Two priests from the Church of England discussing the Church year and how it's journey and themes can help us to explore more deeply questions of faith and life.
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Listen to a Service or Talk from from St Michael's Shefford and St Mary's Meppershall in Bedfordshire, England. This Podcast is also available by phone - please share the number with a friend who doesn't have internet - T 01462 559112
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From the Magi to philosophers: searching for God through evil and suffering
48:01In the first episode of 2025, Frs George and John look back at the start of the year, up to the point just before Lent begins. They begin with the Magi and go on to discuss modern philosophers, what helpful debate looks like and how faith helps in the face of suffering and the probelm of evil. Do get in touch with the show at [email protected]…
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This is the final episode of Fr George and Fr John's journey through the church year. They think through Kingdom season, the spirituality of remembering and the hope this season gives us, even if the world seems bitterly divided and tearing chucks out of itself. They are developing plans for a second season in 2025. Do get in touch with the team if…
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In the episode for September, Fr George and Fr John continue the conversation around the long period of Ordinary Time. They consider how the period pushes us to go deeper with our faith, 'beyond the punchline and into the poetry'. They also reflect on returning from summer breaks and why we might bless objects. Do get in touch with them at shapingf…
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Ordinary Time: Walking with Jesus, voting with Jesus
50:21In the episode for July, Frs George and John spend some time discussing how we can be fed by God and grow through habit, rest and journeys. They go on to explore how our faith can give us the right headspace to vote with confidence and grace in the national election. Do get in touch with them at [email protected] with specific questions or t…
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Ascension, Pentecost and Trinity Sunday: Taking part in the nature and mission of God
45:41In this episode Fr's George and John look back at some of the biggest events that the Church has recently travelled through. They explore some of the themes that come out of these significant points and ponder how they connect to our current life and faith. Do get in touch with them to submit questions or feedback at [email protected]…
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In a first interview for the podcast, Fr's George and John are joined by The Revd Dr Joanna Collicutt. They discuss the joy of Easter, living well and dying well.George Meyrick and John Henry による
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Holy Week: Walking through the death of Jesus
47:43For March's episode Fr.'s George and John meet to discuss the holiest time of the year. They consider what happened and why Jesus died, alongside the power of digging deeply into the journey of this sacred week.George Meyrick and John Henry による
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In the episode for this month, Fr.'s George and John discuss all things Lent, with the help of their first question from a listener in Bristol.George Meyrick and John Henry による
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Fr's George and John meet near the beginning of 2024 for January's episode. Prompted by the Epiphany narrative of the wise men following the star to Bethlehem, they discuss their own calling and journey to become priests in the Church of England.George Meyrick and John Henry による
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Advent and Christmas: Waiting for the greatest hope
48:58In a trial first recording, Fr's George and John meet to discuss the start of the new year, what it means to be in Advent, and the great light of God with us at Christmas.George Meyrick による
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Mark 71-23 'Today's Gospel invites us to self-examination and self-reflection, that the grace and truth of Christ may take hold of our hearts and minds.' Sermon by Bishop Alan. Hymn Holy Spirit Living Breath of God sung by St Martin's Singers
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There is an earthly food which never completely satisfies and there is a heavenly food that endures forever. John 6:56-69 Sermon by Archdeacon Janet and Hymn O Jesus I have Promised sung by James and Miriam
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What sort of revolutionary for Christ are you? Luke 1:46-55 Sermon by Bishop Richard, Song Brother Sister Let Me Serve you, sung by James and Miriam
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Jesus just tells us to believe. John 6:35-51 Sermon by Archdeacon Jane, Song 'Stand on Every Promise' sung by James and Miriam
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Becoming who you truly are through Christ. John 6:24-35 Sermon by Rev. Roni, Hymn Dear Lord and Father of Mankind sung by St Martin's Voices
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When we turn to God and His Son Jesus Christ, we turn to the love and power that dreamed us into existence... John 6:1-21 Sermon by Rev. Roni, Hymn Lord Jesus Christ sung by James and Miriam
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'Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest' Jesus Mark 6:30-34 Sermon by Keith our beloved Reader and Hymn Be Still for the Presence of the Lord sung by James and Miriam
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There is a bigger story: Jesus is the main character, and death is NOT the End. Mark 6:14-29 Sermon by Rev. Roni Song My Jesus My Saviour sung by Gemma accompanied by Cheryl.
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Skeptical about Jesus? Mark 6:1-13 Sermon by Rev. Roni Hymn Thou Whose Almighty Word sung by James and Miriam
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Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a sick woman! Mark 5:21-43 Sermon by Rev. Roni. Hymn O For a Thousand Tongues by St Martin's Voices
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Come home! Luke 15:11 - end. Sermon by Jenny Dann, Reader, Song Father God I wonder, sung by Gemma, accompanied by Cheryl
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Parables: how Jesus tells stories, and the secret of the mustard seed. Mark 4:26-34 Sermon by Rev. Roni. Song How Lovely on the Mountains sung by James, Miriam and Margie.
