way! 🚀 ✨ Access exclusive lessons, tips, and resources to boost your Arabic skills.✨ Learn the Khaled Nassra Method, designed…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Everyone has a celebrity look a like, even without any form of talent. If they say they do then they haven't found someone ugly enough. One actor has been being pushed by his friends to play a contreversal role because he beholds a striking resemblence of the the person he would portray.90.3 WHPC による
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Ron Devine is the gift that keeps on giving, years after BK Racing went away. We talk Small Team Drama, the insanely complex NASCAR Clash format, Garage 66, tons of sponsor announcements, and more! The Rundown: - The Clash Format - needlessly complicated? Of course! - NASCAR Lawsuit upodate - NASCAR wants to keep that $$ for themselves - Small Team…
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The Rev. Dr. Kimberly Wagner preaches on Luke 24:13-35. January 26, 2025.Nassau Presbyterian Church による
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Peter Petkovšek ob predstavi Bog: "Ali lahko z življenjem razpolagamo in čigavo je?"
V Mali drami Slovenskega narodnega gledališča Drama v Ljubljani je bila 17. januarja letos premiera igre Bog nemškega dramatika Ferdinanda von Schiracha v prevodu Mojce Kranjc in v režiji Petra Petkovška. Osrednja tema je izjemno aktualna in sicer: samomor - sicer zdravega oseminsedemdesetletnika - ob pomoči zdravnika. Peter Petkovšek, letnik 1986,…
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Poročali smo o načrtih za dokončno sanacijo plazu v Logu pod Mangartom, odstranitvi ruševin na strehi športne dvorane v Mariboru, prenehanju opravljanja storitev Doma starejših Rakičan v več občinah na Goričkem, gradnji dislocirane Enote šentjurskega doma starejših v občini Dobje in celoviti prenovi Tehniškega muzeja Slovenije.…
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O Papel da Pregação Expositiva na Reforma - Luiz Alberto Rasseli | Especial da Reforma
Nesta live especial, Luiz Alberto Rosseli explora o papel crucial da pregação expositiva durante a Reforma Protestante. Ele explica como esse método de ensino da Palavra de Deus foi um dos pilares da renovação teológica da época, ajudando a restaurar a centralidade das Escrituras na vida da igreja. Descubra a importância da pregação expositiva para…
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In The Pits 1-24-25 with Scott John Mark Spencer
From "In The Pits" join John, Scott, Spencer and Mark for this weeks motorsports racing conversation and update!!
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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Spirit Airlines finally decided to get classy and impliment a ban on specific articles of clothing. This got the morning show thinking of clothing in general that should be banned or never worn in public. It goes from the early 2000s era of low rise jeans all the way to fish nets. Whether it's on the gorund or in the air certain threads shouldn't b…
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NASSAU BEACH CLUB IBIZA nbci395 1. Max Porcelli - Orchid (Remix) 2. Riva Starr, Biishop - We Made The World 3. Marek (FR) - Ends (Can You Love Extended Mix) 4. Javi Viana - Pandora 5. Haldo - My Fantasy 6. Minus 8 - Three Quarks For Muster Mark (Edit) 7. Josh Ludlow - Bumper Thumper 8. Sebastian Emes, Roman Blum, Rona Ray - Disco Kitchen 9. Jo Paci…
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Episode 222: 2024 Parkside Pacific Presale, Panini Instant Print Run Numbers & Select High Numbers
NasCardRadio Episode 222: Logan and Val are back to review the 2024 INDYCAR Pacific Presale and checklist. Lots of different information in this episode from 2024 Panini Instant NASCAR final print run totals, Panini Prizm FOTL prices to how scarce the 2024 Panini Select High numbers seem to be. Finally, the guys end the show with some groovy eBay r…
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Transforme Suas Pregações: O Segredo para Sermões que Tocam Vidas
Descubra como estruturar sermões claros e práticos, mesmo que você esteja começando. Aprenda a importância de uma boa introdução, desenvolvimento impactante e aplicação prática, com base nas Escrituras. Não é necessário ser um erudito para pregar com autoridade, pois o poder do sermão vem do Espírito Santo. Prepare-se para transformar vidas com a p…
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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NASCAR LIVE WIDE OPEN Episode 156 : Chase Briscoe, AJ Allmendinger, Cole Custer
This week's NASCAR Live Wide Open focuses on drivers in new situations for 2025. First, Cole Custer chats with Alan Cavanna about his return to the Cup Series. Then Chase Briscoe sits down with Steve Post. Alan Cavanna then returns for a conversation with AJ Allmendinger. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice…
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Taking a Dive Into 2025: State IT Trends for the New Year
Alex, Amy and Meredith from the NASCIO team disucss our predictions for the trends that will affect cybersecurity, privacy, AI, enterprise architecture, workforce and DC. We also give our pets some new year's resolutions.NASCIO による
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Umetnica Nevena Aleksovski raziskuje migracije in izključenost, literarno srečanje Sosed tvojega brega 2025, film hrvaškega režiserja Lordana Zafranovića
V oddaji Sami naši na Prvem bomo nocoj ob 21.15 prisluhnili zgodbam o umetnosti, literaturi in filmu. Spoznali bomo umetnico Neveno Aleksovski, ki v svojih delih raziskuje teme migracij in izključenosti. Predstavili bomo literarno srečanje Sosed tvojega brega 2025, ki že pet desetletij združuje pisatelje v njihovih maternih jezikih. Oddajo pa bomo …
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Futebol, informação, humor, opinião e corneta! Um programa de debate sobre tudo que envolve futebol de um jeito descontraído e animado.
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TikTok was banned and then reinstated within a few hours. America lost their minds for less than 24 hours. The MadHouse morning show crew breaks it down and was asked "what lengths would you go to the keep TikTok alive?"90.3 WHPC による
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NASCAR LIVE 1-21-25 : Kyle Larson, Ryan Blaney, Riley Herbst
Kyle Larson, Riley Herbst, and Ryan Blaney stop by on a star-studded edition of NASCAR Live. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Deus Endureceu o Coração de Faraó? A Verdade Que Você Precisa Saber!
Você já se perguntou como Deus pode endurecer o coração de Faraó e, ao mesmo tempo, responsabilizá-lo por suas escolhas? Em Êxodo, vemos Deus afirmando Sua soberania, mas também a responsabilidade humana claramente manifesta. Como essas verdades se conciliam? Descubra a resposta profunda e transformadora que a Bíblia nos revela nesta história.…
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In The Pits 1-20-25 with special guest Jordan Russell
From "In The Pits" join John, Spencer, Phil, Scott and special guest Jordan Russell for this weeks motorsports racing podcast!John Williams による
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2025 Rolex 24 Preview, Plus Our Hypothetical Olympic Motorsport Teams!
Josh and Sam are back to look ahead to the upcoming week of racing with the Rolex 24 this weekend in Daytona! We break down our picks to win each category, plus we give a team to look out for from GTP to GTD. Next, we make our hypothetical Olympic teams if motorsport were added to the Olympic Games as we try to narrow down three drivers to represen…
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