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Viced Rhino: The Podcast

Viced Rhino

Do young earth creationist arguments hold up to scrutiny? Join me to examine their claims! Become a supporter of this podcast:
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Today, Dave Earley explains to us why some people are atheists. And he does so without once consulting an actual atheist! How talented. Cards: Atheism is #1!: 10 More Things that Make No Sense about Christianity (Number Six is WILD!): Condemned or not? St Paul, …
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Matt Powell tries to provide evidence that humans and dinosaurs coexisted. It basically winds up at "people drew pictures, and some known fake footprints exist." Cards: Mantracks: a True Story of Fake Fossils: Hot Slabs Penetrate My Mantle 😏: AiG Doesn't Know Wh…
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Today, Greg of Incredible Bible Revelations (formerly Bible Flock Box) gives us 7 reasons to read the bible. And those reasons include matryoshka mansions and tauntaun Jesus. Cards: The Great NOPE! | A Response to Ellen G. White's "The Great Hope": Original Video: Sources: Ear…
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Today, Ian Juby attempts to explain how it could be possible that the radiometric dates for the rock layers are both completely made up, but also change when we get better at using them...two apparently mutually exclusive propositions. How doe he do? Watch and see! Cards: Supposed "Genius" Can Only Defend Creationism Through Ad Hominem Attacks!: ht…
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Today, Frank Turek gives his best evidence against evolution. And he doesn't do well. Cards: Either God is Evil, or Doesn't Exist: Original Video: Sources: Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden: https://tinyurl.c…
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Today, we look at Mike Winger's attempt to answer 10 atheist objections in 3 minutes. Will he do any better than the last guy? Only time will tell! Cards: 3 Minutes of Lazy Apologetics?: 10 Things that Make No Sense about Christianity...#4 will BLOW YOUR MIND! (sorry I couldn't resist): https://www.youtub…
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Today, Allen Parr explains why he doesn't consider the top four reasons people leave Christianity to be valid. Cards: Christianity Makes No Sense: Rhino COMING OUT?!? 🥳 (And Other Off-topic Discussions): Slavery was ok...if I edit th…
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Today, Kyle Butt explains to us how we know that god is real, Jesus is his son, and evolution is false. Weird list, but sure. Why not. Cards: Ben Shapiro and William Lane Craig Plead Specially for God!: (23:30) 10 More Things that Make No Sense about Christianity (Number Six is WILD!): (46:22) https://www…
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Today, Calvin of Answers in Genesis Canada tries to convince us that he's studied evolution in-depth by sitting in a pile of books and lying about it. Cards: This ONE TRICK will fool EVOLUTIONISTS!: Responses to Calvin (AiG Canada): …
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Today, the folks over at JUCE attempt to explain the point of all the rules in the bible. It doesn't go well. Cards: 10 MORE Things That Make No Sense About Christianity: If You Make Something Up First, It's TRUE!: Original Video: So…
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Today, I go over ten MORE things that make no sense about Christianity, bringing the total up to 20-22, depending on how you count (at least we're better at numbering than the ten commandments, amiright?) Cards: 10 Things that Make No Sense about Christianity...#4 will BLOW YOUR MIND! (sorry I couldn't resist):…
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Today, Sean McDowell responds to some TikToks. So I respond to his responses. Will he respond to my responses of his responses? Probably not, that would be ridiculous. Cards: Proof of Not God? An Atheist Claims to Falsify God: The Self Debunker Strikes Again!: O…
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Donate to Project Share: Today, we look at the channel Thinking to Infinity to see if he can use morality to prove the existence of god. Spoiler: He accidentally does the opposite. Gay Unicorn Gary Merch: Cards: Is God Evil? Maybe…: https://yout…
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Go to for 4 extra months of Surfshark at an unbeatable price! Today, Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason explains why he knows that everyone feels guilty all the time, even if they don't know it themselves. Cards: It's Not Healthcare If You're Not Sick!: Eric Hovind FINALLY Does Me I…
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Today, Eric Hovind of Creation Today interviews his cousin, Chad, about the problem of evil. So naturally we learn about how big a particular Arby's sandwich is. Cards: Proof of Not God? An Atheist Claims to Falsify God: Is God the Perfect Fart?: Did You Exist 6…
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Today, Father Casey of Breaking in the Habit answers questions that people have about sex. In doing so, he exposes some really weird loopholes that I don't think he thought of. Cards: William Lane Craig Says Christians are MISERABLE!: Original Video: Sources: Solomon in Histor…
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Today, Calvin Smith of Answers in Genesis Canada, goes through all of the latest evidence for evolution. Either that or he goes through some of the evidence for evolution from the last century...there's a bit of a disconnect between the title and the actual content. Cards: AiG Canada is Lying for Clicks! 😯:…
