Hier finden Sie alle Predigten der Ecclesia Church
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Agência de informação da Igreja Católica em Portugal
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A collection of media, reflections, and resources from Ecclesia in Houston, Texas. Ecclesia is Houston’s Holistic Missional Christian Community. For additional information on Ecclesia Houston visit us online at http://ecclesiahouston.org
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Lord's Day sermons from Ecclesia Church of Dallas. www.ecclesiachurch.org
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Interviewing academics at all levels in order to promote all levels of study on the history of Christian Churches.
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Diskutujeme o aktuálním dění a současných tématech s odborníky, kteří mají k dané problematice co říct. Pojďte se spolu s námi vzdělávat v otázkách souvisejících s vírou a křesťanstvím obecně.
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Ray Eppard discusses how to implement biblical principles into politics and government.
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Wir sind eine Kirche mit Standorten in Roth und Hilpoltstein, in der Menschen neue Hoffnung schöpfen können und bedingungslos angenommen werden; ein Ort, an dem Menschen die Möglichkeit haben, Gott zu begegnen. Die Gottesdienste am Sonntag sind das Highlight der Woche, wir treffen uns um gemeinsam Gott zu feiern, von Gott zu hören und Zeit miteinander zu verbringen. Das Kernstück unserer Gottesdienstes ist die realitätsnahe und praxisorientierte Predigt, durch die jeder von uns herausgeforde ...
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Sunday Sermons and more.
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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Welcome to the Ecclesiastes podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Ecclesia is a community of people in Hollywood, CA. Our mission is helping people find their place in God's family where we can discover and live God's purpose together.
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Ecclesia Arts Collective is a group of young men and women eager to serve God and others by using our art platforms to share the Gospel. Follow us on Instagram @ecclesiaartscollective
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Como filhos de Deus, nos submetemos sem reservas ao Seu bom governo. Anunciar o evangelho da Graça ao maior número possível de pessoas; cuidar, ensinar, treinar e enviar aqueles que, soberanamente, forem sendo acrescentados à família de Deus!
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a missional church network
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Bienvenue sur la chaîne Ecclesia Catholica. C'est ici que Etienne Omnès et Maxime Georgel, deux protestants réformés passionnés de théologie, diffusent leur podcast amateur sur l'histoire de l'Église ! Vous pouvez nous retrouver sur notre blog www.parlafoi.fr
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The main work of ecclēsia is to build up the body of Christ by the consistent teaching of the Bible, book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse. The worship is simple, focusing on exalting the Lord.
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Interested in Spirit Travel? Join the REV at https://www.theekklesiaofthemosthigh.com/
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Welcome to the DR. MARCUS E. DAVIS podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Somos un grupo de jóvenes de distintas iglesias que nos hemos unido para exaltar el nombre de Jesús, vivir el Evangelio y cultivar amistades centradas en la Palabra de Dios para Su gloria. Conferencia Ecclesia celebra el 500 aniversario de La Reforma Protestante
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This series of messages was part of an exposition of the book of Ecclesiastes by Jim Osman, a pastor at Kootenai Community Church. For more sermon series and verse-by-verse expository preaching, please visit https://kootenaichurch.org and click on the KCC Audio Archive.
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When all else fails or comes up empty, what are you left with? What gives ultimate and lasting value to our lives? Ecclesiastes helps us to answer those questions in a very real and direct way. Join us this fall as we discover together how it’s truths point us to God through the difficulties of life, not around them.
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Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
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Ecclesiastes: Finding Meaning in a World of Passing Pursuits - With Barnabas Piper - A Lifeway Study
Barnabas Piper | Lifeway Bible Studies | Lumivoz
Barnabas Piper is an assistant pastor at Immanuel Church in Nashville and is the author or coauthor of several books and small group studies, including The Pastor’s Kid, Help My Unbelief, and Hoping for Happiness. Prior to being called into ministry Barnabas worked in Christian publishing for almost 15 years. He co-hosts the Curious Curmudgeons podcast, writes regularly for He Reads Truth, and has contributed to numerous other websites and publications. Piper speaks regularly at churches, ca ...
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Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil by Thomas Hobbes
Loyal Books
Books 1 and 2. Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil is a book written in 1651 by Thomas Hobbes. The book concerns the structure of society (as represented figuratively by the frontispiece, showing the state giant made up of individuals). In the book, Hobbes argues for a social contract and rule by a sovereign. Influenced by the English Civil War, Hobbes wrote that chaos or civil war – situations identified with a state of nature and the famou ...
