Homilies from the Catholic parishes of Western Holt and Boyd Counties in Nebraska.
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Father Burkhalter's homily for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
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Fr. Starmans homily for Epiphany Sunday.
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Father Sund's homily for Epiphany Sunday explores the link between the manger at Bethlehem and the Eucharist.
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Deacon Roger’s homily for Feast of the Holy Family
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Fr Sunds Christmas homily preached from Sacred Heart Parish Boyd County
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Deacon MJs homily for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.
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Fr Sund’s homily for 3rd Sunday of Advent
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The Lord wants us to be people of hope. Advent is a hopeful season. However, in our world and time we find ourselves over burdened by fear and anxiety.
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Fr. Starman's homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King focuses on the truth of Jesus Christ, Our King.
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Fr. Sund's homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King exploring moral relativism and the need to ground ourselves in the truth of Jesus Christ.
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Fr. Burkhalter's homily for 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time teaching about the end times.
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Fr. Starman's homily about imitating the generosity of God for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time.
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Fr. Starman's homily for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time.
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God calls us to a love that doesn't just meet a strict requirement of the Law, but love that involves our entire self. Fr. Sund's homily for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time.
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Fr. Burkhalter: Suffering and Misunderstandings of God
9:45Fr. Burkhalter preaches on how suffering can impact us in misunderstanding God and how important it is to have the correct understanding of who God is.
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Fr. Sund preaches on the virtue of prudence and especially how we teach this to our children. 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time.
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Deacon MJ's Homily on October 3rd
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Fr. Starman's Homily for Confirmation
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Deacon MJs Homily for the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
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Fr. Sund's Homily for the Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time, preached from Sacred Heart Parish of Boyd County, NE
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Fr. Starman's homily for the Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time.
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Fr. Sund's homily for August 15th the Assumption of Mary.
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Fr. Sund: Flesh and Blood (Eucharistic Miracles)
13:57Father Sund's homily for the 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time preached from St. Patrick's O'Neill.
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Fr Sund’s homily for the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time
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Fr. Burkhalter's homily from St. Patrick O'Neill
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Preached from Ss Peter and Paul Butte on July 4
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Fr Sund’s homily for Pentecost Sunday. Exploring the parallel between a symphony and the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church.
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Deacon MJ's Homily for the 7th Sunday of Easter preached from St. Patrick's Church
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Fr Sund’s homily for the 7th Sunday of Easter.
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Fr Sund’s homily focusing on Joy for the sixth Sunday of Easter
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Fr. Sund's homily for Fifth Sunday of Easter. To grow in faith and prayer it is not an overnight or quick solution but takes time and patience.
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Fr. Starman - 3rd Sunday of Easter - St Patrick's First Communion
3:30Fr. Starman's homily for the Third Sunday of Easter and the St. Patrick O'Neill First Communion.
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Fr. Sund's homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter. Jesus's appearances move the disciples from Fear to Mission, similarly he does this in our lives through the Holy Eucharist.
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Fr. Weeder's homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter.
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Fr. Weeder's homily for Divine Mercy Sunday.
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Fr. Sund - Imaginative Prayer with Doubting Thomas
4:54Fr. Sund's homily for 2nd Sunday of Easter. A guided Ignatian prayer with St. Thomas and Jesus.
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Fr Sund - Easter, the Ultimate Cinderella Story.
12:17Fr Sund’s homily for Easter Sunday Morning
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Deacon MJs Homily for Easter Vigil.
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Fr Sund’s homily on Easter Vigil from Ss Peter and Paul Butte
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Fr. Starman's Homily for Good Friday: The Passion of Our Lord. Preached from St. Patrick O'Neill
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Fr Sund’s homily for Good Friday, the Passion of Our Lord. Preached from St. Mary Church in Spencer.
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Fr. Starman's Homily for Holy Thursday. Preached from St. Patrick's in O'Neill.
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Fr Sund’s homily for Holy Thursday preached from Ss. Peter and Paul church in Butte.
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Fr. Starman's Palm Sunday homily.
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Fr. Weeder's homily for Palm Sunday
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Deacon MJ's homily for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.
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Fr. Weeder's homily for the Fifth Sunday of Lent.
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