Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the US and Western civilization.
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Tonight Dion will discuss the life and ideas of German historian and philosopher of history, Oswald Spengler. Best known for his book The Decline of the West first published in 1918.Radio Wehrwolf による
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Join the Wolf Pack and let's steer our people in the right direction. Discussing GOP hatred of Trump, Afrocentric history, 16 year old girl speaks out about Germany, the controlled media and more...Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight Dion will be speaking with Brandon from Othroerir Kindred to discuss folkish paganism, left wing politics, street activism, Gary Yarbrough, and more http://www.othroerirkindred.com/Radio Wehrwolf による
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Dealing with Agent Provocateurs and Overcoming failures in the Movement.Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight's special 2nd Hour Guest for the Pow Wow Wow segment: Mr. Dion Wehrwolf New Bee orientation for the newly awakened.Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight Dion delves into the concept of awaking the revolutionary spirit within our people. We know who our enemies are, and we know what they do. It's time to stand up, and fight back!Radio Wehrwolf による
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Host talks about anonymity, women, underground living, RAHOWA and sovereign citizen methods.Radio Wehrwolf による
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The Radio Wehrwolf Wolf Pack. Wolf Wallstreet, Rebel Wolf, Axe to Grind, Damon, Norman, and Dion party after hoursRadio Wehrwolf による
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Join the Saturday night Wolf Pack on radiowehrwolf.com. Call in 929-477-3574!Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight Dion interviews, musician, artist, poet, Asatru luminary, Robert N. Taylor Official Site - http://www.highfiber.com/~thermite/changes1.html Song list at; http://thedagdaharp.weebly.com/the-dagda-harp/changesRadio Wehrwolf による
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2nd Hour Guest for "The Big Nine @ 9": Mr. Frank Jorge of "The Frank and Friends Show"Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight Dion has a special guest, Keith Preston from http://attackthesystem.com/. We discus a wide range of political topics. Anarchism, nationalism, the left, the alt-right, Trump, the situation in Oregon, and more.Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight Dion and Sven Longshanks of Radio Aryan discuss White unity, Heathenism, and Christianity.Radio Wehrwolf による
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NSA Whistleblower, 9-11 Truth Advocate and Former NC House Candidate Frederick C. Blackburn (aka blackbird9) discusses the current world situation. 2nd Hour guest for "The Big Nine @ 9": Karin Smith of "Radio Free South Africa" on Revolution RadioRadio Wehrwolf による
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Radio Wehrwolf: History Reviewed Channel
3:03:00Tonight Dion invites the man behind Youtube's History Reviewed Channel. We discuss the problems of black rule, the history of South Africa and Rhodesia, the jewish problem and more...Radio Wehrwolf による
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NSA Whistleblower, 9-11 Truth Advocate and Former NC House Candidate Frederick C. Blackburn (aka blackbird9) will discuss current issues. Hour 2 Guest for "The Big Nine @ 9" - Patricia Aiken of "Sacred Cow BBQ"Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight Dion is going to discuss the historical pagan roots of Christmas. Which includes the Roman holidays of Saturnalia and Sol Invictus. Also many of the most popular Christmas customs. Then we will examine the various monsters of Christmas...Radio Wehrwolf による
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Join in to the Saturday night Wolf Pack! Discuss the issues facing our people today, and how to change the world.Radio Wehrwolf による
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NSA Whistleblower, 9-11 Truth Advocate and Former NC House Candidate Frederick C. Blackburn (aka blackbird9) continues discussion on today's Global Situation. Hour 2 Guest for "The Big Nine @ 9" : Dion WehrwolfRadio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight Dion will exam the true head of the White House, Valerie Jarret, and the history behind it all.Radio Wehrwolf による
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NSA Whistleblower, 9-11 Truth Advocate and Former NC House Candidate Frederick C. Blackburn (aka blackbird9) hosts "blackbird9's Breakfast Club"Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight Dion interviews author and activist Chris Fogarty. Author of Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust.We discuss the potato famine lie, the cover-up, the complacency of the Irish Government and Catholic Church, and more...Radio Wehrwolf による
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Join the Wolf Pack tonight. Call in at (929) 477-3574.Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight Dion will have on John Friend of the Realist Report. We discuss his recent trip to the District of Criminals. The NPI Conference, the James Traficant Memorial, his trip to the Holocaust Museum, and more..Radio Wehrwolf による
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Join the Wolf Pack. The weekly Radio Wehrwolf call in show. Call in and speak your mind.Radio Wehrwolf による
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Tonight on the broadcast we have the man, the myth, the living legend Mr. Tom Metzger!Radio Wehrwolf による
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Dion will be discussing the creation of the new Radio Wehrwolf network. Then he will dive into the recent terror attacks in Paris, and it's fall out. http://www.redicecreations.com/article.php?id=34766Radio Wehrwolf による
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