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Tony Neves, em RomaD. Abílio Ribas foi um grande missionário em três frentes: Portugal (no início e fim da sua vida), Angola e S. Tomé e Príncipe. Guardo dele a aliança perfeita que ele sempre conseguiu fazer entre uma inteligência fulgurante e uma simplicidade de vida à prova de tudo. Confesso que o conheci já ele estava nomeado Bispo de S. Tomé e…
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Bleib so wie du bist - Manfred Stielper - 16. Februar 2025
34:48Bleib so wie du bist - Manfred Stielper - 16. Februar 2025 by Ecclesia KircheEcclesia Kirche による
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This week we discuss why we must draw near to God. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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What does it mean to truly serve others in a world that often prioritizes self-interest? Pastor Chris explore Genesis 24 and the story of Rebekah’s radical hospitality—offering water not just to a stranger, but to his ten camels, an act of selfless generosity.Chris Seay による
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(Ich glaube,…) ich liebe dich | Teil 1 | Dating – was wirklich zählt
41:47# KonstantinKruse #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift: https://bible.co…
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E108 | Mons. Josef Nuzík: „Na těžká rozhodnutí jsem s Bohem sám.“
46:28Hostem této epizody je Jeho Excelence Mons. Mgr. Josef Nuzík, 15. arcibiskup olomoucký a metropolita moravský. V tomto rozhovoru se podíváme na jeho životní cestu – od dětství v početné rodině s 11 sourozenci významné události, které ho formovaly, až po současnost. Povídáme si o jeho zájmech, zkušenostech po roce ve funkci arcibiskupa a také se blí…
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The Detailed Precepts for Man to Live a Proper Human Life (3)
28:00This is program 8 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry による
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Coming to Proverbs to Cultivate Our Regenerated New Man
28:00This is program 7 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry による
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The Detailed Precepts for Man to Live a Proper Human Life (2)
28:00This is program 6 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry による
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This is program 5 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry による
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This week we discuss Matthew 16:18 and what it means to be an ecclesia. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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O caminho da sede, sem atalhos, que Carolina Berlim percorre - Emissão 13-02-2025
32:11A portuguesa Carolina Berlim foi uma dos 16 jovens que durante nove meses integraram a formação do Dicastério para a Comunicação da Santa Sé, sobre «Comunicação da Fé no Mundial Digital». Com 27 anos, sente-se a caminhar na certeza da sua vocação profissional, reconhecendo também que este caminho sendo consolidado pela espiritualidade que recuperou…
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The Detailed Precepts for Man to Live a Proper Human Life (1)
28:00This is program 4 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry による
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This week we discuss Matthew 16:18 and what it means to be an ecclesia. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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This week we discuss Matthew 16:18 and what it means to be an ecclesia. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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The Principles for Man to Live a Proper Human Life
28:00This is program 2 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry による
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Du weißt am besten, was dir guttut? - Tim Maier - 09. Februar 2025
35:53Du weißt am besten, was dir guttut? - Tim Maier - 09. Februar 2025 by Ecclesia KircheEcclesia Kirche による
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This week we discuss Matthew 16:18 and what it means to be an ecclesia. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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A esperança afirmada no dar uma refeição e na presença nos hospitais - Emissão 08-02-2025
31:59A Igreja católica assinala no próximo dia 11 de fevereiro o Dia Mundial do Doente. Trata-se de um convite afirmado na tradição que procura trazer para o centro a fragilidade humana mas também a esperança, procurando que o caminho para asaúde seja acompanhado e feito com sentido. Recebemos José João Henriques, voluntário há 29 anos na Liga Portugues…
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LUSOFONIAS - Cruzar Migrações com Desenvolvimento
5:18Tony Neves, em RomaSão trinta e oito as Organizações e Associações que assinam a Carta Aberta ao Ministro da Presidência, Ministra da Administração Interna e Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros de Portugal com seis Apelos-Recomendações sobre Migrações e Desenvolvimento. Estas Entidades estão preocupadas porque consideram que não há, no novo Pacto da…
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This is program 1 of the Life-Study of Proverbs with Witness Lee.Living Stream Ministry による
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This week we discuss Matthew 16:18 and what it means to be an ecclesia. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. you can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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Trials, Testing and Temptations: Who will Endure or Die? - James 1:12-15
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In this teaching we discuss, God's Agenda. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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This week we look at 1 Corinthians 10:11 and how it relates Old Testament stories to today. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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#ErsterMittwoch #KonstantinKruse #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst YouTube: https://youtube.com/live/5PUmHvhXgZU ▬ JESUS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Falls du dich für ein Leben mit Jesus als deinen Retter entschieden hast, wollen wir das mit dir feiern. Lass es uns gerne über unsere digitale Kontaktkarte wissen ✝️ http://kontakt.ecclesia.church ▬ NEU HIER? ▬▬…
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This week we look at 1 Corinthians 10:11 and how it relates Old Testament stories to today. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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This week we look at 1 Corinthians 10:11 and how it relates Old Testament stories to today. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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Tony Neves, em LuandaSaí do Chinguar, Província do Bié, rumo à capital do planalto central, o Huambo. Pelo caminho, atravessei o Cachiungo (ex Belavista, a Tchikala-Tcholohanga (ex Vila Nova) e as Boas Águas… Quando passei ao largo da Missão e barragem do Cuando, a cidade do Huambo estava já de portas abertas para me acolher. Quem me conhece sabe q…
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This week we look at 1 Corinthians 10:11 and how it relates Old Testament stories to today. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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Familie kann man sich nicht aussuchen - Jonathan Seßler - 02. Februar 2025
35:30Familie kann man sich nicht aussuchen - Jonathan Seßler - 02. Februar 2025 by Ecclesia KircheEcclesia Kirche による
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This month we are delighted to welcome Professor Peter Marshall (University of Warwick) to the podcast. Peter was the President of the Ecclesiastical History Society in 2023-24. Hismain research interests focus on religious belief and practice in early modern Britain and Europe, particularly the cultural and political impact of the English Reformat…
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Promises | Teil 5 | Jesus – unser Isaak, nur besser!
