Welcome, thanks for checking out Rockhills Church's weekly podcast. Pastored by Adam Harris and located in San Antonio, Texas, we exist to Love God and Love Others, and to help people find and follow Jesus. Subscribe to receive new content as soon as it's available.
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Elder David Sanchez concludes our Practicing the Way series speaking on community.Rockhills Church による
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Practicing The Way part seven: Building a Rule of Life
12:59Jan Hassler walks us through practical steps in building our Rule of Life. Additional resources may be found at https://www.practicingtheway.org/ruleoflifebuilderRockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris continues in Practicing the Way Healing from our sin.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris continues in Practicing the Way as we look at facing our emotional pain in our journey to formation.Rockhills Church による
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Practicing the Way week four - Spiritual Practices
12:33Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches us to apply spiritual disciplines in our lives.Rockhills Church による
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Practicing The Way week three - Formation Part 2
40:36Adam Harris continues our series, Practicing The Way as we look at how to intentionally move our lives toward spiritual formation.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris guides us through a discussion of spiritual formation.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris kicks off our new series.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches on the disciple Peter, discussing his faithfulness and failures.Rockhills Church による
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He Knows My Name Week Three - Because He Knows Us
40:30Stephen Eckert teaches us that God know us so intimately that he communicates with each of us in the unique way we will best understand.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches on the story of Naomi and Ruth, and on what we can do during the hard times.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches us about how God chose Abraham, changed his name, and gave him purpose.Rockhills Church による
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Elder Steve Guiterrez speaks on the expectations we have of ourselves, as well as the expectations the Jewish people had of the Messiah.Rockhills Church による
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Tiffany Harris speaks on prayer, and especially on those times when we can pray into our waiting.Rockhills Church による
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As we wrap up our Identity series, Lead Pastor Adam Harris summarizes the book of Ephesians in Paul’s three messages: you can find your true self, your true purpose, and your true battles in Christ.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches on the Armor of God, and how we can be prepared for attacks from the enemy.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches on the right attitude to take in relationships.Rockhills Church による
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Identity Week Eleven - The Self-Destruct Button
36:51Lead Pastor Adam Harris brings us a message today from Ephesians 4, where Paul teaches us how to overcome our self-destructive habits and learn our true God-given purpose.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches from Ephesians 4, encouraging us to make changes in key ways that we relate to others.Rockhills Church による
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Elder Steve Gutierrez teaches from Ephesians Chapter 4 on how we can positively influence the people around us.Rockhills Church による
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Elder David Sanchez teaches from Ephesians Chapter Three on the Fullness of God.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris continues our Identity series with a message on the mystery of God’s message applying to all people.Rockhills Church による
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Adam Harris, Lead Pastor at Rockhills Church, continues our series on Ephesians.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches about grace from Ephesians chapter two and tells the story behind the popular hymn “Amazing Grace.”Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris speaks on the power that God has granted us through the Holy Spirit.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris continues our Identity series with a message on our security in God.Rockhills Church による
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Zach Price, a missionary in Thailand, speaks about his work helping coffee farmers improve the quality of the beans they grow while spreading the gospel.Rockhills Church による
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In the second week of our series on Ephesians, Lead Pastor Adam Harris focuses on our value in the eyes of God.Rockhills Church による
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Adam Harris, Lead Pastor at Rockhills, kicks off our series on Ephesians in which we look at who we are through the eyes of God, our Creator.Rockhills Church による
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Stephen Eckert, a member of our Teaching Team, speaks on the letdown we can experience after a big project ends and relates it to what the disciples endured after Jesus was crucified.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris encourages us this Easter to consider the viewpoints of Barabbas and the thieves executed with Jesus as we remember that Jesus died for them and for us.Rockhills Church による
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In this last week of our series on the Gospel of John, Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches on the relationship between Peter and Jesus.
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Adam Harris, Lead Pastor at Rockhills, focuses on Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus.Rockhills Church による
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Adam Harris, Lead Pastor at Rockhills Church, continues our John series with a look at the way Jesus interacted with the Samaritan woman and the adulterous woman.Rockhills Church による
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Al Hassler, a member of our teaching team, gives us a message on the good news of Jesus.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris speaks on Jesus' relationship with his disciples and on what we can learn from Jesus' interactions with his disciples.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris begins our new series on the Book of John with a look at the very beginning of the book, where John declares the full humanity and also the full divinity of Jesus.Rockhills Church による
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Billy Nuñez, father of our Worship Pastor Josh Nuñez, speaks on God's plans for us.Rockhills Church による
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Elder Constanza Roeder speaks on the importance of fasting in the Christian life.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris speaks on the importance of reading scripture as a spiritual discipline.Rockhills Church による
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Elder David Sanchez speaks on the importance and benefits of solitude as a spiritual discipline in the Christian life.Rockhills Church による
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Stephen Eckert, a member of our teaching team, speaks on the value of community in the Christian life.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris kicks off our Firm Foundation series with a message on wisdom.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris takes us through the Christmas story using a Nativity Set and discusses the role of dragons in the Christmas story.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris continues discussing the prophecies of Micah as they relate to the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris speaks on the Magi, also known as the Wise Men, who visited Jesus after his birth.Rockhills Church による
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On this first Sunday of Advent, Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches from the Old Testament book of Micah about Micah's prophesies of the birth of Jesus.Rockhills Church による
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In our annual Stories of Thanks service, we hear how God has worked for good in the lives of people here at Rockhills.Rockhills Church による
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Lead Pastor Adam Harris teaches how and why we should give thanks.Rockhills Church による
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