Great short Bonus Show for all our loyal podcast fans. This week a tremendous comedy team shares comedy and's "Mack & Jamie" , stars of TV's "Comedy Break"; sharing loads of musical humor. Enjoy!
Best buds venture over the river and through the woods in this zany, actual-play podcast featuring the Ecryme and Forbidden Lands table-top RPGs. Grab your bottle of Frank’s Spruce Juice and join us for an absurdly good time!
Dun dun dun! It's the season one finale! Jacque chases after Gloriana's still-living compatriots while Carmellia is taken in by Equestra Heavy Industries to begin her recovery.Bryan Masek による
Carmellia engages Gloriana in battle for the second time and receives assistance from an unlikely ally. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: You can still get your hands on Ecryme! Click the link below to put in your Late Pledge: Use the link be…
Carmellia consults with her comrades about her upcoming duel and looks into teaching positions at the duelist lodge. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: You can still get your hands on Ecryme! Click the link below to put in your Late Pledge: Us…
Join us for the tingly, tantalizing debut of our adventure into the World of Darkness system! Be warned: We are veteran WoD players and we dispensed with the new Hunter the Reckoning rules pretty quickly and did a mashup of old and new WoD instead. In other news, things get extra chaotic as our friend Matt "Deep Cuts" joins us once again for this a…
The crew works to repair the Blinding Argus, Carmellia finds out the date of her next duel, and Jacque receives an intriguing invitation. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: You can still get your hands on Ecryme! Click the link below to put in your Late Pledge:…
Gerald solidifies his status as part of the group and Carmellia receives an unwelcome surprise. (P.S. - No Aux Wizards were angry in the making of this episode. We checked. 😁 ) Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: You can still get your hands on Ecryme! Click the link below to put in your Late P…
Jacque works to prepare a storefront from which to sell his goods and Carmellia frets upon learning that her childhood rival is coming to the UMF. (Get the title? "Flustered" + "Frustrated"? Ha!) Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view mo…
Carmellia accompanies Jacque as he is taken in for questioning by the Ratnorth City Constabulary and the pair look into becoming citizens of the UMF. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the link…
Carmellia and the crew enjoy a rollicksome evening at the casino while Jacque is involved in yet another tragedy. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the link below:…
Jacque and Carmellia experience two very different days in Ratnorth City after splitting off from the crew to do their own thing. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the link below: https://www.…
Jacque sets off to explore the city on his own after the crew disperses to enjoy their shore leave. Carmellia spends time with her fellow duelist, Nicholas Robicheau. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesom…
Tannen, Carmellia, and Jacque realize they have each seen the ghost of Vito Pepperoncini while aboard The Blinding Argus. Carmellia sees some familiar faces and learns some concerning information at the local duelist lodge. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstar…
Jacque, Carmellia, and the crew of the Blinding Argus arrive in the Mongolian Territories hoping to find reprieve from the assassins on their trail. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the link…
Carmellia, Jacque, and the crew of the Blinding Argus arrive home to find a grisly surprise. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the link below:…
Jacque and Carmellia meet some of Tannen's family members and a new foe emerges. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the link below: Use the l…
Jacque and Carmellia make some new friends in Demos and attend a dinner with their sister, Noel, and the crew of the Blinding Argus. Family drama ensues. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the…
Jacque and Carmellia receive a surprise visitor as Carmellia recovers from her dueling wounds. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the link below:…
Jacque welcomes a new crew member to the Blinding Argus and Carmellia engages in the first major duel of her career. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the link below: https://www.kickstarter.…
Tannen shows Carmellia to Demos' Judi-Duelist Lodge. The pair meet a former duelist named Amanda and attempt to confront the man who harmed Carmellia's brother, Jacque. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awes…
Jacque and Carmellia venture into the city proper of Demos seeking work, a crew, and new documents for Jacque's airship. Get Your FREE Starter Kit Here: Funding has ended for the Kickstarter! However, you can view more details about this awesome game at the link below:…
Carmellia, Jacque, and Tannen land in the city of Demos seeking emergency repairs for Jacque's airship, Le Cochon Rouge. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Don't miss your chance to back the Ecryme Kickstarter! The Kickstarter ends on 9/28/23:…
Jacque delays his plans to leave the city of Zibeline to look after Carmellia, but his hand is forced by events beyond his control. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Support the Ecryme Kickstarter Here:…
Carmellia and Jacque try to find more information about the suspicious deaths in Zibeline relating to the Botube case. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Support the Ecryme Kickstarter Here: Masek による
Murder strikes again and Carmellia and Jacque overhear some information that makes them doubt a friend. Get Your FREE Starter Kit Here: Ecryme Kickstarter: Masek による
The day of Carmellia's first big case has arrived and Jacque makes a shocking discovery upon visiting his would-be lover, Tonya Botube. Get Your FREE Ecryme Starter Kit Here: Support the Ecryme Kickstarter Here:…
Welcome to Ecryme! Ecryme is a fascinating tabletop RPG set in a post-apocalyptic steampunk setting where humanity lives on a web of connected islands in the wake of a disaster that caused the seas to turn to acid. We play-tested this game at Origins Game Fair and fell in love with this unique system and setting. Stumble Tables will be playing Ecry…
The hot and spicy debut of Ecryme! Siblings Carmellia and Jacque Chereau work to get their hands on a contract stolen by the duplicitous and icky Merchant Noble, Dickolas Botube. Get Your FREE Starter Kit Here: Ecryme Kickstarter:…