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we just dudes talking about our life experiences sharing stories. talking about whatever and anything that pops in our head/ we drop at least one episode monthly on the 15th of each month.
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In deze podcast van Verslavingszorg Noord Nederland (VNN) gaan onze communicatieadviseurs in gesprek met specialisten uit de eigen organisatie en erbuiten. De podcast is voor mensen die meer willen weten over hoe het lichaam en de hersenen werken en hoe zij daar met anderen over kunnen praten. We praten dus niet alleen over verschillende verslavingen, maar ook over gedrag, menselijke struggles en het vinden van geluk en een gezonde leefstijl.
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Verschillende signalen en ontwikkelingen kunnen deze vraag oproepen. Over verschillende middelen, groepen en gebieden. Vaak is het antwoord niet een simpele 'ja' of 'nee'. Wat kun je vanuit expertise met zo'n vraag? Wat neem je in beschouwing? Preventiefunctionaris Bill de Smet heeft ervaring met het interpreteren van ontwikkelingen en signalen omt…
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Nick Brings on Familiar guest Michael from episode 23. Nick is also drunk well not really he's like tipsy, eh practically sober. Michael asks nick how he edits his podcast nick tells him. then nick gives his hot takes on the podcasting industry and they talk about that for a while. then Michael asks Nick to walk him through his editing process so n…
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Welcome back, Vic starts off the podcast with an idea for the podcast, we talk about that. Then Vic talks about how he became homeless. Then we react to some Tik Tok comments. Then we start talking about some spots in san antonio to drink and stuff. then we talked about ideology's to live by . Then we Talked about the regrets we have in our Lives. …
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we start this episode reacting to some tik tok comments, then we talk about Victors relationship with the Army, then about how we have no bitches, then about Peru and Nico's Tattoo he got in Peru. then Vic asks what are 3 goals we want to accomplish before we die, then somehow a we started debating UFC or MMA, than we started debating which of the …
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Iedereen weet inmiddels dat roken slecht is voor je gezondheid. Stoppen is echter niet voor iedereen even eenvoudig. We zitten in de studio met preventiemedewerker Nathaly de Wind en een deelnemer aan onze pop-uppoli Stoppen met Roken. Gio is 22 en wil graag stoppen voor zijn dochtertje. Zij vertellen hun verhaal in deze aflevering en geven tips aa…
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this episode starts off the second that episode 28 left on. episode 28 was with manny part 1. Manny and Nick start Talking about world war II and start exchanging fun facts. then Nick remembers that manny wants to be a medical translator so we put it to the test. after that vic starts riding andrew tates and friends dick. then we start talking abou…
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Join us for a hilarious and captivating episode as we reunite with Manny, our high school friend. This episode kicks off with subliminal chit-chat and an ice breaker attempt by Nick that doesn't quite go as planned, which is why he didn't do his. From there, we delve into Manny's ambitions, share amusing stories, discuss cultural discoveries, and o…
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this was a very long episode, i'm gonna make chat gpt write the Description holy fuck. chat GPT did an awful job. the title pretty much sums up the episode, though, so ye.want to check us out on other listening platforms or Youtube? want to follow our socials? Want to help us grow by sharing us with your friends? will here's a our LinkTree https://…
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Victor Asks Does Body Count Matter Nico And Nick thinks if your a bitch then yes. Victor tries to use analogies and examples to prove his points while Nick exposes Vics half truths with the other half of the truth. Nick takes a deep dive into where traditional norms originated from and whether it still holds up in todays civilization Vic says it do…
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Vrijwel iedereen vraagt zich weleens af wat de zin is van het leven en wat iedereens rol is in de wereld. Voor mensen die niet goed (meer) meedraaien in de samenleving, is het helemaal lastig om zijn of haar plek te vinden. Men wordt ziek, maakt iets traumatisch mee, of krijgt bijvoorbeeld last van een psychische aandoening. Therapie kan in veel ge…