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Today, William Lane Craig explains to us what new Christians can expect out of life. Spoiler: It doesn't make a lot of sense. Cards: 10 Things that Make No Sense about Christianity...#4 will BLOW YOUR MIND! (sorry I couldn't resist): The Bible Says Adam Was Non Binary?:…
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Today, "Cold Case Detective" J. Warner Wallace explains to us how he examines the claims of the bible, and how his cold case experience "helps" him with that examination. Cards: Investigating J Warner Wallace's Back Story: Who REALLY Wrote the Gospels?: Mike Win…
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Today, a couple of chuckleheads from the World Video Bible School explain some lies that the devil wants us to believe. Cards: "Science" vs Evolution - WVBS Compilation: Could Jesus Succumb to Peer Pressure? Switch Youth Says...Maybe: Original Video: https://tin…
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Today, Mike Winger tries to explain that the bible doesn't support evil things by appealing to context. Unfortunately, he has a tendency to decontextualize his context. Cards: Christian Excuses for Why God Made the Devil | Mike Winger Response: Slavery was ok...if I edit the Bible to make it ok!: https://…
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Today, Father Casey of Breaking in the Habit answers some questions posed by atheists. He doesn't choose very good ones, and I end up defending Jesus against Father Casey saying there's no evidence for him! Weird stuff. Cards: 3 Minutes of Lazy Apologetics?: Rhino COMING OUT?!? 🥳 (And Other Off-topic Disc…
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Today, the Impact 360 Institute tries to explain that science is perfectly compatible with religion...and also that scientists are suppressing the fact that science points to god. Seems counterproductive, but ok. Cards: Proof of Not God? An Atheist Claims to Falsify God: Original Video:…
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Today, a video on the Christianity 9 to 5 channel takes us through the moral argument for god. Cards: Mike Winger Can't Even Answer BAD Arguments 🤦‍♂️: Original Video: Sources: The culture of ancient egypt: Nietzsche’s Moral and Political Philosoph…
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Today, Questioning Christianity tries to answer the question of whether or not there will be free will in heaven. They answer with "no," but try to spin it as a "yes" somehow. Cards: God Loves Frank Turek More than Me?!?: 10 Things that Make No Sense about Christianity...#4 will BLOW YOUR MIND! (sorry I c…
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Today, Matt Powell explains to us why "magic" is a more scientific explanation for the existence of comets than "icy rocks exist where it's really cold." Cards: Matt Powell’s Massive Chungus: Evidence for Evolution - Dating Methods: …
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Today, a pastor from Switch Youth answers the top ten questions that teens are afraid to ask. And not one of them was about sex, so you know he's super in touch with modern teens. Cards: I do Ray Comfort's Job For Him! 🍌: NO RESURRECTION REQUIRED! How Christianity Probably Began:…
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Today, I make clams for dinner in order to prove Matt Powell wrong. At least the clams were yummy... Cards: Movie Falsely So Called (Part 4) - Dinosaurs and Man: If the Claim is Crazy Enough, You Can't Refute It!: Idiotic Monks Four "Proofs" For God Are Really S…
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Today, Father Casey of Breaking in the Habit goes over what he considers to be proof of god...and accidentally stumbles his way into proving that the god that he believes in doesn't exist. Apply to be my editor: Cards: Evil Is Christianity's Greatest Strength?!?: According To …
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Today, Matt Powell explains to us why he doesn't believe that making a big pile of little things is possible. He might not ever come up with any new arguments, but there's always a new level of idiocy to be found 🙃 Cards: A Scientific Replacement for Evolution?!?: Proof of Not God? An Atheist Claims to Fa…
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Today, Off the Kirb Ministries explains why they believe in Noah's flood. Cards: More thoughts on a Lost Civilization: AiG Canada is Lying for Clicks! 😯: Original Video: Sources: Native American Culture: …
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Today, Kirk Cameron interviews Sean McDowell on TBN about the evidence for the resurrection. Sean, intentionally or unintentionally, phrases things in a way that will encourage misconceptions. Cards: Jesus Didn’t Know Where He Was Going: If There Are MORE Appearances, It's MORE Legendary!!!: https://www.y…
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The message he is required to transmit is, he believes, both universal and eternal. Yet the more he studies sympathetically the world of the young Church as well as his own contemporary world, the more he feels in despair at making accurate translation. Patterns of thought, Today, Dr. Robert Plummer attempts to answer the question "Is the Bible ine…
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Today, Calvin Smith from Answers in Genesis Canada gives us a "debunking" of ALL the best proof of evolution in just 12 minutes! Or so the title of the video would suggest. Which is weird, given that he doesn't even bring up anything more recent than the 1920s. Cards: This ONE TRICK will fool EVOLUTIONISTS!: Is it human…
