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EDHRECast is your resource for the most popular Magic: The Gathering gameplay format - Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH); widely known as Commander. Made by the community for the community, EDHRECast is hosted by three well-seasoned MTG players, Joey Schultz, Matt Morgan, and Dana Roach. Each week they dive into the latest news and changes to the Commander format and breakdown the meta so that you can play your deck with confidence. Building off the articles found at EDHREC.com the team is here ...
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Moin, Servus und Hallo, in diesem Podcast philosophieren wir über das schönste Spiel der Welt. In wie weit ist das Spiel "Magic the Gathering" und insbesondere Commander bzw. EDH mit philosophischen Grundsätzen vereinbar? Kann man aus der Philosophie, Psychologie und anderen Sozialwissenschaften etwas für das Spiel ableiten? Außerdem gibt es Set-Reviews, Interviews und andere spannende Themen rund um Magic the Gathering. Alle Informationen wie das Impressum findet ihr hier: https://634d9f45a ...
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We are another Magic the Gathering podcast that focuses on Commander . We do things a little differently, we are not as clean as the other guys and definitely not as experienced... definitely not. So we are pretty much newbies who thought, "hey, we can definitely qualify to make a podcast." We try to crack a joke or two here and there, and we also like to drink beer while we talk. Please subscribe if you want to watch us make a mess of ourselves
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Impact Around the World by EDHEC Alumni showcases how EDHEC alumni are living, working, adapting and thriving around the world. In each half-hour episode, a former EDHEC student reveals how they’ve shared, cared and dared in the face of challenge, delving into their career highlights, insights into how they’ve adapted in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the memories of their student days. The interviews are brought to you by EDHEC Alumni in association with the pioneering EDHEC Delegat ...
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show series
Moin, Servus und Hallo, was denn jetzt schon wieder los? Das RC löst sich auf und Wizards kommt mit einem "4 Punkte Plan" um die Ecke. Ove und Flo versuchen das mal einzuordnen und haben dazu Shiny aus der Umzugs-Kiste gelassen. Viel Spaß. Flo: https://www.instagram.com/oops_all_salt/ Ove: https://edhlove.de/Shiny: https://linktr.ee/shinyscommand…
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Warning: Explicit Content Guy descends further into his wine bottle, Blake loves his enchantments. #EDH #Commander #MagicTheGathering ——————————— How it Begins by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompete…
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Dockside Extortionist, Mana Crypt, Jeweled Lotus, and Nadu just bit the dust. Ban announcement here: https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/commander-banned-and-restricted-announcement-september-23-2024 Nadu, Bans, & Rule 0 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuyDpKM_tug Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsh…
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Joey digs up his favorite tips & warnings for aspiring necromancers! Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: https://edhrec.com/articles/edhrecast-our-decks/ Follow the cast o…
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The end of an era. Also, brackets. Commander's Herald coverage by Nick Wolf: https://commandersherald.com/gavin-verhey-and-aaron-forsythe-on-commanders-future/ https://commandersherald.com/commander-rules-committee-dissolves/ WotC "On the Future of Commander" article: https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/on-the-future-of-commander Sept 2…
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Warning: Explicit Content Boo! Dive into the commanders with us while Guy dives into his wine bottle. #EDH #Commander #MagicTheGathering ——————————— How it Begins by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incomp…
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Dana discusses his experience building super-strict EDH decks. Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: https://edhrec.com/articles/edhrecast-our-decks/ Follow the cast on soci…
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Moin, Servus und Hallo, was für eine aufregende Woche. Das RC bannt auf einem Schlag vier Karten am Stück. Unser Flo ist alles andere als begeistert. Aber was sagen Ove und Seb dazu? Hören wir doch mal rein, euer Shiny. Wo findet ihr uns?Seb: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/back2mtg⁠ Flo: https://www.instagram.com/oops_all_salt/ Ove: https://edhlove.de/Shiny:…
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Moin, Servus und Hallo, Seb und Shiny haben sich heute ganz spontan zusammengefunden und über ihre drei liebsten Sets der letzten fünf Jahre zu reden. Viel Spaß! Wo findet ihr uns? Seb: ⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/back2mtgShiny: https://linktr.ee/shinyscommand
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Check out the NEW Salt Scores at edhrec.com/salt Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: https://edhrec.com/articles/edhrecast-our-decks/ Follow the cast on socials: @EDHRECas…