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this is another emergency episode. i explain a lil more in the episode Get ready for another episode of our lively and entertaining podcast! This time around, we delve into some fascinating topics that will have you both laughing and thinking. We start things off by exploring the changing dynamics between men and women in today's society. It's a fa…
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we could not upload on the 15th because we did not have an episode recorded, because Nick got busy, and procrastinated. so soon after the 15th we recorded an Emergency Episode that would be posted by the end of the month. which just means that there will be minimal post editing, literally Record, align and post. That plan failed as these fuckers ke…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. I bring on an old Highschool friend from the Tuba section, he was mentioned in Ep. 17. it's Michael AND HE'S DRUNK!!!! Michael drunkenly apologizes for beating up austin and jonah as well for his actions in the past. he then shares with us his battle with depression. Michael is in th…
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this was long and we were drunk, the boys come back together after almost half a year Nico brings a friend rocky, Rockies girlfriend is Nico's step cousin (something like that) and a friend of nick and is acquainted with victor who was unaware that rocky was dating her. Said girlfriend is currently studying abroad in Italy, when victor finds out ro…
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Bij verslaving gaat het vaak over degene met de verslaving. Maar ook de partners en kinderen leven met de gevolgen van de verslaving. In de zorgwereld noemen we deze kinderen ook wel KOV, kinderen van ouders met een verslaving. Zelfs als zij volwassen worden, dreunt de verslaving van de ouder vaak nog door in hun leven. Tijdens deze aflevering spre…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. i know it's been forever but were back this one starts off with Victor explaining his new job to us (again). then Nick gets carried away and sucked into the conversation and forgets to welcome you back to the RinkyDinky Boyz Episode 21. we then talk about Nico becoming a Bartender, t…
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Veel vrouwen stoppen pas met alcohol drinken bij een positieve zwangerschapstest. In die eerste weken kan een kind al veel schade oplopen. In het ergste geval krijgt de baby FAS: foetaal alcoholsyndroom. Dit is heel eng en niet leuk om over na te denken, maar wel erg belangrijk. Elk jaar worden er in Nederland zo'n 2000 kinderen geboren met FAS(D).…
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Drugs is geen makkelijk onderwerp om het over te hebben, zeker niet met je gezin. Veel ouders denken dat dat als ze het onderwerp negeren, het ook geen rol zal spelen. Of dat verbieden simpelweg genoeg is. Er zijn ook ouders die wel het gesprek willen aangaan, maar ze weten niet goed hoe. In deze aflevering gaan preventiewerker bij VNN, Nathaly de …
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Muziektherapie kan op tal van manieren worden ingezet: bij trauma, depressie en verslaving. Maar bijvoorbeeld ook bij afasie of andere spraakgebreken. Bij VNN zet muziektherapeut Roeland van der Velde muziek in om mensen met een verslaving - die vaak gepaard gaat met een psychisch probleem - te behandelen. Muziektherapie is een vorm van vaktherapie…
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Roken tijdens de zwangerschap: dat is geen goed idee, dat weet iedereen. Maar hoe moet dat nou als je echt die sigaret niet kan laten liggen? Geen enkele moeder wil haar kind beschadigen, maar bij verslaving hebben mensen vaak veel minder controle over hun handelen. Verslavingsarts Robert van der Graaf, preventiewerker Nathaly de Wind en ervaringsd…
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Superfood, intermittent fasting en crossfit: we zijn steeds meer bezig met gezond leven. Veel voedsel- en fitness-influencers spreken elkaar tegen en het kan lastig zijn om te bepalen wat nu gezond is en wat niet. We spreken in deze aflevering met verpleegkundig specialist Jochem Slijkhuis en psychomotorisch therapeut en woonbegeleider Juliette Ver…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. In this episode Nick has a bone to pick with Californians, but Nico has a theory that contradicts Nicks findings and Victor proves it. Nico ate shit on his bike and Nick has him tell us the story. The Boyz then have a quick discussion regarding alcohol Tequila in particular. And the …
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. So we had to take out very large chunk of this episode, because we were drunk and we shared some things we'd like to keep off the internet. and this is what's left. Nick came with a plan and we did not follow that plan very religiously. but essentially, eventually we will go deep in …