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The Stronger Man... Mark 3:20-35 Sermon by Rev. Roni, Song Take my Life and Let it Be sung by James and Miriam
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A snake, the curious expression a 'Son of Man', and eternal life? John 3:1-17 Sermon by Rev. Roni and Hymn Holy Holy Holy sung by James and Miriam
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Called, gifted, and sent. John 15:26-16:15 Sermon by Rev. Roni and Song All over the World sung by Gemma with Cheryl on piano
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The Russian Eagle, and 'being clothed with power from on high' Luke 24:44-53 Sermon by Keith Callard, Reader and Hymn Alleluia Sing to Jesus sung by St Martin's Voices
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'It is risky...' Acts 10:44-48 Sermon by Rev. Roni and Hymn Holy Spirit Living Breath of God sung by James and Miriam
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Make your home in God. John 15:1-8 Sermon by Rev. Roni. Hymn Love Divine sung by James and Miriam
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There is power in the Name of Jesus Acts 4:5-12 Sermon by Rev. Roni, Hymn I cannot Tell sung by James and Miriam
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'You are witnesses of these things'. Keep it simple, keep it real. Luke 24:36-48 Sermon by Jenny Dann Reader at St Michael's Church Shefford, Song I am a New Creation sung by James and Miriam
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Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you.'John 20:19-30 Sermon by Bishop Richard. Song Let there be love, sung by James and Miriam
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Believe, Go, Tell. Mark 6:1-8 Sermon by Rev. Roni, Hymn Thine be the Glory sung by James and Miriam
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The Palm Sunday Readings - Jesus enters Jerusalem and his death. Song My Jesus my Saviour sung by Gemma accompanied by Cheryl.
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Why? Because God so LOVED the world! John 12:20-33 Sermon by Rev. Roni and Hymn Servant King sung by James and Miriam
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'Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother...' John 19:25-27 Sermon by Rev. Roni Goodman. Hymn Now Thank We All Our God sung by Margie in Germany with James and Miram
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What did Jesus say about His Father's house? John 2:13-22 Sermon by Keith Callard, Reader, Hymn I Cannot Tell sung by James and Miriam
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'He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose'. Mark 8:31-38 Sermon by Rev. Andrew Goodman, Hymn O Jesus I have Promised, sung by James and Miriam
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Jesus is present with us in our struggles, and let's be kind. Mark 1:9-15 Sermon by Jenny Dann, Song He who would valiant be sung by James and Miriam
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Sunday before Lent. What's it like to be on a mountain with Jesus? Mark 9:2-9 Sermon by Rev. Roni. Hymn Love Divine sung by James and Miriam
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'If these Christians want me to believe in their God...' Nietzsche. John 1:1-14 Sermon by Rev. Roni Goodman. Hymn How Great Thou Art sung by James and Miriam
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Seriously holy or radically holy? God-whispers in our thoughts and dreams. Luke 2:22-40 Sermon by Rev. Roni, Hymn Joy to the World sung by St Martin's Singers.
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Jesus longs for us to to to invite Him - to allow Him to join us on our journey! John 2:1-11 Wedding at Cana. Sermon by Keith Callard, Reader. Hymn Tell Out my Soul sung by James and Miriam
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What was the deeper meaning when Jesus called someone by talking about a Fig Tree and Jacob's Ladder? John 1:43-51 Sermon by Rev. Andrew Goodman and Hymn Will you Come and Follow me sung by St Martin's singers.
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Sunday Worship 10 Jan 2020 The Baptism of the Lord
11:31How to hear God say to you 'you are my dear, dear child; I'm delighted with you!' Mark 1:4-11 Sermon by Rev. Roni. Hymn Be Thou My Vision by St Martin's Voices.
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Guided by a thread... how to get out of a hole. Matthew 2:1-12 Sermon by Rev. Andrew Goodman, Carol: In the Bleak Midwinter, sung by Gemma accompanied by Cheryl
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Will you put the Christmas story away with the baubles? Sermon by Rev. Roni, Carol Hark the Herald Angels by St. Martin-in-the-Fields
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Retold by Rev. Andrew Goodman. Author unknown
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Did Gabriel get his landing coordinates mixed up? Luke 1:26-38 Sermon by Rev. Roni. Carol Long Ago Prophets Knew, sung by James and Miriam
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Learn to wait well. John 1:6-8 Sermon by Rev. Roni and Hymn O Come O Come Emmanuel sung by James and Miriam
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Getting ready for Christmas - a transformed life: Mark 1:1-8 Sermon by Rev. Roni and Hymn Hills of the North sung by James and Miriam
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