37:27# KonstantinKruse #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift: https://bible.co…
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Jubileu da Esperança na Vida Consagrada, com o padre Adelino Ascenso - Emissão 01-02-2025
32:15O Jubileu que a Igreja vive neste chamado ano santo, com o tema «Peregrino de Esperança» quer tocar a todos. Vivendo no mundo e procurando ser presença junto dos mais fragilizados, os religiosos e religiosas em Portugal perfazendo cerca de 4 mil pessoas, são convidados a ser sinais de esperança e a encontrar nesta celebração jubilar uma inspiração …
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In this teaching, we discuss The Great Commission and why it is so vital nowadays learn more at my websitehttp://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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A «alma longa» das palavras do jornalista Joaquim Franco - Emissão 30-01-2025
32:15Aos 14 anos a vida do jovem «Quim» mudou: o convite para entrar num grupo de jovens na paróquia da Amadora cravou-lhe, na consciência e na responsabilidade, a realidade da população desfavorecida na periferia daquela cidade e levou Joaquim Franco ao pensamento social cristão. Terá sido também por essa altura que a música dos grupos alternativos, qu…
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In this teaching, we discuss The Great Commission and why it is so vital nowadays learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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Pastor Chris explores the story of Hagar in Genesis 16, highlighting God's care for the broken and unseen. Through Hagar's story, we are invited to reflect on where we are from and where we are going in our own stories.Chris Seay による
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In this teaching, we discuss God's original mandate learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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Jubileu do Mundo dos Comunicadores - Emissão 25-01-2025
32:00Apresentamos o Jubileu do mundo da comunicação com Isabel Figueiredo, Diretora do Secretariado Nacional das Comunicações Sociais da Igreja Católica, e Paulo Rocha, diretor da Agência ECCLESIA.
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In this teaching, we discuss God's original mandate learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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Tony Neves, na Província do BiéO Bailundo foi desaparecendo da vista à medida que nos fazíamos à estrada que nos levaria à Missão de Tchicumbi, no Andulo, já na Província e Diocese do Bié. Tal como acontece na estrada de Cacuso para Kalandula, também aqui as pessoas aproveitam as bermas da estrada para pôr a secar o milho e a mandioca no alcatrão, …
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In this teaching, discuss what our mandate is. Learn more at my website http://rayeppard.com. You can also watch all my podcasts on my YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@rayeppard.Ray Eppard による
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Gottes Wort beten - Tim Maier - 26. Januar 2025
37:42Gottes Wort beten - Tim Maier - 26. Januar 2025 by Ecclesia KircheEcclesia Kirche による
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Promises | Teil 4 | Wie du geistlich reifer wirst
35:18# KonstantinKruse #EcclesiaChurch #OnlineGottesdienst ⬇️ HIER FINDEST DU WEITERE INFOS UND RESSOURCEN ⬇️ ▬ MITSCHRIFT und NACHBESPRECHUNG ▬ Die Bibelstellen zur Predigt und eine Möglichkeit aktiv mitzuschreiben, findest du in der digitalen Predigtmitschrift. Einen Download der Predigt findest du unter den Ressourcen. ✍️ Mitschrift: https://bible.co…
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This week Pastor Ray interviews Doobie Sabo who is a tour guide from Israel about what is currently going on in IsraelRay Eppard による
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