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. In this episode we bring on a childhood friend of Nico and Nick, Jacob. the winner of the second guest poll. Jacob tells us a variety of stories from offroading to jobs to Crazy WTF stories. Jacob talks about the motorcycle he impulsively bought and how he became a manager at the gro…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. Every former, current, and parent of O'Connor Band members needs to listen to this episode! I brought on my friends from high school band. We were all in the tuba section together and we decided to share some of our stories with y'all. We go through the “ages” and tell stories from e…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. alright so in this one we tackle various topics Victor tells us the Port-a-Potty situation at work, we discuss the sexualitiies or sexual identities (idk what to call it) incidentally, and Nick shares what he has learned and done becoming/studying to become an engineer. other than th…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. i might come back and finish the description i wanna play valhalla rn follow and subscribe to us on everything and help us grow: BUY US COFFEE. We haven’t announced it in episode yet but we started buy us a coffee support us to help us create more content eas…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. oh boy this one's a bit crazy but critics are saying it's the RinkyDinky Boyz's funniest episode yet. and there right. we maybe went a little to far and said a couple things we should've kept to yourself both personal and embarrassing but what you have in this episode is what we felt…
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En este episodio entrevisto a mi abuela y tía que nacieron y viven en Perú, sobre su vida y experiencias. Este formato es el que quiero usar para esta serie porque el propósito de este podcast es también compartir historias sobre los inmigrantes que viven en Estados Unidos, para que las personas que viven en sus respectivos países de habla latina o…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. Link tree: Nico No Hannah. Just Nick and Victor and a surprising guest, Nicks girlfriend Kaya. In this episode we talk about a lot of stuff but some noticeable stuff is rough sex, Nick simping for Kaya, sleep paralysis, Nicks Covid, Covid testing, weird sle…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. After a month of no episode, we decided to treat y'all with a guest. A close friend of Nico and Hannah, an acquaintance of Nick, and a peer of Victor idk, Victor knows of him but like only met him once what do you call that? in this episode you get to know devin while Nick and Victor…
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Te traemos este episodio a través del zoom, pero en realidad estamos todos en la misma casa (excepto franny). ¿Porqué es eso? Porque Nick contrajo COVID. Primero hablamos de algunos de nuestros recuerdos favoritos viajando y compartimos algunas historias divertidas. luego entramos en tantos detalles como sea posible sobre Nick y COVID. cómo lo mane…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. Not gonna lie to you I don't feel like writing a description. Share with us what you think about our questions that will never be answered on the Youtube Comment section, Twitter, Instagram, or duet\Stitch us on TikTok. (links to all platforms are in the linktree) follow and subscrib…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. have you ever wondered what Nico has considered a win or an accomplishment, about smelly legends from a hiking camp, about what the hell is wrong with men, about how senior dogs can be a better choice to adopt than puppies. Well in this episode we start off with Nico sharing an accom…
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this episode was recorded as RinkyDinky Boyz, but we are now VNN. Badda boom bada bang, another one. The best Episode yet and we are also introducing a new segment. We get deep, creative, silly, and dirty and share our first hand true crime story's we lived through, our business ideas, breast milk and Nicos breasts, and small time celebrities. help…
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Volvemos con otro episodio en español. Hoy hablamos principalmente de aprender y hablar español. También tenemos una nueva invitada, Franny. con ella están Nick y Tania. Suscríbete y síguenos en todo: Las primeras 100 personas en calificar 5 estrellas y dejar una cotización en la reseña de Apple Podcasts. Obtenga lo…
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