Podcast Audio (1) Audio (2) Audio (4) "New System Japanese" is the patented Japanese learning method.(Textbooks) Only with "New System Japanese" you can enjoy and master basic Japanese in such a short time. "New System Japanese" 「ニュー・システムによる日本語」 は特許取得の日本語学習法で、従来の方法の3~5倍の速さで日本語の基礎がマスターできます。(教科書)
Kindle版「Jaremaga 10th Anniversary」を使ってジャレル先生と中西先生の痛快なおしゃべり。折角読んだら英語のお話も聞くともっと楽しくなりますよ。 This podcast is for Japanese learners who want easy listening practice in English.
アルマ出版語学教科書の音声教材:英会話・初中級(大学向け)。アルマ出版は言語教育研究と日本人学生向けに特化した効果的な教科書を出版・販売する会社です。Conversations in Class was written with the singular purpose of training (low) intermediate level Japanese university students to conduct original, personal exchanges of information in a culturally appropriate manner. Frequent pair practice is an integral part of the course, and students will learn much about the lifestyles, habits and opinions of their classmates and teacher. They will build their skills and confiden ...
アルマ出版語学教科書の音声教材:英会話・初中級(大学向け)。アルマ出版は言語教育研究と日本人学生向けに特化した効果的な教科書を出版・販売する会社です。Conversations in Class was written with the singular purpose of training (low) intermediate level Japanese university students to conduct original, personal exchanges of information in a culturally appropriate manner. Frequent pair practice is an integral part of the course, and students will learn much about the lifestyles, habits and opinions of their classmates and teacher. They will build their skills and confiden ...
Have you ever lost a wallet or something valuable. What’s your feeling at the moment you notice? Do you have no hope of it coming back? Here is one such story. Find out what happens.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
Find the full story with transcripts, pop-up definitions and more at our home on the web: NewsinSlowJapanese.comSakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
This week we hear from a contributor who really likes the style of bathing in Japan. I have to agree with her. When I am away from Japan it’s one of the first things I miss.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
Here is some good advice about overcoming heartbreak and moving forward. It is a good chance to learn more expressions about relationships.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
Learn some important phrases related to relationships when this contributor shares his feelings about a recent breakup.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
Have you ever considered fasting? Some people swear by it. This week’s contributor is just about to give it a try. Listen to learn some of the vocabulary around this interesting subject.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
This is something a lot of us have to deal with–putting on weight too easily. Listen to this week’s contributor’s frustration with belly fat and learn the vocabulary associated with this kind of problem.Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
In Japanese, Onomatopoeia can be divided into a few categories; they are called giseigo (擬声語), giongo (擬音語), gitaigo (擬態語), giyougo (擬容語) and gijougo (擬情語). As we learned in the previous episode, they are used to describe sounds made by animals, humans…Sakura: Study Japanese Listening with our Announcer from Japan による
Onomatopoeia (オノマトペ) are words that represent sounds, and they are used in many languages to add more depth and texture to speech. However, Japanese onomatopoeia are unique in that they’re used more frequently and in a wider variety of contexts than in other languages. For example, after mopping READ MORE Test your knowledge with the quizzes too!…