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Matt shares his EDH history & tips for building combat decks (even when you're not playing aggro colors!) Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: https://edhrec.com/articles/e…
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Is this ramp, or card draw? Is this removal, or a win con? A closer look at how we sort our deck could unlock some important EDH lessons! Sorting Video: https://youtu.be/QkOdAjF6VHQ EDHREC Upgrade: https://youtu.be/VsKH0Yz21Zc Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Pat…
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Moin, Servus und Hallo, Ove ist heute ohne Flo und Patrick unterwegs und hat sich für das neuste Content Creator Deckbauprojekt mit dem Keyword Defender beschäftigt. Kann man mit Gyrus, Waker of Corpses ein Defender-Deck bauen? Findet es raus. Freut euch auf ein spannendes Deck. Die Liste: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/eDPgNAndRU-jBZ__XqdOBw Hier …
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What kinds of effects do you anticipate seeing in Commander games? How do you prep your deck for those things? What kinds of cards do you choose NOT to prepare for? Let's discuss! Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to…
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Preconstructed Commander decks have changed a LOT over the years. Have all those changes been for the best? Special thanks to our listeners for suggesting this topic! Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the deck…
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Moin, Servus und Hallo, sowie liebe Grüße aus dem Urlaub. Ich (Shiny) habe mir nach dem Commandfest mal Cara, Sarah, Seb und Ove Fragen zum Commandfest 2024 gestellt. Was waren unsere Highlight? Wie liefen unsere Spiele? Und was würden wir das nächste mal anders machen? Euch viel Spaß! Hier findet ihr alle Personen: Cara: https://www.instagram.com/…
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Commander is the best format for playing silly pet cards... so why is it so hard to find room for them? Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: https://edhrec.com/articles/edh…
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Confronting the fear of missing out on Magic sets and examining why that fear is so difficult to dismantle. Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: https://edhrec.com/articles…
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Moin, Servus und Hallo, heute sprechen Ove und Patrick mit Gino von Herumkommandiert und Sarah aka Bunte Knete über das Commandfest 2024. Alle Infos und viel Partyfeeling für euch. Viel Spaß! Hier findet ihr die Gäste: https://www.twitch.tv/herumkommandiert https://www.instagram.com/herumkommandiert/ https://www.twitch.tv/bunte_knete_tv?lang=de Und…
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Exploring the aftermath of switching a commander, or even a few cards in the 99! Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: https://edhrec.com/articles/edhrecast-our-decks/ Follo…
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There are 3 different ways a deck can improve... but sometimes they clash with each other! Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: https://edhrec.com/articles/edhrecast-our-de…
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To add in great cards, you must CUT great cards! Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/edhrecast Want to see the decks we play? Check them out here: https://edhrec.com/articles/edhrecast-our-decks/ Follow the cast on socials: @EDHRECas…
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Moin, Servus und Hallo, Seb, Ove, Flo und Patrick haben sich vor der Sommerpause nochmal getroffen um das letzte Spiel sowie das gesamte Projekt auszuwerten. Freut euch auf ein spannendes Gespräch. Nochmal alle Listen: Ove's Grüner Rasen: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/a1vlCABwGE6Kc3X-ulTiEQ Flo's Wandelnder Tod: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Hh15…
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What information is your commander giving away, and how can that affect your Commander games? Check out the Legendary Creature Podcast: https://legendarycreaturepocast.libsyn.com/lightning-rods-in-the-zone-with-joey-of-edhrecast Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stats spreadsheet, EDHRECast Discord, and more? Support the cast on P…
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Warning: Explicit Content Well, we did it. We broke our record for longest set review. But there are quite a few bangers in this set so how could we not. #EDH #Commander #MagicTheGathering ——————————— How it Begins by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: http://inc…
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Ced from One More Mana joins us to discuss EDH's pettiest cards! Check out One More Mana: https://www.youtube.com/c/OneMoreMana & https://x.com/ManaSquad Enter the Archidekt Deckbuilding competition for a chance to win $250 on Cardsphere.com! https://x.com/archidekt/status/1808555834441416931 Want access to exclusive content, the Challenge the Stat…
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Moin, Servus und Hallo, Shiny hat sich Seb und Nico spontan eingeladen, damit die Zwei mal von ihren Erlebnissen der MagicCon: Amsterdam berichten. Lehnt euch zurück und genießt die wohlklingenden Worte der beiden Jungs. Hier findet ihr die Gäste: Nico: https://linktr.ee/cardcast3rSeb: https://linktr.ee/back2mtgPatrick: https://linktr.ee/shinyscomm…
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