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Today, Tim Barnett of Red Pen Logic takes 3 minutes to respond to 10 proofs of atheism. So I take a few more than 3 minutes to respond to Tim, as well as giving my thoughts on the original "proofs." Cards: Not Explaining is the BEST Explanation!: Lying About Atheists Will Make Them Christian!: https://www…
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Today, Father Casey of Breaking in the Habit explains to us five reasons why Christians are leaving the church and becoming atheists. Shocker: He gets a lot wrong. Cards:10 Things that Make No Sense about Christianity...#4 will BLOW YOUR MIND! (sorry I couldn't resist): Shapiro and William Lane Craig Pl…
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Today, we look at Ben "Sell Your Houses To Aquaman" Shapiro asking William Lane "Low Bar Bill" Craig about his favourite argument for god. I feel like anyone who doesn't know Craig's favourite argument must have been living under a rock... Cards: Climate Denial: A Measured Response: Cosmologists Alan Guth…
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Today, Matt Powell lays out his case for the flood in a way that he says is irrefutable. And given that I couldn't find any information on some of his claims, from creationists or anyone else, this seems to be a case of Powell not even understanding his own side of the argument. Cards: Hot Slabs Penetrate My Mantle 😏:…
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Today, we watch as Dr. Marco Fasoli explains to the host of Radio Immaculata why he thinks evolution is a myth. And in the process, he reveals that, given his level of education, he must either be suffering from EXTREME cognitive dissonance, be extremely lazy, or be lying. Cards: The Watering Hole: Irreducible …
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Today, Dr. Todd Wood of the Core Academy of Science, summarizes his list of what I would presume is his best evidence against evolution...and it's not very good. Cards: Evidence for Evolution - Phylogenetics: Is it human? Ape? Both? Neither?: Irreducible Complex…
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Today, the What Would You Say channel wonders at the idea that porn could be good for relationships. And in order to say that it's actually not good, they have to cherry pick their data so thoroughly that the implications of what they are claiming end up being pretty WILD. Cards: Is Slavery the Best Social Safety Net? (Spoiler: NO!): https://youtu.…
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Today, we look at a video from the channel "Christian Parenting" where they talk about how they explain homosexuality to their kids. And they have some really good advice if you stop listening about a third of the way through their video...where it takes a sudden turn into the dark side. Recovering from Religion: https://www.recoveringfromreligion.…
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Today, I look at a video from Questioning Christianity which looks at the question of whether or not the story of Jesus was a legend that developed over time. Cards: Giant Jesus Can't Be Legendary!: Jesus Didn't Know Where He Was Going!: I'm Skeptical of Armoure…
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Today, we finish the Mike Winger series with him explaining how NOT having an explanation for the problem of evil is actually the BEST explanation for the problem of evil, so much so that not even other religions have a non-explanation, which means they're obviously false! Cards: The Problem of Evil Hits Really Close to Home…:…
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Today, we watch Greg Koukl and Amy Hall of Stand to Reason pretend that he's answering a listener question. They give a rather dismissive answer before shifting the topic completely. Cards: Is Slavery the Best Social Safety Net? (Spoiler: NO!): Proof of Not God? An Atheist Claims to Falsify God: https://w…
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Today, we watch as Mike Winger dismisses a Nietzsche quote as baseless mockery...but when you examine the text of the quote, it ends up being basically a paraphrase of something Jesus said. Cards: Mike Winger Responding to a Bad Article...Badly 😬: William Lane Craig Defends th…
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It bothers me more than it should that Stephen's last name ruins my alliteration. Off the Kirb Ministries or something. Cards: How Many Contradictions Can We Find?: Why Do Rivers Have Deltas?: Bottom Rung Apologist Misses the Point...HARD:…
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Today, Mike Winger dismisses an "atheist" argument that actually originated with a bunch of religious leaders, calling it a "bottom rung" argument. Cards: Mike Winger ATTACKS His Own Questioner?!?: Free Will Raises More Questions Than It Answers: Winger vs Anderson - When Good…
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Become a supporter of this podcast: Today, Creation Ministries International Canada (CMI Canada) tries to explain why DNA proves creation...and they seem to have gotten in over their heads. Cards: Critiquing Deflate's Critique of a Religious Critique!:…
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Today, Mike Winger tells us what he thinks of the "Christians are just atheist towards one less god than atheists" quip. Cards: William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll | “God and Cosmology”: 10 Things that Make No Sense about Christianity...#4 will BLOW YOUR MIND! (sorry I couldn't resist): https://www.youtub…
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